In Light of a Curse

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The day at the owl house could be seen as cloudy and rumbling, showing that rain would be coming soon and Luz had just got finished with her striking practice session against her punching bag after she pushed it close to the house to avoid the rain.

"Just before the rain came down but I wouldn't have minded." Luz said as she wiped her forehead off with her towel and holding her red vest hoodie in her right hand, entering the house. "At least the rain will cool things off around here."

"Luz!" King shouted as he ran to her, making her stop and looked down to him. "I've been looking all over for you!"

"Why?" Luz asked as she put her towel aside.

"I wanted to teach you some stuff about demons, magic knowledge is good and all but you never know when you would come across a mighty demon!" King said proudly as he held his nose in the air. "My knowledge just might save your life one day."

"Hehehe, yeah sure." Luz said with an eyeroll. "Still, this does sound like it could be useful. So sure, let's have a demon lesson."

"Ehehehehehe!" King giggled with glee before grabbing Luz's hand and pulling her to the den. "You won't regret this Luz, I promise you!"

After he pulled her into the den and gestured her to sit down, King went towards his covered presentation and stood ready.

"Luz the human, today is the day you learn of the most dangerous monsters known to the Boiling Isles and what to do whenever faced with one!" King said as he grabbed the sheet over his presentation. "Welcome to the first lesson of...Demons 101!"

King then ripped the sheet over the presentation, showing Luz a bulletin board full of demon pictures of all shapes and sizes, while King put on a puffy professor hat on his head.

'So cute.' Luz thought about the hate before King began his lesson.

"Now, pay close attention. Demon such as myself are deceitful tricksters of of the twilight. Born from sulfur and born to strike fear into their enemies!" King said as he walked across his presentation and pulled out a pen with a pink diamond on the tip. "We live to create chaos to all around around and our only weaknesses are purified water and passive aggressive comment, but those are only for the weaker demon so that weakness won't work all the time."

Okay, got it. Some demons are more self conscious than others." Luz said, taking in the information since it seemed legit aka the purified water weakness.

"I'm afraid so, even the creatures of darkness have their inner turmoils." King said dramatically before pulling out a drawing of a scary turtle like monster with pale blue skin, black finger and toe nails, and a spiky shell. "And this demon is the most powerful one recorded on the Boiling Isles, the Snaggleback!"

"Snaggleback?" Luz said as she leaned forward to see the drawing, crude as it may be the demon did look intimidating. "Looks like the name matches."

"That is does! Now-" King said as he was glad Luz was paying attention before the sound of thunder and the flash of lightning drew their attention

"Looks like I was right about the rain." Luz commented at the flash.

"Yeah, and trust me, the type of rain around here is something you do not want to be caught in." King said as he shook his head.

"Why? Rain is usually a good thing back home. It waters the plants, cools the air, and personally, it feels good against a sweaty kickboxer walking him from practice." Luz said as she got up and headed to the door.

"Luz, wait!" King called out to her as she opened the door and looked out but not leave the doorway.

"I just wanna see this type of rain you're so worried about. It can't be as bad as you said it is." Luz said as she shrugged and leaned against the frame, looking towards a stray flower in the dirt.

"You'd be surprised, hoot." Hooty commented to Luz.

Luz waited a few moments before the rain began and a drop hit the flower but instead of do nothing to it, it caused the flower to burn and wither with slight steam coming off it.

"What the fuck?!" Luz said in shock as he eyes widened and she took a step back.

"Boiling rain!" Eda said as she ran towards the owl house while covering her face. "Everyone inside now!"

Luz didn't have time to react fast enough to Eda's burst of speed as she was roughly pushed inside the house and crashed into King's presentation display as Eda shut the door behind her.

"Woo, close call." Eda asked as she looked to her friends. "Everyone okay?"

Luz could only groan at her as she got up from the floor, surrounded by King's ruined lesson board as King himself as

"You're lucky I've taken harder hits than than in the past or else I'd be in real trouble right now." Luz said as she rubbed her head. "If I hadn't been more durable and still tired from practice, I would be in serious pain right now."

A few minutes later, Eda had explained to Luz about the Boilings Isles and it's plagues in the place of normal weather. Each one put more gore into Luz's mind then the last,

Gorenadoes: twisters the spin fast enough to rip a person limb from limb in the goriest fashion possible.

Shale Hail: Sedimentary rock slabs that rain down from above that can cause serious injury.

Painbows: normal looking rainbows that can turn you inside out if you look at it just once.

And last but not least, Boiling Rain: instead of being cool, it is scolding and burns like acid if expose towards to much of it.

Though horrible, the rain did answer the question on why this place was called "the Boiling Isles" to Luz and she also got more information on the Snaggleback from King, saying it was actually immune to the boiling rain thanks to it's shell and used it to hunt down any victims left in the rain.

