The First Class

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Luz's attire in this story: A red sleeveless open hoodie/hoodie vest, black sports tank top that goes to her stomach, dark blue shorts, black leggings to her calves and black steel toed slip on sneakers.

Luz's Glyph Gloves: Elbow length grayish black gloves with a texture mix of paper and leather, smooth yet tough.

Light Glyph: Located on the palm, below the middle and ring fingers, center.

Fire Glyph: Located on the palm, in the area below the thumb.

Her Kickboxing stance: Fists in front of her face, knees slightly bent, right foot back and her left foot forward.

Two days after the Covention ended, the duel between Hexside's best and a mere human was still the buzz of the Isles. To think a human with simple magic glove and a strange combat style, could inspire so much excitement is beyond them but it did intrigue them. Especially witches and wizards in their age group. They couldn't stop talking about it, from the punches and kicks to the magic that was displayed by both of them, luckily Amity didn't receive too much backlash from the supposed cheating as that was nearly forgotten by Eda and Lilith's duel after wards. Though it was still talked about and the students just wanted to see more of Luz's combat style and lucky for them, they just might get it.

"I still can't believe that duel at the Covention is still the talk of the town." Willow said to Gus as they walked down the hall, the school day over and them heading home.

"I know! And it's still awesome how Luz was able to go toe to toe with Amity! Even using those cool new gloves!" Gus said as he waved his hands in the air, an excited smile on his face. "I can't Luz was able to adapt to those magic gloves so quickly! Blasting that fire like a pro! It makes me so amped to try all sorts of trick when we go for our see her!"

"Yeah and we better hurry to meet her." Willow said as they passed a bulletin board, holding an array of flyers and papers for various things at Hexside.

One of which caught both of their attention as they suddenly stopped and rushed back to read it clearly.

Learn the way of the humans! Defend yourself when you magic has failed!

Learn Kickboxing from the first human to do magic,

Luz Noceda!

Lessons taught in Room 307, Fridays after school.

To say they were shocked was an understatement! Their best human friend, the one who was teaching them a few kickboxing moves every now and then, was now offering lessons after school TODAY! Their was even an image of Luz throwing a jab with a focused look on her face! When did this happen?! HOW did this happen?! And Why were they just finding out about this NOW?!

"Gus." Willow said calmly.

"Yes, Willow?" Gus replied the same way.

"We're going to that classroom now." Willow told him.

"Agreed." Gus said before they took off running to the class, leaving other students to check out the flyer after they left.

With them rushing to the room on the flyer, Gus and Willow stopped before the door to Room 307. The duo knocked on the door with ferocity as they wanted to see if the flyer was telling the truth. The truth came flowing as the door was jerked open.

"What is you-" Luz shouted but stopped when she saw it was the surprised look of her best friends. "Guys, it's you! So you must've seen the flyer Principal Bump put up."

"Yeah, it's us and we we did!" Gus over eagerly stated with his hands up.

"Luz, why didn't you tell us you were giving lessons or how!?" Willow asked, still shocked that Luz was unbanned and on school property.

"Well I can answer your questions quickly before other potential students come to join. Come on in." Luz said as she opened the door fully and let them in, closing it afterwards.

Walking inside, Gus and Willow were amazed by the new look the room was given. 5 sandbags hanging against from hooks on the left wall, a large black square of earth in the center what was raised up, covered in a cushion material with poles on every corner and 4 rows of vines between each of them. There were a strange poles with two rods for arms with pads at the end and two rods for legs with pads at the end. About 3. (thinking of the spinning dummy Po fought in Kung Fu Panda 3) There were also several mats around the black square with different colors of the main 9 covens on them.

"It's not the best classroom/gym seat up but it'll do." Luz said as she pointed to each section. "Those are the sandbags like the one Eda got me back home, those spinning posts are for building reaction time I got from a movie, and the that is the boxing ring where spares and demonstrations will be held."

"Wow." Willow let out at the classroom/gym, it was nothing like any other room in Hexside.

Not even the school gym!

" I'm surprised how well it turned out honestly but enough about that." Luz said as she sat on the edge of the boxing ring. "Now, the reason I'm able to be on campus and no longer banned is because Principal Bump gave me an offer after the duel at the Covention."

"The duel where you and Amity went toe to toe in fists and magic?" Gus asked as he and Willow sat down on a green mat, putting their school bags aside.

