Be a Fighter, Win or Lose!

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Luz's attire in this story: A red sleeveless open  hoodie/hoodie vest, black sports tank top that goes to her stomach, dark  blue shorts, black leggings to her calves and black steel toed slip on  sneakers.

Luz's Glyph Gloves: Elbow length  grayish black gloves with a texture mix of paper and leather, smooth yet  tough. (Taken by Lilith in last chapter)

Light Glyph: Located on the palm, below the middle and ring fingers, center.

Fire Glyph: Located on the palm, in the area below the thumb.

Plant Glyph: Located on the palm, above the wrist at the base of the hand below the center of the palm.

Ice Glyph: Located on the palm, in the area between the thumb and pointer finger.

Power Glyph (symbol of Construction Coven): Located on the back of right hand.

Healing Glyph (symbol of the Healing Coven): Located on the back of left hand.

Her Kickboxing stance: Fists in front of her face, knees slightly bent, right foot back and her left foot forward.

After  her emotional breakdown in the den and explaining everything to King  and Hooty, Luz changed out of her school uniform and stayed in her room  to wallow in her despair. Her mentor, friend, and second parental figure  besides her mother was captured and Luz didn't know what to do now.  Normally, she'd solve problems with her fists but this problem looked to  be too big to punched out of.

"Luz?" King asked, poking his head in from the door. "Can I come in? I want to show you something."

"Like what?" she asked in a defeated voice, looking out the window.

The cloak was still in her hands, she just didn't have the heart to let it go right now.

"This.  It's the Unauthorized History of the Boiling Isles, the one most people  don't know about or believe." King said, walking into the room and  showing Luz the book. "I know I'm your demon teacher but I never really  thought to teach you about the Isles history. Or maybe Hexiside taugh-"

"Just read it already." Luz said, glancing at the book.

Luz gave it a glance, noticing the book was rather old and the author's name was scratched out.

"O-Okay."  King said as he set the book down, opening it to read. "The Boiling  Isles, born from the flesh and bones of a fallen Titan. This original  magic was so potent, all life on the Isles evolved to wield magic too.  For years, we explored those power freely. Until, a mysterious witch  appeared who declared that he, and he alone, could speak to the island.  He said that we were using magic all wrong. His teachings took hold, his  strength grew, and he became... Emperor Belos. Belos said that mixing  magic was wrong, that only he had that right. So he created the coven  system. And there, our knowledge was restricted, and our potential  sealed away. Those who resist are called wild witches, and they face  harsh punishment. Emperor Belos has since retreated into his castle.  There are whispers that say he's planning something big. Maybe capturing  Eda was a part of it?"

King looked back to Luz and saw she was  still gazing at the cloak, wallowing in pity. King groaned at this,  seeing his friend still depressed over what Lilith did. Something had to  be done or else Eda would be gone for good.

"Luz...I know it  seems hopeless but please, you have to fight. Eda needs help and you're  the only one that can save her." King said as he stood up.

"How? My gloves are gone." Luz replied.

"So  what? You've been kicking ass long before you got those gloves! You  don't need them to be strong!" King said as he walked up to Luz. "Like  when you fought Warden Wrath on the day we met! You didn't have magic  then!"

Luz looked to King as she remembered that day, getting King his paper crown back and saving those weirdos at the Conformatorium.


"Do  you really think you can beat me?!" he said to Luz as he raised his  left hand, shifting it into a hammer and bringing it down to crush Luz.

The  human girl dodged to her left, barely dodging the hit before she moved  to his ride side. She began punching and kicking his stomach and legs  while moving around him as Warden Wrath just stood there and took the  damage.

"Urgh! I told you, it's pointless!" Warden Wrath  said before throwing a kick, but Luz jumped to dodge and kicking him in  his plague mask.

-Flashback Ends-

"Or when we fought against Adegast and you threw that sword right into his forehead." King said as another memory came to Luz.


Eda and Luz looked at each other and slowly put their hands up, but as Eda dropped her staff, Luz keep the sword in her hand.

"Hey, throw that sword away, girl!" Adegast said as he pointed to his puppet's sword.

"Really? You throw it away?" Luz asked, getting an idea from his phrasing.

"I said throw it away! Now!" Adegast demanded as he squeezed King harder.

"Okay, okay! Look, I'm throwing it..." Luz said slowly before smirking before spinning the sword to a reverse position. "AWAY!"

Luz  threw the sword like a javelin and impaled the giant squid in the  head, making him scream in pain as he dropped King on instinct.

-Flashback Ends-

"Again  and again, you've shown me that magic or not, you don't give up and you  keep fighting! You never given up before, so why give up now?!" King  asked her as more memories flashed in her mind.

Fighting Eda in  her owl beast form, her match with Amity at the Covention, Conjuring  Night with Gus and Willow against the demon hunters, Bat Queen's trials,  stopping the Greater Basalisk, even her fight with Grom!


Luz  charged and prepared a right punch with the light glyph, making her  fist glow as Grom raised its arms to block but Luz dropped and struck  with an uppercut with the left fist! She faked it out! The fear bringer  stumbled as Luz stayed on him and kicked it in the stomach, sides, legs,  and face! She didn't stop until Grom threw a punch that struck her  cheek but the blood on Luz's face let her slip past it and counter punch  Grom!


Sure, Luz had magic  with her gloves but most of it was her skills as a kickboxer! They  didn't fail her any of those times and they won't fail her now!

'You  only live once, you might as well be a badass.' Luz remembered from her  magazine, slowly smiling as she stood up and turned to King.

"King, thank you. I needed that kick in the ass." Luz said.

"You're welcome, Luz. Now, what's the plan?!" He asked, happy to see Luz was back to normal.

