Mother Knows Worst!

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Luz's attire in this story: A red sleeveless open hoodie/hoodie vest, black sports tank top that goes to her stomach, dark blue shorts, black leggings to her calves and black steel toed slip on sneakers.

Luz's Glyph Gloves: Wrist length grayish black gloves with a texture mix of paper and leather, smooth yet tough.

Light Glyph: Located on the palm, below the middle and ring fingers, center.

Fire Glyph: Located on the palm, in the area below the thumb.

Plant Glyph: Located on the palm, above the wrist at the base of the hand below the center of the palm.

Ice Glyph: Located on the palm, in the area between the thumb and pointer finger.

Power Glyph (symbol of Construction Coven): Located on the back of right hand.

Healing Glyph (symbol of the Healing Coven): Located on the back of left hand.

Her Kickboxing stance: Fists in front of her face, knees slightly bent, right foot back and her left foot forward.
Eda's and Lilith's Glyph Gloves (1 each):Fingerless gloves that reach the forearm with the four glyphs down the center of the arm in the order of light, ice, plant, and fire.

Eda's Glove: Right hand.

Lilith's Glove: Left hand.

Luz Noceda, The Fighter Opening: Believe in Myself Cover By NateWantsToBattle (I do not own this song)

Luz stands before the cliff over the boiling sea next to the owl house, letting the wind blow through her hair and clothes.

Believe in myself

And my dream this world

It will never end

Luz lifted her hands up, looking at her glyph gloves before she clenched them into fists, gaining a looking of determination.

I'll chase it

I'll speed up!

Speed up!

She activated her fire glyphs and slammed her fists together in a flash!

I'm running faster

Chasing what's in front of me

Now I'll just believe in myself

Luz is now walking through Bonesborough, thinking of her life.

You light my fire

Your touch ignites

The flames in my heart

Makes me want to feel your emotion

Her life on Earth, lonely and full of anger with the only person by her side being her mother, Camila.

Whatever will be, will be

How our hearts are crashing waves

And our souls are vast like an ocean

Her life in the demon realm however, was full of adventures, close friends, and love with Eda, King, Gus, Willow, and Amity by her side.

With the strongest tides we'll drown our sorrows

In a dark void, Eda and Lilith side by side while facing a shadow silhouette of the owl beast, pointing their glyph gloves at it.

Take my hand and tell me

Are you ready to play fair?

Luz and the Golden Guard stood on the battlefield, ready to fight each other!

Believe in myself

And my dream this world

Luz blasted towards G.G., throwing a punch and a kick that he dodged before he jumped into the air.

It will never end

Golden Guard fired a barrage of red energy blasts at Luz, creating a smokescreen!

I'll chase it

I'll speed up!

Speed up!

Luz jumped from the smoke and punched at Golden Guard, clashing her fist against his staff!

Believe in myself

You're not alone now

A transparent silhouette of Luz was running as she passed by all the friends she made (Eda, King, Willow, Gus, the Blight twins, Boscha and her crew, the Human Appreciation Society, the dual track students, and Amity).

And our future is near

It's coming

Luz was now running past a line up of her enemies, the Emperor's Coven (including Kikimora and the Golden Guard).

Let's speed up!

Speed up!

The ultimate enemy rose like a giant, Belos, with his eyes glowing before lightning flashed before him.

I'm running faster

Chasing what's in front of me

Luz was back at the cliff near the owl house, sitting as she looked up to the moon before Amity walked up to her.

Now I'll just believe in myself

She sat down next to Luz before holding her hand, gazing at the moon with her.

Sleeping on the kitchen counter, Luz had spent all night researching ways on how to create a portal back to her home world but so far, nothing had come with results. From the oldest tomes in Eda's house to any other methods, but none of them bared any fruit. So much so that Luz fell asleep with a frown on her face, an angry frown that nothing she found was useful!

"Hey, kid, rise and shine." Eda said, jolting Luz from her frustrating sleep.

"Hmmm." Luz let out, slowly blinking her eyes open and leaning up to see Eda standing next to the fridge.

She was wearing an entirely new outfit, a longer three-toned maroon dress with mid-length sleeves and a ripped hem with light gray leggings with dark gray boots.

"Nice new get up." Luz commented as she yawned.

"Thanks. So, any luck with your research?" Eda asked, opening the fridge.

"Nothing. And I've read about every tome, book, and paper scroll. I even looked over some tea leaves, and the tea was a lot better than the result." Luz said as she showed Eda a cup of tea leaves, that form a shrugging figure. "Nothing that could help me create a new portal back to Earth."

"Eh, buck up, kid. Just because you haven't found a solution yet, doesn't mean it isn't out there." Eda said as she walked to pat Luz on the back. "My door was already pretty old when I found it."