"Yeah that. Apparently, the duel made more of an impact than I thought. He said that students in the crowd were trying to copy my moves and he thought it could lead to trouble if they didn't have a proper teacher. So he came to me and Eda when we were leaving the Covention and offer to lift the ban so I could teach." Luz said as Gus and Willow gaped in shock. "Though King accepted for me, I came to accept if after some thinking and as they say, "the rest is history." So, what do you guys think?"

"What do we think?! This is awesome! Now we can get double lessons!" Gus said as he shot up to his feet and threw 2 punches and a kick. "Gus the Dazzling Striker will be closer to being a reality!"

""Gus the Dazzling Striker?"" Luz asked with a short chuckle.

"It's my fighter nickname for when I'm ready to use it in battle! I already came up one for Willow too." Gus said as he pointed to Willow. "She will be known to all as "The Green Fury!""

""Green Fury?" Me?" Willow asked as she pointed to herself while Luz looked at her, humming and nodding.

"Yeah, I could see that, I had my own fighter name back home. Went by "The Dominican Destroyer." Hehehe, good times." Luz said as she remembered when she got her nickname.

"Are all of the students of the students gonna get fighter names in this class?" Gus asked as he sat back down.

"Hmm, if they want, yes. They can come up with their own names or ask me to suggest one for them." Luz said before pulling out her phone and checking the time. "Speaking of students, I'm gonna wait a few more minutes before officially starting the class. I expected you guys art least but I hoped for more than just two students."

Like fate was answering her call, a knock on the door came and caused them all to look at the door.

"Hello? Is this were the human kickboxing class is held?" a female voice asked as she knocked on the door again.

"Huh. Thank you, whoever was listening." Luz said as hoped off the ring and walked to the door, opening it to welcome the students. "Yes it it, please come in."

When the door was fully opened, Gus and Willow were shocked to see who the trio was while Luz was focused on only one person.

"Amity?" Luz asked as before her was the green haired witch she fought two days ago, Amity Blight, with two more girls with her.

On Amity's left was a girl with a slender figure with pink skin, light purple eyes, and violet hair tied back in a bun. Her school uniform the same as Amity's but her leggings and sleeves were yellow. Her most unique feature was that she had 3 eyes, one on her forehead, making her a triclops. On Amity's right was a girl with brown skin, eyes with gray irises, hair that comes in tones of pinkish-gray and deep mauve held up in a ponytail and gold studded earrings on her ears. Her uniform had red sleeves and leggings.

"Hello, Luz. I hope we're not late." Amity said formally.

"O-Oh, you're not! Class was just about to begin." Luz quickly said before looking to the two new girls, one looking amazed to see her and the other keeping a cool appearance. "And I see you brought friends with you."

"Yes, they saw our duel at the Covention and they wanted to learn how to fight like that too." Amity said as she gestured to the girl on her left, the one with dark skin and gold earrings. "This is Skara, she REALLY enjoyed our duel and can't stop talking about it. She's actually been wanting an autograph since."

"Yeah, you were so cool!" Skara screamed as she shook Luz's hands at a face pace. "It was unlike anything I've ever seen and I just had to know more! I'm so glad your teaching a class here!"

"Hehehe, it's fine. I'm happy to teach you if you want to learn." Luz said as they stopped shaking hands and turned to the three eyed girl. "And her?"

"That's Boscha, she just came along because she was bored but I can tell she is interested." Amity said as Boscha rolled her eyes.

"Whatever, can we get this down already?" Boscha asked as she looked around the room until she laid her eyes on Gus and Willow. "UGH! and there's even two losers here!"

Gus and Willow looked away at the comment as Luz began to get angry.

"What did you call them?" she asked the triclops as she pointed to Gus and Willow.

"I said those two are losers. "Half-a-witch" Willow and "Mr. Disillusion" Gus, they-"

Before Boscha could finish he insult, Luz closed the distance and nearly uppercut her in the chin but stopped within a few inches. That display of speed was more than enough to shut her up as Luz glared at her.

"Look, I may not know why you're like this but in my class, there are NO losers! So I will not stand for any name calling or hazing, do I make myself clear?!" Luz demanded with a firm and angry tone.

"I-I-I- Ye-Yes, ma'am." Boscha whispered with wide eyes, stunned by how fast Luz was for a human and she didn't even use the magic gloves she was wearing!

'Holy Belos, that was scary! And cool!' Skara thought as she and Amity were shocked while Willow and Gus smiled at Luz.

