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"Have any of you seen Jungkook around?"

"Oh my god, you dumb bitch." Taehyung rolled his eyes and leaned against the outside wall of their apartment building. It had been a couple of weeks since Jimin had announced to Jungkook that they should break off whatever they had, and Taehyung had gotten into contact with him about three times. "Give it a rest. He's not helping you in anyway, forget about him will you?"

He didn't have the heart to tell Jimin that his human companion had met and become acquainted with Namjoon and Seokjin, knowing that it would just distract Jimin even more.

He was way more invested than a demon normally would be in a human.

Jimin frowned and sighed, crossing his arms as the cool midday wind tousled his hair.

"I don't know how to explain it, Taehyung." He huffed. "I would say that I miss him, but I don't want you to take it the wrong way."

Taehyung's frown deepened, only then noticing that changes in Jimin's appearance. His vibrant red eyes had dulled down to muted, bland crimson, usually shiny black strands of hair looking frail and unruly. He gulped, immediately assuming the worst for the other demon.

"Why are you dwelling on him?" Taehyung asked, eyes scanning across the tired expression that Jimin wore. "You could have anybody that you want Jimin! Jungkook isn't important, he's just another human and you could find plenty others like him. You know that right?"

Jimin bit his lip, hesitating before nodding.

"Of course I know that!" He sighed, "I'm just not thinking straight I guess." He wrung his hands, casting his gaze down to his shoes. "... You haven't seen him though? Have you? You never answered me."

Taehyung closed his eyes and exhaled, attempting not to let him become too annoyed with the other demon. As soon as he was done talking to Jimin, he made a mental note to pay a visit to the devil, because the way Jimin was acting wasn't typical demon behaviour.

From the way he protected Jungkook, to the constant worries about him, you'd think he had begun to develop human emotions - which is extremely dangerous for a demon.

"I've seen him." Taehyung shrugged, groaning internally once he saw Jimin's eyes light up at his words. "Haven't talked to him though, had no reason to."

Jimin ran a hand through his hair, hardly even noticing (nor caring) that a few of the frail strands broke off between his fingertips.

"Was he with anybody?" He asked, watching as Taehyung shrugged and sighed again.

"No, Jimin. Not that it should be of your concern anyway."


"Taehyung, what brings you down here?"

Taehyung sighed and ran a hand through his hair, fingertips brushing against the horns that now poked out of his head. His clothes had been changed as well, as they always did when he entered hell; a black button up making his appearance seem much more overall dignified.

He looked up at the devil, not having had seen that new incarnation as of yet. But he wouldn't let that intimidate him; he had questions, and wanted answers to them.

"It's Jimin, Master." He answered. "Have you seen what he looks like lately?"

The devil exhaled and frowned, closing her eyes and nodding slowly.

"I see everything, Taehyung." She nodded. "But why don't you elaborate what your concerns are for me?"

Taehyung looked down, wringing his hands before making eye contact with the devil again.

"He's not acting like a demon! I don't know what earth has done to him, or what humans have done to him for that matter but he's not acting normal!" He explained, the devil merely nodding and gesturing for him to go on. "He's... He's feeling human emotions, I know he is - and its started to affect him too. He looks horrible, like he could faint any moment."

"And it's only going to get worse." The devil shrugged. "He's going to start deteriorating, because feeling human emotions will clash with the purpose that I created him for, and so he's going to start to destroy himself." She frowned, tapping her fingernails against the armrest of her throne. "If there's anyone that this would happen to, of course it would be him though."

"Why?" Taehyung asked, taking a few steps forwards. "If anything, before I would say that Yoongi and Jimin are the most dedicated to their purpose. Jimin now... I don't know what happened."

"Jimin was the first sin I created." The devil breathed. "I guess I was still a bit rusty, because there was something a bit off about Jimin. Wasn't quite evil enough, had a few fragments of other sins in him to. That's why I always have to tell him he's my favourite, because I created Seokjin second, I guess I got ahead of myself and accidentally mixed some pride into him."

Taehyung's eyes widened, gulping as he listened to the devil go on. "He is fully demon, but he's not fully evil. Not a full fledged sin like the rest of you." She adjusted the neckline of her robe. "He does have the powers and I suppose a partial desire to corrupt, but it's not enough to keep him from situations such as this one."

Taehyung bit his lip, eyebrows furrowing.

"Why didn't you like... Remake him?" He asked. "If you knew that he wasn't a pure sin like the rest of us, why'd you keep the imperfect version?"

The devil huffed, blowing a few strands of hair out of her eyes.

"I didn't realize that he was different until the rest of you were created." She explained. "While all of you were already showcasing the sin that I assigned you, Jimin just wasn't. I tried to have hope but..." She exhaled. "I guess the success was short lived."

Taehyung tugged his sleeves of his shirt over his hands.

"Well then what do we do? He's... Infatuated with this human, I'm sure you seen. He's killing himself Master, and I don't even think he knows it!" Taehyung huffed. "I've talked to the human that's distracting him, and the thing is; he's under Jimin's spell so he's blindly falling in love with him. They're both feeding off of each other and simultaneously killing each other."

"Taehyung, there's nothing that I can do." The devil shrugged. "I can't just 'fix' Jimin. In order to fix his flaws I'd have to kill him and then just create an entirely new version. If he wants to let himself die because of a worthless human, then I won't stop him. It'll just reaffirm my knowledge that he's a useless and flawed creation."

"Is it going to hurt him? Falling for a human?" Taehyung asked, heart sinking as he watched the devil nod her head.

"It's going to hurt a lot. He's going crack and crumble apart from the inside out. And as long as he's in love, it's not going to stop."


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