"Well my shield spell will protect us from the rain and your made up little monster." Eda said to them as she walked to the front door, opening it to look out into the rain.

"Then hurry it up before my stucco melts!" Hooty said to Eda.

She just rolled her eyes and summoned her staff, twirling it around and slamming it into the ground to summon an orange bubble like spell to expand around her and cover the entire owl house to block the boiling rain.

"Done and done by the one and only owl lady." Eda said as she shut the door.

"Hey, I've been meaning to ask but why are you called the "owl lady?" anyway?" Luz asked as Eda strutted over to her and King.

"Well, the answer is simple. I'm as wise as an owl." Eda said as she pushed her hair behind her ear.

"Oh please, it's because you go all gaga around shiny things and get distracted." King said as he got his scholar/teacher hat back on.

"I do not!" Eda argued to the demon.

Instead of replying to Eda, King just pulled out the pen he used early and clicked the side to make the diamond glow pink and shiny. Eda's eyes went wide with awe as she stared at the shiny pen.

"Sparkly and shiny! I must have it for my nest!" Eda said as she was about to dive at the pen, until Luz gave her a good slap to the face to knock her out of the trance. "OW! What the heck, Luz?!"

"'I did it to stop you from jumping King." Luz said as Eda put a hand on her left cheek. "And what was that about a nest, like a really bird's nest?"

"Yes, I do and if you find that strange, you can judge me about it later." Eda said before yawning a bit. "Putting up that force field spell really took it out of me. I'm getting sleepy."

"You sure you're not just getting old? You have been getting slower lately." King said with sass before Eda pulled his hat to cover his face. "AH! The dark!"

"Aren't demon suppose to embrace the darkness instead of fear it?" Luz commented as she saw Eda walked away. "Anyway, sine we're all trapped inside, how about you teach me a spell? You've got no excuse to not teach me."

"Luz, but what about our lesson?! We never finished!" King complained as he took the hat off his head. "I was gonna teach you have to scratch a demon's tummy just right."

Luz rolled her eyes at this before going to King and scratch his belly a bit, making King jolt before he relaxed into the scratching as he began kicking his leg against the ground.

"Not to offend but I've scratched a few dogs and cats back in my world, so those should transfer to this." Luz said with a small smile as King slowly laid down with his belly up.

"Little to the left! More, more! Less, to the right! Just a little higher, little faster!" King said in pleasure before sighing in relief. "OH! That's the spot!"

"And with that, the belly scratching lesson is done." Luz said before she got up, leaving King on the floor as she went to Eda, who was now in her nightwear on the couch with her eyes closed.

The young kickboxer stood over her magic teacher, casting her shadow over her, as she reopened her eyes to see Luz giving her a blank yet expecting look.

"AH!" Eda screamed in surprise.

"Look Eda, we had a deal, I help you with whatever you need help with and you teach me some magic." Luz said as she crossed her arms. "How am I gonna earn a magic staff if you aren't gonna teach me some magic?"

"I will teach you magic, kid. Just not now, after I spell. I swear." Eda said as she pulled a blanket over her head.

Eda sighed in relief of the silence as she tried to get to sleep again but was soon wide awake as she heard clicking, PEN clicking.

"The shiny." she whispered as she got up with the blanket over her head, turning around to see Luz holding the pen in her hand and the diamond glowing.

"I see I have your attention." Luz said with a smirk as she stepped back, making Eda jump like a cat on the couch arm. "You want it?"

"Yes yes yes!" Eda said with a rapid nod as Luz held the pen close and pulled back, making Eda lean forward to it before Luz suddenly pinched her nose and made her recoil in pain. "OW! Again?"

"Just teach me one single spell and I will let you sleep with the shiny pen. Deal?" Luz said to her as she clicked the pen off before holding it in her fingers.

"Hmm, I respect your cunning and tactics but I also hate you for them." Eda said as she rubbed her nose and got up, summoning her staff. "Alright, you've got your lesson."

Luz nodded to Eda as she sat down on the floor and paid attention to her.

"Now, if a witch ever wishes to become a magic master, they have to pay close attention and never make their teachers re...peat...themselves." Eda said as she began to doze off before shaking her head to stay awake. "To a witch, her staff is an additional source of power for when they need it."

"Okay got it." Luz said with a nod.

"But before a witch can earn their staff, they must learn to cast a spell on their own." Eda said as she threw her staff to the side. "So tonight, the first spell you will be learning is how to make light."

Eda turned and drew a magic circle in the air, creating a ball of light and making the light illuminate the room.

"Wow." Luz said as the ball slowly floated to her, stopping when she cupped her hands to hold it to her face before it popped like a bubble.

"Come on, that's basic at best!" King said as he got up and out of his scratching coma, she gave a GOOD scratch. "I can teacher her much more useful things, like learning how to avoid all the different ways a demon could kill you."

