EPISODE 10 (High Acceleration Go Home Show)

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Welcome to High Acceleration Go Home Show, everyone!

With High Acceleration already here, let's see what happens in the show before the big event...



53 seconds into the song, the opening pyro goes off inside UBS Arena, in Elmont, New York.

Then Mauro Ranallo speaks as the camera pans around.

Mauro: High Acceleration is quite literally around the corner, and what a go home show we have for you tonight! Mauro Ranallo here, alongside Nigel McGuinness and Beth Phoenix as always, and what a show this is gonna be!

Nigel: Indeed what a show this will be, tonight the LWF: Reborn Champion, Starlight Glimmer, has one more message for Ricochet before their ultimate High Acceleration showdown!

Beth: And also happening later tonight, we have the dangerous and unpredictable Chris Brookes taking on Koneko Toujou, Koneko yet to score a victory here in LWF, can she get one over the Calamari Catch King?

Mauro: Speaking of Koneko, her friends, the recently formed "Faith and Kindness" are taking on the Motorcity Machine Guns, Chard made this match to see if Asia and Fluttershy can do well against any team, I hope Faith and Kindness are ready!

Nigel: Also, FSU and Dennis are gonna be in action, FSU looking to gain momentum for their Tag Team Championship match, while Dennis is looking to cause some chaos.



The crowd cheers as Zachary Wentz makes his way out onto the stage.

(OPENING MATCH: Ruby Rose vs. Zachary Wentz)

*Bell rings!*

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, this opening contest is scheduled for one fall, introducing first, from Baywood, Ohio, he weighs in tonight at 176 pounds, ZACHARY WENTZ!!!

Mauro: Zachary Wentz, yet to secure a win here in LWF since his appearance at Elimination Enclosure. But tonight he is facing a focused Ruby Rose!

Nigel: Wentz is a breathtaking competitor. But can he be able to score his first win?

Wentz enters the ring, and stretches out in a corner.


And the crowd cheers loudly as Ruby comes skipping out.

Jeremy Borash: And his opponent, from the Kingdom of Vale, in Remnant, RUBY ROSE!!!

Mauro: What an impact this young gal has made! From her big appearance in the Elimination Enclosure match, to now getting a Wattpad Championship opportunity at High Acceleration!

Nigel: Tapping out the Wattpad Champion is no easy feat! In a short period of time, Ruby has proven she has future Champion material, and we might see her become Champ at High Acceleration!

Beth: And if that happens, Ruby's career might skyrocket!

Ruby slides into the ring, and then stretches out in a corner like Wentz.

The bell then rings, and the match is underway.

Ruby and Wentz lock up in the middle of the ring, Ruby then gets Wentz in a Side Headlock, then takes him down to the mat, still maintaining her hold.

Wentz then wrapped his legs around her head to get her to let go. She releases him, but Ruby gets to her feet before Wentz could get to his, goes for a swift Roundhouse Kick, but Wentz ducked it, scoops her up with a Schoolboy Roll-up, rolls her through, nips up, and then goes for a Bicycle Knee Strike.

Ruby was able to dodge it, though. Then she gets up, and stuns Wentz with an Enzuigiri!

Mauro: Wentz and Ruby going back and forth, and Ruby hits an Enzuigiri!

Beth: Zachary Wentz on spaghetti legs...

Then she hits the ropes, but Wentz lands a Calf Kick on her off the rebound, bringing Ruby's momentum to a screeching halt!

Mauro: And Wentz stopping Ruby in her tracks!

Wentz goes for the cover, but Ruby kicks out at 2.

Wentz then sits Ruby up, then gets Ruby in a Grounded Headlock.

Mauro: And Wentz, now trying to slow Ruby down...

After a few minutes, Ruby begins to get up, and then she elbows Wentz in the midsection.

Mauro: But Ruby now, elbows to the gut!

The second he let go of her, Ruby hits the ropes, then knocked him down with a Jumping Back Elbow!

Mauro: And a Back Elbow knocks Wentz down!

Ruby then picks up Wentz, throws him to the ropes, where he hits a Handspring Knee Strike!

Nigel: Oh!!!

Mauro: Handspring Knee!

He then hits the ropes, going for a Springboard Crossbody, but Ruby picks him off the air with a Superkick!

Mauro: And Ruby! Kicking Wentz out of the air!

Ruby then creates a bit of distance, and sizes Wentz up.

Once Wentz was up to one knee, Ruby then connected with an Axe Kick!

Beth: Oh!!!

Mauro: And another kick from Ruby, that one she calls the "Silver Flash"!

Ruby then hooks the leg, and gets the 1-2-3!

Mauro: And Ruby picks up the win!

*Bell rings!*


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, your winner of the match, RUBY ROSE!!!

Mauro: If she hits that on Spongebob at High Acceleration, we might crown a new Wattpad Champion!

Beth: Ruby and Spongebob are on a collision course, we know Ruby is ready, but will the Abrasive Spongebob be ready for her?

Nigel: I'm sure he will be.


Speaking of Spongebob, the Wattpad Champion was watching the whole match in the interviewing area, then Sarah Schreiber walked up to him.

Sarah: Spongebob, you have just seen firsthand, what Ruby Rose is capable of doing. Are you, by any means, concerned that maybe Ruby might give you a run for your money?

SpongeBob: *Glares daggers at her* Concerned? CONCERNED!? What do I have to be concerned about? All I saw was some over-hyped, overrated, little punk, taking up MY screen time! I ain't scared of her! Not in the slightest! Sure, she's gotten lucky before, but that luck runs out when that bell rings and our match begins. Because when this belt is on the line, NOBODY can beat me. Not... A... Soul.

Spongebob then walks away, and Sarah watches him leave.

