Ch. 24: Anger

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The trio arrived at the Owl House, landing and bringing Luz into the house. Her eyes barely open. They placed her on the couch and Batman looked over her, seeing a faint glow on her wrists. He grabbed her hand and saw trace amounts of Kryptonite lodged in her skin.

"The restraints must've burned small fragments of kryptonite into her wrists. Until we can get them out, she'll be in pain and unable to use her powers." He said, "It will take time."

"Which is something we might not have." Eda said, looking out the window and seeing Darksied already standing outside.

Eda and Lilith went outside to buy time, even if it was just a couple of seconds, in order for Batman to get the kryptonite out of Luz.

"Hey, fuck face, this is private property!" Eda said.

Darksied simply looked around.

"This realm looks pitiful, filled with strong power but no use for it." He said, "Belos and his foolish system has stunted their growth drastically. They need a true ruler. Soon, I shall be that ruler."

"Yeah, that's just what we need." Eda said, summoning her staff, "Ready, Lily?"

"Ready." Lilith said, summoning her staff.

The two charged at Darksied, using their magic, they used speed to attack, but it barely did anything to him. He simply smirk and back handed Lilith, knocking her back into a tree.

"UGH!" Lilith said as she fell to the ground after cracking the trunk of the tree.

Eda charged at Darksied and used construction magic to throw a punch, which didn't do much to stop him, it barely did anything. Eda didn't stop though, she kept throwing punches, surely one would do damage. Darksied kicked Eda, sending her into the wall of her house. She fell to her knee, before standing up and running back at him. She threw a fireball at him, and eve he would admit, he didn't expect that. Didn't mean he wasn't prepared, as he dodged it, but this proved as a simple distraction. Eda then pulled out a knife from her hair and slide on the ground past him, hitting the back of his knee with the knife. She didn't stop as she got up and began to start slashing at him... but sadly for Eda, it didn't do much, except maybe, put a faint scratch on his armor. He grabbed Eda by the neck and lifted her off the ground, as his eyes began glowing red.

"You have nerve, I'll give you that." He said, "But even they will be reduced to atoms once I'm done with you."

Eda was kicking her legs and using her hands to try and get his hand off her neck. Her skin began to turn blue from lack of oxygen and her body was getting very nervous from the glowing eyes. Thankfully, Lilith got up and put her staff around his neck and pulled back as soon as he fired his omega beams, sending it into the air to hit nothing. Darkseid reached behind him and grabbed Lilith, slamming her on the ground with enough force to create a Lilith shaped hole in the ground. Eda ran at Darkseid and started using whatever spell she had, no matter how dangerous it could be. She blasted him with three sleep spells, 4 fire spells, 23 forbidden spell... nothing, not even a scratch. Eda then put her fists up as Darkseid started moving towards her. He threw a punch at her, knocking her to the ground. He didn't stop as he picked her up, delivered a strong kick to her stomach, enough that blood began to come up as she hit the ground.

"Insignificant bugs." Darksied said, grabbing Eda by the head and slammed her to the ground, "You are weak without your Kryptonian."

He then started moving towards the door, but was stopped when he felt something latch onto his leg. He looked down and saw a vine wrapped around his leg.

"You're not going near Luz." Willow said, Amity and Gus behind her, "We'll stop you."

Darkseid just lifted his leg and pulled the vine out of the ground. Willow then responded by sending dozens of thorny vines at him, while Amity did the same with spikes made of Abomination goo. Darkseid fired his omega beam at the spells, destroying them.

"You are simple children." He said, "Pathetic and weak."

He fired his omega beam again, except this time, it went right through, and the illusions disappeared.

"A fake?"

The vines and spikes hit Darkseid in the back, actually making him stumble forward. He stood up and looked at them.

"Enjoy... it will be the only strike you give me."

