EPISODE 16 (End Of The Line go home show)

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It's the End Of The Line Go Home Show!

Let's see how this goes...

No intro as the camera shows a wide shot of the inside of Bankers Life Fieldhouse in Indianapolis, Indiana.

Then, Mauro Ranallo speaks.

Mauro: Hello everyone, we are here in Indianapolis, Indiana, inside Bankers Life Fieldhouse for the End Of The Line go home show in LWF: Reborn!

The crowd cheers, then...


The crowd boos, and Adagio Dazzle comes out, with Neo following behind her.

Adagio's outfit has changed. Instead of her usual outfit, she was now wearing round shades, a crop-top, and a Single-sleeve leather jacket, an outfit similar to that of Kip Sabian.

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome at this time, Neopolitan, and "The Dirty Siren", ADAGIO DAZZLE!!!

Mauro: Here comes Adagio, new look, same attitude, and last Episode, she got what she wanted. After Sonata came close to ripping Zayden Trudeau's arm off, it was the last straw. Sonata came to the aid of Zayden, and then finally cracked.

Beth: And then in an exclusive, Adagio said she wanted that match to be a Stretcher Match, which guarantees NO excuses in defeat!

Nigel: And Adagio promised that Sonata was gonna be carried out after all is said and done!

Adagio then got a microphone, and looked around as the crowd booed her.

Adagio: *Smiles* Last Episode, Sonata Dusk finally did the right thing, and gave me the rematch I oh so rightfully deserved. And to make things fair, for making me wait, I decided what match it should be! And now it's official. I, Adagio Dazzle, will prove why, "The Dirty Siren"... is the superior Siren... in a Stretcher Match.

The crowd continued to boo her.

Adagio: You see, I could beat Sonata any day of the week. Sonata is just one Blind Kiss away from getting her lights knocked out for a count of 3, and she damn sure wouldn't even last a second in my Submissions! In a Stretcher Match, all I have to do to her is beat her so badly, she can't continue. Then from there, I put her on a stretcher, *points up the ramp* take that stretcher up that ramp, and cross the finish line. That ensures that there are NO excuses as to why Sonata lost! Speaking of Sonata, Sonata this message goes out to you. *takes off her shades, and looks right into the camera* Sonata, I know, that deep in your blue soul, you know that between you and I, I've always been the more talented Dazzling! Why do you think I was the one looking after you and Aria? And why do you think that whenever we performed on stage, I was front and center? It's because I have the "It" Factor! The only reason you are popular is because these fans relate to you!

The fans booed some more.

Adagio: If this wasn't a popularity contest, I would've won a long time ago! You know it really makes me sick that you Sonata, a talentless dead weight, is seen as the better Siren! That title belongs to ME! And I'm sick of these fans, who believe your hype! But I don't have to worry about that any longer. Because at End Of The Line, after you get carried out, Sonata, everyone will know that the Dirty Siren always wins in the end. *Smiles*

Then her theme plays, and both her and Neo leave the ring.

Mauro: And with that, Adagio leaves a stern message towards her End Of The Line opponent, Sonata Dusk! Someone is guaranteed, gonna be carried out of End Of The Line! I'm Mauro Ranallo, alongside Nigel McGuinness and WWE Hall Of Famer, Beth Phoenix, and guys, End Of The Line is just around the corner!

Beth: I'm excited as hell right now, because after End Of The Line, it's on to Wrestlepalooza! And the LWF: Reborn Champion Starlight Glimmer is gonna be facing the Elimination Enclosure winner, Will Ospreay, in the Main Event there! But she has to survive End Of The Line, as she takes on Robert Squared, in what may be her toughest challenge yet!

Nigel: And we just heard Adagio's thoughts on the Stretcher Match, but later Adagio's opponent, Sonata Dusk, is gonna be in action against Erza Scarlet in a Steel Cage Match!

Mauro: And up next, we have some Tag Team action!



(OPENING MATCH: Snips and Snails vs. The Hybrid 2)

Out comes Snips and Snails.

*Bell Rings!*

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, this opening contest is a Tag Team match, scheduled for one fall, introducing team number 1, Snips and Snails!

Mauro: Snips and Snails, didn't have a good start in Episode 14, but they're not gonna give up just yet, they look to knock off The Hybrid 2 here tonight!

Nigel: Easier said than done, these two are going up against a highly skilled duo in Jack Evans and Angelico! Their chances of walking out victorious is pretty slim!

Beth: While I do agree with you Nigel, all it will take is one slip-up from The Hybrid 2, and it could spell the end for them!

Snips and Snails enter the ring, they climb the nearest corner, Snips then stretches his arms out, and Snails looks at the crowd.



The crowd boos as Jack Evans makes his way out, doing backflips, and Angelico strutting his way out.