"The  plan is simple. We're gonna find Eda, we're gonna save her, and we're  gonna kick the ass of anyone that gets in our way." Luz said as she put  on the cloak, the end flapping in the air. "You ready to go to war,  King?"

"The King of Demons is ALWAYS ready!" King cheered as threw his fists into the air!

"Then  hand me my boxing tape and grab my notepad of glyphs, we've got a witch  to rescue!" Luz said as she punched her hand into her fist!

"Yeah!" King cheered as he scurried to grab the tape and her notepad!

After  wrapping her hands in tape and put the notepad of (100 pages of) glyphs  in her pocket, Luz placed King in her vest hood so her could be given  magic protection too before she and him left the owl house to head into  Bonesborough.

'Hang on, Eda. We're coming to save you!' Luz thought as she ran into town.

Assuming  that the Emperor's Coven would be on the search for them, Luz decided  that she can King should stick the to the alleyways as they wanted to  collect some information on what might happen to Eda. A news report or  some guard chatter, anything to help them know what will become of Eda.  After 20 minutes of searching, the duo came across a crowd of witches  and demons in front of a shop with crystal balls in the display window.  They were showing what looked like a news report and the man reporting  looked a lot like Gus.

'Guess that's Gus's dad.' Luz thought as she walked out of the alley, the wool cloak hood up to hide her face and King.

"This  is Perry Portor reporting. Here at the Emperor's castle, the wanted  criminal known as the Owl Lady, Edalyn Clawthorne has finally been  captured after all these years! She has been brought before the emperor  and her verdict has been decided. We will now switch to the emperor's  assistant, Kikimora, for reveal of her crimes and punishment." He said  as Kikimora as she stood before a podium in front of the castle

She  also had two small eyeballs with bat wings flying beside her, possible  acting as living cameras with dozens of microphones in front of her.

"For  the crimes of refusing to join a coven, unauthorized use of magic for  decades, and assaulting a coven leader; Eda the Owl Lady has been  sentenced to stone petrifaction at sundown in front of the  Conformatorium!" She said.

"Stone petrification?" Luz said in shock!

The crystal ball switched back to Perry as he had a look of gloom on his face.

"Today  is a grave day, Bonesborough. A grave day." He said as the news feed  switch to an example to come, dozens of former witches transformed into  stone statues!

Each one of them frozen in mid scream, blocking the  spell, or reached out for mercy! It was too much for the crowd as they  dispersed, leaving Luz and King to watch.

"This is bad, Luz.  Petrification is only for the worst of the worst and once it's done,  nothing can undo it as the victim is placed in front of the  Conformatorium as an example." King said to her.

"No. They can't  do this! Eda doesn't deserve this!" Luz said as the crystal balls all  showed Lilith, the Emperor's Coven head. "This is all Lilith's fault!  None of this would've happened if she didn't curse Eda! I swear, the  next time I see her, I am going to-"

Grabbing a crystal ball, Luz  squishing it between her hands in angry and growling like a beast until  the ball cracked on the surface!

'Whoa! Humans have monster strength when their angry!' King thought as Luz breathed heavily, still holding the crystal ball.

"Luz,  please calm down. We need to focus and save Eda before it's too late!"  King said to Luz, who took deep breathes to calm herself before she put  the cracked crystal ball back in the display.

"Right right. First,  we need to find a way to get the Conformatorium before it's too late.  But how?" Luz said before she and King heard whistling.

The two turned to the side to see a coven guard walking by without a care, strolling instead of patrolling.

"Bingo." Luz said with a smirk.

"Who's bingo?" King asked.

"I'll explain it later, King. Right now. We have a crime to commit." Luz said as she came up with a quick plan.

The guard had continued his stroll for a few more moments before it came to a halt.

"Yo, asshole!" Luz called out to him, making the guard turn to her.

Standing  in front a round patch of grass with a DO NOT STEP ON GRASS sign, Luz  and King smiled to the guard as the human pulled out a fire glyph from  her notepad.

"I know we can't TOUCH the grass but does the law say  anything about BURNING it?" Luz asked as she tapped the glyph with her  thumb, dropping it as a fireball formed and set the grass ON FIRE!

The guard reeled back in horror, seeing the sign burning, the grass burning, and the law violated in such a way!

"AAAAAHHHHH!" He screamed in horror!

Before  long, the fire was put out in a rush and duo responsible were thrown in  the back of a police wagon that was pulled by a giant purple horned  worm to be taken to the Conformatorium!

"Exactly as planned." Luz said with a smirk as the door shut on them.

The  kickboxer and the demon now had to just sit back and relax as the  guards brought them right where they wanted to be, now they can save Eda  wasting too much energy getting there! After a relaxing yet nerve  racking ride, the duo arrived at the Conformatorium as the police wagon  passed through the garden of petrified witches. It made King gasp and  Luz sick to her stomach, sure some of the might have deserved it but not  all of them. Especially Eda as two guards were setting down a podium  for her! There was even a bronze plague with her name on it!

"Don't worry, Luz. We're gonna save Eda before the happens." King said as he held the bar of the wagon to see.

"I know." Luz said as she glared the the podium, determined to not let Eda be placed on it.

Her  attention shifted towards a recruitment poster for the Emperor's Coven  with Lilith on the front, smiling at her. This made Luz madder and more  determined than ever to save Eda.

'And maybe I'll knock a few of Lilith's teeth out as well.' Luz thought as she clenched her fists.

The  police wagon entered the prison as the gates slammed shut behind it  before the guard driving it performed a three point turn before backing  up into a docking spot.

"Mission accomplished, sir. The Owl Lady's  human student and pet demon have been apprehended." He said as he  looked back, seeing his superior and an Emperor's Coven member standing  behind the wagon.

Warden Wrath didn't show it because of his mask but he was so happy to have this news!