"Good, now, come in and take a seat. I'll start when a few more minutes." Luz said as she moved her fists away from Boscha's chin and gestured her to the mats around the boxing ring. "You don't have to sit on a mat that matches your uniform, just sit wherever."

The trio went over to the mats as Gus and Willow nodded to Luz, getting the attention of the new trio passing by.

'I should've known they would be here.' Amity thought as she walked to a spot on the right side of the stage, sitting on the middle mat.

'I can't believe we have to be in another class with that half-a-witch!' Boscha thought as she blushed with anger and embarrassment from Luz's surprise feint attack, looking to Willow's smiling face. 'But I know this, I WILL be better then plant girl right there!'

Boscha took the mat to Amity's left and Skara, the only one visibly excited besides Gus, stat on the mat on Amity's right. Luz watched as they sat down before looking outside of the door to see if anyone else was going to come in and from the looks of it, the class will be small.

"Guess that's it. Might as well start." Luz said as she was about to close the door until a several footsteps came running.

"Wait! Don't close the door!" a voice shout as about 3 other students stopped in front of the door and huffed from their rush. "Sorry."

Standing before Luz were 3 students that very very different from the ones Luz already had in her class, one of which looked the most human, and each had a different uniform color. The first was a girl with brown eyes, brown hair to her shoulders with some strange lying in front of her ears, and had 5 freckles on her nose with her uniform leggings and sleeves being blue; the second girl had turquoise with long bangs on either side, a giant eyeball for a head with yellow sclera and magenta iris with 3 large eye lashes with her uniform the same as Boscha's; and the last one was a goat guy with a unicorn horn on his head and a single black eyeball in a uniform with red sleeves and leggings.

"Don't be, I can guess you three are here for the kickboxing lesson?" Luz asked them as they all nodded excitedly at her.

"Yeah that! And we want to learn about you!" the brown haired girl said as she gestured to Luz.

"Me?" Luz asked in confusion.

"Allow me to introduce us, My name is Bo and these are my friends Eileen and Asriel." the brown haired girl, Bo, said as she introduced the large eyed cyclops and the goat cyclops. "We're part of a club dedicated to learning all about humans and their culture, the Human Appreciation Society."

"Human Appreciation Society?" She repeated before asking a question. "You don't happen to have a member named "Augustus" or "Gus" do you?"

"Actually, yes, he's the club president. Is he here?" Bo asked as Eileen looked ahead and saw him sitting next to Willow.

"Yeah, he is. Come on in, we were just about to start!" Luz said with a smile, happy that there was actually people who were interested in humans on the isles. "Hey, Gus, your club mates are here!"

"Really?!" Gus asked as he turned and smiled at them, seeing them walk over to him and Willow. "Guys, you're here! I'm so happy you saw the flyer too."

"Hmmmhmhmhmhmm." Eileen said/mumbled as they saw next to Gus and Willow, excited for the lesson and possibly learning more about humans.

"Yeah, this is gonna be great!" Asriel, the one eyed, one horned goat boy, said with a smile.

"Alright, alright, that enough chit chat. Time for class to begin!" Luz said as she shut the door and walked to the boxing ring, climbing under the ropes and gazing at everyone as she stood in the center. "Hello, everyone. For those who don't know my name, I am Luz Noceda, and I will be your kickboxing instructor for however long this class will be. Before we begin, why don't we introduce ourselves with our name, coven type, and the kind of magic you specialize in followed by a quick demonstration? Now who wants to go first?"

The Human Appreciation Society were the fastest to raised their hands as they were still excited about this class. This made Luz chuckle at how excited they were to learn about kickboxing or just human culture. Still good.

"Okay, okay, you first." Luz said as she pointed to the goat boy, seeing him smile brightly before standing up.

"Uh hi! My name is Asriel. Member of the Human Appreciation Society. My current coven track is Bard and the magic I currently specialize in is size altering magic." he said as he drew a spell circle and made his hand big enough to hold his head.

"Impressive." Luz said with a nod.

'Way more than that other kid from the Covention.' she thought as the next person raised their hand, Skara.

Luz gave her a nod as she stood up with a smile.

"My name is Skara, my coven track is also Bard, and my specialty is sound magic." she said as she drew a red spell circle over her mouth, singing a gentle melody through it and amplifying the sound. "Aaah~. Aaah~. Ah Ah Ahhaha~."

"Hmm, very nice song." Luz said as she looked over to the others before looking to Eileen. "How about you go?"

