The Dangers of Publishing

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Luz's attire in this story: A red sleeveless open hoodie/hoodie vest, black sports tank top that goes to her stomach, dark blue shorts, black leggings to her calves and black steel toed slip on sneakers.

Luz's Glyph Gloves: Elbow length grayish black gloves with a texture mix of paper and leather, smooth yet tough. (Added to attire since chapter 5)

Light Glyph: Located on the palm, below the middle and ring fingers, center.

Fire Glyph: Located on the palm, in the area below the thumb.

Plant Glyph: Located on the palm, above the wrist at the base of the hand below the center of the palm.

Her Kickboxing stance: Fists in front of her face, knees slightly bent, right foot back and her left foot forward.

The sun was bright and shining as the market place of the Boiling Isles was hustling and bustling with business but not the usual business. Today's business was full of nothing but lovers of the finer text as a book fair was being held for all to enjoy. Luz, King, and Eda walked though as the kickboxer of the group gazed around the fair with awe, not been to such a book fair in so long. Luz might have been a tough girl and a kicker of many asses, but she was always a book lover at heart and she was curious to what other types of literature the Boiling Isles had to offer outside of her Azura books.

'Which reminds me, I should probably find other books to read. Azura is good and will always number one to me but it's nice to expand.' Luz thought as she had her hands in her pockets.

"Can someone tell me why anyone would come to a fair without any rides or fair food?" King asked, not really feeling interested in the book fair.

"Because some people enjoy to read?" Luz said to him with a a raised bow.

At the same time, a random boy around King's size with a backpack full of books stopped in front of him with a large smile on his face.

"She's right, you know. Who needs rides when this can take you on an ride like never before?" he asked while pushing an open book into King's face, almost forcing him to read it.

"Remove your book from my face, whelp!" King said as he pushed the book out of his face and got into a kickboxing stance, very slowly and not well maintain. "And taste the might of the king of demons! Hyah!"

In a sloppy fashion with barely decent speed, King punch the small boy in the face, sent him tumbling away until he fell on his back and became weighted down by all the books in his bag.

'I see King's been copying me in his spare time, sloppy but still a bit decent.' Luz thought, judging his technique as they kept walking.

"A. That was funny. B. I'm bored now. And C. I think I'm gonna go pickpocket these nerd, find me if you need me." Eda said before she walked off, leaving King and Luz.

"Come on, Eda. At least give it a chance." Luz said as she left before turning to King. "What about you, interested in reading?"

"Nope. Not now and not ever." King said with a head shake. "But I will stay because it'll be fun to see you kick someone butt. And because I can right in your hoodie."

"Okay, and while I'll enjoy the company at least, I will not be kicking someone's butt at a book fair. That's just sad." Luz said as she picked up King, putting him in her hoodie to ride in.

Walking back through the book fair, Luz saw that it had everything a young book lover could ask for. Scene workshops, meet and greets, review corners, and a banner that said...

"A writing competition?" Luz asked with surprise as she saw a crowd of people gathered around the stand with two people manning it.

On the right side was a man with fair skin, a shaved head with a green mohawk swept to his right, purple, circle glasses, a thin mustache, 4 lines of hair on his chin, and pointed ears wearing a blue jacket, a lighter blue sweater underneath, a red scarf, gray pants and pointed shoes. On the left was a lizard man with green skin and three blue eyes with the middle one shut wearing small glasses that rest at the end of his nose, a long red jacket with yellow trimming, blue hat, and black shoes.

"Yeah, what of it?" King asked as someone walked past Luz, Skara from her kickboxing class.

"Before getting into kickboxing, I kind of wanted to be one myself. Not world famous but still a good one." Luz admitted.

"You, a writer? You're better off as a kickboxing witch." King said to her.

"Yeah but I still want to at least try to be a writer. A career in kickboxing could be cool but it's nice to have a backup if it doesn't work out." Luz said to him as she turned back to the banner. "I'm gonna enter the contest."

"Coming though, Luz!" A voice called out, making Luz quickly move to dodge as Bo came running by with a smile and a book in her arms.

"Yeesh! What's with her?! It's just a dumb book thing. Why are these basement dwellers to excited?" King said with narrows eyes.