"Excellent  work." Warden Wrath said with a nod before gazing at the double back  doors, laughing a bit. "Hahahaha. Luz the kickboxer, you don't know how  long I've waited to see you again. Ever since that day months ago, you  have been a smudge on my honor but now, now I'll have my revenge. And it  starts by giving you and the little mongrel front row seats to Eda's  demise before you meet your own."

Warden Wrath eagerly reached  from the double doors and opened, expecting to see Luz's fearful  expression, but instead he was met with a wall of bark branches tackling  him!

"Aaah!" He screamed as his body was wrapped in branches.

"Huh?" The E.C.M. (Emperor's Coven Member) said before looking do back to the wagon!

"Rah!" Luz screamed as she jumped out of the wagon and punched him in his mask covered face!

Luz  didn't stop as she continued her attacks! Side kick to leg, uppercut to  chest, upward elbow to chin transitioning to back fist to face, and  roundhouse kick to knock him to the ground!

"Dang." King said in awe, watching from Luz's shoulder.

"Not finished yet." Luz said to the unconscious before using an ice glyph to freeze his body to the ground.

Warden Wrath broke free of the branches and roared at Luz as his hands shifted into hammers!

"Human!" He screamed as Luz turned to him.

"Where is Eda?" Luz asked with a glare, not afraid of Wrath.

"I'll never tell you!" He shouted before charging at Luz!

Luz didn't move from her spot, standing like a statue as King was wondering WHY!

"Luz! Why aren't you moving!?" King asked but got no reply! "LUZ?!"

"DIE!"  Wrath screamed as he swung his hammer to crush Luz, until the human  girl ducked under them and let the hammers crash into each other! "Huh?  Where-"

Suddenly, Wrath feeling pain like never before as he  screamed while his mask flew off! The reason being that Luz was in a  crouch in front of him and hit him the fastest, hardest kick she could  muster...TO HIS BALLS!

"Oooh!" King winced, shutting one eye as he looked away!

Warden Wrath fell to his knees as he held his crotch, groaning in pain as Luz stood up before him.

"Now,  I'm a going to ask you again." Luz said as she pulled out two ice  glyphs, slamming them in Wrath's shoulders to make his body freeze over  in ice. "WHERE. IS. EDA?"

"S-S-She's  being held i-in the d-dungeon. H-Holding cell." Wrath stuttered out, in  pain and in shivers as his ball STILL hurt while his body was incased  in ice, except his head.

"Map, draw." Luz said as she pulled out a  blank piece of paper and a pencil, shoving the pencil in his mouth  while holding up the paper. "Now."

With a fearful tongue, the  defeated warden drew a crude map of the ground floor so Luz could find  the dungeon with ease. From that point on, Luz (and to some extant,  King) went on a rampage through the castle in their way to the dungeon.  Any guard that got in their way, Luz would glyph them into next week,  and any coven member that got in her way, she would mercilessly beat  into the ground. It really helped with her boiling anger towards Lilith  and got her warmed up for anything else that came their way.

-Ten Minutes of rampage later-

Luz  and King had arrived to a hallway with tattered banners and cobwebs  before they stood in front of a large set of dark wood and gold  accessorize double doors. A padlock with chains connected the two ring  handles as a way to keep anyone from getting in or anyone from getting  out.

"This is it. Eda is just beyond this door." Luz said as she  pulled out her notepad, opening it and ripping out about 10 note pages  with glyphs on them. "Watch the door, King, and don't be afraid to glyph  someone."

"You got it, Luz!" King said as Luz handed him the  glyph pages, seeing 4 fire glyphs, 2 plants glyphs, 3 ice glyphs, and 1  light glyph.

Luz stepped to the door and place an ice glyph on it,  freezing the padlock and chains before Luz kicked them into pieces. Luz  pushed the door open to see it was more like a torture room than just a  dungeon. Chains hung from the ceiling, single person cages were all  around, and spike covered torture areas were all around like a spike  interior covered coffin next to the door!

'This place is just sick.' Luz thought as she pulled out a light glyph, creating a ball of light to look around for Eda.

A growl caught Luz's attention as she looked to see Eda, still in her owl beast state, on a platform in the center of the room!

"Eda." Luz said before slowly approaching her, knowing that in this state she would be feral minded. "Eda, it's me."

The sudden noise made Eda rise, turning to Luz and showing she was collared and chained to the platform!

"Raaah!" Eda screeched as she prepared her claws.

Luz dodged under the claws before she moved the light orb into Eda's eyes, shooing her away.

"Rah!" She screeched in pain.

"Come on, Eda! It's me! You have to remember!" Luz said to her as she made another light out, shining it in Edam's face again.

Eda recoiled from the light as she slowly stopped growling, shutting her eyes and opening them to reveal her normal golden ones.

"Huh? What? Luz?" Eda asked, seeing her apprentice in the dungeon with her! "No no no! What are you doing here?!"

"Rescuing you. Now hold still, I'm gonna try and break this chain." Luz said as she bent before the chain.

Luz  pulled out an ice glyph and planned to do what she did with the padlock  on the doors, placing the glyph on the chain and no ice formed! The  glyph was just absorbed by the chain!

"What?" Luz let out, seeing the result wasn't what she wanted!

"Sorry,  Luz, but these chains are magic resistant. You're glyphs aren't strong  enough to break them." Eda said as she pushed Luz away. "You need to  leave now before the guards show up."

"Trust me, they won't and  I'm not going anywhere." Luz said as she pushed Eda's beastly hand away.  "You're only here because I tried to steal the healing hat. I got  captured because of it and you got caught trying to save me!"

Standing up, Luz began stomp on the chain to break it but it was still to strong!

'Break, damn it! Break!' Luz thought as she stomped harder and harder until Eda picked her up with both hands.

