Chapter 3

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Later that day Dumon gets the spell from Astral and pays the 40 dollars for it, now all he has to do is slip it into Nash's food. He checks Nash's work schedule to see when it's the best time to put his plan into action. The schedule shows that three weeks from now Nash will have a lighter work load so that's the best time to do it.

Dumon waits the three weeks, focusing on work and making comics in his free time. Nash meanwhile continues on with his work, unaware that Dumon is planning to do something to him. The weeks pass by so slowly, as least for Dumon they do. He's so anxious to try out his plan and his yearning for Nash grows. Finally the week he's been waiting for arrives, Dumon watches the kitchen in Nash's palace from a hidden screen waiting for the right moment to spike Nash's food. It's dinner time at the palace so it's the perfect time to put his plan into action.

The cook and the servers have their backs turns preparing the other food and setting out dishes for the food to go on. That's when Dumon takes the chance and mixes the love potion into Nash's food. He then goes back into hiding before he's caught. The cook and the servers are none the wiser to what Dumon has done and take the food out to the emperors.

The spiked food finds it's way to Nash, who doesn't think twice about eating it. Nash chats with the other emperors while eating like he always does then retires to his room for the night. While he sleeps the potion gets to work on him.

By the next morning Nash feels needy, more needy the he usually feels but he doesn't know why. He shrugs it off and gets ready for work, meeting up with the other emperors for breakfast. He acts like nothing is bothering him but the needy feeling won't go away and he can't even tell at the moment what he wants that would even make him needy.

After breakfast Nash heads to his office to start on work, it's there that he figures out the needy feeling. He's staring at the picture of him and Dumon that's on his desk. That needy feeling seems to subside a little when he thinks about Dumon but that's when another wanting feeling comes over him.

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