Chapter 7

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Eventually they have to brake the kiss to breathe and Nash continues playing with Diamond's breasts making her moan. Nash slips one of his hands away from her breasts and sneaks it down to her womanhood. Rubbing in between the folds making her feel wet. Diamond moans become louder and she squirms a bit. She can feel the pleasure shooting up her spine.

Nash stops for a moment to undress and Diamond catches her breathe and does the same. Diamond tries to get the drop on Nash but things don't go her way. Nash catches her in a hug and goes right back to play with her womanhood. She squirms in his grip, digger her nails into his arm as the pleasure shoots up her spine. Caught in the grip of pleasure Nash pins her down to the bed.

Diamond's a bit worried at fist when Nash pins her down but all worry goes out the door when she feels him licking her womanhood. Nash knows all the right buttons to push, he licks in between the folds making Diamond squirm more. He smiles at that and sticks his tongue in and sucks, getting a good taste of her.

Diamond's moans turn into screams and she bucks her hips up which Nash pins down to keep her from moving.

'T-That spell really did a number on him, he never usually does this. I may not be use to it but the pleasure is unbelievable.' Diamond thinks to herself as a knot forms in her stomach.

"You're enjoying this to much aren't you?~" Nash asks her with a smirk.

She tries to answer but Nash on purposely hits a pleasurable spot making her unable to answer. She tries again but he does the same thing. Nash can feel that knot that's in her stomach but doesn't want to snap it just yet. He gives her a chance to relax

Diamond pants as she calms down, still feeling a bit of an after shock from the pleasure.

"I'm going to get you back for that Nash.~"

"Oh really?~" Nash challenges back.

Once she's recovered enough and seeing that Nash's guard is down she takes her turn and pins him to the bed. Stroking his member so it's nice and hard. Nash tries to be all big and tuff refusing to let a moan slip from his lips.

"This will make you moan loud and proud my sweet king.~"

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