"Luz,  look at me, I need you to stop and you need to listen to me." Eda said  before she set Luz on the ground and gazed sadly at her. "Kid, I'm here  because of my own actions. I spent years going against Belos's laws and I  was able to get away with it until now."

Eda sighed sadly as she gazed into her apprentice's eyes.

"But  like this, without my magic, I can't do much anymore. I don't regret  any of my choose and I got to live freely without many worries." Eda  said as she smiled sadly to Luz. "I even got to meet you, an ass kicking hothead that reminds me a lot of myself when I was young."

"Eda..." Luz said, tearing up a bit from her words.

"Meeting  you was the wildest ride I've ever had and I treasured every moment of  it." Eda said as she wiped Luz's tears away. "But if you stay here, I can't protect you. So please, get out of here, kid."

"B-B-But I  can't! I care about you! You and King, you're both a part of my family! I  can't just abandon you when you need help!" Luz said as she held Eda's  hand.

Eda sighed at her apprentice, pulling her hand away before she reached into her hair and pulled out the portal key. She clicked the  eye button to make the portal appear from the floor behind Luz.

"I  know kid but you already have a family back in your realm. A family waiting for you." Eda said as Luz looked to the door. "You need to go  back to them and when you do, you have to destroy the portal door."

"Destroy the portal?!" Luz asked in shock, looking back to Eda! "But my friends! Amity! You! I'll never see you guys again!"

"I  know kid but Belos wants the portal for some reason. I don't know what  but we can't let him get his hands on it." Eda said as she put the key  around Luz's neck. "Please, kid. It's not just about protecting you  anymore, it's about protecting your home too."

"B-B-But..." Luz  said as her tears fell harder before she suddenly hugged Eda. "This is  my home, too! And I can't just leave. I love this place and all of the  friends I've made! I've grown so much since I came here and I'm not  ready to leave yet!"

Eda was surprised by the outburst before sighing sadly, hugging Luz back with one arm.

'I know kid, I don't want you to leave either.' Eda thought.

A siren suddenly went off as the room flashed with red light, a doorway in the ceiling opened as Eda quickly pushed Luz away.

"Luz, get back!" Eda said as he chains and collar transformed into a cage of pure magic!

The platform Eda stood on slowly began to rise as Luz watched her mentor be lifted away!

"No! NO!" Luz shouted as she ran and grabbed the edge of the cage, being lifted into the air. "No, Eda! Please, don't go!"

Looking between the ceiling and her student, Eda made a choice as she herself began to cry.

"I'm sorry, kid. Goodbye." She said as she pushed Luz from the edge.

"NO!" Luz said as she land in her back, leaning up and reaching for the cage! "EDA!"

The  platform reached the doors in the ceiling and sealed shut as Luz went  to her knees, crying once more at another crushing loss! The portal to  her realm was still open as she cried into her hands.

'Damn it. God damn it! Not again!' Luz thought as she slammed her fists into the stone ground!

The doors of the dungeon suddenly opened as Lilith came in with King in her right hand and her staff in the other.

"Drats! I'm too late!" Lilith said as she was covered in small injuries.

"Let me go!" King shouted to her, also covered in injuries!

While  Luz was having a heart to heart with Eda, King must've put the 10  glyphs he was given to good use as he fought Lilith to stop her from  entering but it wasn't enough.

"Well, at least I found you, human." Lilith said, turning her attention to Luz, stopping between Luz and the door.

Hearing  the head of the Emperor's Coven address her, Luz removed her hands from  her face and stood up from the ground. Her sorrow was turning into  anger as she turned around to glare at Lilith.

"You, you did all  of this. I don't why you cursed Eda, but In don't give a damn! I'm gonna  make you pay, FOR EVERYTHING!" Luz screamed as she pulled out a light  and fire glyph!

With a battle cry, Luz slammed both glyphs  together and sent a beam of golden fire to Lilith but the witch quickly  dropped King and pull up a barrier of white flames to block it!

"Wait! I don't want to fight!" Lilith said as the spells canceled each other out but saw Luz was gone!

"But I do!" Luz screamed as she was right below Lilith!

Lilith gasped before she was punch in the stomach, gasping in pain, before Luz kick her in the chin!

"YAAAAH!" Luz screamed as she tackled Lilith through the portal!

"Luz!" King said as he ran after them!

One  the other side of the portal, the same house Luz entered in months ago  gained a glow as the door way spat out Luz and Lilith as they fell of  porch and sprawled apart on the ground! King came through a second  later. The three of them looked up to see a forest of lush and vibrate  greenery as the human stood up slowly.

'Earth.' Luz thought as Lilith stood up behind her, her hands gaining a blue glow.

"Luz, behind you!" King warned her until vines grew to restrain him!

Luz turned around and dodged out of the way of Lilith spell, pulling out a new glyph and aiming!

"Eat fire!" Luz screamed as she activated it, but instead of fire, the paper disintegrated! "What the?! Where's the fire?!"

Lilith used this moment and tackled Luz to the ground!

"Please, just listen to me!" Lilith said, struggling to hold Luz down!

"I don't have to listen to anything you have to say!" Luz shouted as she got an arm free and punched Lilith in the nose!

"Argh!" Lilith shouted, holding her nose!

Using  this moment, Luz pushed up and switched their positions before she  began wailing on the older witch! Lilith pulled up her arms to block but  it was sloppy and Luz found too many openings to strike her face!

"Why  should I listen to anything you have to say when I know enough?! You  cursed Eda, you forced her to become a criminal, and because of all  that, she's gonna be petrified into a statue!" Luz screamed as she  didn't stop her fists, hitting harder and harder as she got angrier! "If  any deserves to be turned into a statue, it's a goddamn bitch like  YOU!"

"YOU DON'T THINK I KNOW THAT?!" Lilith screamed!