Inside, Batman was working hard at trying to kryptonite fragments out of Luz's body, he heard the door open. He knew entered. He quickly turned and threw a batarang at Darkseid. It exploded and caused a small flash of light, if it was anyone else it would've blinded them for a couple minutes, but Darseid isn't anyone else. He grabbed Batman and threw him against the wall. He didn't stop as he punched Batman twice in the stomach before slamming his foot into Batman's chest, sending him through the wall. Batman stood up and grabbed something from his belt, before throwing it at Darkseid. It was a smoke bomb, an attempt at blinding him, but it wasn't effective. Darkseid grabbed Batman by the neck and held him up.

"A valiant effort." Darkseid said before throwing Batman against a tree, "But it's time to end this."

Darkseid fired an Omega Beam at Batman... but it never hit him. Instead... Luz fell to her knees, taking the beam herself even though she's in a weakened state. She was breathing heavily, and her body was smoking. Darkseid grabbed her by the hair and lifted her off the ground.

"You are strong, but no where near as powerful as your father." Darkseid said, "A lesson you will soon learn."

Darkseid's eyes started glowing, only for a fist to collide with the side of his face. He dropped Luz as he was knocked back a good dozen feet. Darkseid looked up and saw the face of an angry father. Superman made sure to catch Luz and gently place her on the ground, before marching over to Darkseid.

"You can mess with me... you can mess with my city."

Darkseid threw a punch but Superman caught it an sent his own at Darkseid, hitting him right in the face, knocking him back.

"You can even mess with my planet." Superman said, before throwing three more punches at Darkseid, "But the second you touch my daughter... that's when you make your LAST mistake."

Superman delivered an uppercut to Darkseid, sending him into the air. By the time Darkseid started to reach the Boiling Planet's atmosphere, Superman was there, waiting for him. He grabbed Darkseid by the back of the head and flew at full speed towards the ocean, slamming Darkseid into it, all the way to the bottom of the seafloor. Superman then picked him up and punched him all the way out of the water and to land. He then flew after him and fired at him with heat vision. Darkseid tried to use his omega beams, but Superman fired heat vision into Darkseid's eyes. He didn't let up, he didn't stop, this wasn't superman fighting Darkseid, the was a father beating the ever loving hell out of the person that hurt his daughter. He wasn't done, as he threw Darkseid back into the air and flew after him, throwing punch after punch.

As Superman flew, a new problem arose on the Boiling Isles, Belos arrived at the Owl House. He was somewhat bitter that his portal was STILL incomplete and someone in a bat costume mercilessly beat him WITHOUT magic. It was impressive for a human but infuriating in the other end. He looked at the bodies on the ground and found Luz's. He started walking over until Lilith and Eda, both having multiple broken bones, stood up.

"Hey buddy, private property, fuck off!" Eda yelled.

"Amusing." Belos said.

"Get out of here!" Lilith shouted as Batman got up and grabbed more batarangs from his belt.

"I don't recommend that." Belos said, holding his staff out.

"You don't know me well." Batman said, throwing the batarangs!

Belos fired at them, creating a smokescreen around the front of the house as Lilith and Eda charged in! Batman went to Luz, who was still recovering from the Omega Beam. Amity, who had just gotten enough strength to get up, and King were with her, looking over hear as a last line of defense.

"We need to get her out of here." Batman said.

"But Luz is still recovering." Amity said.

"I'm aware but with Superman still dealing with Darkseid and Belos here with a kryptonite staff, she'll be even worse if we don't leave." Batman said.

"But where would we go?" King asked.

"I don't know, but anywhere is better than here."

Amity had some place in mind but worried because of one person that resided there.

"I have a place in mind." Amity said, getting King's and Batman's attention. "We can take Luz there."

"Okay, lead the way." Batman said.

With the help of some abomination magic, Amity created a ramp down the cliff to the beach as Batman picked up Luz. King hopped into Amity's shoulder as they slid down and began running away from the house. Their destination...



...Blight Manor.

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