"As important as I think that would be, I refused to be kill so easily. demon or not." Luz said as he turned to him. "Besides, I can already guess some of those are no different than how a person could die in the human world."

"Oh yeah?! Name at least 3!" King said as he pointed to her.

Ripped to pieces by sharp fangs and claws, eaten alive, and dragged into their lair to held and saved for later." Luz said as King just blinked at her.

"Uuuuh, lucky guess?" he asked as Luz shook his head.

"We can do that part of your lesson later, King. Learning this spell can take less time." Luz said with a wave, turning back to Eda.

"Now, you humans think magic is something that can appear out of thine air but that's not entirely true." Eda said to Luz, looking down at her. "So where do you think magic comes from?"

"I don't know." Luz said as she shrugged. "The...heart? As lazy as that sounds?"

Eda stared blankly at her for a moment before smiling to her.

"You're actually right. The magic that witches and wizards uses comes from the heart." Eda said as she reached into her hair, pulling out a scroll and unrolling it to show a picture of a human heart with a green, sickly looking sack of flesh attached to it. "Right from their magic bile sack."

Luz gagged at the sight of the sack, holding back some normal bile in her throat before choking it down. She thought it looked cool but it was also incredibly disgusting with detail.

"Please get that thing out of my face." Luz said as she turned away from it.

"Hm. Lightweight." Eda said with a smirk as she rolled the picture and stuffed it back in her hair. "Now, when casting a spell, always remember that the bigger the circle, the bigger the spell output."

"Wait!" Luz quickly stopped her as she pulled out her phone, opening the camera app and setting it to record. "Let me record it this time to look over. Do your spell directly at me, okay?"

"Whatever, kid. As long as I can get to sleep faster." Eda said as she pointed her finger towards Luz, drawing a larger spell circle and making a larger ball of light as Luz recorded it.

"Got it." Luz said as she saved the video and put her phone away. "Though I wonder if I'll be able to do them without that bile sack thing."

"Hmm, I wonder that too. Witches of old had a different way of using magic before the spell circle but I never got around to finding it." Eda said with a short laugh and a snort.

"Well, thanks to the video I recorded of your spell, I just may find it." Luz said as she got up from the floor.

"Good, now if you'll finally let me, I'" Eda said as she began walking away, slowing down gradually before she fell face first to the floor.

"Eda!" Luz shouted as she knelled down to her, flipping her over to see her snore a bit. "Man, you really must've been tired from the protection spell, huh?"

"Mmm...shiny...get...shiny." the owl lady just mumbled in her sleep instead of giving Luz a solid answer, but she expected that.

"Well, I guess I should get her to bed and look over that video to find a way to use it." Luz said as King walked over to her.

"Eh, just let her sleep n the floor. Eda can sleep anywhere and not be bothered by it. Won't even wake up, easily." King said before he slapped her in the face. "Bap. See? Still asleep."

"Funny as that is, I'm not going to leave sleeping on the floor." Luz said as she moved under Eda, flipping her back over so that her chin was on her head before moving her arms back to hook her legs under her arm pit to lift her and stand up. "OH! Man, she is heavier than she looks!"

"I know! And how can you even lift her? You don't even look that strong!" King said as Luz sent a glare to him.

"Do you wanna see how strong I really am? I've lifted weight bigger than you!" she said as she began trudging Eda up to her room with King following behind.

After a surprisingly tough carry, Luz carried into her room with the door luckily left open and what she saw surprised her to a large extent. Apparently it was located right on the other side of the large, stained glass, owl eye-shaped window and in absence of a bed in the room, there was a literal bird's or owl's nest made of sticks, leaves, and vines next to a normal looking side nightstand that had a bottle of glowing green liquid on it.

"Holy crap, she actually sleeps in a nest. Ahaha." Luz said with a chuckle.

"I thought the same thing when I first saw it." King said as they walked to the nest, Luz still carrying Eda to the nest before seeing the inside of it littered with the Boiling Isles' gold coin currency "snails", jewels, random human junk, and bones from an unknown creature.

The bones frightened Luz a bit as she gulped in a bit of feat, wondering just what creature those bones were from. She hoped they weren't human or elf like humanoids as most people here were before she put Eda in the nest.

'Bony remains, random junk, and shiny things. Is Eda actually part bird?' Luz thought as she turned to leave, not wanting to think about the bones as King watched her walk away.

"Come on, let's leave Eda to sleep." Luz said as she put her hands in her pockets, not looking back as King slapped Eda again.

"Bap! Ehehehehehe." he said with a giggle as he rushed after Luz.

After they returned to the den, Luz pulled out her phone and re-watched the video of Eda performing the light spell. At first glance, it looked so simple but she knew that had to be something behind it and would need to find it to learn this spell along with possible others during her time in this realm.

'Let's try this in slow motion and maybe invert the colors the a bit' Luz thought as she began tinkering with the video a bit, zooming into the circle, slowing down the video, watching it in reverse, inverting the colors.