Jeremy Borash: And now, introducing team number 2, at a combined weight of 379 Pounds, Jack Evans, and Angelico... THE HYBRID 2!!!

Mauro: At End Of The Line, Evans and Angelico will be in a Tornado Tag match, against Pretty Cure. Right now, TH2 doesn't seem to care about Snips and Snails!

Beth: Well, I talked to them earlier in the day, and they told me that they feel that Snips and Snails aren't even worth the trouble, and all they see them for is just an example of Nagisa and Honoka's fates!

Evans and Angelico enter the ring, then Evans does some breakdancing while Angelico shimmys his jacket off.

Then, it's Snips and Angelico starting it off, and the bell rings.

Snips and Angelico lock up in the middle of the ring, then Angelico kneed Snips in the gut.

Then he takes Snips down with a Snapmare, and delivers a Kick to his back!

Mauro: And Angelico with a kick to the spine!

Angelico then tagged in Evans, and lifted him up as if going for a Back Suplex.

Evans then springs off the top rope, and hits a Double Foot Stomp before Angelico drops Snips with a Back Suplex!

Nigel: Oooh!

Mauro: Flawless double team move by The Hybrid 2!

Evans then looked at Snails, and mocked him before pinning Snips.

Snips kicks out at 2, Evans picks him up but then Snips takes him down with an Arm Drag!

Evans gets up, goes for a Clothesline but Snips ducks, then Snips connects with a Clothesline of his own from behind!

Mauro: And Snips with a Clothesline!

Nigel: From behind too!

Snips then throws Evans into the corner where Snails is, and he tags him in.

Mauro: Tag made, now here comes Snails!

Snips then throws Snails to Evans with an Irish Whip, then Snails connects with a Forearm Smash!

Beth: Oooh! What a Forearm by Snails!

Mauro: Snips and Snails, taking it to Evans and Angelico!

Snails then throws Evans to Snips, who trips him with a Drop Toe Hold. Snips then gets on all fours, and Snails, with a running start, hops off Snips' back and lands an Elbow Drop!

Nigel: Oooh, ho-ho!

Beth: Look at that!

Mauro: Snails with an Elbow Drop off his partner's back!

Snails rolls him over, goes for the cover, but Evans kicks out at 2!

The camera then cuts to backstage where Pretty Cure were watching the match on the monitor.

Mauro: And there you see The Hybrid 2's opponents at End Of The Line, Pretty Cure, and it looks like they're watching this match closely!

"Imagine how hilarious it would be if Evans and Angelico lose?" Nagisa says to Honoka. Honoka giggles, and Nagisa laughs.

The camera cuts back to the match, where Snails had Evans in a Camel Clutch.

Evans then began to get up, and soon enough, he was back on his feet.

Evans then held on to Snails, and fell backwards, squishing him!

Evans gets up, and then knocks Snips off the apron with a Dropkick!

Snails gets to his feet, but then Evans quickly connected with a Breakdance Kick!

Snails is now stunned, then Jack Evans tagged Angelico.

Evans throws Snails in the corner, then Angelico throws Evans into Snails with an Irish Whip, and then Evans lands a Cartwheel Back Elbow, and Evans flips out of the ring and lands on his feet!

Snails falls down, then Angelico locks in a Cruceta Invertidas, and almost immediately, Snails taps out!

Mauro: And just like that, TH2 picks up the win!

*Bell rings!*


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, your winner of the match, THE HYBRID 2!!!

Mauro: If Angelico locks that submission move on either Nagisa or Honoka at End Of The Line, TH2 is guaranteed a victory!

Beth: Snips and Snails put in quite an effort this time around, but Evans and Angelico proved once again why they're an untouchable Tag Team!

The Hybrid 2 gets their hands raised, then they continue to celebrate in the ring.

Mauro: Well, a win for The Hybrid 2 here tonight, but later tonight, Soul Evans and Kassius Ohno will be battling one on one, Ohno, out for revenge! But up next, Alex Shelley, and Scarlet and Graves' own Zachary Wentz will go head to head!

Beth: Expect this to be fast paced!


Kassius Ohno, and the rest of the Society of Complete Equality was standing by in the interviewing area with Kayla Braxton.

Kayla: Kassius, tonight you and Soul Evans are gonna go one on one with each other, tell me what's going through your mind heading into this match?

Kassius: Revenge, Kayla. Soul Evans nearly ended my career by driving me into that power box! Tonight, not only will I beat him, I'm gonna do the same thing he did to me! Only difference is, I'm gonna finish the job!

The SCE then walked off.

In another area backstage, Faith and Kindness were having a conversation.

Asia: You and I have been on quite a roll ever since we started teaming up!