"So you didn't make it or find out who made it?" Luz asked.

"Afraid not. I just got lucky when I was around your age and kept it ever since. But hey, we'll find a way to recreate it or maybe we'll find another one." Eda said as she tussled Luz's hair.

"I guess you're right." Luz said as she put the cup down and sighed a bit.

'But still...' Luz thought.

"AAAAAAAH!" Someone screamed, bring them out of their thought.

Eda and Luz rushed into the den before gasping, seeing Lilith on the floor. Her hands and face were covered in feather as the curse was acting up with her!

"Eda, Luz! Help!" She screamed, reaching out to them.

Eda acted fast and ran to the couch, pulling up a pillow to reveal a hidden elixir.

"Alright, I got you. Don't worry." Eda said as she moved to her sister, making her lay on her lap. "The curse can become worse if you're stressed, so try to keep calm."

Eda gentle poured the elixir into Lilith's mouth, making the curse recede as the feathers retracted into her body. Lilith stood up and regained her composure.

"Thank you." She said, before noticing that her hand popped off. "EEP!"

"Oh fuck!" Luz cursed in shock.

"Oh, let me get that." Eda said as she picked it up from the ground. "That happens because of the curse. It's kind of funny sometimes."

"G-Good to know." Lilith said as Eda put her left hand back on.

"There you go... just... make sure to keep an eye on it, sometime these limbs have a mind of their own." Eda said.

"And if you ever need a quick fix, I've got elixir stashes all around the house. Check under the couch, behind the plants, and even on the ceiling; you'll find some."

Eda moved to Luz and pulled one out of her own hoodie!

"What the hell? When did you put that there?" Luz asked in shock.

"Don't worry about it. And there's another one in there, so keep it handy." Eda said.

"I had no idea I caused you this much agony. I can't even begin to apologize." Lilith said as Eda walked up to her.

"Eh, don't worry about it. Some good things came from this. King, Luz, Hooty." Eda said before giving the elixir to Lilith. "And my sister back. Just let me know if you need anything, okay?"

"Okay." Lilith said with a nod.

Lilith laid on the couch and looked at the bottle, while Eda and Luz went outside to continue their conversation.

"So back to the portal, you really don't know where it came from?" Luz asked her teacher.

"Nope, I didn't really think much about it at the time. I found it in the dirt and use it to go to your world. No big deal." Eda said as she crossed her arms.

"And you didn't tell anyone about? Didn't ask around?" Luz asked her.

"Why the heck would I do that? And why so interested in my past right now?" Eda asked with a small smirk.

"Why would I not if it could help me?" Luz replied.

Eda groaned at this, bringing up memories of what led her to finding the portal in the first place.

"If you want to know, I was running away from someone." Eda said as she looked away.

"Well, that doesn't surprise me." Luz said as she counted with her fingers. "Who was it this time? Cops, boyfriends, girlfriends, someone you stole from?"

"No, not that." Eda said grimacing with a frown. "I was running from something far worse."

"What?" Luz asked.

"I believe that would be me!" A voice called out.

Luz looked up and saw a tornado coming towards them.

"You never told me there were talking tornados!" Luz said in shock!

'More crazy weather?!' Luz thought.

The tornado stopped and an elderly woman in a purple dress with a long shepherds hook staff with a massive bird on top.

"Hello, Witchlet." She said, smiling at Eda. "Come here and let me look at you!"

She ran over to try and hug Eda, but Eda held her back with a hand to the head.

"Gwendolyn." Eda said in disgust.

Eda pushed her back a bit but Gwendolyn just smiled at her.

"Oh, are you still on that, Edalyn? I'm not some stranger, I'm your mother. Call me "mom." Gwendolyn said.

"Mom?!" Luz and Lilith, who heard from inside and pushed open a window, shouted in shock.

"She's your mom?!" Luz asked as Lilith rushed out through the window.

"I am so glad you're alright! After that nasty petrification ceremony, I could only assume the worst!" Gwendolyn said as she looked Eda over before Eda pushed her away. "I swear, the next time I see the Emperor, he and I will have words!"

"Great, why don't you go do that." Eda said, pushing Gwendolyn away.

"Edalyn, no stop! That is our mother!" Lilith said as she went and stopped her sister, smiling at Gwendolyn. "Hello, mother. It's good to see you. And I was against the petrification, I never would've joined Belos's coven if he was going to do that to Edalyn."

'Yet he lied to you for years.' Luz and Eda thought with blank looks.

"Oh that's good to hear, sweet flea but I need to speak about something important with Edalyn." Gwendolyn said as she "delicately" moved Lilith aside, ignoring the sadden expression she gained.

"I have come with great news! I have finally completed my mission!" Gwen said.

"Mission?" Luz asked.

"Oh boy." Eda said, pinching the bridge of her nose.