She tried anything and everything her phone could do to find the secret behind the Boiling Isles' magic before remembering her worlds concept of magic, mainly through anime series and movies she's watched in her down time.

It was amazing how her home could come up with so many different ways for how magic could be used. Either from a countries strange history, ancient tomes, or from whatever a creative writer for movies or shows could come up with. There's Magic symbols, magical incantations, drawing a circular pattern with random shapes called "glyph."

'Wait, circular glyphs! That might be hidden in these spell!' Luz thought as she remembered every time Eda or someone else used magic here, they always drew them in circles and never any other shapes. 'But how do I find it?'

Luz was about to try something with the video again until King place a notepad over her phone while standing on a pile of books.

"Hey, Luz. Getting back to the topic of demons, let me tell you about you should really worry about!" King said before pulling up the notepad to show a drawn goldfish with small arms and hands under it with puckering lips. "Smoochy Pie, the Sweetie Baby!"

If this was a joke, it was not funny as she stared at the "demon" with a deadpanned face at how it looked absolutely ridiculous.

"It-It's a lot more dangerous than his looks and name give him credit." King said shyly as Luz wasn't looking impressed with the "demon."

"I'll just take your word for it since we have a term for this back on Earth, "looks can be deceiving."" Luz said as she pushed his notepad away. "Look, we can continue the lessons in a literally one minute, okay? I need to see if this theory I came to about using magic without a bile sack is correct and if I'm right, then Eda's questions on how ancient witches used magic will be answered."

King sat on the piles of books and looked away upset.

"Why is learning magic such a big deal to you, right now? You already have those "kickboxing" or whatever skills to beat people up, so why do you wanna learn magic?" King asked as he turned his head to her.

Luz let out a sigh as she gave King her attention.

"Because back home, all I was known for at school and around town was a trouble maker. Sure, I got recognition as a future champion, but that was pushed aside since I kept getting into random fights and have a bit of a temper. Course, most of the fights were either to help someone else or put a cocky asshole in their place but still, people kept focusing more on the bad stuff than the good." Luz said as she sat on the floor and propped one knee up. "I just wanna prove that I'm more than just a girl with problems with her anger and fights too much. You know?"

Actually, King could understand what Luz wanted. She just wanted to prove that she can be a problem solver without using her fists most of the time, that she is capable of thinking more than with violence. It was just like how he wanted people to take him more seriously as the (self proclaimed) King of demons and wanted them to tremble in fear of him and kiss the ground he walked on, not go gaga over his cute form and treat him like a cute, helpless baby.

"If...I leave you alone so you can test your theory for that spell, do you promise we can go back to my demon lessons afterwards?" King asked her as he showed her his notepad, showing the "demon" drew from before.

As said on Earth, "looks can be deceiving."

"Of course, King. Truthfully, your lessons may come in handy if we ever do run into other demons." Luz said as she grew a small smile, giving him a pat on the head. "Just give me two minutes, and I'll get back to you, alright?"

"Alright." King said with a nod to Luz.

Luz nodded to her friend as she pulled out her phone again, opening the video again and putting it to the right settings for her theory.

"Okay. Slow the video down to 25% speed, inverse the colors, define anything hidden by turning on the "bold font" setting." Luz said out loud as she went put everything into the video. "Here goes, time to see if I'm right."

Luz played the video again and watched closely as Eda's recorded self drew the circle slower and connect the ends. She watched and saw that just before the light ball, now looking like black ball with a sort of black mist around it, formed, something flashed in the circle with bold lines. Luz noticed and quickly rewind it, playing it frame by frame to see what it was that flashed like before except she now she had it in a complete 1 second frame. It was a full circle with a cone and smaller circle near the top, a line down the middle from the smaller circle, and a isosceles triangle touching the sides of the circle with two slashes in the middle.

"King, I think I found it!" Luz said as she quickly took the notepad from him.

"Hey!" he said as he saw Luz flip through it and pull out an empty page before pushing it back to him.

"I need the page, king!" Luz said as she looked back to her phone and copied the symbol carefully onto the paper, making sure there were no mistakes as she drew it completely. "Got it."

Luz showed the paper to King as she closed out the video, taking a quick photo of the drawing she copied before putting her phone away.

"So this is what you were looking for? A sort of symbol?" King asked.

"I think it's more of glyph, and Eda's theory of the old witches using magic differently is what drove me to this. Now, let's see if I'm right." Luz said as she gave a gentle tap to the glyph.

No less than a second later, the glyph began to glow before the paper began to crumpled into itself and become a ball of light, floating into the air before Luz as she cupped her hands under it. Both King and Luz were so shocked and happy about her discovery, Luz because she can now learn magic and King because now she can focus on his demon lessons!