"Um...excuse me?" Another voice called out.

Turning to the new person, Luz and King saw that it was Tiny Nose with a book above her head frowning at them.

"We are not "basement dwellers." We are loyal book readers and fans of John De Plume, the most famous writer on the Boiling Isles and author of his best seller, The Worm Warriors series!" Tiny said as she pointed back to the stand, right at the man with blue glasses that signed Bo's book.

'Oh. It makes sense now. If it was the author of Azura, I'd be like that too.' Luz thought as King turned back to Tiny Nose.

"I'm gonna ask him to ready my story after he signs my book." She said with a determined look before whispering, "and to marry me."

Ignoring her crazed fan fantasy of marrying the author, King turned back to John and saw that he was being showered with love, admiration, and respect from his loyal/crazy fan base. Even signing a man's baby for crying out loud!

"This power, this command over the mindless masses. It must be mine!" King whispered to himself before speaking aloud! "I've decided! I shall enter this book contest as well!"

"Really? You want to write a book?" Luz asked before chuckling at the thought, finding it to be crazy considering who she was talking to. "I can already see what you would have in mind. People would LOVE it."

How could Luz not be sarcastic about this? Whatever King would write would make anyone laugh at how cute it might be when he wanted it to be gory.

"Of course they would! I know what the people love! In fact, let's work together and make a book no one has ever seen!" King suggested to the human.

"Us? Work together?" Luz said before chuckling as she turned to make them leave. "Maybe, just maybe, King. I could share some pointers if you need them."

"I will need no pointers! I know all I need for my masterpiece!" King shouted at Luz, determined that his book will be amazing.

After a walk back home without Eda, Luz and King went up to her room to work on their books and share ideas. To help, Luz brought in an empty pin board with a line down the middle for each of them to have a side.

"Okay, before we get started we need to right down some ideas we want to see in our book." Luz said as she looked down to King.

"Can they be anything we want?" he asked with his arms out.

"Of course, it's called brainstorming." Luz said as she handed King a stack of notecards and a pencil. "When it comes to brainstorming, no idea is a bad idea. It's just part of the creative process."

Pulling out her own stack of cards and a pencil, Luz sat down and began writing ideas with King for their book. A few minutes passed before the silence was broken by King.

"Done!" King said as he held up a notecard before he stuck it to the board with a tack.

"VIOLENCE." it said in big letters as Luz looked over it.

"Hmm, while I can agree we should have some violence in it, there's gotta be more you want then just violence, right King?" Luz asked him as she turned to him.

"Huh. You're right." King said as he picked up another flash card and wrote on it.

Turning it around, Luz rose an eyebrow to the card as she felt the genre King wanted for their book.

"BLOOD. :)" the card said.

"Okay...that's also good but a story should be more than just blood and violence." Luz said as she began writing on several notecards before sticking them on the board a few minutes later. "A book needs all sorts of elements to make it a good story. And these are just the few of many."

Watching Luz closely, the small demon read all of the words she wrote on the brainstorming board that were themes and place they could use.


"You get it now, King? A story could be built from all of these and so much more but first of all, a story will always need a main character." Luz said as she pulled out another notecard, this one with a drawing of her self dressed as a rogue with fire on her fist and Luzura "written" under it. "This is my character, Luzura. I know it's a bit clichés for a writer to put themselves in a story but sometimes the clichés work the best."

Using another thumbtack, Luz put her picture on the board as King pulled out his and stuck it right next to her. It was a doodles of him with a large crown on his head and a flaming staff in his right hand.

"This shall be my character, the Ruler of Demons! With this unstoppable duo in our book, no one will stop us from winning the contest!" King proclaimed with his fists in the air.

"Don't get so confident, King. The brainstorming is only half the battle in making a book." Luz said as she went to a chest, opening it and pulling out a typewriter with eyes on the sides and teeth where the paper exits. "The other half is actually writing a book."

For the next few hours, the two friends began to write their story while clashing ideas. The agreed, they argued, and sometimes they made each other made but they kept at it as the time flew and they made the perfect title for their masterpiece. "Magic and Martial Arts." It hung from a banner above Luz as she continued type while King read from one of their pages.