"After 30 long years, I have found a way to cure your curse!" Gwen said with a wide smile.

"No thanks." Eda said instantly.

"What?!" Luz, Lilith, Gwendolyn said in shock, looking at Eda.

"I said no thanks, I am fine with my elixirs. I don't need another one of your crazy "cures."" Eda said with air quotes.

'Another one? This has happened before?' Luz thought.

"Edalyn, do you know what's in those disgusting elixirs you take?" Gwendolyn asked, appalled.

"Yes, I do. I was in the potions track, remember?" Eda asked with her arms crossed. "I know what's in them and I know they're safe to drink."

"But Edalyn!" Gwendolyn said before Eda grabbed her staff.

"Great catching up, have a safe trip back, all that shit." Eda said, getting her mom on her staff and sending her away. "Bye!"

Eda had a smile of satisfaction as she dusted her hands off and turned to Luz and Lilith, the former looking strangely at her and the latter looking shocked.

"What?" Eda asked.

"What?! You just kicked your mom out like she was nothing!" Luz shouted at her. "Do you know how much I would pay to see my mom right now?!"

"I haven't seen mother in years! And you just turned her away after saying she had a cure for our curse!" Lilith said as she walked up to Eda.

"Look, I get you two are upset but relax. She comes around here every year saying she can "cure" me when most of her cures almost kill me." Eda said as she walked back into her house. "I'm done getting my hopes up with mom, I don't hate her. I just don't want anything to do with her if she's like this."

"Wait, mother visits you...every year?" Lilith said, feeling even more saddened as she slowly walked inside of the house. "And she's.....never visited me once since I moved out."

Luz decided to walk away from the house, knowing that things like this don't usually come out cut and dry. Especially if what Eda said was true about her mother coming around every year with false cures.

'I'm probably going to need to figure out what this so called "cure" is.' She thought, seeing Gwen land a small distance away.

"Hey, Gwen, wait!" Luz said, getting her attention. "I'm Luz, Eda's apprentice. Look, I get you want to help but-"

"No no, I understand. Living with that curse for so long, I can't imagine all that she's been through. It created such a rift between us." Gwen said, with a hand on her chest.

"Yeah, there's a lot of rifts between mothers and daughters lately." Luz said, thinking about the dimensional rift between her and her mother. "Wish there was something to help both of us."

Gwen thought about this for a moment before smiling, looking back to Luz.

"Luz, come with me. I think I know someone that can solve BOTH of our problems." Gwen said as she got back on her staff, gesturing for Luz to get on.

'Mom always said I shouldn't follow strangers... but that's how I ended up in this situation in the first place. So...who cares?' Luz thought with a shrug.

Luz got on the staff and hung on as Gwendolyn flies them away from the owl house. She told her about some information she came across in her journey to cure Eda and if Luz helped her, Gwen would give her that information.

'Classic Clawthorne dealing.' Luz thought but agreed all the same.

"You see Luz, after years of dealing with the Healing Coven and their medical nonsense, I finally found someone that can give me an actual cure for Edalyn." Gwen said before they reached their destination. "And he is right here."

It... was a cliff wall in the middle of the forest, no signs of anyone around for miles. Not even animals.

'Okay, Eda's not the only alcoholic in the Clawthorne family.' Luz thought with a blank expression on her face.

Gwendolyn held up an amulet with a strange symbol around her neck, causing a large rock to glow and bare the sand symbol, before it moved aside to reveal a hidden doorway.

"Oh shit!" Luz said with open eyes. "How long has this been here!? Are there other places like this!?"

Gwendolyn chuckled at her as she walked forward.

"Secret passages like this exist all over the Isles, you just need to know where to look." She said.

"I'll keep that in, about this guy you found?" Luz said as she rushed to catch up with Gwen.

"What about him?" Gwendolyn asked.

"Just tell me a bit about him, you know? If this guy is as good as you say he is, I'm surprised Eda didn't search fro him a while now." Luz said as she looked around the dark cave, finding light close by. "What's his name anyway?"

"Master Wortlop." Gwen said, "He's been helping me find a cure for Edalyn... and all it cost is my entire life savings."

Luz stopped, gaining a blank look once more as she came to an instant conclusion.

'Oh my god, she fell for a fucking scammer.' Luz thought.

Living with Eda for all these months taught her how to identify a scammer pretty quickly, especially since the Adegast incident. If this guy was anything like him or worse, then Gwen was going to be broke long before she "finds" a cure for Eda. Before long, the two of them stop before an old witch with purple skin, a blue jewel on his forehead, long white hair and beard with four arms was sitting on an altar covered with steps, crystals, candles, tree roots, and a waterfall behind him. He wore a pale gray robe with a large green orb necklace around his neck, a staff with a diamond top in his top right hand and a similar orb bracelet in his lower left hand.