"I did it. I did it!" Luz said as she picked up King and gave him a nearly suffocating hug. "I did magic! I found a way!"

"" King let out in short breathes as he was being crushed into the hug before Luz stopped and held him at a distance.

"Sorry, hehe, got too excited." Luz said with a chuckle.

"That's fine and now I can get back to teaching you about demons! Just like you promised!" King said with excitement before his stomach growled. "But first, we get snacks! I cannot teach on an empty stomach!"

"Hehehe, alright, teach. Let's take a snack break before getting back to the lessons." Luz said as she put him under her armpit, carrying him to the kitchen.

When they finally reached the kitchen, Luz put King on the island counter and went to the fridge for whatever passed for food.

"You want anything specific, King, or will you just eat anything?" Luz joked as she turned to him.

"Hmm, your humble teacher would like a-" King said/proclaimed to Luz before candle lamps around the house suddenly grew brighter before snuffing out and plunging the house in darkness.

"Huh? What happened to the lights?" Luz asked as the bay window kept the room lit.

"Eh, its just Hooty. He controls the the lights and must've just fallen asleep." King said with a wave of the hand, like it was no big deal. "Now back to my food-"

"HOOOOOT!" Hooty shouted in distress as crashing sounds were heard afterwards.

"Hooty!" Luz shouted in alarm as she shut the fridge, grabbed King from the counter, and ran to the sentient door.

When they got back to the den, they saw that the room had been destroyed with furniture smashed, windows broken, walls covered in long claw marks, and Hooty's door body on the floor with a large beast hovering over him. They couldn't see all of it, just its eerie eyes reflecting light and its teeth clenched while doing the same but it was enough to make them shiver in fear.

"Grrrrr." It growled while dragging its claws on Hooty before it ran off.

With it out of sight, Luz calmed down enough to run over to Hooty and check on him.

"Hooty! Can you hear me?" Luz asked as she seat King down on him and looked into his eyes, seeing cartoonish Xs as she slapped his face a bit. "Come on, speak to us!"

"Wake up, you annoying door ornament!" King shouted in his face but got no reaction. "No use, he's out cold."

"And that thing could still be here but how did it get here?" Luz asked as she got up and checked outside the door way. "I thought nothing could survive out in the boiling rain except that Snaggleback you told me about!"

"I don't know. Maybe it's a Snaggleback or some sort of new demon species that can survive like them!" King theorized before they heard the beast shriek!

The duo ran out the house to the barrier's edge and looked up to see another window smashed open, the beast entering the house once again.

"Aw crap! We are screwed!" Luz said before looking to King, seeing him actually looking excited. "And why are you so happy about a monster inside our house?!"

"I' happy because this is the perfect lesson! A hands on way for you to see a demon in action and beat it!." King said as he punched his hand.

"You want me to fight that thing?!" Luz shouted in his face as she pointed to where the beast entered the house. "I may like a challenge but I'm not crazy enough to fight it!"

"But you're fast and strong, you proved that when you showed us your kickboxing!" King said as he pointed to her. "And did you forget about Eda? She's still in the house snoozing away after your magic lesson, you just gonna leave her to be eaten?!"

The human groaned as she held her head, the demon was right. Eda was still in the house and they were likely her best chance to live to sleep through another night.

"Yeah, you're right but if we're doing this, we gotta do it right." Luz said as she turned to King. "We gotta head back to the kitchen and armor up."

The duo went back to the kitchen and got ready for this beast, Luz suited up from any metal from the kitchen. Using some duck tape, Luz made her armor with two pillow under two metal trays for her front and back, a round pot strainer on her head, metal pot lids tapped on her shoulders and forearms, and boxing tape from her bag with orange gloves on her hands while her legs were wrapped in tape. Luz jumped a bit in place before throwing air punches, testing her new weight now that she was in makeshift armor.

"Alright, I'm ready. King?" Luz said as she turned King, seeing his armor was just a pillow taped to his chest and with his stuffed bunny, Francois, in his hands.

"Wee!" He let out as he held the bunny up in his hands.

Luz let her arms go limb before putting the pot strainer on his head and going towards some hockey sticks near the kitchen wall.

"We I said "armor up," I meant more than just a pillow." Luz said as she grabbed one of the sticks and returned to King, knelled down and pushing it in his hands. She knocked on his strainer covered head a bit before nodding. "There, now you've got at least some armor and a weapon."

Luz got up from the ground and pulled out a spare notepad she got from King along with the pen her used earlier, drawing the light glyph she learn and creating an orb of light in her hand.

"Good thing I was able to figure out the spell before all this happened, let's go." Luz said as they made their way to Eda's room, remaining on guard for the beast that was in the owl house with them.

They carefully made their way up the stairs and towards Eda's room, seeing the door slightly ajar.

"Be ready, King." Luz said as she lead the way into the room, moving the door completely open to see it was trashed like the den and her window broken! "Eda!"