Luz  paused in her beating, shocked by what Lilith just said as she gazed  down at her. Her face was covered in several bruises, her right was  black, her nose was purple, and she had some blood leaking from her  lips. The look she was giving Luz showed nothing but honesty, as the  human moved off of her.

"...If you believe that, then why did you  do all of this? Why did you curse Eda?" Luz asked as Lilith leaned up,  flinching in pain as her arms were bruises as well.

"It all  started when we were young girls, Edalyn and I were the best of friends.  It was my dream to be in the Emperor's Coven, to bring peace and  justice to the Isles and make the world a better place alongside the  most powerful witches." Lilith said as she drew a spell circle, healing  her injuries. "Edalyn wanted to be by my side, younger than me but just  as powerful as I was. Yet that was a problem as we both found out there  was only ONE spot left at the coven tryouts."

"So you did this to get into the coven?" Luz asked, getting angry again.

"No!  Well, yes but it's not like you think it is. Edalyn worked twice as  hard as I did and I worried she would get the spot and, in that moment, I  remembered something Emperor Belos always said. "To be great, you have  to make sacrifices."" Lilith said as her arms were healed.

"And you went to the night market and found the curse?" Luz guessed.

"Only  I didn't KNOW it was a curse. I thought it would only render her  magicless for a day and the next day at the tryout match, Edalyn  forfeited so I can have my dream." Lilith said as she began to tear up.  "That was the day she first changed and was driven out as the students  and coven members called her a monster. I tried to go after her but I  couldn't and I was given a place in the coven. I worked tirelessly to  become the coven head and made a deal with the Emperor that if I  captured Edalyn, he could cure her and she would join the coven as my  co-head...but he lied to me."

'So Belos used Lilith's guilt for  decades to do what he said and never planned on keeping his word.' Luz  thought, growling in anger horrible move Belos made.

"I was  shocked by this and I realized that I was fool, all these years." Lilith  said as she finished healing herself. "Now, I want to fix what I've  done and rescue Edalyn but I cannot do it alone."

"Even if I AGREE to work with you, how would I know to TRUST you?" Luz asked with narrowed eyes.

"Because of these." Lilith said as she drew a large spell circle.

Summoned  to her hands, Lilith offered Luz something that she knew would gain the  human's trust. Eda's staff and palisman, Owlbert!

"Owlbert! You're alright!" Luz said as she took the staff and palisman, holding them close. "I'm so glad, buddy."

Owlbert awoke and saw he was in Luz's arms, hooting in glee as he snuggled into her cheek.

"And that's not all." Lilith said as she reached into her back pocket. "I believe these belong to you."

Looking  up to Lilith, Luz gasped as she saw Lilith holding out her glyph gloves  to her! Perfectly fine and not a mark or tear in them!

"My gloves." Luz said as she put Owlbert on her shoulder, taking the gloves from Lilith. "You kept them?"

"Yes,  I was ordered to destroy them along with Owlbert but I couldn't do it know." Lilith said as she looked very guilty, wiping her  tears away.

Looking over her gloves and thinking about her offer, Luz nodded as she put her gloves back on and stood before Lilith.

"Listen  closely, Lilith. This may have been a nice thing but that doesn't mean I  trust you completely. The one thing we have in common right now, is  that we both want to save Eda." Luz said as she held her hand out to  Lilith. "So, I'll work with you to save her but you better watch my back  or I'm gonna-"

"I understand and thank you." Lilith said as she took Luz's hand, standing up and shaking it. "You won't regret this."

Waving to King, Lilith undid the vines holding him down before heading for the door.

"We need to hurry back. I know a short cut that can take us exactly where Edalyn is held." Lilith said.

Walking  to the portal, Lilith entered first with King being the second until he  saw that Luz was lingering behind to gaze at her world.

"Hey, Luz, if you need a minute..." King said to her.

"No,  it's fine, King. I'm coming." Luz said as she turned around, entering  the portal inside the tattered house and leaving Earth behind and for  the Boiling Isles.

After they returned to the dungeon, Luz closed  the doorway and hide it somewhere safe before they left to save Eda.  Lilith did as she promised and lead them to a shortcut, before long,  they were in a dark corridor with countless angel statues around them.  Each one wrapped in strange meaty looking tendrils or intestines of the  titan before they stood before a round, stone platform.

"This  platform will take you up to the stage where Edalyn is being kept. If  I'm right, you get to her right before petrification begins." Lilith  said as she gestured to it.

"Good to know, Lilith." Luz said as she and King gaze at it. "But what will you do after this?"

"I...I  will stay in the Emperor's Coven. After everything I've done, making  sure this never happens again will be my penance." Lilith said with a  firm frown and guilty eyes.

Luz nodded to her, thinking that it  was fitting, but before she took a step, a thought came to her mind. A  thought she decided to share with her friends.

"Wait, this isn't right." Luz said as she looked around.

"What do you mean, Luz?" King asked her, confused as he held Eda's staff.

"Think  about it. If something like this could be used to stop the ceremony,  then why aren't there any guards protecting it?" Luz asked suspiciously  looking around the hall!

Right as she said that, Lilith and King  were put on guard until one of the tendrils wrapped around Lilith's leg  and pulled her away!

"Aaah!" She screamed!

"Lilith!" Luz shouted to her!

Another one wrapped around King and pulled him away as well!

"WYEH!" He screamed!

"King!" Luz screamed to him!

Following  her captured friends, Luz saw that Lilith and King were dragged up near  the ceiling before they were suspended on either side of the far wall.  Fires suddenly ignite below them to show a skull-like throne with Belos  sitting on it while in his hand, a strange technological looking staff  with a red orb on top and a white-gold wing next to it.

"Ah, Lilith. One of my most loyal soldiers, it's a shame you had to chose the wrong side in the end." Belos said to her.

With a simple thought, Lilith and King were dragged to upward towards the same platform Eda was held at!