'I'll give him this, he's really selling this con.' Luz thought as a gremlin with boils on his eyelids kneels in front of him.

"Please help me, Master Wortlop. My eyes, they're so itchy." He said, looking up to Wortlop.

He waves his hand, making a spell circle, which then caused the gremlin to float in the air as boils disappeared from his face.

Gwen was in awe of his healing abilities while Luz kept a straight face, having a feeling this was also part of the con.

'It's impressive how much detail they put into this con.' Luz thought.

"Oh thank you, Wortlop! Thank you!" The gremlin said as he walked away with tears of joy.

"Luz, say hello to the best traveling curse expert on the Boiling Isles. He has perfect next-level healing magic that puts even the Healing Coven head to shame." Gwen said as Wortlop gestured for them to come forward. "Oh! Hold this, dear. I'll be right back!"

Gwen have Luz her staff as she rushed to Wortlop, knelling before him with a bow.

"My star pupil, Gwendolyn. Your aura is shining brightly as always." Wortlop said, complimenting her.

"Thank you, master Wortlop. It took many month but I finally have all the sacred items you requested." Gwen said as she pulled out a bag from behind her.

'Sacred items?' Luz thought, narrowing her eyes a bit.

"The copper egg from the Snowy Rib Cage?" He asked as Gwen pulled out an egg shaped, shiny copper or gem from the bag.

"Yes. And the silver dagger from the Swampy Toes." Gwen said as she pulled out a silver dagger with a purple hulk with a star design. "And finally, the golden chalice from the desert of Palm Stings."

Holding it before him, Gwen presented a glowing golden chalice cup with a multiple eye design.

"You are a very dedicated mother, aren't you?" Wortlop asked, opening his glowing eyes and stroking his beard. "It's quiet admirable."

'And a fucking blind one as well.' Luz thought, groaning inside at how badly Gwen was falling for this.

Wortlop clapped his lower hands together, pulling them apart to summon a sort of spell book.

"Inside of this ancient tome lies the healing ability you seek. Follow its instructions to the letter and your daughter will be healed." Wortlop said as the book floated to Gwen's hands. "But be warned, keep it away from the eyes of nonbelievers. They may be blinded and enticed by the power it holds."

"I understand, master." Gwen said as she gazed at the book in awe before smiling. "I am in your debt."

Luz resisted the urge to roll her eyes.

"Come along, Luz, we have work to do." Gwen said, standing up and leaving.

"Coming." Luz said as she gazed at Wortlop again before following Gwen out of the cave.

After a brief flight back to the owl house, Gwen and Luz began working on the "cure" for Eda in the form of a trail away from the house. Their bait? A fake promise of apple blood on a sign that "Apple Blood" with an arrow.

'I can't believe I'm doing this.' Luz thought as she finished the first sign. 'Eda, please don't fall for this.'

She hoped Eda wouldn't... but she knew she would.

Luz had, loosely, tied a trap as Gwen came flying in with her eagle like palisman carrying her.

"Excellent work, Luz. With your knowledge of Edalyn and Wortlop's tome, we'll have her cured by sundown." Gwen said as she landed and her palisman turned back into a staff.

"Yep. Apple Blood might as well be her own blood with how much she drinks it." Luz said as she got up. "So, back to Wortlop, what did you have to do to become his pupil?"

"Oh, many many things." Gwen said as she looked through the book before putting it away. "To prove my worth, I spend the last year on many dangerous quests. With only a few scars to show but I see them marks of loyalty."

To show proof, Gwen flexed her right arm to show it was VERY muscular and covered with various scars.

"Holy hell, woman! You don't miss an arm day." Luz said, comparing it to her own bicep.

"Work hard, and one day you'll be as... ripped... as me." Gwen said, no longer flexing her arm. "At least I think you kids say "Ripped.""

"No, we still do." Luz said to her.

Suddenly, the two of them heard leaves rustling.

"Oh! That must be Eda. Quickly, hide!" Gwen said as she rushed off to a large tree.

'The moment this is too much, I'm putting an end to it.' Luz thought as she followed Gwen, climbing up the tree.

Before long, Eda came into view with her staff and her glyph glove at the ready.

"Alright, signs. Lead mama to her happy juice." Eda said as she rubbed her hands together, unaware of Luz and Gwen watching from above.

"Alright, according to Wortlop's tome, we need to lower the defenses of the curse with special crystals. They're suppose to be quiet calming." Gwen said as the book floated next to her.

Suddenly, a sharp crystal dropped down and made Eda step back to dodge!

"What the heck?" Eda said before looking up and seeing more crystals falling! "Oh crud!"

With a quick draw, Eda pushed the ice glyph on her glove and created an arch to cover her as the crystals broke against the ice.