""Luzura cried tears of heartbreak as she stood over the body of the prince, a traitor to his own kingdom that she was forced to vanquish to save her home. Though it was a a heavy price, sacrificing the one she loved most to save the masses." I like it but it feels like it's missing something." King said as he rolled his hand, gazing towards Luz.

"I get what you're trying to say but I still think it's better than just Ruler destroying everything in sight." Luz said as she stopped typing on the typewriter and gazed at King. "You'd be surprise how popular a story can be when there's a dead lover involved."

"Yeah but at least it's better than shipping two "enemies that don't knowing their enemies" together." King said as he shut his eyes, missing Luz flinched and glaring at him until he opened his eyes.

"King, I'm only going to say this once." Luz said as King flinched under her glare. "Shipping is what makes a single story, grow into a fandom. So NEVER insult shipping in front of me."

The small demon nodded rapidly before Eda called out to her, having arrived home who knows when.

"Apprentice! I need to speak with you!" she said.

"I'll be right back and sorry for the glare, I just want our story to be just right before we submit it." Luz said as she got up and left the room, leaving King with the typewriter.

Alone. Without anyone to stop him.

"Yay! I get to write now!" King cheered as he threw his hands in the air.

Meanwhile with Luz, she had walked down to the living room to find Eda donned in a black cloak with a strange scroll in her hands.

"You called, Eda?" Luz asked as Eda rolled up the scroll and turned to her.

"Yeah, I just needed to let you know I'll be going out for a few days to get something." Eda said as she put the scroll away and pointed at Luz. "You're in charge until I get back, got it?"

"Okay, sure but can I ask what this "something" is?" Luz said with her hands in her pockets.

"No you cannot." Eda answered as she walked to the door, pulling her hood up. "Now no more question! See you later!"

The door slammed shut as Luz rolled her eyes, knowing whatever Eda was going to get would be something crazy powerful and crazy dangerous. Putting that thought aside while putting any worry for Eda aside as well, Luz walked back upstairs to King so they could finish their book.

"Hey, King, Eda said she'd be gone for a few days and that she left me in charge." Luz said as she opened the door to the room, only to gasp at how much it changed in how little she was gone!

The storyboard was covered in King drawings, all the pages Luz typed were in the trash, and their was crossed out with new words written on it, "RULER'S REACH!"

"Luz, great news! I'm almost done with our book!" King said as he was at the typewriter.

"King, what the fuck did you do!? "Luz asked as she walked to the typewriter.

"Like I said, I'm finishing our book and adding a few small changes." King said as he pinched his claws together.

"Small changes?" Luz asked before she picked up a paper and showed it to King, her main character with an X over her. "You killed me?!"

"It's just like you said, a dead character is popular! It'll be such a great twist!" King said, loving his work.

Luz took a breath to calm down, rubbed her forehead gently as she tried not to be too mad at King, they made such great progress until now and she didn't want to lose that.

"King, listen to me for a sec, okay? I'm glad you want to pitch in more but you can't cross a line like that by killing off the main character in the possible first book." she said gently.

"But I'm crossing a line into greatness! Don't you want to win the contest?" He said to her, not seeing how killing Luzura made Luz feel.

It was like he just shut her out, pushed her aside, and made it seem like he didn't care about how she felt in the matter. Almost like everyone back home when they found out how tough and scary Luz is with her kickboxing.

"You know what? Forget it. You want to win the contest like this? Submit it on your own, I don't want any part of it anymore." Luz said as she walked out of the room, masking her sadness with a straight face.

"What?" King asked before he shook of his sadness. "Whatever, go ahead and leave! I show you my story is a 1000x better than yours ever could've been!"

Shutting the door behind her, Luz stood in the hallway for a moment as she clenched her fists and growled in frustration.

'Damnit, King. How could you just stab me in the back like this? I thought we were friends.' Luz thought as she she left for her training shack behind the house, needing to work out this frustration. 'I guess I was wrong. He really is a demon.'

Demon: a cruel, evil, or destructive person or thing/reckless mischief; devilry

This fit King to a tee as he cared more about winning a book contest than writing a book with his friend.