In another area backstage, Koneko Toujou was practicing some strikes when Asia Argento and Fluttershy came.

Koneko: Hey, guys.

Asia: Hey, Koneko! I just wanna say thanks for your training.

Koneko: No problem.

Fluttershy kept quiet, nervously stroking her hair.

Asia: It's okay, Fluttershy! I know it's scary, it's our first match as a Tag Team after all.

Fluttershy: But... our opponents are the Motorcity Machine Guns! They're good! While we... we just became a team!

Asia: I'm nervous too. But I'm sure we'll do our best!

Fluttershy: Oh... I hope so...

(MATCH 2: FSU in action)


Mark Andrews and Eddie Dennis came out, and the crowd began to boo.

*Bell Rings!*

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, this is a Tag Team match, scheduled for one fall, introducing first, at a combined weight of 380 pounds, Mark Andrews and Eddie Dennis, FSU!!!

The camera then cuts to the ring, where two girls were standing. One of them had short, ginger hair and light brown eyes with slightly tanned skin, sporting a two-piece outfit consisting of a black, white, and purple top along with a black skirt that opens on the left with black shorts underneath. A pale pink bow was on her chest along with a hot pink belt with a matching heart buckle above her skirt. The sleeves and skirt have pale pink ruffles. She also wears black arm warmers with hot pink hearts on the back along with black fingerless gloves. Her leg warmers are also black with hot pink hearts on top along with dark magenta boots.

The other girl had long, midnight blue hair, with part of it in a ponytail on top of her head bound by a white ribbon with a blue gem heart in the middle, along with matching eyes. Her attire is composed of a white and sky blue dress with light blue ruffles on the sleeves and skirt. On her chest is a large white ribbon and around her waist is a thin blue sash. She also wore white arm warmers with light blue ruffles on the top and bottom and blue hearts on the back of the hands. Her boots are white and worn under white and sky blue leg warmers with a heart at the bottom.

Jeremy Borash: And their opponents, already in the ring, the team of Nagisa Misumi, and Honoka Yukishiro!

Mauro: FSU In action now, against these two young ladies, Nagisa Misumi and Honoka Yukishiro, together, they're known as "Pretty Cure"!

Beth: Nagisa and Honoka are quite a duo from what I heard, but they are up against a focused and driven FSU!

Nigel: Well we've seen some pretty big upsets happen, we might see that happen here, you'll never know!

Once FSU entered the ring, they lunged at Nagisa and Honoka, but the referee kept them back before they could do a pre-match assault.

After FSU cooled down, the girl in black (Nagisa Misumi), starts it off with Mark Andrews, and the bell rings.

Mauro: There's the bell, and Mark Andrews starting it off with Nagisa Misumi!

Nagisa and Andrews lock up in the middle of the ring, Andrews gets Nagisa in a Side Headlock, but she slips out, and gets him in a Side Headlock of her own.

Beth: From what I've heard, Nagisa is a highly athletic individual! Playing for the lacrosse team at her school, and very energetic, while her partner Honoka, is more on the intellectual side.

Nigel: Well Nagisa better make use of that energy if she's gonna hang with Andrews!

Mauro: And a bit more than that if Eddie Dennis gets in the ring!

Mark Andrews was then able to counter with a Back Suplex, but Nagisa landed on her feet!

She then goes for a Clothesline but Andrews immediately ducked. Then he hits the ropes, and knocks her down with a Forearm Smash!

Nigel: Oh!

Mauro: Nagisa, landing on her feet, but Mark Andrews not letting her gain any momentum!

Andrews then tags Eddie Dennis in, and he quickly begins to stomp away on Nagisa.

Andrews also swiftly got out of the ring, and then went all the way to Honoka, and pulled her off the apron!

Mauro: And now Andrews! Pulling Honoka Yukishiro off of the apron!

Andrews then grabbed Honoka by her hair, and threw her into the steel stairs!

Mauro: And now throwing Honoka into the stairs!

Meanwhile back in the match, Nagisa was beginning to fight back against Eddie Dennis, landing a few rights and lefts to neutralize the bigger Eddie!

Mauro: This has now become a 2 on 1 situation, but look at Nagisa! Throwing jabs, and Eddie Dennis is reeling!

Nagisa then hits the ropes, looking for a running Crossbody, but Eddie catchesher!

Mauro: Oh he WAS reeling! Now he has Nagisa in his grasp!

Then with a loud battle cry, he planted her with a Swinging Side Slam!

Mauro: OH, MAN!

Nigel: Slamming her down with authority!

Andrews then climbed back up to the apron, Eddie then dragged her to his corner and tags him in. Andrews goes to the top turnbuckle, and Eddie lifts her up for the Neck Stop Driver.

Mauro: Uh oh, this could be the end right here...

Andrews then leaped off the top turnbuckle, and FSU hit their Neck Stop Driver/Double Foot Stomp combo!

Beth: OH!

Mauro: FSU spiking Nagisa Misumi!

Nigel: That's it!

Andrews then goes for the cover, and gets the 3 count!

Mauro: Thanks for coming, Pretty Cure!

*Bell rings!*

(Start at 0:07)


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen your winners of the match, FSU!!!

Mauro: Team Weird N' Wild better be ready, because if these two could put away Pretty Cure in seconds, imagine what they will do to take the Tag Team Championships off of them!

Beth: Well Weird N' Wild are always up for a challenge! I'm sure it's not gonna be easy for FSU! But tonight against Pretty Cure, that was a strong performance!

FSU wasn't done just yet. Andrews immediately slid out of the ring and threw Honoka in.

Mauro: Oh wait a second, FSU aren't done!

Eddie then picked her up, and FSU hit the Neck Stop Driver/Double Stomp combo on her!

Nigel: Oh, my word!