"Phew! Guess Knife season came early this year." Eda said, before seeing a growing shadow through the ice. "Hmm?"

Looking out up from the arch, Eda screamed before moving away as a giant crystal smashed through her cover! A cloud of dirt rose as Eda was on the ground, breathing heavily from nearly dying before feathers sprang up around her body!

A cloud of dirt rose as Eda was on the ground, breathing heavily from nearly dying before feathers sprang up around her body!

" what you call calming?!" Luz asked through grit teeth, turning to Gwen! "Her curse is already flaring up!"

"I know it looks bad but it's alright, the text says that it's just the curse being driven out." Gwen said as she turned a few more pages.

"And you're SURE this will work?" Luz asked, glaring at Gwen a bit.

"I am positive. Don't worry, after today, Edalyn won't have to drink those vile little elixirs again." Gwen said as she pulled out a satchel bag. "Now, the next step is to put that beast "on ice.""

Gwen opened the satchel and released a small cloud with a humanoid face.

It released a large gust of wind and snow pile, resulting in Eda getting covered in snow like an Eda shaped snow man.

"Ugh!" Eda let out, shaking snow off her face.

For the next few hours, Luz had to endure Gwen's "remedies" inflicted on her mentor. From freezing her solid, to trapped her in a flaming inferno, to even using flying snakes! If it wasn't for her glyph gloves countering them, she would be DEAD by now.

"Looks like this curse is even nastier than I thought." Gwen said as they watched Eda be flung from a hidden trap and land in a bush.

"Okay, this has gone on long enough. Gwen, none of these are working. It's time to stop." Luz said as she turned to Gwen, only to see she was on a crow phone.

"Yes, I'm sending it right now." She said softly before hanging up.

"What was that? What did you do?" Luz asked with narrowed eyes.

"Oh, it's nothing. Wortlop just told me the ancient time was just the start of a series. So I just sold some old family heirlooms to get the rest." Gwen said as she gave the crow phone a sack of jewels before picking up the book.

"You sold your family heirlooms!?" Luz shouted before standing up. "Alright, that's it! Give me that stupid book!"

Gwen saw this and held Luz back, closing the book.

"No, Luz. Only those that have-" Gwen said before Luz punched her in the stomach! "Guh!"

She held her stomach as Luz took the book from her, looking through the pages!

"Bees for an existential dread? Aroma therapy for broken legs? Super sword? X-Ray oculars? Bird songs for stuffy noses?!" Luz shouted before shutting the book. "Gwen this book is bullshit! Wortlop has been scamming for who who knows how long and you blindly let him!"

"A fake? That's ridiculous! I would never spent my life savings on a fake." Gwen said as she recovered and took the book back.

"I think you would because you're too stupid and too proud to admit it. You may want what's best for Eda but so do I. This is off!" Luz said as she reached into her hood and pulled out the second elixirs Eda hid in there.

It was a good think Eda told Luz it was there and reminded her to keep it handy. She was about of go help Eda, when Gwen's staff hook stopped her and pulled her back.

"No, Luz. I can't let you do that." Gwen said as she took for the elixir from Luz. "I thought we were on the same side. According to Wortlop, poisons like this are made by healers and potionist it's that just want to make a quick buck."

To prove her point, Gwen opened the book to show two pages that slander potions/elixirs while saying you should only spend money on Wortlop's ''methods."

"Seriously? Do you not hear how contradictory that this?!" Luz shouted before taking a breath. "Forget it, I'm done with this. I'll head back and get more from the house."

"Actually, there's no point in doing that either." Gwen said with a cheery smile as her palisman came flying in and dropped a sack FULL of Eda's and Lilith's elixirs! "I already had Hawksley clear our every bottle hours ago!"

"What? Do you have ANY idea of what you've done?!" Luz shouted, enraged at the complete idiot of a mother! "Why would you do this?!"

"Because I am a mother and I know what's best for my daughter." Gwen said as she was about to throw the elixirs away before Luz grabbed her left hand!

"You!" Luz shouted as she pulled Gwen towards her! "Don't know SHIT!"

She drove her knee into Gwen stomach, making her gasp in pain, and hit her jaw with a left straight! Luz then took the elixir and sack of elixirs from Gwen, who fell to the ground, before jumping down after her. Luz landed on the ground, with Gwen close behind her.

This got Eda's attention as she turned around, seeing her mother in the ground and her student holding a strange sack in her shoulder.

"Hey, what in the name of-" Eda asked before Luz stepped forward.

"Drink now, I'll explain later." Luz said as she opened the elixir in her hand and forced it into Eda's mouth, making her drink it and forcing the feathers away.

"Luz, no!" Gwen said as her palisman returned to her side.