"Mhm." Eileen mumbled as she stood up and waved to everyone before sharing.

Luz was confused by this but then realized she had no mouth so it was natural it would just come out in mumbles.

"If you can't understand her Luz, her name is Eileen, she's in then potions track, and her favorite magic to use is water magic." Gus answered since he saw the confused look on Luz's face.

"Oh, okay. Sorry about that Eileen, it may take some time for me to understand you." Luz said as Eileen nodded to her.

"MMhm." she mumbled as she drew a spell circle and created a water ball in her hand and made it disappear.

Luz nodded to her as Gus stood up and bowed to everyone.

"Hello, names Gus. In the Illusion Track and my specialty is illusions!" he said as he drew a spell circle, making two more Gus' before posing for everyone.

"Wow, we've got a performer." Luz said with a bit of sarcasm but meant well, she was keeping the appearance of being a neutral teacher.

"Yes you do." Gus said before making his clones disappear and sat down.

"Alright, now we should only have a few left to introduce themselves." Luz said as she looked to Bo, Willow, Amity, and Boscha. "But I think we can skip one since i can assume we already know who she is."

Everyone could assume what Luz meant as they glanced towards Amity, already knowing who she was before this class. Her track was Abomination and her specialty magic was the same.

"I guess, I'll go then." Boscha said as she stood up, pulling some hair bat. "If some of you don't know, I'm Boscha, my track is Potions, and my favorite magic to use is Transformation Magic."

Boscha gave a smirk as she drew a spell circle and stuck her hand through it to change her hand into new forms, talons for nails, flames for nails, and turn her hand into metal.

"Wow, that's impressive. That has to be the most versatile magic I've ever seen." Luz said as she was very impressed with transformation magic and how it could be used in so many ways in combat.

"Thanks, I try." Boscha said with a smug face as she sat down.

Luz turned to Willow and Boa's direction, wondering which one of them will be going next. After a few moments, Willow decided to introduce herself though she was nervous about it.

"Um hi. My name is Willow, I'm-he- in the Plant Track, and my specialty is Plant Magic." Willow said as she heard Skara and Boscha giggle at her nervous introduction.

"There will be no laughing during introduction!" Luz quickly shouted towards him, making them jump and shut up as Luz glared to them before turning back to Willow. "Go on Willow, this is a safe place."

"Thank you." Willow said with a smile, closing her eyes as she focused her magic.

If she was gonna make an impression, she was going to go big. Willow then opened her eyes and made several vines rise around her and blossom with several flowers on them.

"OH!" most of them said in awe as the flowers dropped over the class, landing near each of them.

"Another magic just as versatile. Great display, Willow." Luz said to her with a thumbs up.

Willow silently nodded back as she ceased her magic and made the vines retreat into the ground around her before sitting down.

"Okay, now that one finished, we should have one person left." Luz said as she turned to Bo, who smiled as she stood up and waved to everyone.

"Hi everyone. My name is Bo, I'm part of the healing track, and I actually have 2 specialties. Healing and snow magic." Bo said as she drew two spell circle with each hand, the left hand was covered in a dark blue glow and the right hand made a small snowball in her hand.

"Double trouble and a healer, nice. But hopefully, you won't be needed to heal anyone during the class." Luz said as Bo stopped her magic and sat back down. "Okay, now that introductions are out of the way, I'll explain to you what exactly Kickboxing is and why these lessons were offered."

"Is it because everyone that saw the duel was copying the moves you did because of how awesome the fight was?" Skara asked as she raised her hand but but they all knew the answer.

"Well, yes, that is part of the reason but the main reason is that Principal Bump suggested this as a way to help you defend yourselves in case you're ever without your magic." Luz said as everyone, except Gus and Willow looked surprised at her. "There might be times where your magic is disabled or maybe even taken from you so it's best to not be too over dependent on it if you're in a dire situation. Does anyone disagree?"

The students looked at each other and gave their forms of agreement about Luz's statement, they were too dependent on their magic some times and if they were ever without it it would end badly depending on the situation.

"So, what exactly this thing you're going to teach us? Kickboxing, was it?" Boscha asked as they all turned their attention back to Luz.

"Yes, I'm going to teach you all and others if they join later on, Kickboxing." Luz said as she got into her stance. "Kickboxing is a fighting style that involves punches and kicks at four contact points; the two hands and feet. It's practiced by many for numerous reasons such as self-defense, exercise or self-development mentally or spiritually. For these lessons, I will be teaching you the basics of Kickboxing but if used creatively, even the basics can knock someone out but before that, I'll give you guys a demonstration through a short spar."