"Guys!" Luz said before her feet were held down, making her trip!

"Ah Puh-puh-puh. Hold on, human. I would like to have a word with you." Belos said with a finger up.

"Oh  you want a word?! How about I give you a FIST INSTEAD?!" Luz screamed  as she activated her power glyph, increasing her strength to rip the  tendrils off!

She then blasted forward with her fire glyphs and prepared for a punch!

"Eat this!" Luz shouted as she got close!

Time slowed down as Luz got close to Belos, who didn't even flinch or move from the attack, until he suddenly melted away!

'What the fuck?!' Luz thought as her fist crashed into the skull throne and destroyed it!

A dust cloud kicked up as Luz quickly stood up, looking around for Belos.

"Not  bad, human. Those gloves truly are impressive." Belos said as he  reformed behind Luz. "If only they were used the right way, You could be  a real witch."

Jumping in the air, Luz spun to deliver a kick to Belos until she was frozen in place by red magic.

'What?! No!' Luz thought as she saw Belos hold up a single finger with a spell circle the side of a marble over it!

"I suppose I can play for a bit." He said as he waved his hand up, throwing Luz into the air!

"Aaaah!" Luz screamed before she righted herself and aimed her hands at Belos, thinking fast! "EAT THIS!"

Pressing  the fire glyph, Luz launched a large ball of fire at Belos as he  disappeared again and let the fireball hit destroyed throne! The human  landed on her feet as the ground began to shift around her, forming  large hands that tried to grab her or spikes to impale her!

'Think fast!' Luz thought, her power glyph still active as destroyed the hands and spikes with punches and kicks!

A  wall rose before her and formed a giant hand that tried to crushed her  but Luz prepared the plant glyphs and slammed them into the ground!

"Nature's  Wrath!" Luz shouted as a large plant hand grew behind her and punched  the stone hand to pieces! "Come on our, Belos! You can't hide forever!"

"Hehehehe, who says I'm hiding?" Belos said to her from the darkness.

Before Luz could react, a giant worm like creature appeared under her with it's mouth open wide!

"AAAAAH!" Luz screamed as it swallowed her whole.

The  worm roared in victory before a sharp pain erupted from its stomach,  suddenly being impales by countless ice spikes from all over its body!

'Hmm,  interesting.' Belos thought as the worm feel to the ground, another  spike appearing and cutting up as Luz pulled the flesh apart.

"That...was nasty." Luz said, holding a thin spike like a sword in her hand.

"Awww, are you tied, human? I thought you wanted to fight." Belos said from the darkness, teasing Luz.

Luz remained on guard as she looked around for Belos, holding her ice "sword" at the ready.

'Where  is he? He has to be here someone, I just have to focus. Focus.' Luz  thought as she took a deep breath, calming herself as she waited for  Belos to appear.

Seconds became like hours as she waited, not  moving and not showing any fear. Luz waited and waited until she head  crumbling behind her!

'There!' Luz thought as she turned around, throwing the ice weapon!

Her hunch was right as Belos was behind her but dodged the sword by leaning back!

"Sharp senses too." Belos said as he leaned up but gasped as he saw Luz in front of him.

"THANKS!" Luz screamed as she punched him in the chest, making contact before sending him flying into a statue!

"UGH!" He grunted as the statue crumbled around him, burrowing him in stone!

Luz  let out a deep breath as she felt herself relax, she knew that wouldn't  defeat Belos but maybe Luz would have enough time to get away!

'Gotta get to Eda!' Luz thought as she turned to run but was soon brought it the ground with more tendrils! 'No! Damnit!'

A beast like growl was heard before a chilling laugh filled the hall.

"I  like your spirit, girl." Belos said as he appeared before Luz, his mask  cracked and a piece falling off as he gazed down at her to reveal a  glowing blue eye. "I would say you would be perfect for my coven if you  renounced your ways of a wild witch but I know that's no likely."

"Yeah, it's not." Luz said as she glared up to Belos.

Their stare down lasted for a few moments before the tendrils suddenly retracted and Belos began pacing in front of her.

"I  believe we got off on the wrong foot. Allow me to clarify a few  things." Belos said to her, his staff acting as a cane as he walked.  "You may think of me as a tyrant, dare I say a monster, but I'm just a  humble messenger for the Titan. A puppet for his will, if you may. In  the grand scheme of things, I will admit that the Owl Lady's life and  even my own life inconsequential."

Belos stopped pacing as he turned to Luz, his blue eye piercing into her soul.

"However,  your arrival was NEVER in the Titan's plan but that's not what matters  right now. What matters is that you have something I need and I have  something you need." Belos said as he leaned down to Luz. "A simple  trade that will benefit everyone, give me the portal to the human realm  and I shall allow you to save your friends."

Luz didn't say  anything as she glared at Belos with defiance! A deal like that is  something she would NEVER agree too and nothing will-

"REEEAAAAAH!" A screeching echoed, making Luz jolt as she looked to the hole in the ceiling!

"It  seems the ceremony has begun. Time is running out for you to save your  mentor and I know what you're thinking, you I simply want to invade the  human realm, but the Titan's will is not so boarish. You'll understand  soon." Belos said as he turned away from Luz. "Tick tock, human. Make  your choice or the Owl Lady won't survive."

Another screeched reached them as Luz looked up, crying at her teacher's pain!

"No!" Luz shouted, hunching over in sorrow!

She  was powerless to help AGAIN! If she gave Belos the portal, she could  save Eda, King, and Lilith but doom her world! And if she keep the  portal, she could protect her world but doom Eda, King, and Lilith!

'What  can I do?! What can I do?! Think, think, think! How can I stop Belos  and save my friends?!' Luz thought as she pushed her forehead against  the cold ground! 'THINK, DAMN IT! HOW CAN YOU PROTECT YOUR WORLD AND  SAVE YOUR FRIENDS?!'