"Shut up! None of this would be happening if you weren't a dumbass and cared more about being right than being a DECENT mother!" Luz shouted as Eda removed the bottle from her mouth.

"Okay, can someone please tell me what is going?!" Eda asked, confused and still upset after being nearly killed all day!

"Yeah, I can." Luz said to Eda.

Before she could, King came running through the woods, clearly in a panic.

"King?" Eda and Luz asked in surprise.

"Guys, we've got a problem! Lilith was stressing out after you left and the light glyph didn't work and and-" King said as he pointed behind him.

"RAAAAAAH!" A roar was heard, along with a large shadow flying above before landing before the group!

It was Lilith, not as an Owl Beats but a Raven Beast! Bigger with a pitch black body, black hair, a longer neck, her ears having small ridges with no hair growing out from them, and two humongous gray wings on her back! Her left, front leg also appeared to be dark blue to symbolize the glyph glove she was wearing before she turned.

"Lilith turned into that!" King shouted as he pointed to Lilith!

"Oh, this is BAD." Luz said with wide eyes.

"Sweet flea?" Gwen asked in shock and sadness.

"Rooooooh!" Raven Beast Lilith roared, unable to understand them.

"Eda, the bag I'm holding has all the elixirs from the house. Gwen stole them." Luz said as she slowly moved to give them to Eda. "Use one to fix her before-"

Stomping her left front leg, Raven Beast Lilith summoned a row of ice spikes to grow between them and stab through the bag!

"She can still use the glove?!" Luz said in shock as all the elixirs were now destroyed!

"Oh, this is very bad." Eda said, before whistling. "Owlbert, you're needed!"

Owlbert came flying in and almost reached Eda's hand, but Raven Beast Lilith rushed and grabbed Eda before she flew off.

"Eda!" Luz screamed, before looking at King. "King, come on!"

Luz picked up Owlbert and got on as King got on behind her.

"Wait, so Lilith was-!" Gwen was cut off as Luz and King glared at her.

"She's cursed too! Were you not paying attention to her at all!?" King asked her.

"Unless you want to genuinely help instead of petaling more of Wortlop's bull crap, don't bother!" Luz said before addressing King. "Let's head to Morton's shop and get some more elixir there. Eda can only hold her off for so long!"

King nodded to this as they flew off into town, leaving Gwen to think about things.

"Wortlop? A fake?" Gwen asked herself, holding her amulet before turning and flying back to his cave.

As Gwen flew back to Wortlop's lair to confront him, Luz and King flew high into the air to see Eda and Raven Beast Lilith clashing around town! Eda managed to get free and running from roof to roof as Lilith chased her!

"Lily, you need to snap out of it!" Eda shouted as she jumped, spinning around and shot fire balls at her!

The beast just flapped her wings to extinguish them before pointing her left front leg out, firing ice spikes at Eda!

"Whoa Nelly!" Eda shouted as she landed in a roll, making a vine wall to block the spikes.

'Of all the times to leave the glyping gun at home!' Eda thought before a spike pierced right next to her head!

"This isn't good! Eda can't hold Lilith off forever!" King said as they watched.

"Then we better get to Morton fast!" Luz said as she steered Owlbert to Morton's shop.

They landed in front of Morton's stand, barely hearing Eda yell at the Lilith.

"You're not getting a birthday gift this year!" Eda said.

Luz looked back and saw Eda flipping Lilith off as she kept running from roof to roof.

'Damn it Eda, you're not making this better.' Luz thought before turning to Morton's shop, banging on the cover loudly!

"Morton! Open up! It's an emergency!" Luz shouted as the metal cover was pushed up, revealing Morton.

"Okay, okay, what's the problem, E's student? I was about to close up." He said to her.

"That!" Luz shouted as she pointed up, making Morton see Eda running across an ice bridge Raven Beast Lilith roared and chased her!

"Oh." Morton let out, eyes wide in shock at seeing someone OTHER than Eda as a ravenous beast.

"Yeah! We need elixir! ASAFP!" Luz shouted in his place.

"Got it! You know the price." Morton said as he went to get the elixir. "I'm still running a business here!"

"King, did you grab my wallet?" Luz asked him, having left it at home in a rush to "help" Gwen.

King patted himself, looking over his body for it before he shook his head.

"Sorry, I couldn't grab it after Lilith went monster." King said as Morty came up with the elixir.

"So, you can't pay?" Morton asked, frowning blankly at them.

"No but can't you open up a tab?! We really need that elixir!" Luz said to him, slamming her hands on the counter.

"Don't worry." A familiar voice said. "I can help."

King and Luz turned around to see Gwen standing before them, holding a giant gray sack of snails in her left hand!

"Give us a batch of your finest elixirs." Gwen said with a smile.

"Yes ma'am!" Morton shouted with a wide smile, snail marks in his eyes.

