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"Tell me about him."

Jungkook tried to be as quiet as possible, aware that Jimin was asleep mere feet from the room he had left him in. He picked at one of the scabs of his hand, sighing softly before making eye contact with the male he had bumped into in the hallway on his way out.

Out of all of them, he scared Jungkook the least. He didn't seem like he had it in him to hurt someone, which provided Jungkook with a bit of comfort as he spoke again. "He keeps telling me how dangerous he is but I don't understand how he could be."

"That's because you don't understand what he is; what we are." The male turned around, hypnotizing blue eyes glinting in the hallway light. He motioned for Jungkook to follow him, slow steps leading him in the direction of the living room. "Jungkook, right?"

He seemed so casual, as if he had no part in beating the younger unconscious the night before. Jungkook gulped and nodded, looking around the room nervously all while hoping that Yoongi and Hoseok had already left. "They're gone." Taehyung spoke, sensing how tense Jungkook was. "You can relax a bit."

He sighed and fell back onto the couch, running a hand through his hair. "I'm Taehyung. You said you wanted me to tell you about Jimin?"

Jungkook took a deep breath before nodding, walking over gingerly and taking a seat next to Taehyung on the couch. He definitely was a lot less intimidating than both Hoseok and Yoongi, but after last time Jungkook couldn't help but keep his guard up.

This was the man who rendered him powerless when he needed to fight back most, he couldn't help but feel a little bit on edge.

"Jimin..." Taehyung began. "If you think you're in control when you're around him - you never are. You're never going to get the upper hand. You're never going to get him to do what you say. You'll never win a fight with him because he can make you forget your own name in two seconds if he'd like to." He met gazes with Jungkook, who already looked enthralled by what he was saying. "He's always going to win, and if you want to be around him that's something you're going to have to accept."

"But that doesn't explain why he says he dangerous." Jungkook frowned. "I know he can do this thing..." He paused, trying to think of the words to elaborate. "It's like he has this switch that he can turn on and off that makes me forget any reason I could possibly be mad at him. He always smells so good too, but it's not like a cologne, it's like a cocktail of everything I love. And once I've smelled it, it's like I'm drugged."

Taehyung closed his eyes and nodded, all of those traits sounding extremely familiar to him.

"You just answered your own question." He spoke. "That's why he's dangerous. He's too tempting to be around, and once you get him, you want more of him. Once is never enough, twice still seems like too little, and before you know it you're obsessed. That is, if he doesn't leave you before you get that far."

"I'm not sure I understand." Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows. "How does he do that?"

Taehyung shrugged, trying to think of a way to explain it without getting in trouble with the devil for exposing who they truly are.

"It's just who he is." Taehyung sighed. "It's how he was made, and what he was made to do." He paused. "Some people are made to be leaders, some people are made to be creators. Jimin was made to be an influencer. Make sense?"

"Not really." Jungkook sighed. "I just don't understand him. The more I try to, the more confused I get. I can't ask him because he doesn't let me. Telling me that everything is a 'secret'."

"Jungkook?" They heard Jimin's voice ring out from down the hallway, and Taehyung felt a smirk grow on his lips.

"Leave without a trace." Taehyung pushed Jungkook up off of the couch. "Act like it wasn't important to you. Give him a taste of his own medicine."

Jungkook shot a doubtful look to Taehyung, not overly sure as to who he should trust. He knew Jimin, but he also didn't. Maybe it would be a good idea, to let him be on the receiving end of the mystery for a little while.

And so he nodded silently, walking over to the front door as quietly as he could. He picked up his shoes, not bothering to put them on as he opened the door quietly, and left.

Did he regret it? Just a little bit.

But he regretted a lot of things, and he never went back on those, so he wouldn't now.

He sighed softly, walking down the hallway, careful to not put too much pressure on the leg that had taken the worst of it the night before. His everything hurt, and he was kind of annoyed at himself to be honest, for allowing himself to be pulled into Jimin's mind games once more during the only time in which he'd be able to get answers.

He pressed the down button on the elevator that he arrived at. He didn't understand anything that had been happening over that past week. He didn't understand Jimin, or his friends. He didn't understand how he could be so 'dangerous' and he just couldn't wrap his mind around how somebody like him could be acquainted with such intimidating people.

It didn't match up.

And once the elevator doors opened, he was just given one more thing not to understand.

The man who stood in front of him was intimidating in a completely other way than Hoseok, or even Yoongi. His unwrinkled white button up was done up to the collar, tucked into his dress pants as a black tie hung around his neck. He was adorned in gold, from the earrings he wore, all the way to the shining embellishments on his shirt collar.

Jungkook immediately felt inferior, gulping before he stepping into the elevator.

The man's hair was pitch black, swept off of his forehead in a way that looked effortless but meticulously styled at the same time. And his eyes. Jimin's red eyes had drawn him in, Taehyung's blue ones had taken his breath away.

But his eyes. The shining purple irises that Jungkook saw as him and the man locked gazes, had him completely speechless.

They were so bright. They had to be contacts; but they also looked so real.

"Rough night?" Jungkook's eyes widened as the man spoke to him, immediately regaining his composure and sighing.

"You could say that." He nodded, only then realizing how horrible he must look. His nose and lip were still busted, although Jimin had cleaned them up a little bit. He had bandages on his forehead and knuckles, hair a mess and shoes being carried in his right hand. He looked like a mess.

The man scanned over Jungkook's appearance, smiling softly as he took in his facial features.

"You know Jimin, right?" He asked, Jungkook immediately raising an eyebrow. It was as if Jimin knew everybody who lived in this building. It was always the interesting ones too, the one's who Jungkook's attention would be drawn to if he saw them in a crowd.

But then again, interesting people attract people like them, so it made sense that the people Jimin knew would be like that.

"I do." He responded, leaning against the wall of the elevator. "I'm Jungkook."

The man's eyes widened.

"You're Jungkook?" He asked, Jungkook frowning and nodding. "You're exactly how he described you." The man sighed softly. "Look at you.." He reached his arm out, fingers tracing along Jungkook's jawline. "He sure can pick them."

Jungkook gulped, not completely sure how he should react in the situation. The knowledge that Jimin had been talking about him - and positively too - had his heart swell just a little bit. "You're so much better than all of his others." The man commented. "I'd almost say you're out of Jimin's league." He drew his hand back, exhaling.

Jungkook couldn't help but let a smile grace his lips, both ego and heart swelling. Jimin was so beautiful, and being told that he was almost better than that... All of the compliments went to his head quickly

The elevator doors opened before it was Jungkook's turn to get off, indicating that it was time for the man to leave.

"It was nice meeting you." He smiled, walking out the doors. "I'm Seokjin, I'll have to tell Jimin I got to talk to you."

Everyone that Jungkook seemed to meet, only brought him down regardless of it he knew it or not.


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