Mauro: And another Double Foot Stomp/Neck Stop Driver combo courtesy of Friends Stand United!

Andrews then demanded a microphone, and then a production crew member handed him two mics. He hands one to Eddie, and looks around as the crowd booed before he could speak.

Mark Andrews: What we just did, right now, was exactly what you people are gonna see at High Acceleration, after we take the Tag Team belts off of your two little Heroines, Team Weird N' Wild!

Eddie Dennis: Mabel, Star, I hope you were watching. Because the beating we just gave to these two girls, is the same beating we're gonna give you and then some!

Mark Andrews: And after we're through with you, this Tag Team Division better watch out.

They then dropped their mics, and exited the ring.

Mauro: FSU are set for High Acceleration, what a match that's gonna be!

Nigel: If FSU do defeat Weird N' Wild, boy the Tag Team Division might be in for a change in atmosphere!

Beth: Oh for sure! FSU are definitely beginning to be a force to be reckoned with!


The Motorcity Machine Guns were standing by with Kayla Braxton in the interviewing area.

Kayla: Sabin, Shelley, tonight you're gonna be facing a new team in Faith and Kindness-

Alex Shelley: Sorry Kayla, let me just stop you there. First of all, we didn't ask for Faith and Kindness to be our opponents, second, Faith and Kindness may be just a team that recently formed, but I sense a good future in them. *Looks into the camera* Faith and Kindness, all I can say is-

Suddenly two hooded strangers jumped Sabin and Shelley!

They began to hammer away on the Michigan made duo, until referees came in, and they backed off.

(Back at ringside...)

Mauro: Oh no, Sabin and Shelley were scheduled to face Faith and Kindness later tonight, but two hooded assailants just ambushed the guns!

Beth: Well hopefully, we get some update of sorts before that match if they're gonna be cleared to compete or not.

Nigel: Now why would anyone go after the guns?

Mauro: Maybe those were the same guys that jumped Kushida?

Nigel: You know what, that's a possibility!

(MATCH 3: Koneko Toujou vs. Chris Brookes)


To a rally of cheers, Koneko Toujou walks out to the ring with purpose.

*Bell rings!*

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen this next contest is scheduled for one fall, introducing first, hailing from Kuoh Town, Japan, KONEKO TOUJOU!

Mauro: And now we move on to Koneko vs. Chris Brookes, the last time these two encountered each other, Koneko saved Asia from getting hurt by the hands of Brookes, now she gets Brookes one on one!

Nigel: We've seen firsthand what Koneko and Brookes are capable of doing, but while Koneko is looking for her first win, Chris Brookes is looking to add another name to his list of victims, hoping to strike fear into the hearts of many in his wake!

Koneko enters the ring, and then awaits for her opponent.


The lights went out, then red spotlights began to dance around.

26 seconds into the song, Chris Brookes slowly walks out onto the stage.

Jeremy Borash: And her opponent, from Tipton, England, he weighs in tonight at 170 pounds, the Calamari Catch King, CHRIS BROOKES!!!

Mauro: At High Acceleration, Chris Brookes will be facing Bombay Suarez, in what will be a physical match for sure, tonight he looks to make an example out of Koneko!

Nigel: Koneko isn't one to stay down, so Brookes is gonna have quite a challenge.

Beth: And like you mentioned earlier Nigel, Koneko is looking to score her first victory, a win over Chris Brookes could be a big upset!

Brookes enters the ring, then takes his bandanna off, and then he takes his jacket off.

The bell rings, and the match is underway.

Koneko and Brookes lock up in the middle of the ring, Koneko being smaller, was able to drop down and take Brookes down with an Arm Drag.

Brookes quickly gets up, narrowly dodging a swift Roundhouse Kick by Koneko. He then gets a Rear Waistlock applied on her, looking for a German Suplex, but Koneko was able to counter into a Victory Roll pin, but Brookes kicks out at 2!

They both get back up, then Koneko lands a Knife Edge Chop!

Mauro: Back and forth they go, and now Koneko with a chop!

Koneko then hits the ropes, but off the rebound, Brookes lands a chop of his own!

Mauro: Oh! Brookes answers back with a chop of his own!

Chris Brookes then brings her to the center of the ring, takes her down with a Snapmare, followed up by a Senton!

Mauro: And a crushing Senton, flattening Koneko!

Brookes goes for the cover, but Koneko kicks out at 2.

He now lays Koneko face down, and stomps on the back of her head.

Koneko clutches the back of her head, then Brookes stomps on her again.

Koneko rolls towards the ropes, looking to roll out of the ring, but Brookes quickly stops her with another stomp, then he presses his foot on her throat, choking her, while holding the top rope for extra leverage.

Nigel: And now Chris Brookes turning on that cruel and ruthless side!

The referee counts to 5, Brookes breaks the hold at 3. Koneko then rolled out of the ring, coughing and laying on the ground.

Chris Brookes then slid out of the ring, slowly making his way towards her.

Mauro: And now Brookes... like a snake stalking its prey...

Koneko slowly gets up, then Brookes charges at her, and connects with a Bicycle Knee Strike!

Mauro: And Chris Brookes with a knee!

Brookes then throws her back into the ring, but then when he picked her up for a Brainbuster, Koneko was able to reverse out of it, then she planted him with a Single Underhook Facebuster!

Mauro: OH, and Koneko! Face first goes Brookes!

Koneko then sits him up, and smacks him with a Penalty Kick across his chest!

Mauro: And a big P.K to follow up!

Nigel: Eat your heart out, Christiano Ronaldo!

Koneko goes for the cover, but Brookes kicks out at 2!

Brookes begins to crawl to the ropes, but then Koneko cuts him off with an Axe Kick!

Mauro: And now Koneko, bringing the fight to Brookes!

Koneko then picks him up, and drops him with a Fisherman Buster!