'Thank you, Clawthornes!' He thought with glee.

"Gwen?" Luz asked as Gwen walked to her.

"Thank you, for opening my eyes." Gwen said as she opened the sack, pouring out a large amount of snails.

This made Morton squeal with glee before he ran back into his shop and came back with a large crate of elixirs!

"Thank you for your business!" He said as he pulled all of the snails inside.

Back with Eda, she and Lilith were on another roof fighting for their lives! Lilith, even as a Raven Beast, was skilled with the glove as she used it to corner Eda with fire and ice blasts!

"Lilith, I mean this in the nicest way possible... I'm going kill you and hang your head on my wall!" Eda shouted, hiding behind a wall of ice and vines!

"ROOOOOH!" Lilith roared at her before something hit her back, making her turn away to see Luz standing right behind her.

"Hello." Luz said before pushing the power glyph and punching her in the face!

"RAAAAAAH!" Lilith screamed in pain before Luz grabbed her neck and held her down!

"Okay, now!" Luz shouted as she struggled with Lilith!

"Luz?!" Eda shouted in surprise, peaking out from her cover.

Flying from above, Gwen and King landed before Lilith with two potions in hand.

"I'll force her mouth open!" King shouted as he ran to Lilith and grabbed her lips, slowly pulling them open.

"GRRRRR!" Lilith growled, fighting him and Luz as she tried to get up!

Eda ran and tackled Lilith, making it harder for her to struggle.

"Mom, do something!" Eda shouted to her mother, who was still watching the group.

Gwen still felt guilty about all she did all these years, all those fake "cures" and wasted money on trying to help her youngest daughter when she was just fine while also neglecting her oldest daughter. He never imagined this would be like THIS but she had to make it right, hero and now.

"I know and I know just want to do." Gwen said as she slowly approached Lilith, who growled at her with King still struggling with her mouth.

Gwen moved King away and gently held Lilith's head.

"Oh, Sweet Flea. I should've given you the attention you deserved. You were always so mature and self-sufficient, I thought that you didn't need my attention because you could thrive so well on your own, but I was wrong. You deserved all of my attention for all the wondrous things you accomplished." Gwen said, shedding a tear. "I'm so sorry I failed you. You deserved to be treated equally to Edalyn and maybe if I wa- No. I SHOULD have bee a better mother, then none of this would've happened."

Hearing her heartfelt words, Lilith stopped struggling in their grips and began to cry while whining a bit.

"It's alright, no need to cry sweetie." Gwen said before looking at Eda. "I'm sorry to you too, Edalyn. I made you think that your curse was something to be ashamed of and that I didn't care how it was removed, even if it hurt you. That was wrong of me. That curse is a part of you, a part of the wonderful smart daughter that I am lucky to call my own."

Eda looked away, but had a small smile.

"Thanks... mom." She said.

Gwendolyn let her tears falls freely at this, so happy to hear her daughter call her "mom" with no negativity behind it.

'Thank you, Edalyn.' Gwen thought before she pulled out an elixir for Lilith.

No longer fighting them, the Raven Beast opened her mouth and drank the liquid. She turned back to normal Lilith and closed her eyes as Gwen took a step back before she was suddenly hugged by both of her daughters.

"Oh!" Gwen let out in surprise.

"Mom." Lilith said with a smile, crying a bit.

"It's okay, girls." Gwen said, hugged them back. "It's okay."

Watching their embrace, Luz and King before Luz noticed Gwen still wearing Wortlop's necklace.

'I don't think she needs that anymore.' Luz thought as silently walked over and removed the necklace.

She moved away from their embrace and crushed it in her hand, not wanting to interrupt. Once back at the owl house, where the trio of Clawthornes spent more time together til night fall, Eda, Luz, and King were bidding Gwen goodbye as her visit came to a better end then beginning.

"I just want to apologize once again, I just wanted to help but I should've trusted you more." Gwen said.

"Yeah, well... you came when needed to." Eda said with a small smile.

"Even when you didn't want her here." Luz commented, smirking.

"Yeah yeah, I know." Eda said before playfully punching her mother's arm. "Still, don't be a stranger, mom."

"I won't." Gwen said with a smile.

Suddenly, the door was kicked open and Lilith came out with a nap sack on a stick.

"I'm ready to go, mother." Lilith said with a smile.

"Huh?" Luz asked as Lilith walked up to Gwen. "What's going on?"

"Well, after talking for a bit, I have bit of catching up to do with mother so, I've... decided to move back in!" Lilith said, gesturing to her mother.

"What?" The trio asked, surprised.

"WHAT!?" Hooty yelled, sticking out of the door.

"You sure, Lily?" Eda asked, actually sad to see her leave.

"Positive." Lilith said with a nod.