-Time skip, 2 days later.-

After King finished his book and took it to the contest, he had actually won and got published by the holder of the contest. Piniet of Piniet Publishing House, the green lizard man from the book fair, found it to be a step above all the others and took him on as one of his authors, turning the small demon into an overnight sensation in only two days time! Just like that John De Plume guy.

Meanwhile with Luz, the kickboxing girl was still at the owl house with her mood still sad from King's backstabbing. She hadn't talked to him since and she wasn't planning to until he apologized or she forgave him, both of witch seemed unlikely as she was back at the typewriter. Luz knew the contest was over but she still wanted to type her story, Magic and Martial Art. It meant a lot to her and she at least wanted to show people her heart though her writing, despite what anyone would say about it. Friend, enemy, or random stranger.

"Hey Luz." a familiar voice called out, making Luz glance to the door to see King leaning against it wearing a brand new author get up.

It seemed like he took a lot of inspiration from John De Plume as he wore a brown jacket with lime green patch elbows, a beige scarf, and red sunglasses.

"Guess who won the writer's competition and became the biggest star on the Boiling Isles?" he asked smugly as he pushed his sunglasses up.

Luz didn't bother answering him as she went back focusing on the typewriter as King slid into the room.

"You guessed it, me! Me!" he said with excitement as he held up the scarf around his neck. "This scarf was knit by a fan from his own hair, it reeks! Wanna touch it?"

Luz still didn't answer him as she kept typing, not even looked as King pulled out a red envelop from his jacket.

"Anyway, the reason I'm here is because my publisher is throwing a huge party in celebration of my book, Ruler's Reach!" King said as he put the invitation on the table next to the typewriter. "And...I'd be so glad if my one of my best friends could be there."

'Best...friend?' Luz thought as she stopped stop typing, clenching her fingers against the keys as she looked towards the invitation. 'You stab me in the back, insult my ideas, and take the book for yourself yet you still calls me one of your "best friends?!"'

Still not saying a word, Luz picked up the invitation...and crumbled it into a ball before dropping it in front of King. This made the demon flinch as Luz went back to typing, still not looking at him as he had a hurt look on his face. He sniffled a bit as he blinked away a tear.

"Okay...fine. Who needs you?" King said as he pushed his sunglasses down, tossing his scarf over his shoulder as he left the room.

After a bit more typing, Luz stopped again as she looked to where King was. Still so sad and angry at him, yet missing him at the same time as she let out a heavy sigh.

"Girl, forget him. You know what he did." the typewriter said, being alive this whole time but never saying anything.

"I know but...he's still my friend." Luz said as she looked to the crumbled up red envelope. "I don't want to stay mad at him forever."

Getting up from her seat, Luz picked up the envelope to uncrumbled it and see the ticket to the party.


A picture of King in a purple sweater giving an interested look, his author's photo, plastered right on the orange ticket.

Swallowing her anger and preparing some things, Luz grabbed her bag and exited the owl house as she headed towards the Bonesborough Library a few hours later to see a massive lines of fans outside of it.

'I pray to god this ticket can get me in.' Luz thought as she walked up to the steps, moving past the long line of people that strangely didn't mind.

The reason behind it was that they weren't waiting to get in, they were waiting for an autograph from King! That many people loved Ruler's Reach as it baffled Luz, was the small demon that good of a writer?! Those answers could wait as Luz came to the bouncer, a large and muscular lizard man in a red robe with no sleeves, a rope acting as a belt, red forearm covers, red pants and red shoes(?), standing at the doors and showed him her ticket.

"Go ahead." he said to her as he took the ticket, tore it in half, and gave Luz back one half.

The human girl nodded to him as she entered the library, her red hood up as she looked around at all of the fans of King's book. This only made Luz sadder as they enjoyed the book that cast aside her ideas and paved a way for King to become a successful writer.

'Maybe I should've have come after all.' Luz thought as she walked around, her hands in her pockets as she half heartedly looked for King.

"Luz!" a voice called out, making Luz stop and see King running up to her with a bundle of papers in his hand. "You actually came! I'm so happy you're here!"

"Yeah, I did. Look King, I'm sorry about what happened earlier at the house. Even if you did toss all my ideas out the window, I should still be happy for your success. You are my friend after all, so...congratulations on your best seller." Luz said to him with a small yet still sad smile.