"Oh no! The demon got her!" King said as Luz ran to the nest, checking for clues if Eda was taken alive or not.

"King, time to put your knowledge to use! How do we find it before it eats Eda!?" Luz asked him.

"Let me get my demon book, it should have some notes!" King said as he dropped the hockey stick and tried to leave but Luz stopped him and shoved the hockey stick back in his hands.

"Oh no! We ain't splitting up, that'll only lead to the demon picking either you or me off! We stay together!" Luz said as she pointed in his face before they both heard something woosh past the door. "There it is, come on!"

Pick up the small demon and sticking him in her hoodie hood, Luz ran after the demon and ignored the danger to focus more on saving her teacher.

'I don't care what you are or where you came from put if you hurt my friend, I swear to the gods of this world, mine, and the next! Te enviaré de vuelta al infierno donde perteneces!' Luz thought as she rounded a corner, seeing dead end hallway with a closet. 'There it is!'

Luz marched to the door and opened it, King shivering in fear as they look around for the beast and saw feet under some coat racks.

"Nowhere to run now!" Luz shouted as she pulled back the coats and readied her fist but stopped when she saw what it really was, a very different demon than the one they saw earlier.

"Snaggleback?" King questioned as his fear disappeared, seeing the demon he made sound so ferocious actually be a small pink-furred demon that appears to be an ape with yellow fangs and a teal tortoise shell on his back with small spikes cowering with it's hands on it's head.

"That is the Snaggleback?" Luz asked as her anger and worry faded away. "It is nothing like what you showed me in the den."

"I-I-I am terribly sorry, I just need a way to get out of the rain." it said to them in a gentle male voice.

"Then why did you bust into our home and wreck everything?" King asked as he pointed to the Snaggleback with the hockey stick. "Bad Snaggleback, bad."

"King, look at him, he obviously wasn't the one who busted into the house or did all the damage." Luz said as she moved the hockey stick away from the small demon.

"What? But wait, if he wasn't the one that did all this, what did we see earlier?" King asked as his fear was coming back.

A crash come from above them before a giant claw reached down and grabbed the snaggleback.

"Oh no! Help me!" he screamed as them as the hand pulled him up into a whole in the roof.

"Run!" King said as Luz quickly exited the closer, moving away right as the beast from before crashed down into the hall and faced the closet.

It growled eerily before hacking up the shell of the Snaggleback, eaten him before it slowly turned around to them and roared at the duo.

"AHH!" They screamed at it as the beast charged at them, trying to bite them until Luz ducked under the bite and uppercut it's jaw.

The beast recoiled slightly from the hit before shaking it's head before roaring at them again, this time slashing at them. Luz lifted up her arms to block, thankful for the pot lids as they withstood the damage but the force send Luz out of the small closet hallway and hitting the wall behind her. King was quick to jump on top of her head to avoid getting crush while Luz's back armor absorbed most of the impact.

'Thank god for this pseudo armor.' Luz thought as she looked to see the beast charging at them.

"Run!" King said as he threw the hockey stick at the beast, getting it in the eye as Luz got up and ran away letting it hit the wall were she once was.

The human ran as fast as she could to get away from the beast as it chanced after them and wasn't going to stop until it ate them!

"It's right behind us!" King said as he looked back to it! "Do something, please! I'm too young to be eaten!"

"Like what?! My fists can only do so much!" Luz said back to him.

"How about that light spell you learned?! Blind it or something!" King said as he quickly used his strainer helmet to block a claw slash that could've killed both of them. "Hurry, it's gaining!"

Luz didn't answer as she quickly pulled out the notepad and pen, drawing as big as circle as the paper could hold for the glyph before taping i and making a small orb in her hand.

"Here goes!" Luz shouted as she quickly spun on the balls of her feet and brought the light orb to the creature. "YAH!"

The orb popped with a flash as the beast got close, screeching in pain from the light but what it didn't know was that in that moment, Luz finally got a good enough look at it and what she saw shocked her to the core.

'E-E-Eda?' she thought as everything seemed to slow down around her while she saw her magic teacher, her friend, turn out the be the monster that was chasing them and wrecked the house.

She was covered in grey fur with ears bigger then before with grey hair coming out, black and brown feathered wings. Her arms and face were still the same but her eyes were now fully black and her legs shaped to look like the leg of a wolf but their a pair of owl legs.

Luz stood there for a second as she saw Eda recoil in pain before her body moved before she could think and ran back to Eda's room, shutting the door behind them them. Before King could say anything, Luz quickly clasped a hand over his mouth, forcing him to be quiet as she heard Eda stalk past her room.

"Mmm!" he let out as Luz spun him to face her, making him stop struggling to see her shocked face.

"King, that thing...the one that's been destroying Eda." Luz said said slowly as his eyes widened in shock, letting go of his mouth as she put him on the floor.

