luyen nghe 1

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 1. What Will People Think?

A: I don’t like riding the bus.

B: Why not?

A: The seats and windows are dirty.

B: Don’t they clean the bus every night?

A: I think they do.

B: You should bring some wipes with you.

A: That’s a good idea.

B: Then you can wipe your seat and window.

A: People will think I’m strange.

B: Who cares? Everyone is strange.

A: That’s for sure.

B: Don’t worry about what people think.

2. Don’t Ride the Bus 

A: I don’t like riding the bus.

B: Why not?

A: Number one, it’s too slow.

B: You’re right. A car is faster.

A: Number two, it’s usually late.

B: You’re right. The buses are never on time.

A: Number three, it doesn’t run 24 hours.

B: You’re right. Buses don’t run late at night.

A: Number four, it’s too crowded.

B: You’re right. You have to stand in the aisle.

A: Number five, it’s unsafe.

B: You’re right. Bad guys might rob you.

3. Don’t Cut the Tires

A: We had a problem at school.

B: What was the problem?

A: Someone cut the tires.

B: What tires?

A: The tires on the cars.

B: Where were the cars?

A: They were in the student parking lot.

B: How many tires were cut?

A: One or two tires were cut on each car.

B: How many cars?

A: Eleven cars.

B: That’s terrible. I hope they catch the person.

4.The Crosswalk

A: Life isn’t fair.

B: It sure isn’t.

A: I got a ticket yesterday.

B: What for?

A: I was crossing the street.

B: Were you in a crosswalk?

A: Yes, but the red hand was blinking.

B: So? That’s a ticket?

A: Yes, it’s a $140 ticket.

B: That’s not right!

A: When I started to cross the street, the white walk sign was blinking.

B: You need to walk faster.

5. It’s Okay to Speed

A: You’re driving too fast.

B: Why do you say that?

A: The speed limit is 65.

B: I know that.

A: But you’re doing 75.

B: So is everyone else.

A: But a cop might stop you.

B: No, he won’t. Some cars are doing 85.

A: So the cop will stop those cars?

B: Of course. He stops the fastest cars.

A: My friend got a ticket for doing 75.

B: Your friend was unlucky.

6. Check Your Tires

A: Remember to put air in your tires.

B: How often do I have to do that?

A: Once every two months.

B: That’s a lot.

A: What do you mean?

B: That’s six times a year!

A: Yes, and it takes about five minutes each time.

B: I’ll try.

A: Check your tires or you’ll get a flat.

B: Oh. That’s not good.

A: No, it isn’t. A flat costs you time and money.

B: And I don’t have either.

7. Don’t Be in a Hurry

A: You’re driving too fast.

B: I’m in a hurry.

A: Don’t ever be in a hurry.

B: It’s not my fault. You didn’t wake me up.

A: That’s not my fault. You didn’t tell me to wake you up.

B: Well, I meant to.

A: Don’t ever be in a hurry when you’re driving.

B: Why not?

A: Because you’ll have an accident. Most accidents are because people are in a hurry.

B: How do you know that?

A: I read a lot.

B: I thought drunks caused most accidents

8. A New Car

A: Let’s go for a ride.

B: Where are we going?

A: Into the mountains.

B: That sounds nice.

A: I want to show you my new car.

B: You bought a new car?

A: Yes. I bought a Cadillac.

B: A luxury car.

A: Luxury plus speed.

B: What are we waiting for?

A: Let me get the keys.

B: Let me get my camera.

9. I’m Going to Explode

A: I have to go to the bathroom.

B: Why didn’t you go before we left?

A: I did, but I have to go again.

B: Well, hold on a little longer.

A: I think I’m going to explode.

B: Just hold on.

A: Oh! Don’t hit any more bumps!

B: We’ll be at McDonald’s in just a few minutes.

A: I hope they are fast minutes.

B: Think about something else. Think about a hamburger.

A: I’m thinking, but I still have to go.

B: It’s the next exit. Hold on!

10. The Missing Car

A: Where’s the car?

B: What do you mean?

A: The car isn’t here.

B: Where did you park it?

A: I parked it right here.

B: Are you sure?

A: Yes. I remember this big tree.

B: Maybe it’s the wrong tree.

A: No, this is the tree.

B: Did someone steal it?

A: I sure hope not.

B: Maybe they towed it away.

11. Too Many Cars

: Look at this traffic.

B: I’d rather not.

A: It gets worse every year.

B: Why are you complaining? We’re going almost 20 miles an hour.

A: The speed limit is 65!

B: Well, that’s between 2:00 and 4:00 a.m.

A: Where are all these people going?

B: They’re all asking the same question.

A: When are they going to fix this problem?

B: They said they need more money.

A: They always need more money.

B: It’ll get worse before it gets better.

12. Don’t Call the Police

A: Did you see that car?

B: Yes, he went through the red light.

A: Can we call the police?

B: No, the police don’t care.

A: Why not?

B: They have to see it happen.

A: They don’t believe us?

B: No. They can only give a ticket if they see it happen.

A: So, what do we do?

B: We don’t do anything.

A: Maybe we should honk the horn next time.

B: The driver will just honk back at us.

13. Wash the Car

A: My car is dirty.

B: Why don’t you wash it?

A: That’s what I’m going to do.

B: Are you going to wash it yourself?

A: Of course. It’s not a hard job.

B: I’ll help you.

A: Okay, I’ll get a bucket.

B: I’ll rinse the car first.

A: Then we can scrub it with a wet sponge and soap.

B: After that, we can dry it with a towel.

A: Then it will look like new

B: And you save $10.

14. Windy Weather

A: It sure is windy today.

B: Paper is flying everywhere.

A: This wind is dangerous for drivers.

B: Especially for drivers of big trucks.

A: The wind blows those trucks over.

B: It blows trees over, too.

A: A tree fell onto my dad’s car.

B: Was there much damage?

A: My dad had to buy a new car.

B: Wow! That’s terrible.

A: Never park your car under a tree.

B: The wind will get you, or the birds will get you.

15. Two Birds with One Stone

A: When are we going to stop?

B: We’ll stop at the next McDonald’s.

A: How far away is that?

B: I think we’ll be there in half an hour.

A: I hope so. I have to go to the bathroom.

B: Well, I can always pull over.

A: No, thank you, I’ll just wait.

B: We can kill two birds with one stone.

A: What do you mean?

B: While you’re using the bathroom, I’ll order some food.

A: Don’t order for me. I’m not hungry.

B: I’m very hungry. I’ll order for you, and then I’ll eat yours.

16. Beat the Light

A: This is such a long light.

B: Look how many cars are waiting in line.

A: They need a left-turn arrow.

B: Only two cars can make a left turn every three or four minutes.

A: We’ll be here forever.

B: Get out of this lane.

A: But we need to turn left.

B: Forget it. Go straight.

A: Then what?

B: Then we’ll just make a U-turn.

A: And then we can turn right at the light.

B: Good idea. It will be so much quicker.

17. A Dream Car

A: I need a cheap car.

B: How much money do you have?

A: $1,000.

B: Well, that should get you something.

A: But I need something that’s reliable.

B: You need a car with low mileage.

A: A car that was owned by a little old lady.

B: Where have you looked?

A: I haven’t looked anywhere yet.

B: Why not?

A: Because I’ll never find one for such a low price.

B: You’re right about that. Keep saving your money

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