"Thank you, Luz. That's so great because I need A LOT of help with my next book, Ruler's Reach 2!" King said as he held up the bundle of papers, revealing it to be his manuscript for the second book.

"Huh? You need my help?" Luz asked him in surprise.

"Yeah, here's the thing. Apparently I can't make my amazing work unless it's clashing and crushing against your gushy, fantasy fighting crap." King said as he waved his fingers around playfully.

"Gushy, fantasy, fighting crap?" Luz repeated, blushing in embarrassment and anger.

"Yep yep yep! Turns out, we're two half of this lean, mean, writing machine! So why don't we get started?" King asked as he pulled out a pen, holding it and his book out to Luz. "Clock's ticking, Luz."

Still blushing at King, Luz took the pen and book in one hand before she held them up.

"Okay, I'll help you, but you know, this reminds me of an old saying back in my world." Luz said to him.

"Yeah, what about it?" King asked, jittery about the book.

"It's about trying to do too many things in a short amount of time and being overwhelmed by the work load. I think it was something like this." Luz said as she pushed a glyph on her glove, right below the thumb. "You're burning the candle at both ends, King."

A ball of fire erupted from Luz's glove, burning the book and the pen as everyone around them gasped while King screamed in horror.

"NO! What have you done?!" King asked before Luz kicked him in the stomach, knocking him into a book shelf! "AAAH!"

"Giving you a goddamn wake up call!" Luz shouted as she marched over to King, glaring down at him. "Did you honestly think I'd work with you again after you just called my ideas "crap?!" What kind of person do you take me for?!"

"UH! Someone who helps their friends when they need it." King groaned out, holding his stomach.

"OH So now we're friends?! Where was this when you stabbed me in the back and threw away my ideas?! Where was our friendship then?!" Luz asked, reminding him of what he did just two days ago!

King tried to reply but he didn't have the words, not after realizing that his writing is garbage without Luz. Without all the work she did, he wouldn't have been able make a book even half as good as he had now, almost exactly like what Piniet said about "Ruler's Reach 2."

"Nothing to say?" Luz asked him as she glared down at him, slowly huffing as she calmed herself down while King remained silent. "That's what I thought. I hope all this fame was worth losing one of your best friends."

Turning away, Luz walked away as King watched her leave with a feeling of dread in his throat.

"W-Wait Luz. Do-Don't go." King said as he leaned over the ashes of his book, crying a bit as his arrogance and lust for power cost him a dear friend. "Come back. Please."

Meanwhile behind the bookshelf King was kicked into, Piniet was watching the whole thing from the shadows and came to one solitary conclusion.

'That girl, she's the reason Ruler's Reach was a success. Without her, King's career is over and my sales will plummet.' he thought as he rubbed his chin, narrowing his eyes at where Luz left. 'I have to get her back.'

About 30 minutes later, the library was all but cleared out as Luz walked down the aisles. She was still angry with King for what he said and still wanting her to work with him just so he could stab her in the back again! The nerve of him! Even though she felt a bit back for kicking him into a bookshelf, he deserved it for caring more about his ill gotten fame than their friendship! She was so lost in thought and anger, that Luz almost ran into a banner hanging from the ceiling of King. It had the exact same picture from the ticket and the full name of the book above him, "Ruler's Reach: Enter the Bad Boy."

"Ugh, even got his good angle." Luz mumbled, hating that they made his author photo look good.

Looking at the ground, Luz was shaken from her thought as two heavy footsteps caught her attention. She looked up to see the lizard man bodyguard from before and a possible twin brother next to him standing in front of her, the one on her right having his arms crossed.

"Uh, hello gentlemen, can I help you with something?" Luz asked, cautious if these two were looking for a fight like she was thinking they were.

The two burly lizards said nothing as they moved aside to reveal Piniet standing behind them.

"Perhaps you can, miss. I've heard word that you wish to be a great writer." he said wit his hands together and a tiny sinister smile on his face.

"Yeah, so?" Luz asked cautiously, narrowing her eyes at him.

"Well, I'd like to help you help me. All I need you to do, is come with me." he said, holding a hand out to Luz.

Looking at his hand and back to Piniet, Luz gave her response to him.