Mauro: Fisherman Buster!

Brookes then rolls out of the ring, and flops to the floor.

Koneko then goes onto the apron, but what she doesn't know was that Brookes had pulled a steel pipe from under the ring.

Koneko then went for another Penalty Kick off the apron, but Brookes evaded, then he struck her on the side of her knee with the pipe, causing a disqualification!

Mauro: Oh my! Brookes with a pipe! Referee has no choice but to call a disqualification!

*Bell rings!*

Koneko falls to the floor, clutching at her knee. Then Brookes grabbed the damaged knee, and began stomping on it!

Mauro: And now Brookes! Match is over, but the assault continues!

Brookes then locked on a Cloverleaf, and Koneko was now screaming in pain!

"Are you seeing this, Bombay!? This is exactly what I'm gonna do to you at High Acceleration!" Brookes shouts into the camera before yelling at the top of his lungs, wrenching back even more.

Referees then came in and tried to pry Brookes off of her.

Brookes then finally lets her go, and leaves with a big grin on his face.

Mauro: Well, Koneko Toujou scores her first win, but it's Chris Brookes who's walking out on his own two feet!

Nigel: With High Acceleration drawing near, Chris Brookes has all the momentum he could get!

Beth: I can guarantee you this, after their encounter, one of them is gonna be carried out!

Mauro: Well switching gears now, earlier tonight The Motorcity Machine Guns were being interviewed backstage, when suddenly two hooded men jumped them, and I understand that Charly Caruso has an update on their status.


And Charly Caruso was now standing by at the door to the first aid room.

Charly: So the Motorcity Machine Guns are currently inside the first aid room right now, and from what I was told, The Guns are cleared to compete tonight, and next episode the Guns will be in action, but the opponents are yet to be announced-

Then, Zachary Wentz walked up.

Zachary: Sign us up.

Charly: Oh... well... who's your partner?

Zachary: Easy.

Then as if on cue, Dezmond Xavier walked in.

Dezmond: So... next Episode, right?

Zachary: Yup. Hope the Guns are ready.

Dezmond: I hope WE'RE ready! That's Sabin and Shelley, man!

The two continued to talk to each other as they walked away.

Charly: Well there you have it, next Episode, it's Motorcity Machine Guns, versus Dezmond Xavier and Zachary Wentz! Back to you guys!

(Back at ringside...)

Mauro: Well isn't that exciting! Next episode, the Guns facing off against Dezmond Xavier and Zachary Wentz, who many remember them as The Rascalz!

Nigel: That's gonna be a high octane match that's for sure, wow!



12 seconds into the song, Dennis rose out onto the stage on his motorcycle, revving the engine before riding down the ramp, and circling the ring.

*Bell rings!*

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, this next contest is scheduled for one fall, introducing first, DENNIS!

Then the camera cuts to inside the ring, where a man in white shorts and matching kick pads was standing.

Jeremy Borash: And his opponent, hailing from Santiago, Chile, he weighs in tonight at 205 pounds, ALEJANDRO SAEZ!!!

Mauro: Back to more action, it's Dennis now in action against the extra large, Alejandro Saez!

Beth: Saez's style is more of a striking and lucha libre base due to his experiences in Japan and home country, Chile. Hopefully he can put that to good use!

Dennis then dismounts off his bike, and enters the ring.

The bell rings, Saez then brings the fight to Dennis, charging at him, but Dennis tossed him up onto his shoulders and planted him with the Black Skies Mist!

Mauro: Oh my, goodness!

Nigel: That was quick!

Dennis then sets him up for the Hellavator, and connects!

Mauro: And there's the Hellavator!

Dennis then gets up, places a foot on his chest, and gets the 3 count.

Mauro: And Dennis making quick work on Alejandro Saez!

*Bell rings!*


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, your winner of the match, DENNIS!!!

Dennis exits the ring, gets on his bike, and rides off to the back.

Mauro: Man, Saez didn't stand a chance!

Nigel: Dennis once again, adds another body to his mountain of destruction, making it bigger.

Beth: Dennis is on a warpath, and it looks like nothing is going to stand in his way!


(Start at 0:48)


Mauro: We would like to take the time now to say thank you to 12 Stones for their song "Adrenaline", the official theme song for High Acceleration. You can get this song, and their album "Anthem For The Underdog" which is available on Apple Music, and Spotify! Speaking of High Acceleration, it's no surprise that a 6 person Tag is taking place. The match in question is Robert, Zayden, and Sonata taking on the trio of Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze, and Neopolitan. Well here's a little clip of what happened, earlier today!


In the catering area, Robert and Zayden were discussing their game plan for High Acceleration, when Sonata Dusk, holding a rolled up poster sized paper, walked up to them.

Sonata: Guys, I just had this idea that is like, SO awesome!

Zayden: I'm listening.

Sonata then unrolled the poster that had "Foodie Friends" written in a big, colorful font.

Sonata: I was thinking we can be called the Foodie Friends! I'm the taco, Zayden, you're the poutine, and Robert, you're the cake!

Robert: *Gasps* OH MY GOSH! SONNY I LOVE IT!!!

Sonata: You do!? Yay! I knew you would love that!

Zayden: Kinda fitting I'm poutine.

Just then, Adagio, Aria, and Neopolitan walked in.

Adagio: Awww, isn't that cute. You already have a team name?

Aria: "Foodie Friends" Oooooh, so intimidating.

Aria and Adagio then laugh, while Neo smirks.

Robert: Oh look, it's the Buzzkill Crew.

Adagio then grabbed Sonata's poster, looked at it, then crumpled it up into a ball, and threw it at Sonata's face.

Sonata then looks down at her crumpled poster with tears welling up in her eyes.

