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His mind was foggy, barely able to pull himself out of unconsciousness as the sound of somebody's voice tried to help him come to. His entire body ached. His head pounded. He could taste the metallic taste that he knew to be blood on his tongue.

Everything just hurt, and he felt as if just one move of his leg would cause pain to shoot throughout his entire body.

"Jungkook, wake up." Jungkook finally worked up the energy to open his eyes, squinting against the harsh light and groaning.

"Fuck.." He hissed, bringing his hand up to his face in an attempt to ease his headache. "Jimin?" His vision finally cleared, able to make out Jimin's familiar features as he attempted to prop himself up on his elbows. He winced, bringing his hand up to his nose.

His eyes widened, upon moving his hand away and noticing the blood smeared across it.

"What happened?" Jimin sounded frantic, wrapping his arm around Jungkook's waist in an attempt to help the younger sit up. "How did you get here? Have you been here since last night?"

Jungkook hissed in pain as he sat up too quickly, bringing his hand up to grip Jimin's arm as a way to brace himself. It was only then that he noticed the sunlight filtering through the windows, signifying that it was morning once again.

"Yeah, I've been here all night I guess." He breathed, leaning into Jimin's hold. He tucked his head into the crook of the older's neck, noting not to apply to much pressure to his nose or lip - which he had now noticed were both busted. "I was looking for you."

A wave of guilt washed over Jimin, bringing a frown to his face as he combed his hand through Jungkook's hair. He could feel dried blood matted around his hairline, sighing softly and pressing a kiss to the younger's forehead.

"But how did you get here? You know that my apartment is the next one over." He gently took hold of Jungkook's hand, eying the bruises on his knuckles.

"Your friend led me here." Jungkook paused. "Well, I don't know if I'd consider him a friend if I were you but... I guess I was just so out of it that I didn't realize I was in the wrong apartment until he locked the door."

Jimin's expression hardened, eyes narrowing into a glare.

"Did he tell you his name?" He asked, although he already had a suspicion as to who it could be.

"Hoseok, I think." Jungkook mumbled, curling his fingers around Jimin's hand and squeezing it. His head still pounded, limiting his ability to provide Jimin with complex answers.

"Of course." Jimin grumbled, pulling Junglook even closer and pressing even more soft kisses against his hair. He felt horrible that Jungkook got into this situation because of him, and it felt strange considering that he usually didn't pay any mind to human emotions. "But Hoseok isn't one for fist fights... He just likes to run his mouth. Who hurt you?"

"It was technically my fault, I threw the first punch." Jungkook spoke, voice soft.

"I didn't ask about who was at fault, I asked who did it." Jimin pulled away, looking into Jungkook's eyes. He had a creeping suspicion as to who it was, there really only was one sin that would go that far and hurt someone that badly.

But why? Why Jungkook specifically? Had being around Jimin painted a target on his back?

"Yoongi." Jungkook finally answered, looking away. "There was another one too but... I don't remember his name. He was the reason that I couldn't fight back, if he wasn't there then I probably could have defended myself."

"What did he look like?" But once again, Jimin knew. He just wanted to hear it though in order to confirm what he thought.

"Light brown hair, tall.." He closed his eyes, bringing his free hand up to his head.

"What colour eyes?" Jimin ran his thumb along Jungkook's hand soothingly, trying his best to distract the younger from his pain.

"Blue. Bright blue." Jungkook responded, Jimin swearing softly under his breath.

"I'm going to kill them." He growled, closing his eyes and attempting to calm himself down. "I really am."

"No you're not." Jungkook shook his head. "They said they're your friends, I'm not just going to let conflict happen between you guys because of me."

"Jungkook this isn't your fault." Jimin shook his head, cupping Jungkook's face with his free hand. "I'm going to get you cleaned up, and then I'm going rain hell on them. That's how this is going to work, and you're not going to protest, okay?"

Jungkook looked as if he was about to object, but quickly closed his mouth and nodded. "Good, let's get you up though, because I really don't want to stay in their house for longer than I need to."

"Why did you even come here in the first place?" Jungkook asked, grunting as Jimin helped him up into a standing position.