"No thanks, I was raised not to trust strangers. Famous or not." Luz said as she turned around to leave, only to find his bodyguards standing in front of her. "Hey, move, Pendejos!"

Piniet just chuckled as he nodded to his guards, having them move to capture Luz. One rushed to grab her but Luz jumped into the air and stomped his head to the ground! The other guard went to help but Luz gave him a spinning back kick to the jaw, make him stumble and hold his jaw. The first rose up, sending Luz into the air as she flipped twice and landed on her feet.

"Get her!" Piniet shouted as he pointed to Luz, angry that this was taking too long!

The bodyguards rushed at Luz again as she got into her fighting stance.

"Okay, bring it!" Luz shouted as rushed forward.

One guard threw a punch but Luz sidestepped and delivered an upward elbow to his chin! Putting all her force behind it hurt but it was enough to make the guard dizzy as his brain was rattled! His fellow guard moved him out of the way as Luz charged at him, he tried to slash at hurt but Luz ducked and rose to send a flying knee...right into his crotch!

"AAAAH!" he screamed in pain before Luz ignited her fist with fire!

"Eat it!" Luz shouted as she delivered a bolo punch to his face, burning him as he was sent to the ground.

With both bodyguards down, Luz turned on her heel to Pinet and charged at him.

"YOU'RE NEXT!" she shouted, making the small lizard man fear for his life.

"Think again!" Piniet shouted back as he drew a spell circle and instantly trapped Luz in a giant purple cube!

"Que Carajo?!" Luz said as she looked over the cube before punching the wall but it didn't break. "Let me out of here, you creep!"

"Unfortunately, I can't let that happen." Piniet said, calming down his racing heart as his bodyguards slowly recovered. "You see, I was there when during your little argument with King and I can't have you two not working together."

"This is what this is about? His dumb book?!" Luz aksed him.

"Dumb or not, it's a best seller! And if I want to keep the money coming, I am going to need another one. Meaning you and King are going to work together again, whether you like it or not." Piniet said before he snapped his fingers.

In the blink of an eye, Luz and the cube she was in were teleported from the library to a whole new room. It looked like some sort of dressing room, pretty normal if you don't count the bones uses for clothes racks and the mirror had horns on them.

"Damn that lizard! If he thinks I'm just gonna take this lying down, he's got another think coming!" Luz shout as she pressed her gloves, activating light and fire glyphs to make gold flames on her fists. "I'm getting out of this damn box!"

Throwing everything she had at the cube, focusing on just one spot to weaken it, Luz hit it and hit with every punch, kick, knee, and elbow strike she knew but it wasn't doing any damage! 20 minutes of trying had produced no results except exhaustion as Luz fell to the ground to sit and rest.

"Huh, huh, huh huh. Damn, I'm not making any progress." Luz said with deep huffs, deactivating her gloves to wipe her forehead clean from the sweat.

As she rested, Luz noticed that the cube seemed...smaller than before but that couldn't be right. Piniet was nowhere to be seen, so he couldn't have tampered with the cube. Unless...

"He made it preset to crush me!" Luz shouted, her panic reenergizing her as she looked towards the edge to see it was getting smaller! "I have to find a way out of this thing!"

A few seconds later, the door opened to show Piniet and a confused King as he looked to see Luz in a purple cube!

"Luz!" he shouted in worry as he ran towards the cube, putting his paws against it!

"King, get away from him! That creep put me in this box thing to force me to write for him!" Luz told him, still mad but not mad enough to ignore him when she needed help!

"Indeed, I did." Piniet said before raising a hand and closing it, making the cube shrink even more more.

"Oh man!" Luz shouted as she fell back to the ground, activating her plant glyphs to make large vines grow inside.

This managed to hold the cube from shrinking but they couldn't last forever.

"What do you think you're doing, Piniet?!" King asked, turning to his publisher in anger.

"Just as the human said, I need her to write for me and with you." he replied as he walked to the cube, gazing down at King. "If you want to save your friend, you and her will write Ruler's Reach 2 together just like Ruler's Reach 1."

"You must be off your rocker if you think we're gonna work for you!" Luz screamed at him through the cube.