Adagio: Awww, are you gonna cry? No surprise. You were a big baby then, still a big baby now.

Robert: *Gets face to face with her* The only cry baby that there's gonna be, are you three punks when we put you in timeout at High Acceleration. Y'know, you're like a little spoiled brat, throwing tantrums and screaming you want this and you want that. So I think it's high, and time someone sat you in the corner or, in this case... *leans in closer* Give you the butt whooping you're owed.

Adagio: *Steps back with her hands up* Whoa there, Robby. Save it for High Acceleration.

The evil trio then walked away. Once they have left, Robert picks up the poster, and un-crumples it.

Zayden: So... are we gonna have Foodie Friends T-Shirts?

Robert's sunny mood returns in a flash as he pulls Sonata close.

Robert: Of course! Cups too!

Sonata: *Lightly sobs* I like that idea. *Cracks a smile*


Sarah Schreiber was standing in the interviewing area.

Kayla: Ladies and gentlemen please welcome my guests at this time, Faith and Kindness.

That's when Asia Argento and Fluttershy walk in.

Kayla: Ladies, you're just moments away from competing in your first match as a Tag Team against the Motorcity Machine Guns, but knowing what happened to them earlier tonight, what are your thoughts on the match?

Fluttershy: Well, first off, those people that attacked Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin should be ashamed of themselves!

Asia: Yeah, we never asked for them to get hurt just so that it's easy for us. As a matter of-

She was cut off by FSU walking in.

Mark Andrews: Hang on, so let me get this straight, instead of taking on easy picking, you would rather get both your asses kicked.

Fluttershy: That's not exactly what we-

Mark Andrews: That's basically what you're asking for! Look at you two, you two look like you wouldn't hurt a fly! You wouldn't last long in the Tag Team division.

Eddie Dennis: Or Mark... maybe it's a facade, just so that they can take the blame off their shoulders.

Asia and Fluttershy: Huh!?

Asia: But we would never!

Mark Andrews: Is that so? Then why are you going against one of the best tag teams on the planet? Actually, the best tag team will be us, you know, when we beat Team Weird n' Wild at High Acceleration and become the new tag team champs. So how bout you two just throw the match and not embarrass yourselves like the cowards you are?

Fluttershy: I can assure you, we would never stoop that low!

Asia: Exactly!

Mark Andrews: Sure... anyway, you guys got a match, but we're gonna be watching.

Eddie Dennis nods, and FSU back away.

Fluttershy: Come on, Asia. We have a match.

They then turned and walked off.

Mauro: It's the debut of Faith and Kindness! Next!


(MATCH 5: Faith and Kindness vs. The Motorcity Machine Guns)


The crowd cheered as out came Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley, but they were heavily taped up in the rib area.

*Bell rings!*

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, this is a Tag Team contest is scheduled for one fall, introducing first, hailing from Detroit, Michigan, at a combined weight of 420 pounds, Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley, THE MOTORCITY MACHINE GUNS!!!

Mauro: And there you see the ribs on Shelley and Sabin caused by that assault earlier in the show, and despite the doctors clearing them for this match, just how badly damaged are they?

Nigel: Indeed the Guns are in a major disadvantage, but let's not count them out just yet. These two have held Tag Team gold in every corner of the world, and overcame the biggest of disadvantages, to them this is just another day at work.

Beth: If there's one thing I know about Sabin and Shelley, is that these guys will never stay down, and will be a huge test for the debuting Faith and Kindness!

Sabin and Shelley then entered the ring, and did their signature taunt as they stood on the second turnbuckle in different corners.

They then took their jackets off, and waited for their opponents.



About 6 seconds into the song, Asia and Fluttershy came out, wearing matching light green and blue 2-Piece outfits, with "Faith" written on the back of Asia's trunks, and "Kindness" written on the back of Fluttershy's trunks.

Jeremy Borash: And their opponents, the team of Asia Argento, and Fluttershy, FAITH AND KINDNESS!!!

Mauro: And what a test this is gonna be for this Tag Team! This is their first match as a duo, and it's against a high caliber duo in the Guns!

Beth: Asia, no Tag Team experience, and this is Fluttershy's first appearance in LWF, Nigel you think Sabin and Shelley have a disadvantage, I think it's Faith and Kindness that has the big disadvantage!

Nigel: Well you can never count the underdogs out, sure they're a brand new team in the game, but you'll never know. Maybe they could walk away victorious tonight!

Asia and Fluttershy enter the ring, then they begin to decide who should start first.

After a minute or so of discussing, it's Asia starting it off with Chris Sabin, and the bell rings.

Asia and Sabin lock up in the center of the ring, Sabin then goes for a Side Headlock, Asia then slips out and locks on a Wrist Lock.

Sabin then reverses it into a Wrist Lock of his own, then transitions it into a Hammerlock. Asia then wraps her free hand around his neck, getting Sabin to let go. Once he did, she got a Side Headlock applied.

She then does a Side Headlock Takedown, bringing Sabin to the mat, but Sabin quickly wraps his legs around her neck. Asia lets him go, and then they both get up.

Mauro: Asia and Sabin now, back and forth they go...

Sabin then takes Asia down with an Arm Drag. Asia gets up, and Sabin takes her down with an Arm Drag again!

Asia gets up, but then she blocks a third Arm Drag, and takes Sabin down with an Arm Drag of her own!

Mauro: And Asia! Arm Drag taking down Sabin!

Sabin gets up, ducking a Clothesline from Asia. He then hits the ropes, and knocks down Asia with a Shoulder Block.

Sabin then goes to hit the again but Asia does a drop down, Sabin hops over her, Asia then gets up, and then she knocks Sabin down with a Dropkick!

Nigel: Oh, wow!

Beth: Looks like the training from Koneko really helped Asia Argento!

