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Luscious ruby coated in slick, cherry Chapstick swoops in to smother my pledge; her lanky frame plasters to me, pawing at my shirt. Textured lust tangles around my fragile control. Its natural, candied essence soaks the palate and wolfish fingers delve below her waistband to clutch at the supple flesh of her delicious derriere.

Kole Hunter
Excerpt from 'Lovesong'
Chasing Eden


Gingerly, I reposition her limb overhead, kissing the length of her slender wing as I go. Followed by her good arm so her ample bosom is set out for feast. Creamy knolls rise to tickle my palm and ruby petals curl into a pretty pucker. 'Nibble me,' it pleads, 'Savor my cherry ambrosia'.

"You have such a fascinating mouth, Stoirin. So many flavors. It's hard to name them all." Parched cells trace the lower crest, "Sometimes chocolate," soused in her tantalizing mixture. "Sometimes wine." Tipsy from her unique tartness, I moan in appreciation, "Mmoooh... but always cherry."

Kole Hunter
Excerpt from 'Our Promise'
Chasing Eden



Coral silk meshes to my mouth in a spark of sizzling ruby. Shimmering pops of atmospheric discharge crackle between us; their scarlet embers pepper my skin, awakening a fever that has slumbered for years, awaiting this particular moment.

Matteo Rosso-Orsini, Jr.
Excerpt from 'What Soft Lips'
Ruby Awakening



Born under a Blood Moon... back when our families were close.

"It's a sign! Our Houses will unite!"

I've heard the story more times than I can count. A hundred. A thousand. Pontifex and Nyx. Light and Shadow. So what if it was nineteen years ago? We're bound to each other. The next reigning King and Queen!

Matteo Rosso-Orsini, Jr.
Excerpt from 'What Big Eyes'
Ruby Awakening



Rosy, petal-soft lips curl at the ends; regal cheekbones the shade of gilded alabaster sit high and refined on either side of a pert nose; and above them, placed perfectly in the heart of her lovely face is my most favorite thing on this entire godforsaken planet. Twin coffee-colored wells, her eyes twinkle with a timeless blend of love and exasperation.

Ronan Lord
Excerpt from 'King Without a Crown'
Violent Delights


Watching me, her chocolate irises warm to a shimmering bronze, her cheeks redden with a charming blush and that signature wheeze escapes, "Whaaaa?"

Ronan Lord
Excerpt from 'Prologue'
Violent Delights


Coffee colored irises made a shade warmer by their amber undertones, sweep over the cluster of blooms.

Knox Hartnett
Excerpt from 'Hail Mary'
Chasing Eden



Ten years Ronan pined for Justice Castor. Ten years he lived in exile, mourning her death. In one night, he discovers she's not only alive, she's responsible for all the havoc plaguing him since his return. His fleet, his men... his father, all of it lost at her hands. She's in the book. By all rights, he should have her executed. Speaking to her alone, puts them both in jeopardy and yet, when he looks at her it's like staring at the Sun. Those molten orbs glow. Brilliant. Blinding. Burning. When he breathes her name, the ensuing heatwave is enough to melt the flesh from your bones.

Kole Hunter
Excerpt from 'II Hunters'
Chasing Eden



Thick, charcoal lashes flutter open and her russet gaze widens with recognition. Flaxen gold burns like the sunrise, framing her angelic visage. Cradled in the crook of my trembling paw, it seems so small - so hopeless when she chokes, "Ro?"

Ah, baby... I'm here.

Ronan Lord
Excerpt from 'Mystery Riders'
Synful Delights



Typically, this is the point where I would groan inwardly, cringe or grimace at the oddities spewing like a geyser from my face, but Matteo has sucked and battered every rational thought from my head, leaving nothing but a twitching pile of teenage hormones. Naturally, he's had a lot of practice. Obviously, that's why I'm enjoying this. It couldn't possibly be the predatory glint to his hazel lenses or the subtle hint of lavender and sage that has me so enthralled. 

Selena Thames
Excerpt from 'What Wicked Tongues'
Ruby Awakening


Ravenous, Matteo hungrily strums my clit, occasionally changing speed or direction like a safecracker searching for the correct combination. Narrowed in concentration, manic bronze ebbs and flows, shuttering in and out of focus with each passing attempt to break the code. Steadier now but faster, and starry ombre blazes a frustrated copper.

Selena Thames
Excerpt from 'What Wicked Tongues'
Ruby Awakening



Emerald and lime, my two favorite shades of green combine to form a singular, hypnotic hue so dazzling and rare in form it's almost inhumane. My own literal fucking kryptonite, Kole's piercing gaze scintillates with carnal craving and genuine concern. A unique blend that often leaves me reeling from the chaotic polarity it induces.

Eden Elliott
Excerpt from 'I Hunters'
Chasing Eden


--- PURE GREEN ---

Lovestruck, vibrant lime melts to a doting shade of pure green and he commits, "Always. For eternity, there will never. be. another. I love you, Eden."

Kole Hunter to Eden Elliott
Excerpt from 'Eternally Eden'
Chasing Eden


Tearful, his lichen greens flicker their many-tempered hues, fluctuating in tempo with the thumping in my chest; firm, full lips move in sync with the words in my head, "I love you."