"Maybe so but you'd be surprised how many wonderful books can be written on literal crunch time!" Piniet joked as he clenched his fist more, making the cube shrink more as the vines continued to fight!

"AAH!" Luz shouted as the cube was now the size of a washing machine! "You know that is nothing but a toxic mentality that ruins a writer's craft! Come on, King, do something!"

Seeing his friend in danger, King growled as he marched to Piniet.

"Let my friend go right now or else!" King said, pointing to Piniet.

"Or else what? You walk away? Let me remind you, that you are under contract." Piniet said as he reached into a jacket, pulling out a contract with King's pawprint on it.

Said contract gained a pinkish red glow, lifting King into the air as he panicked!

"Whoa!" he shouted!

"King!" Luz called out before he was blasted to the cube, right as a small hole opened to let him in before closing a second later.

The small demon groaned as he sat up before he and Luz saw a pile of papers fall before them with a pen.

"I suggest you make your deadline, young writers. Or else I'll make sure you'll never be able to write again. Just like John." Piniet said as he pulled out a...


"John, NO!" King shouted, holding his head in shock.

"That's what this cube does!?" Luz asked in shock as her vines broke apart!

Piniet nodded to them as he pulled out a briefcase, opening it to reveal 31 other cubed demons! All writers that Piniet made famous before he cubed them!

"Help! Save us! Please!" they called out to Luz and King before Piniet put John in an empty slot and shut the briefcase.

"I'll leave you two to work." he said as he smiled evilly, leaving them room. "I look forward to your exciting sequel."

The door shut as Luz and King were left in the dressing them, the cube shrinking again as they jolted at it.

"Oh no! How are we going to write a book that fast? It's impossible! We're cubed like ice!" King said as he held his face.

"Well...not necessarily." Luz said as she reached into her bag, pulling out a bundle of papers. "We've still got my story."

The cover was of Luz in a rogue outfit with her fists up and blazing in fight, the title was above her and said "Magic and Martial Arts: The Essence of the World."

"But that's not blood thirsty enough! It's not my work!" King said as he shoved the book down.


King backed away from Luz, not much room as his back hit the cube wall. He was shaking in fear once again at Luz's anger but...King didn't argue against her words. Especially since his last verbal lashing about half an hour ago.

"I-I-I just wanted people to respect me! I wanted them to not treat me like some little pet!" King shouted as he trembled, slowly crying as Luz stopped being angry at him. "I just wanted to be looked at as someone who was worth acknowledging, but I never meant to hurt someone I cared about because of it. I'm so sorry, Luz."

The small demon held his face as he cried, letting all of his guilt and sorrow out before he was suddenly picked up and pulled into a warm embrace.

"Luz?" King asked, wondering why Luz was hugging him. "I thought-"

"I know what I said and I still mean it but I can't stay mad at one of my best friends." Luz said, rubbing the demon's back to calm him down. "What really hurt me more wasn't that you took over our book, it's that you tossed aside our friendship for it."

"I know and I never should've nor will ever do it again." King said said, nuzzling into her embrace.

"Promise?" Luz asked him, not caring if the cube shrank again to the size of a mini-fridge cardboard box.

"I promise." King said as he pulled away, wiping his tears away.

"Great. Now, I've got a plan that will get us out of here if you trust me." Luz said to King, picking up the pen.

"All ears, boss." King said with a nod.

-Timeskip, 3 minutes later.-

With their plan set and the book ready, Luz and King called Piniet back into the room to show him.

"Oh my, you completed it a lot faster than I expected." he said, seeing Luz and King in an even smaller cube, King being sat on as Luz was sideways with her legs over him.

"You'd be surpsied how fast someone can write when their life is on the line." Luz said as a small hole opened on top of the cube.

Luz pushed the book through as Piniet stet his briefcase aside and took it.

"Magic and Martial Arts, interesting title." he said as he opened his third eye, flipping through the book and reading it at highspeed while all three eyes glowed green. 

"Hmm, a bit different from your last book but not bad."

"If you like it now, just wait until you get to the ending. You'll feel a blaze in you heart like never before." King said with a nod.

Humming with interest, Piniet continued to speed read as Luz and King watched intently. Seconds went by until Piniet finally stopped at the last page.