Suddenly, a thought came to mind as Luz felt a  chill run down her spine! A crazy thought that would have terrible  repercussions but what other choice did Luz have?

"...You win. I'll give you the portal." Luz said, still looking at the ground.

"Excellent choice, human." Belos said, smirking under his mask.

Reaching under her cloak and clicking the portal key, Luz summoned the door in suitcase form and hugged it to her chest.

"Here is it." Luz said to him.

"Yes, I see. Thank you for your cooperation, human. The Titan shall be most plea-." Belos said as he reached out to take it.

"Do you know of a phrase that means, everything you do now will work out in the end?" Luz asked Belos, surprising him.

"A  phrase? I don't see the purpose but why not? It's simple, the phrase is  "Sometimes, sacrifices must be made for the greater good."" Belos said,  certain of his answer.

Luz chuckled darkly as she looked up to Belos, glaring at him with a smirk and tears in her eyes.

"My thoughts exactly." Luz said as she dropped the portal, lifting her fists up as they ignited in gold flames!

Belos gasped at this and reached to stop her!

"No!" He screamed in horror!

'Lo siento, mamá./I'm sorry, mom.' Luz thought as she roared, smashing her fists into the portal!

The  eye cracked from the impact as the portal exploded, consummating them  both in a cloud of smoke! Belos swung his staff to clear and see Luz was  gone with only the ash, tatters, and the cracked eye of the portal  remaining on the ground!

'That human!' Belos thought in anger  before hearing something bursting behind her, turning around to see Luz  propelling herself up from the platform!

"Consider this a draw,  Belos! I don't lose but you don't win either!" Luz screamed to him as  she flew to save her friends, still crying over the choice she made with  the portal.

She reached the top in seconds, flying high enough to  show everyone in the crowd and the coven members her arrival her face  was covered by both the hood of her red vest and her cloak but those  that knew her could tell it was...

"Luz!" King called out, inside the same cage with Lilith and Eda!

"It's Luz!" Willow shouted from the crowd, standing next to Gus and Amity in the crowd!

"She's alright!" Amity said, happy to see she was alright but surprised to see her here!

Back  with Luz, she gazed at the large, 3 faced statue and figured that was  what they were using for the petrification due to the light green beams  firing from their eyes.

"Time for a little demolition!" Luz shouted as she angled herself to blast towards the statue! "RRRAAAHH!"

With  the power glyph at her disposal, Luz smashed her fist into the statue  and cracked it all over! The beams soon shut off as Eda, who was  protecting Lilith and King, fell to the ground with her body mostly  turned to stone.

"Eda!" King called out in worry.

"It's  alright, the process wasn't completed! I might be able to reverse it!"  Lilith said as she went to Eda, placing her hands on her and channeling  her magic to fight the petrification.

The human landed on the ground and  turned away from the rubble of the statue, making her way towards the  cage. Being the over see, Kikimora quickly addressed the other coven  members.

"Don't just stand there, attack her!" she shouted, pointing to Luz.

The  7 E.C.M.s quickly came to their senses and summoned weapons made of  magic to attack Luz as the human shut off her power glyph. She didn't  want to punch them so hard she's kill them by accident. So, Luz used her  ice glyphs to cover her forearms to the back of her fists in ice. She  walked calmly to them as they charged at her, brings her fists up.

(Luz is Yang and the Emperor's Coven members are the  bandits. 1:20-2:05)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

After dealing with the coven members, Luz marched to Kikimora and grabbed her by the shirt before pulling her into the air!

"Open the cage. NOW." Luz said as she glared at the short witch.

Kikimora  gulped and shivered under Luz's glare, quickly nodding to her as she  drew a spell circle at the cage to make it disappear. Throwing the small  witch away, Luz ran to Eda and put her hands in her!

"Eda! Are you okay?" Luz asked her as the stone covering her faded away, allowing Eda to open her eyes to Luz.

"Yeah, kid. I'm good as I can be." Eda said, still lucid in her cursed form.

More  coven members came onto the stage to stop them, making Luz prepare  herself to fight once again! Though, seeing how exhausted she must've  been, Eda got under Luz and force her onto her back!

"Let's get out of here! Everyone one!" Eda said as Lilith and King, who still had Owlbert, jumped on her back as well.

Eda  took flight with her wings, dodging any spears thrown as the crowd  cheered for Eda! Apparently, they all disagreed with Eda's petrification  and were happy to see her go free!

"Amity!" Willow said as she saw Amity beginning to leave.

"Where are you going?!" Gus asked.

"To see Luz!" She said, pushing through the crowd to get to the owl house!

After a short flight, Eda crashed on the front dirt road before the owl house as everyone got off of her.

"Eda!" Luz said in worry, checking on her as Eda was breathed heavily.

"She must be exhausted from both the ceremony and the flight." Lilith said as she looked over Eda.

"Well, can we still turn her back with the elixirs?" Luz asked as she and King looked worried.

"I'm  afraid not but I do know of one way." Lilith said as she grabbed Eda's  face and gazed into her eyes. "I am so sorry, sister, for everything.  For foolishly cursing you, for hunting you, and for working for a  deceitful ruler all these year but most of all I am sorry for not doing  this a long time ago."

Lilith shut her eyes and placed their foreheads together.

"With  this spell declared, let the pain be shared." Lilith said before a wave  of magic over came them, lifting them into the air before their gems  flashed brightly.

In mere moments, Eda's body returned to normal  before her and Lilith descended back to the ground. The Clawthorne  sister had their eyes shut before they opened them and gazed at each  other.

"Eda! You're back to normal!" Luz said as the sisters looked to her, letting Luz see the after effects of the spell.