"Bu-But how?! How did she turn into that thing?!" King asked as Luz was trying to think of an answer, looking around the room for close before noticing a bottle on the ground.

The same bottle she saw earlier when she brought Eda up to sleep in her bed/nest. She moved King aside and crawled to it, taking it in her hands before reading a tag tied to the top.

"An elixir a day, keeps the curse at bay." Luz said before turning to King, the answer now clear to her. "King, she's cursed! Eda has a curse on her!"

As Luz said that, a large clawed hand slammed through the door and shocked the duo. Thinking fast, Luz grabbed King and took him over to the balcony in Eda's room and ducked behind it.

"Don't make a sound!" she quickly and quietly said to King as Eda busted the door down, entering to try and find them.

They both kept quiet as she stalked around for them, sniffing around like a bloodhound. If they had any chance of trying to figure out a way to help Eda, they need to get her out of the room long enough for them to think of a plan! Looking around, Luz saw a small plant in a can and reached for it slowly. She quickly tossed it towards the door and made enough noise for Eda to notice it, running to catch her "prey." Once she was gone, the duo let out a breath of relieve as they relaxed for the moment.

"Oh man, this is bad! Eda's turned into a demon monster and we don't know how to stop her!" King said, slowly going into a panic before Luz took his strainer helmet off and patted his head to calm him down. "Luz?"

King looked up to her and saw the same thing he was feeling, fear yet he could also see determination. Like she had her fear under control and could think rationally in this moment more than he could.

"Calm down, please." Luz said to him as she took out the pen and notepad, placing them in front of King. "Right now, your demon know how is our only chance of helping Eda."

"M-Me?" King asked while pointing to himself.

"Yes, you. Who else could help in this situation than the king of demons?" Luz asked him with a small smile on her face.

King then felt the last of his fear disappear as he picked up the pen and jumped into Luz's arms for a hug.

"Hehehehe!" he giggled before breaking the hug and turning to the notepad, drawing a quick picture of demon Eda. "Okay, serious time. From what we've seen, Eda's cursed demon form is large, fast, covered in feathers, and she has large black eyes. With demon that have large eyes, their always sensitive towards bright lights."

"Like when I threw that light orb at her in the hallway!" Luz said as she pointed to King. "So the key is to create a large enough source of light to knock her out!"

"And then we can drag her back her and fix her, she must have a spare bottle around here." King said to Luz.

"Now that we've got a plan, we just have to put it into play." Luz said as she stood up. "Come on, let's get to work."

Meanwhile in the den, Eda was stalking around for her prey and trying to find their scent. She was currently sniffing an open book with a witch diagram on it before she suddenly heard the sound of clicking. Standing on her hind legs, Eda turned to the source and saw King leaning against a doorway with the pen in hand as the diamond on top was glowing and shiny.

"Oh my, was it this? So shiny shiny, right?" he asked her while she was entranced by the shining light of the pen.

'Shiny.' the word came to her feral mind before she lunged at King, wanting the shiny!

King took off running and leading Eda to the trap he and Luz had planned. He took haste and turned corner before slipping around another, leaving Eda to try and catch him only to slip on a pile of books and papers that were left out for her. Eda was sent crashing into another wall before a tarp was suddenly thrown over her, causing her to growl and shriek as she tried to get it off.

"Sorry, Eda! This is the only way to help you!" Luz said as she was standing on top of a ladder, turning back to a wall and finishing a large version of the light spell glyph! "Time to end this nightmare!"

Luz jumped from the ladder and turned to Eda, raising her right fist and slamming it to the glyph to activate it. The hallway was soon filled with light as Eda got the tarp off, blinded by the light but covered her eye to try and resist it.

'No! She's blocking it!' Luz thought as she looked to the crayon in her hands, the one she used to draw the glyph before looking at her glows. 'I don't know if this will work, but it's worth a shot!'

Luz quickly drew two more glyphs on the glove palms and threw the crayon away, clapping her hands together before the glyphs activated. The gloves began to crumble in and form light orbs around her hands, causing Luz to recoil in pain from the burning, but she endured it and clenched her fists.

"RAH!" she cried as she rushed to Eda, alarming her to swipe at Luz but the human ducked under the slash before bringing both her fists up into Eda's chin. "Feel the light!"

The double uppercut was enough to force Eda's eyes open and face the light from both her fists and the hallway, making her screech from the overwhelming light. A thud was soon heard as the light died down and King looked to see Eda on the ground with Luz standing above her.

"You did! The plan worked!" King cheered as he ran to Luz but stopped when he saw her smoking hands, the boxing tape had took a lot of the damage and her fingers were only a bit red but Luz was still hurt. "Luz, your hands."

"It's fine, King. Just a little water and they'll be fine." Luz said through clenched teeth before she reached into her pocket and pulled out a bottle of curse fighting elixir, a spare they found in Eda's closet before putting their plan into action. "Right now, Eda comes first."