'A spar?!' most of the class thought in shock. 'Who is she going to spar with?!'

Though most of the class only knew that Amity could at least keep up with Luz a bit, 2 others knew otherwise.

'Which one of us is she going to ask me to spare with her?' Willow and Gus thought as they looked at each other, knowing that they were the only one that had some training from Luz before this class but wonder who would be the volunteer/potential victim is Luz got into it.

Luz got out of her stance and looked around the room for a sparing partner, mainly towards Amity, Gus, and Willow since they already had experience in kickboxing.

'Though Amity's skills are self taught and a bit sloppy, but still impressive.' Luz thought as she adjusted her glyph gloves, finally deciding on her sparing partner.

"Willow, please step into the ring." Luz said as everyone looked to her in shock.

"Me?!" she let out in a high pitch, pointing to herself.

"Willow?" the rest of the class said except Boscha, who chuckled a bit.

'Ohohoho, this is too good. Leaf girl is gonna get fat behind handed to her!' Boscha thought before Luz turned to her and glared at her again, hearing her chuckling.

"HEY!" Luz screamed as everyone, especially Boscha flinched from the shout. "Let me make this clear to everyone, before this class, Willow and Gus had received lessons from me due to being my friends prior to day but they will be given no special treatment. AND that there will be no bulling of any kind in this room! No name calling, no pranks, no mocking, and no fighting unless it's in this ring or against the punching bags and sparing dummies in the room! Understood?!"

"YES MA'AM!" they all shouted in unison, fearing Luz as she gave off an aura of authority in the class.

'Is this what humans are like when they're angry?' The human appreciation society thought as they made mental note to add whatever knowledge Luz gave them to their growing interest in human culture.

'Wow, she' passionate about this.' Amity thought as a small blush came to her face, unknown to her.

"Good, now Willow, would you please come up and help with the demonstration?" Luz asked her as she gestured for Willow to step into the ring.

"O-Okay, Luz." Willow said nervously as she stood up and walked to the boxing ring, climbing up and moving the vine ropes aside to get inside.

"Now, I want you to relax and just breathe. This is just demonstration to show everyone what they might do in the future." Luz said as she stretched a bit and rolled her neck. "You can use her magic as you wish but nothing to serious, we don't want any serious injury even though Bo is in the Healing Track, okay."

"Yes, Luz." Willow said as she stretched too and thought of what exactly she could do in this spar.

"Okay, Willow are you ready?" Luz asked as she got back into her kickboxing stance, giving a smirk to her friend/student.

"Yeah, I-I'm ready." Willow said with a nod as she got into a similar stance, very similar to Luz but she had left fist higher and her legs a little wider.

"Alright, we start in 3..." Luz said as she unfurled and curled her fists up.

'2.' Willow thought as she took a quick breath and showed a determined face, focusing only on Luz and not anyone else.

"1." Luz said as she and Willow briskly approached each other, ready to fight. "Begin!"

At the shout the word, Willow immediately went on the attack and threw jabs at Luz. None of them landed as Luz had the superior speed and experience, bobbing and weaving the punches from her friend before she threw a kick to Willow's knee.

"UGRH!" Willow grunted through her teeth but stood strong, she wouldn't fall that easy though it distracted her long enough for Luz to attack.

Willow put her arms in front of her face to block fast jabs, hooks, and straight punches Luz was sending to her.

'She's going strong! Just like always but I can't give up!' Willow thought as she ducked the next punch and sent a strong punch to Luz's stomach, her superior weight giving her an advantage in the power of it.

As Luz flinched and she kicked her back, Willow quickly drew a spell circle and summoned 5 vines around her that formed green fists.

"Let's so how you deal with this!" Willow shout as she commanded her knuckle plants to strike at Luz, who dodged through the fists as they came.

Once she got in close, Luz threw a kick to Willow's side but it missed on purpose so Luz could change it to a straight kick to her stomach and made her stumble back to robes.

'Wh-What was that? She tricked me!' Willow thought as she grit her teeth and looked back to Luz, ready for more.

As Willow readied herself to fight more in the spar, everyone (except Gus) who knew her or saw her around school were surprised by how determined she looked as she went back into the fight.

'Willow?' Amity thought in surprised as she couldn't take her eyes of the spar.