Eda  and Lilith had gone through some small changes in their appearances as  they both now had Heterochromia iridum, different colored eyes, with  Eda's right eye being gold and her left being gray as Lilith's eyes were  the opposite with her right eye being gray and her left eye being  aquamarine. Eda's gem color had changed and was no longer it's bright  amber color but pitch black as if she was in her cursed form. Lilith now  has a streak of gray hair in her right side while Eda has a new streak  of white on her left.

Luz and King went to hug Eda, who hugged back as Lilith watched with a smile.

"What about your magic?" Luz asked.

Eda  pulled back to test her magic, drawing a small spell circle, only for  it to shatter into small pieces and fell to the ground.

"I guess that's a no. It'll take some time to get used to this." Eda said as she gazed at her hands.

"I fell as though I am weakened as well." Lilith said, holding one of her own hands.

"So  you can't do magic anymore, huh?" Luz asked as she looked at her  gloves, thinking of how she would be the same if it wasn't for these. "I  think I can fix that, wait here."

Confused by Luz, everyone  watched as she ran to the owl house. A couple of minutes passed until  Luz came running out of the house with something in her right hand.

"Here, take these." She said, holding her hand out to them.

"Wait! Luz, your gloves!" King said, pointing to them as they were no longer elbow length but wrist length.

Surprised  by this, Eda and Lilith took the items in her hands to see they were  her missing sleeves, expect they were now turned into finger gloves that  reached a person's forearms with the four glyphs down the center!

"Luz, did you-" Eda said before she was cut off.

"I  did and it's okay. I've still got enough to use magic and so do you." Luz said as she put one on Eda's right hand and put the other one on Lilith's left hand. "There. I can teach you guys what I know about the glyphs and what we don't know, we can learn together. And it'll be a lot easier since you both have your own glyph glove."

Eda and Lilith gazed at their new glyph gloves, seeing the glyphs in order of light,  ice, plant, and fire. Curious, they both tapped one of the glyphs to see if the gloves worked. Suddenly, a ball of light appeared in Eda's right hand while a ball of fire appeared in Lilith's left hand, shocking both of them!

'They work!' They thought, letting the flame disappear and the light float into the sky.

"...Thanks, kid. This means a lot to us." Eda said as she turned to Luz, smiling at her. "I look forward to learning from you."

"I do as well." Lilith said with a grateful nod.

Luz smiled at them both before hearing the sound of running coming towards the house.

"LUZ!" Someone said as Luz turned to them.

"Amity?" Luz asked as she saw her girlfriend running towards her.

Before  Luz could react, Amity jumped into her arms and made the human girl  stumble back before has firmed herself to remain standing!

"Woah! Amity, what are yo-" Luz was cut off as Amity suddenly kissed her, melting into it before she kissed back.

Seeing  the two girlfriends having a moment, Eda pulled Lilith and King to the  house so they could have this time alone. After a minutes of kissing,  they broke apart and Amity pressed their foreheads together as she cried  before Luz.

"Do you know how worried I was about you?! After I  found out about the ceremony, I knew you'd do something stupid like that  but you could've at least-"

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to worry  you or the others." Luz said as she held Amity close, letting her cry  into her shoulder. "I know you were worried about me and I was worried  about you too, but I had to do something to save Eda. I promise, I'll  try not to make you worry so much."

Amity sniffled a bit as she pulled back a bit, smiling at Luz.

"We  both know you won't keep that promise but I'll take you up on that."  Amity replied as she kissed Luz again, smiling into the kiss.

After bidding Amity goodnight, promising to see her later for another private lesson or a date, Luz retired to her room in the owl house and made a video message to her mother as King slept on her sleeping bag.

"And that's how I saved Eda and escaped. Though, I had to find out the hard  way that Belos really is as powerful as people say he is. Still though, I  got some hits in and got this as a prize." Luz said to her phone as she held up a piece of Belos' mask before putting it down and growing a little sad. "It's strange remembering everything I went through since coming here and all the friends I gained here but I wouldn't change anything except, wishing you were here with me. But don't worry mom,  I'll find a way home and I'll show you how much I've changed for the better. Deja una luz puesta para mí. Te quiero./Leave a light on for me.  I love you."

Luz ended her recoding, saving it since she couldn't  send it, and fell asleep. She didn't know what would come tomorrow but  as long as she didn't give up and had her loved ones with her, she'll  always fight on. Win or lose.

Glyph Gloves (returned): Now normal wrist, length grayish black gloves with a texture mix of paper and leather, smooth yet tough.

Kickboxing Class Students: 16

Flicker/Hitman stance: Amity, Boscha, and Edric.

Peek-a-boo stance: Eileen, Asriel (goat cyclops), Willow, and Viney.

Kick stance: Amelia, Skara, Bo, and Emira.

Sway/Step Back stance: Gus, Jerbo, Barcus, Cat, and Kyle (skull cap kid).

Light Glyph Uses: Illumination, blinding light blasts, flashing punches

Fire Glyph Uses: Fireballs, flaming propulsion, fire punches, fire barriers/pillars, fire flight

Plant Glyph Uses: Vine ropes/whips, giant plant constructs like a fist, fixing palismen, plant bomb to capture enemies

Ice Glyph Uses: Ice creation, ice cage, ice spikes/pillars, ice encasing, ice punch, ice wall, ice weapons

Power Glyph Uses: Increased bodily strength and magic output

Healing Glyph Uses: Healing/recovery ability to oneself or to others by touch

Glyph Glove Combo Spells:

Light and Fire = Golden Flames

Fire and Plant = Fire Whips

Ice and Fire = Water Blast

Special Moves:

Nature's Wrath: a giant plant arm and fist that Luz can control for a powerful punch.

Esperanza  Brillante/Shining Hope: a spiraling orb of all four glyph elements,  used as a projectile or as a striking object. Effect may vary.

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