Luz went to her open mouth and uncorked the bottle, slowly pouring all of the glowing liquid down her throat and waited for it to do it's job. King and Luz didn't have to wait long until the effect happened and Eda's jewel turned from black to it's normal amber color, her body slowly reverting back to normal along with her clothes.

"It worked, she's back!" King said, happy to see Eda was back to normal.

"Yeah, now let's get her back to her room. Hopefully she'll come to soon and we can get some answers while explaining to her as well." Luz said as she went to pick up Eda, flinching in pain from her hands.

"Luz." King said in worry for her slightly burned hands.

"I'll be fine, King. I just need some cool water, soothing ointment, and bandages." Luz said as she picked up Eda and began carrying her to her room while King went to get the things Luz asked for.

20 minutes later, after Luz put Eda back in her nest and King brought her everything she needed for her burns, the owl lady came to and sat up in her nest.

"Urgh! My head, what happened? And why does my mouth taste like road kill?" Eda asked before she gagged and vomited over the side of her nest.

Though it wasn't vomit as it was a giant owl pellet, ones that normal owls dedicate to get ride of the bones of their eaten pray. The pellet soon cracked open and reveal the eaten snaggleback, alive and unharmed except for some discomfort.

"I'm just gonna lie here for a bit." he said as he just laid in the cracked pellet.

"And when did I ever eat you?" she questioned before King walked up to her.

"When turned into that cursed monster and ate him while hunting us." he said as Eda turned to him.

"King? What are you doing here and how do you-" she tried to asked before he shushed her and pointed up.

Turning her gazed to the ceiling, Eda was met with the surprising sight of light orbs, dozens in her room and floating all around.

"Where did these come from?" she asked the demon.

"From me." Luz said as she walked up to Eda, her hands wrapped in bandages and her armor now gone, with a notepad, pen, and her phone in her hands.

"But how?" Eda asked.

"You showed me." Luz said as she show Eda her phone, showing her the inverted and bolded frame of the video she recorded earlier. "I was able to figure it out and found a spell glyph inside the circle you drew. I think this must've been how ancient witches did magic."

"Wow, you really did it." Eda said as Luz put her phone away.

"Now, about this curse you hide from us." Luz said before she help up a finger. "But first."

Eda was about to say something before Luz gave her a hard slap in on the left cheek, causing her head to spin 360 degrees twice before it stopped.

"OW!" she said as she rubbed her cheek and neck.

"That was for not trusting us to tell us about your curse. I know you probably did it to protect us or yourself but we're your friends. We deserve to know when you have a problem so we can all find a way to fix it." Luz said as she ignored her slightly throbbing hand, her burns not completely healed yet but not as bad as before.

"Fix it, huh?" Eda asked as she still rubbed her cheek, gazing down to Luz's bandaged hands. "Guess you should take your own advice, huh? What happened to your hands?"

"Oh, these. I sort of hand to use the light glyph on some gloves I was wearing and deck you in the chin. Hurt more than I though it would." Luz said as Eda for Luz's hands.

After taking them in her own, she draw a spell circle around them and made them glow. A little healing magic here and Luz's hands were good as new.

"I was gonna tell you about but your curse seemed more important." Luz said as she took her hands back, opening and closing her healed hands for any pain.

"Yeah, well I suppose you're right." Eda said as she put her hands down. "When I was younger, I was cursed and I can't even remember HOW it happened."

"And that's why people call you "The Owl Lady." Because of your curse." Luz said, piecing it together.

"Right on the money, Kid." Eda said as she picked up an empty bottle of elixir near her nest "No one likes having a curse, but as long as I take the proper steps to manage it, I should be fine."

"You sure?" Luz asked her.

"Yeah, kid. I'm sure but enough about me." Eda said as she gestured to all the light orbs Luz made. "Look at what you did, all of this magic without a magic bile sack. Nice job, kid."

"Thanks, I had some great friends to help me out along the way." Luz said as she smiled to her and King.

The tender moment, however, was soon interrupted by a certain door guardian coming to from his run in with Eda's curse form.

"Hello?! HOOT! HEY! Anybody there?! I'M ON THE FLOOR! IT'S COLD!" Hooty called to them.

"That voice, that stupid voice!" King said in annoyance as he made his way downstairs to Hooty.

"We'll clean up the mess you made while you rest, Eda." Luz said as she grabbed the Snaggleback from the ground. "Alright, little fellow. Let's patch you up and set you free."

"Ow, ow! I think my tail was digested!" he said in a bit of pain.

As she left, Eda turned her eyes towards Luz's hands and what she said she did to knock her out.

'Magic with gloves, huh? Maybe I should make her something like that to avoid that injury issue again.' Eda thought as she laid in her nest, going back to sleep as Luz and King cleaned up the damage she did around the house.

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