Kole Hunter
Excerpt from 'Our Empire'
Chasing Eden



Across from him, Knox's greyish-green watches me from his one good eye. Like shamrocks sprouting through fissures in a stone fortress, his unshakeable hope climbs to the surface, searching for light and love, but its beauty is plagued by an unquenchable jealousy. A fungal growth that has consumed his inner radiance, leaving a withered husk with bloody, bleached blonde hair and a swollen cheek.

Eden Elliott
Excerpt from 'I Hunters'
Chasing Eden



Flummoxed, bright turquoise bulges in their sockets which is saying something considering Rhys Parker's sky blues are uncommonly large to begin with. Not in an unsettling way, but piercing yet... pretty. Rhys Parker has pretty eyes. At least, that's how I remember it from when we were teenagers.

Justice Castor
Excerpt from 'Welcome Back, Castor'
Violent Delights



In a clumsy bluster, red cotton collides with steel and polymer, and I shoulder my way into a swanky antechamber filled with dozens and dozens of roses. Every square foot of available floor space, tabletop - even the suede settee - is covered in an outpouring of gratitude and well wishes; many of which are tinted a bold Monarch blue, including a ridiculous floral, heart wreath. 'Get Well Soon!' draped across the cobalt blossoms in foil lettering.

Knox Hartnett
Excerpt from 'Hail Mary'
Chasing Eden


Inside, the ornate altar, gilded relics, and polished pews glitter in the daylight. Pockets of blue roses burst in vibrant bundles under the patchwork of intensely hued prisms. Draped in elegant arcs, black ribbons line the aisle leading to Augie Lord's casket. It's a beautiful display - one indicative of the admiration and respect owed to The Beloved King and despite the purpose of our gathering, the room is filled with a lively buzz.

Rhys Parker
Excerpt from 'The Big Bang Singularity'
Violent Delights



"She was exposed the moment you entered her life! ...and the second you abandoned your duties to go skulking after her you put a target on her back!" Amethyst umbrage flashes a bright lilac and he growls, "Did you honestly think Teo wouldn't notice his prize stallion was missing? You upset him, Kole, and now you've brought the reason for that anger into his temple like a lamb to slaughter!" 

...Lilac dims to its natural shade of purplish blue; worried, Damon frowns, "There's more going on than you realize, Kole."

Damon Thames to Kole Hunter
Excerpt from 'Poison'
Chasing Eden


Dubious, periwinkle irises dim to a lackluster stone as candied lies turn to ash on my tongue.

Selena Thames



So, what the fuck happened? How does someone go from frizz and frumpiness to 'Fuck me' in the span of a year? Where's the rat's nest and glasses? The surgically attached book bag? Where's my quintessential, geeky wallflower? Rather, awkward adolescence has blossomed into a striking young woman; rough edges have been sandblasted and refined into a stately elegance, emphasizing her plush mouth, sculpted cheekbones... and those eyes. Eyes that could kill if given the means to do it.

Good God, have they always been that color?

No more lens to hide behind, her silver daggers are as bold and as beautiful as the celestial body from which she draws her name. Fringed in a halo of spiky filament - real, not those drugstore stick-ons Marquey's so fond of and tinted a shade lighter than her hair, lending her irises a brilliant gleam. A 'Glow-up' my sister would call it and admittedly, it wasn't until this moment that I fully appreciated the term for Selena Thames is downright exquisite.

Matteo Rosso-Orsini, Jr.
Excerpt from 'What Big Eyes'
Ruby Awakening



On the third, the door wrenches open to a pair of expressive, espresso eyes, fringed with thick charcoal. They flutter beneath a cap of nearly-black hair. That choppy bob fully restored to its natural, glossy hue and my fingers itch to tangle in those silky tresses.

Kole Hunter
Excerpt from 'The Venandi Princess'
Chasing Eden


Having found her prize, she straightens, and spins again... and again, I'm struck by her innate glamour. Secured with a narrow headband, her espresso bob frames her dazzling features. Not curled or primped, but combed into a damp cap like she just stepped out of the shower. Without her bangs, her pixie attributes seem exaggerated... surreal. Rosy cheeks blush an impossible pink, full lips plump and ripen, and those starry irises pop big and bold next to the twin parrot diamonds adorning her ears.

Kole Hunter
Excerpt from 'Nostra Famiglia'
Chasing Eden



Her skin is rose-scented satin, delicate and smooth to the touch; her eyes are glowing pools of mocha speckled with glittering flecks of emerald passion; her lips are thick layers of confection begging to be devoured and when I fill her only one word springs to mind...


Knox Hartnett
Excerpt from 'Temptation'
Chasing Eden


Starry mocha regards him with identical round wonderment, and searing anguish engulfs me in a pyre lit by heartbreak. He has to fuck it up. My only hope is that he fucks it up because... she's falling for him, too.

Knox Hartnett
Excerpt from 'Knoxious'
Chasing Eden



Vibrant LED shutters... freezes... and I'm left gawking at a platinum idiot being kissed on the cheek by a guy in a vintage Cindy Lauper shirt.

Knox Hartnett


Suddenly, Ronan's Guardian, the surly one they call 'Merc', stomps into the parlor, trailed by Uri, the Russian, in a pink, three-piece, polyester suit. I'm told he wanted to look his best for my big day. To be fair, when he adds the berry dress shirt and tie, it kind of works. At least, the cut's good.

Kole Hunter
Excerpt from 'Insurrezione'
Chasing Eden



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