"Well, I was about to come in here and tell off Taehyung - the blue eyed one - for ratting me out about something that he shouldn't have, but now looks I have something else to be mad at him for." Jimin shrugged, expression stone cold as he helped Jungkook hobble towards the front door.

He opened it once the got there, helping Jungkook out into the hallway as they limped towards Jimin's apartment. Luckily it was only one door over, because it looked to be a great struggle for the younger.

But if Jimin was mad before, he became livid when he opened the door to his apartment and found all three culprits standing in his living room.

None looking guilty, Hoseok even looking cocky as he watched the pain Jungkook endured while walking as gently as possible.

"Oh the whole gang's here, albeit Seokjin and Namjoon of course." Jimin sneered. "I'm almost insulted that I didn't get an invite."

"You would've." Hoseok shrugged, a smirk on his lips. "But you were too busy kissing his ass." He nodded his head in Jungkook's direction.

Jimin's eyes narrowed, sighing and allowing his eyes to soften as he looked back to Jungkook.

"Do you need me to walk you to my room?" He asked, voice gentle as his eyes scanned across the younger's battered appearance. "I don't want you to hurt yourself even more." He ignored the scoff he heard from one of the other demons.

Jungkook gulped, looking towards the other three in the room and reliving the fear he had experienced the night before.

"I think that I'll be okay." He mumbled. "You look like you have some things to take care of anyway." Jimin exhaled and nodded, leaning up and placing a kiss behind Jungkook's ear before letting go of him.

"Go lie down. I'll be there as soon as possible." He whispered. Jungkook nodded in response, before limping away and disappearing down the hallway. It was then that Jimin turned to the other sins in the room, expression hardened once more. "You three are fucking unbelievable."

Jimin's voice was a borderline growl, eyes sending a deadly glare to all of them as he took another step closer. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

Yoongi rolled his eyes, leaning against the couch and raising an eyebrow.

"You're only mad because I roughed up your little toy." He laughed. "You know that doing stuff like this is what I was made for, right? You seduce people, I pick fights with them."

"That is your job." Jimin nodded. "But there's a difference between picking a fight with someone and using Taehyung's powers to render him defenceless, just so that you can beat the shit out of them!" He nodded his head in Taehyung's direction, the other quickly looking away. "That's not instilling wrath within someone, that's purposely harming them for personal fun."

"Pipe down sweetheart." Hoseok chuckled. "You're going to blow a fuse up there." He tapped his own head jokingly, eyes glinting mischievously. "Jungkook did this to himself."

"Jungkook walked to your apartment and picked a fight with Yoongi on his own." Jimin sneered. "Do you think I'm stupid? You led him here." He snapped, pointing at Hoseok. "You made it impossible for him to defend himself." He pointed at Taehyung. "And you beat him unconscious!" His gaze on Yoongi was ice cold.

"If anyone's at fault it would be you, Jimin." Hoseok shrugged. "He would've never followed me if you didn't let him get so attached to you."

"My fault?" Jimin repeated incredulously. "My fault? You led him here and borderline tortured him!"

"Tortured is a bit of a stretch." Taehyung mumbled, immediately shutting up once Jimin shot a glare in his direction.

"C'mon Jimin, we just wanted to have a little fun with him; wanted to see what all of the fuss was about." Hoseok grinned. "And now we see, he such a perfect mix of being gullible and easily influenced. He so easy to manipulate. I love it."

"He isn't your toy to take and play with as you please." Jimin hissed. "He's not your punching bag, or your 'practice'. You can't just throw him around like he's nothing and excuse it as 'doing what you were made for'."

"And what you're doing to him is so much different?" Yoongi laughed unhumorously. "Keep preaching to us and disregard that he's nothing but a fuck buddy to you. He's just someone that makes you feel good. Just someone who you know you can manipulate into being in your bed in two seconds flat."

He stepped forwards, eyes narrowing as he stared into Jimin's. "You say that he's not a toy to play with, but what are you treating him like?"

"He likes being around me." Jimin defended, Hoseok rolling his eyes in response.

"Because you've basically programmed him to."

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