Asia quickly went for the cover, but Sabin kicked out at 1.

Sabin immediately gets up, and blocks a Hip Toss attempt from Asia. Sabin then goes for a Hip Toss of his own, but Asia lands on her feet!

She then turns around, Sabin charges, looking for a Clothesline, but Asia ducks, floats over into a Front Facelock, and luckily she was close enough to tag Fluttershy in.

Mauro: Tag made, here comes Fluttershy!

As she tagged her in, Sabin then picked Asia up off her feet and rammed her in the gut with a Shoulder Barge in the corner.

Fluttershy then slingshots over the top rope, landing on Sabin's back. Fluttershy then does a Sunset Flip, but Sabin rolled through and landed a Basement Dropkick!

Mauro: And- OH! Sabin with a Dropkick!

Beth: Pretty cool Sunset Flip from Fluttershy, but Sabin was able to roll through and connect with that kick!

Sabin goes for the cover, but Fluttershy kicks out at 2.

Sabin gets up, and drags Fluttershy to the center of the ring before picking her up.

Sabin then puts her on his shoulders, but Fluttershy elbows him to get down.

Mauro: Sabin now looking to add more offense, but Fluttershy now, raining down elbows on him!

Once she's down, she does a spinning back kick to the midsection of Sabin, and he immediately goes down, clutching his gut!

Mauro: And Fluttershy! Spinning kick to the injured ribs, leveling Chris Sabin!

Fluttershy then tags in Asia, and she enters the ring.

Fluttershy then threw Sabin to the ropes, Asia then hits the ropes as well, then Fluttershy lifted Sabin off the rebound with a Flapjack, and Asia contributed with a Single-handed Bulldog!

Mauro: Wow! Faith and Kindness showing some Tag Team offense!

Nigel: A Flapjack/Bulldog combination, Sabin is in trouble now!

Asia goes for the cover, but Sabin kicks out at 2!

Sabin slowly gets to his feet, clutching his ribs, then Asia grabs him by his head, and lands a forearm smash.

She then hooks him up for a snap Vertical Suplex, and connects!

Asia then floated over, and onto her feet, sitting Sabin up doing so. Then she walked backwards to the ropes, and then landed a Low Clothesline off the rebound!

Beth: Oh, man!

Mauro: What a Clothesline by Asia Argento!

Asia then got up, went for a Standing Moonsault, but Sabin got his knees up and Asia landed right on his knees!

Mauro: Oh! Asia wanted a Standing Moonsault, got nothing but Sabin's knees!

Sabin then gets her in a Small Package pin, but Asia kicks out at 2.

Sabin then picks her up, and throws her into his corner.

Sabin takes a few steps back, then charges and lands a Back Elbow!

Mauro: And Sabin with a Back Elbow!

Sabin then tags in Alex Shelley, and Shelley hops over the top rope, and into the ring.

Mauro: Sabin now makes the tag to Shelley, The Guns looking to do what they do best!

Shelley grabs Sabin, throws him to the corner, and Sabin lands a Forearm Smash on Asia!

Sabin then gets on all fours, and with a running start, Shelley launches off his back, landing a Forearm Smash of his own!

Then Shelley gets on all fours, Sabin gets up, and with a running start, he launches off Shelley's back, and lands another Back Elbow!

Mauro: What a flurry of offense by The Guns!

Nigel: Looks like the attack from earlier is slowing then down!

Sabin then exits the ring, and stands on the apron.

Shelley then grabbed Asia, and planted her on the ground with a simple body slam.

Shelley then goes for the cover, but Asia kicks out at 2.

Shelley then locks on a grounded Headlock, and Asia starts to struggle, trying to free herself.

Mauro: And now Alex Shelley, putting his Mat-based skills to use on Asia Argento.

Fluttershy begins to clap to rally on her partner. The crowd shortly followed, clapping along with Fluttershy.

Asia then began to slowly rise up from the ground. Shelley tries his best to get her back down, but Asia was able to get back to a vertical base, and then she back elbows him in the gut to break free!

Mauro: And Asia now! Back on her feet!

Shelley quickly clutches his ribs, Asia then hits the ropes, but Shelley shuts her down with a Back Elbow! But then quickly went back to holding his damaged midsection.

Mauro: And Shelley with a Back Elbow! But there you see Shelley, favoring those ribs!

Nigel: And this is where Faith and Kindness are making a rookie mistake. There's a clear target right there on Sabin and Shelley's ribs, but Asia and Fluttershy are not taking a shot at it!

Beth: I agree with you there, Nigel. There's a soft spot, Faith and Kindness should try and take some shots, but so far they haven't.

Shelley then picked Asia up, but Asia creates separation with a Jawbreaker!

She then goes for a Superkick to the gut, but Shelley catches her leg, throws it down, but Asia pin around, lands an Enzuigiri, and now both her and Shelley are down!

Mauro: Oh! Spinning Enzuigiri, and now Shelley and Asia are down!

Shelley and Asia then began to slowly crawl to their respective partners. After the slow crawl, they make the hot tag, and Fluttershy and Sabin quickly get in the ring!

Sabin knocks Fluttershy down with a Clothesline. She gets up, but gets hit with another Clothesline by Sabin!

She gets up for a third time, goes for a Clothesline of her own, but Sabin blocks it, and hits a Step-up Enzuigiri!

Mauro: Chris Sabin firing on all cylinders!

Sabin gets up, but grimaces as he begins to clutch his ribs.

Mauro: And Sabin- ooh, the damaged ribs beginning to take a toll!

Sabin then picks up Fluttershy, throws her over the top rope, but she lands on the apron.

Sabin turns and sees her there, goes for a running attack to knock her off the apron, but then Fluttershy takes him down with a Slingshot Spear!