"Lilith told me how she gave you the curse, it makes feel even worse that you both carried this secret for so long and I was unable to help in anyway." Gwen said as she unsummoned her staff and took both of their hands.

"There's still a lot about this curse that we don't understand, but it will be nice to be back home and to...reconnect with dad." Lilith said, making Eda a bit sad of this topic.

"It'll be a while before we see you again but we've got plenty of elixirs for the meantime." Gwen said as she reached into her hair, pulling out multiple bottles of elixir. "There's still plenty left for you inside, Eda."

'Thank you, Morton.' Eda thought with a smile.

"You know, it might be weird but I kind of what my hair to do that some day." Luz said to King.

"Why?" King asked, confused.

Luz shrugged.

"It could be useful for storage." Luz said.

"Wait, Lulu! Please don't go!" Hooty shouted as he stretch to her, not wanting to lose his closest friend!

"I know you'll miss me but don't cry Hootsifer. We can be pen pals." Lilith said, giving him a pat on the head before turning to leave.

"But I can't hold a pen!" Hooty said, breaking down in tears on the ground.

As he cried, Gwen walked up to Luz with a sad smile.

"Luz, I still can't thank you enough for helping see through Wortlop and his lies. To repay you, I'm going to tell you what I should've from the start." She said before leaning closer to Luz. "You're actually the SECOND human to live in Bonesborough."

Luz gasped at this, finding this news to be unbelievable yet also making her hopeful.

"Legends says of a rare substance known as "Titan's Blood." It's one of the most powerful sustenances in our realm and is said to cause leaks or PORTALS to appear between dimensions." Gwen explained with a smile. "Plants, animals, and surprisingly a lot of human garage."

'That's true.' Luz thought, knowing Eda's stand.

"But Human are rare?" Luz finished with wide eyes.

"Exactly. My great grandmother actually knew the human that lived here and said he donated his old journey to the library before he vanished." Gwen said as she waved her fingers.

"So if I find it in the library, I could find out how he got here. Maybe even find out how he got back to Earth!" Luz said with a smile.

"That's right, Luz." Gwen said with a small wink to her.

Soon, Gwen and Lilith flew off on their staffs and waved goodbye to the group. Hooty was still crying on the ground while Luz and Eda waved them in return.

"Alright, I've had enough of today, I'm heading to the couch." Eda said, turning to walk in the house. "See you in 24 hours."

"That's my couch!" King argued, going after Eda while Luz stayed to gaze at the sky.

'A new lead, a new actual lead.' Luz thought with a smile on her face before frowning. 'That camp is probably over by now. No doubt mom has noticed and is probably worried sick.'

Luz turned around and walked into the house, pulling out her phone to gaze at a picture of her and Camila together.

"I'm sorry I'm not there mom but I promise, I'll find a way back home." Luz said to herself.

Kickboxing Class Students: 16

Flicker/Hitman stance: Amity, Boscha, and Edric.

Peek-a-boo stance: Eileen, Asriel (goat cyclops), Willow, and Viney.

Kick stance: Amelia, Skara, Bo, and Emira.

Sway/Step Back stance: Gus, Jerbo, Barcus, Cat, and Kyle (skull cap kid).

Light Glyph Uses: Illumination, blinding light blasts, flashing punches

Fire Glyph Uses: Fireballs, flaming propulsion, fire punches, fire barriers/pillars, fire flight

Plant Glyph Uses: Vine ropes/whips, giant plant constructs like a fist, fixing palismen, plant bomb to capture enemies

Ice Glyph Uses: Ice creation, ice cage, ice spikes/pillars, ice encasing, ice punch, ice wall, ice weapons

Power Glyph Uses: Increased bodily strength and magic output

Healing Glyph Uses: Healing/recovery ability to oneself or to others by touch

Glyph Glove Combo Spells:

Light and Fire = Golden Flames

Fire and Plant = Fire Whips

Ice and Fire = Water Blast

Power and Healing= High Speed Recovery

Ice and Power= Large Ice Gauntlets

Special Moves:

Nature's Wrath: a giant plant arm and fist that Luz can control for a powerful punch.

Esperanza Brillante/Shining Hope: a spiraling orb of all four glyph elements, used as a projectile or as a striking object. Effect may vary.

The Glyphing Gun: a red leaf blower with an empty paint roller was attached with a layer of duct tape at the bottom to the front nuzzle tube while a two point handle is attached to the top of the tube with two screws.

T.P. Glyph Ammunition: Fire Glyphs = Flamethrower

T.P. Glyph Ammunition: Ice Glyphs = Armor Piercing Spikes

T.P. Glyph Ammunition: Plant Glyphs = Grappling hooks or Vine Rope Shots
Special thanks to MrHardcor3 for their help in this chapter.

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