"What is this suppose to be?" He asked, turning the book to show a FIRE glyph on the last page!

"FIRE!" Luz shouted as she forced her arm through the hole and slapped the glyph!

The book began to glow bright orange before exploding in a ball of fire, catching Piniet's jacket on fire!

"AAAH!" he screamed as he took off his jacket throw it to a corner before growling back and Luz and King. "You tried to burn me?!"

"Well yes and no. " King said to him with a smug face. ""Yes" to the burning part but "no" to you being the target."

"What? Then why-" Piniet said before gasping, turning to his burning jacket. "The contract!"

Burning with the fabric of the coat, King's contract slowly crumbled to away as the magic cube released them in a pop.

"YES!" King cheered.

"Now to deal with you!" Luz shouted, charging at Piniet.

The lizard pointed a finger to cast a spell, but Luz stopped him by kicking his hand and breaking his pointer finger!

"AAAH!" Piniet screamed before he was punched in the face.

"Not this time!" Luz shouted as she showered Piniet with a barrage of hooks, a legendary Dempsey Roll.

An unorthodox move for Luz to try and sloppy if she was honest but it was enough for her to injure the crooked publisher before knocking him down with a downward elbow!

"Let's go, King!" Luz said to him.

"Just one more thing!" King said as he opened the briefcase, releasing John De Plume and all the other authors as they bounced out. "Be free!"

"Yay! Woohoo! Thank you!" they cheered as they hopped to the door.

King ran to Luz and jumped into her arms as she kicked the door down, surprising the bodyguards as Luz ran past them.

"Later, gators!" Luz shouted.

"I quit!" King shouted as one ran after them while the other went to check on Piniet. "Luz, one of them's coming after us!"

"Not for long!" Luz said as she put King in her hood and clapped her hands together. "Let's see if this works!"

Pulling her hand apart, Luz created a plant ball and threw it at the bodyguard. The guard say this and slapped it away, only for it to explode into vines that wrapped around him and trap his limbs!

"GUH!" he said as he fell to the ground!

"We're home free!" King cheered as they exited the library, heading for home.

'And that's one more attack in my arsenal.' Luz thought before she continued to run.

Eventually, the two friends made it back to the owl house safe and sound before they collapsed on the couch.

"Thank titan that's over." King said as he took off his jacket, scarf, and sunglasses; tossing them over the couch before laying down.

"Yeah. And I think I'm gonna stay away from books for a bit. The world of writing is too crazy here." Luz said as she leaned against an arm rest.

The duo sat in silence for a bit before the door opened to reveal a leaning Eda.

"Hey, kids. Ugh." Eda said before she popped her back, standing straight. "That was one rough couple of days."

"You think your's was rough? You don't wanna know what went on her." Luz said as she sat up, making room for Eda.

Th owl lady plopped down on the couch and let out a sigh, easing in comfort.

"Eh. Nothing a tall glass of apple blood and nice book won't fix." Eda said, making King open his eyes at her.

Both of them groaned loudly as Eda looked at them in confusion.

"Don't talk about books." they said as they left the den.

Eda was left in confusion before she looked on the coffee table and grabbed a book she didn't recognize. It was a red to orange sunset hard back book with a picture of King wearing a cloak with an axe in his hands named "RULER'S REACH: ENTER THE BAD BOY. Eda took the book in her hands and turned it over to show an author's photo of King in a blue sweater looking to the side dramatically.

"What the heck?" Eda questioned as she wondered just what happened while she was gone!

"Girl you would not believe me if I told you." said the typewriter as it sat on the table next to the couch.

Kickboxing Class Students: Gus, Willow, Amity, Boscha, Skara, Bo, Eileen, Asriel (goat cyclops), Amelia, and Kyle (skulls cap kid)

Light Glyph Uses: Illumination, blinding light blasts, flashing punches

Fire Glyph Uses: Fireballs, flaming propulsion, fire punches, fire barriers/pillars

Plant Glyph Uses: Vine ropes/whips, giant plant constructs like a fist, fixing palismen, plant bomb to capture enemies

Glyph Glove Combo Spells:

Light and Fire = Golden Flames

Fire and Plant = Fire Whips

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