Mauro: Oh, Fluttershy! Slingshot Spear to Sabin!

Fluttershy goes for the cover, but Alex Shelley was able to jump in to break the count at 2!

Mauro: And Shelley makes the save!

Asia then gets in, and Clotheslines Shelley over the top rope, sending Shelley to the floor!

She then hops onto the apron, and sized Shelley up.

Nigel: Asia now, sizing Shelley up, what could she be going for here?

Once Shelley is back up to his feet, Asia runs, then leaps off the apron, landing a Forearm Smash!

Mauro: And Asia off the apron!

Beth: Faith and Kindness really holding their own here against the Motorcity Machine Guns!

Asia gets up, and gets back to her corner. Back in the ring, Fluttershy was back up to her feet, Sabin was now on his knees, then Fluttershy spiked him with a Snap DDT!

Mauro: DDT!

Fluttershy rolls him over, goes for the cover, but Sabin kicks out at 2!

Mauro: No! Not enough to put Sabin away!

Sabin rolls out of the ring, Fluttershy then tags Asia in.

Sabin gets back up, Asia then does a Slingshot Plancha, but Sabin catches her!

Mauro: And Asia- oh look at the strength of Sabin!

Nigel: Caught her out of the air!

Sabin then swung her around, and spun her out into a Side Backbreaker!

Beth: Oh, man!

Mauro: Sabin with a spine-shattering Backbreaker! Asia's spine might've rearranged!

Sabin then throws her into the ring, then the second he got back in, he gets her up on his shoulders, and crosses her legs!

Mauro: And now Chris Sabin! Looking to seal the deal!

Nigel: Could be time for the Cradle Shock!

Then with a loud yell, Sabin connects with the Cradle Shock!

Mauro: And there it is!!!

Sabin keeps her legs hooked, but then Fluttershy hits a Basement Dropkick from behind, breaking the count at 2!

Mauro: And now it's Fluttershy making the save for her team!

Nigel: Sabin was just one second away from beating Faith and Kindness for the Guns!

Fluttershy gets up, only to get a Superkick from Shelley!

Mauro: And Shelley with a Superkick!

Shelley then throws Fluttershy out of the ring. But when he turned around, he saw that Asia had gotten up, and was now charging at him! Luckily for him he thought quickly, and lowered the top rope, sending her tumbling to the floor!

Mauro: And now both Asia and Fluttershy are outside of the ring!

Shelley then helped Sabin up, then they began to look at Asia and Fluttershy getting up with wheels turning in their heads.

Mauro: Sabin and Shelley, I think they're looking to fly!

Asia and Fluttershy were now back on their feet, Sabin and Shelley then went separate directions, hit the ropes, then they both did simultaneous Triangle Planchas, knocking Faith and Kindness down!

Mauro: And The Guns!!! Mamma Mia, Triangle Planchas in stereo!!!

Beth: Bad ribs and all, Sabin and Shelley throwing caution to the wind!

Nigel: But I think that might've done more damage to themselves than on Asia and Fluttershy!

Sabin and Shelley then picked them up, threw them back into the ring, and the referee began to check on them.

But the moment the Referee's back was turned, the two masked assailants that jumped Sabin and Shelley earlier, blasted Sabin and Shelley from behind!

Mauro: Oh no! It's the two masked men again!

The two men take out Shelley after one Irish whipped him into a jumping Knee Strike from the other!

Then one picked up Sabin, the other took out a lighter, and some flash paper. Then the masked assailant lit up the paper to make a fireball, and threw it into Sabin's face!

Beth: Oh my God!

Mauro: Sabin took a fireball to the face!

Nigel: Shelley's down, Sabin's blinded, The Guns are in trouble!

The masked assailants then ran to the back before the ref turned around, Asia and Fluttershy began to come to.

Mauro: Faith and Kindness are back up, but they have no idea on what just happened!

Asia then gets out of the ring, and throws Sabin back into the ring.

Sabin, still writhing in pain from the fireball, gets picked up by Asia. Then Asia tags in Fluttershy, and Fluttershy climbs to the top turnbuckle.

Mauro: Faith and Kindness now... looking for put Sabin away...

Fluttershy then leapt off the top turnbuckle, hitting a Front Dropkick, while Asia went low with a Leg Sweep!

Nigel: Oooh!

Mauro: Another Double Team Move by Asia and Fluttershy!!!

Fluttershy then goes for the cover, and gets the 1-2-3!

Mauro: And Faith and Kindness beat the Guns!

*Bell rings!*


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, your winners of the match, FAITH AND KINDNESS!!!

Mauro: Faith and Kindness with a big upset here tonight! But I don't think they were even aware that the two masked men were involved!

Nigel: Well nonetheless, Asia and Fluttershy get a big win in their first match as a duo! A win over Sabin and Shelley is definitely nothing to sneeze at!

The referee then raised Asia and Fluttershy's hands, then Faith and Kindness continued to celebrate in the ring.

Beth: Well Faith and Kindness sure gel well together, maybe we might see them become Tag Team Championship contenders in the future! 

Mauro: You never know!


Nagisa Misumi and Honoka Yukishiro were sitting on production boxes when Charly Caruso walked up to them.

Charly: Ladies, tough loss earlier tonight against FSU, how are you guys gonna bounce back, if this isn't the last time we'll see you?

Nagisa: Well first off, this is indeed NOT the last time you'll see us, second, even though we got creamed out there, this won't stop Pretty Cure from making an impact here in-

Suddenly The Hybrid 2 walked in.

Jack Evans: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Did I just hear you say you were gonna make an impact, after an embarrassing loss??? Come on! If you can't hang with FSU, you can't hang with anyone else! 

Angelico: That includes us. 

Nagisa: *Hops off the production box* Just because we lost, doesn't mean we're gonna quit. If you have a problem with that, then I don't mind knocking your teeth down your throat right now!