'Wow, she's really getting into it.' Gus thought as Willow blocked 3 punches before ducking and throwing a spin kick, one that Luz quickly blocked. 'Willow never fought this hard in our private lessons and Luz isn't even using her gloves yet.'

'This can't be her, can it?!' Boscha thought as she watched with her jaw dropping a bit. 'This can't be the same loser that was struggling with her magic!'

As they continued to watch the spar, Boscha for some reason felt herself...wanting to cheer for Willow. But why!? She was loser and Boscha doesn't go for losers, yet something inside her couldn't help but blush a little at the firm look on Willow's face as the spar continued. What was going on with her?!

Back with the spar, Willow was beginning to tire as she dodged and dodge before her punches began to get sloppy while Luz didn't look that tired. Her years of training and sparing gave her above average human stamina and she had plenty to use but she couldn't keep fighting Willow forever.

'I think this has gone on long enough.' Luz thought as she moved faster then before, forcing Willow to defend as she threw punch after punch and to her arms before Willow's back was against one of the boxing ring poles. 'NOW!'

"Throwing a hard left to break her defense, Luz bent low and reeling her right fist back before putting as much power and speed as she could into her punch and threw it up to Willow's chin as Willow herself gasped in surprise.

'Oh no!' Willow thought in a panic, seeing the fire in Luz's eye burn brighter, before she closed her eyes and wait for the hit.

What came to her chin was nothing but wind as she felt her hair push up a bit, slowly opening her eyes to see Luz smirking at her with the same fire in her eyes and her fist just stopping short of her chin.

"And with that, our spar demonstration is now concluded." Luz said as she stood straight and pulled her fists back. "Thank you for the assistance, Willow, and sorry if hurt you a bit during."

"OH, you're welcome and it's fine. I'll be okay." Willow said as she moved from the pole and rubbed her arms a bit.

"Still though, you should talk to Bo and see if she can heal you a bit." Luz said as Willow exited the ring to sit back down next to Gus and the H.A.S., where Bo didn't even ask as she used a little healing magic on Willow. "Now, that spar was just a sample of what you could do after a few our lessons and if you put in the work, you might be able to do better than that. Any questions?"

Nearly every hand shot up up as they all had questions for Luz, this made her smile as it seems they were all even more eager to become kickboxers than before as the class went on. Over the next 2 hours, Luz had taught her eager students the standard stances, a few basic moves, and showed them how to train against the sandbags or spinning dummies. She also answered any questions the Human Appreciation Society had about human culture and even showed them her phone aka a human scroll, they were hanging on every word and everything move she showed them until it was time to leave since 5:30 pm seemed to be an appropriate time to end things for now.

"Alright, guys, that's it for today's lessons." Luz said as she went to the door and opened it for them. "I hope you all use what I taught you wisely and I should see you all next if you wish to learn more. And if you want to use the room during the school week, just go to Principal Bump and he can give you the key."

Everyone nodded to her, giving their own goodbyes to their teacher as they left the room. The Human Appreciation Society, Bo, Asriel, and Eileen, gave her the most friendly goodbye and swore to return for next week. As Amity and her friends came by, Skara gave a bright smile and wave, Boscha gave a solemn nod of respect to Luz, and Amity stopped before her while her friends walked a bit ahead of her.

"...So, how'd you like the class?" Luz asked casually as she had her hands in her pockets.

"It was alright." Amity said as she looked away a bit, gathering her thoughts a bit before she spoke up again. "Just curious on one thing."

"What is it?" Luz asked as Amity looked to her with a glance.

"Do you...give private lessons?" Amity asked as she blushed a bit. "There...were a few moves I couldn't get right and need a bit more help with them."

'Amity wants a private lesson?' Luz thought as she looked at the ground a bit. 'Well, I gave Gus and Willow lessons but that was before this official class. Still...'

"It's fine if you can't bu-"

"Sure, just name the time and place." Luz said as she gave Amity a small smile and held her hand out to her.

Amity was surprised that she agreed so quickly to it, she at least thought Luz would make her beg or haggle a little, but she could be fine with this.

"Good, we can discuss this later since your no longer banned." Amity said as she shook Luz's hand.

And with that, the first day of Hexside's Kickboxing club had come to an end and all the members were going to have a real blast.

(10/3/2020: I have alternated to one Undertale name to a member of the Human Appreciation Society. It belongs to the Undertale Franchise.)

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