Honoka then jumped up, and held Nagisa back.

Honoka: Not now, Nagisa! It's not worth it!

Nagisa: No! These guys have a problem with us! This needs to be settled!

Honoka continues to reason with Nagisa while also trying to restrain her. Evans and Angelico laughed as they walked the other direction. 



The crowd boos as Starlight Glimmer comes out, mic in hand, and the Society of Complete Equality following behind her.

Mauro: And now we hear from the LWF: Reborn Champion herself. And as always, the SCE are not far behind. 

Nigel: The SCE have been running roughshod since the very first Episode of LWF: Reborn and it doesn't look like they're slowing down anytime soon. But that may all change at High Acceleration, when Ricochet and Starlight battle for the title, one more time!

Beth: But Ricochet has to be very careful because if he loses at High Acceleration Ricochet has to join the Society of Complete Equality! And if that happens, oh man, consider LWF "Equal"!

The SCE entered the ring, and the crowd boos as Starlight held LWF: Reborn Championship up high.

Her theme fades out, then she looks around before she speaks.

Starlight: Now before I get to the message at hand, I just wanna address some things that I've been hearing about me, and my Society, on the internet. 

The crowd continues to boo her.

Starlight: So, first off, it's no surprise now that I'm on my way to spread equality over in RCCW.

The crowd cheers at the mention of RCCW.

Starlight: However, ever since the announcement of my arrival, I've been hearing people say, some lies, and half-truths about me. People are saying that I'm stripping people of their identity, their will, and their souls. THAT'S not true! What I'm doing is simply showing them, that's there's another way of living life, a BETTER way! Second, I've heard people say that I'm brainwashing people. *Sighs* Okay, guilty as charged,  you got me there. I am brainwashing everyone, cleansing their minds of the filth, that your Society has poisoned them with! With my love, and my guidance... *points to Spongebob, Dark Danny, Trixie, and Kassius Ohno* I was able to cleanse these individuals, and they've also found harmony within themselves. *smiles*

The crowd boos even louder.

Starlight: Which leads me back to you, Ricochet. It seems like two defeats wasn't enough to make you understand. Maybe the third will. Because you see Ricochet, I've had it with you trying to shut me down, trying to shut the SCE down, and promote all this inequality and chaos! So come High Acceleration, you WILL become Equal, and you WILL set a good example for the Equality, of LWF: Reborn. 



The crowd cheers as out came Ricochet, mic in hand.

Ricochet: Again, with all this "Equality" nonsense! Starlight you're beginning to sound like a broken record at this point. See, the reason I added the stipulation that if I lose, I'd join you, is because that puts pressure on me, and I perform at my best, when I'm under pressure. Starlight consider this your last Episode as the LWF: Reborn Champion because after High Acceleration, I'M not only gonna shut you and the SCE up, but I WILL walk out, the NEW LWF: Reborn Champion!

The crowd cheers.

Starlight: Are you really that stubborn, Ricochet? See the reason LWF died in the first place was because it was riddled with people with THAT kind of mentality! I'm here to make sure that doesn't happen again! That's the reason Spongebob is the Wattpad Champion, and that's the reason I'm the LWF: Reborn Champion! Because WE set a good example! And YOU, you're gonna do the same!

Ricochet: Set a good example? Well how about I set an example of what happens when you run your mouth for too long. *Drops mic*

Ricochet then walks down the ramp, then Starlight signalled the SCE to go stop him.

Spongebob was the first to slide out fo the ring to confront him, but then…


The crowd cheers as Ruby Rose came out running, and then tackled Spongebob!

Mauro: Oh! Ricochet got backup! Here's Ruby Rose, the girl that's gonna face Spongebob at High Acceleration for the Wattpad Championship!

Trixie goes next, but Ricochet dodges her attacks, and gets leveled with a Step-up Enzuigiri!

Nigel: There goes Trixie!

Ricochet then slid into the ring and Danny and Ohno stepped in front of him.



Damian Priest rushed in, and slid into the ring, standing beside Ricochet. 

Beth: Uh oh!

Mauro: And here comes the man that'll face Ohno at High Acceleration, the Archer of Infamy, Damian Priest!

After a couple of seconds, Ohno and Priest began to duke it out, then Ricochet and Dark Danny began trading blows!

Danny then went for a Clothesline but Ricochet ducked under and landed a spinning Enzuigiri!

Mauro: And Ricochet! Kick to the face!

Dark Danny didn't go down, but Ricochet was able to get him off his feet with the Recoil!

Mauro: And Ricochet with the Recoil! Danny is down!

Ricochet gets up, and stared Starlight down, who was holding her belt, ready to hit Ricochet with it.

Mauro: And now Ricochet has Starlight all alone!

Nigel: We might not have to wait till High Acceleration!

Starlight then took a swing, but Ricochet was fast enough to hit her with the Recoil!

Beth: Oh!!!

Mauro: And a Recoil for the Champion!

Starlight landed in perfect position, and Ricochet didn't even hesitate to go to the top turnbuckle!

Mauro: And now Ricochet! Looking for the exclamation point!

He then leaps off, and lands his patented 630 Senton!

Mauro: 630 connects!!!

Ricochet then gets up, picks up the LWF: Reborn Championship, and held it up high as his theme begins to play once more.

Mauro: Ladies and gentlemen, could this be the scene we will see at High Acceleration!?

Nigel: With Ricochet being more motivated than ever, that may very well be!

Beth: At this rate, NOTHING will stop Ricochet!


And that was the Go Home show!

What a ride this has been so far! From the debut of Faith and Kindness, to MCMG being targeted!

High Acceleration is now here, just hang tight as we go to the pre-show!

See ya at High Acceleration!

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