Fluttershy: I know! Maybe one day we'll be in the-

She was then cut off by the Crust Cousins, Brit and Tiff, walking in.

Brit: Aww, look Tiff! It's our opponents for Tonight!

Tiff: Wow, our first opponents are a couple of softies! Pfft!

Brit: How you two are surviving this long, is beyond me!

Then both Brit and Tiff laughed.

Asia: What's so funny?

Brit: You two! Normally duos like you guys don't last very long in places like this!

Tiff: While Brit and I, on the other hand, we get by easily!

Fluttershy: But... you guys just got here! What gives you the right to say that?

Brit: Oh, wow! What are you gonna do, huh!?

Tiff: They ain't gonna do anything. Especially after-

Tiff then quickly blasted Asia with a Forearm Smash, and the Crust Cousins began hammering away on Faith and Kindness!

The beatdown didn't last long as Chard and multiple referees came in to break up the fight.

Chard: Hey!!! Stop! Save it for the ring you guys! Not here! Save it for the ring!

Brit and Tiff held their hands up, and backed off.

Asia and Fluttershy get up, look at the Crust Cousins in anger.

(Back to ringside...)

Mauro: The Crust Cousins, getting under the skin of Faith and Kindness, those two teams will be facing each other tonight, but let's go back to the BTWF and LWF Crossover Show. In the latest LWF Exclusive, Scarlet and Graves didn't just send a message to Kushida and The Guns, but they also called out BTWF's Sisterhood Of Darkness!

Nigel: Specifically Flare Corona, Himiko Toga, and Xochi Melendez! Well, here's what they said!

The camera then cuts to the Sisterhood Of Darkness promo from the BTWF vs. LWF Crossover Show.

The promo took place in boiler room in the basement of the arena, where it was tinted blood red, and Sherry Blendy was sitting in a rocking chair with the rest of the Sisterhood of Darkness (Ultear Milkovich, Tomoko Kuroki, Himiko Toga, Flare Corona, Xochi Melendez, Tina Belcher, Scarlet, and Clementine) standing by her side.

Sherry: At Trouble in Tokyo, the blinding light of Zia Simpson managed to escape the grip of my darkness. Make no mistake, that loss was merely a speed bump, and the darkness will continue to seep through the BTWF. And...maybe even through LWF: Reborn. *A smirk growing on her face* These three... parasites on LWF: Reborn have the audacity to call out me and the Sisterhood. Dave Crist... Dezmond Xavier... Zachary Wentz... Scarlet & Graves, you three need to reconsider your choices. You have not seen the levels of depravity and darkness that me and my Sisterhood are willing to go through to get our message across.

Himiko, Flare, and Xochi then stepped forward.

Himiko: You three might think that you're safe from our dark influence, but that is because you have been calling the sirens from across the ocean!

Xochi: *Flipping a coin between her thumb and index finger* The fact you three nobodies think that you can take us on is laughable. ¡Ustedes tres acaban de firmar su propia sentencia de muerte!

Flare: I'm going to look forward to watching the flesh on your body burn... just like Yang's eye!

Flare then cackled and shot a fireball into the camera, ending the promo.

The camera then cuts back to ringside, then...


(MATCH 2: Alex Shelley vs. Zachary Wentz)

46 seconds into the song, and Scarlet and Graves come slowly walking out.

*Bell rings!*

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, this contest is scheduled for one fall, introducing first, accompanied by Scarlet and Graves, from Baywood, Ohio, he weighs in tonight at 176 pounds, ZACHARY WENTZ!!!

Mauro: The last time Wentz and Shelley shared the ring, it was in the Tag Team match between the Guns and The Rascalz, and after the match Wentz and Dezmond initiated a Post-match attack on Shelley and Sabin and later revealed that he, along with Dave Crist and Dezmond Xavier, were the men that took Kushida out! Now at End Of The Line, Scarlet and Graves and the trio of Kushida and the Motorcity Machine Guns, are gonna go to war!

Nigel: Kushida and the Motorcity Machine Guns aren't the only ones they targeted! If you caught the latest exclusive, Scarlet and Graves called out BTWF's Sisterhood of Darkness, and earlier we heard what they had to say, and tonight, we might hear a response!

Wentz entered the ring, while Dezmond and Crist stayed around ringside.



The crowd cheered the moment the song began playing, and a few seconds later, Alex Shelley, with Kushida and Chris Sabin following behind, walked out onto the stage.

Jeremy Borash: And now introducing his opponent, accompanied by Kushida and Chris Sabin, from Detroit, Michigan, he weighs in tonight at 215 pounds, ALEX SHELLEY!!!

Mauro: What's there to say about Alex Shelley? A well decorated performer, and a future legend in the business!

Nigel: Nobody has a vast intellect in Tag Team Wrestling quite like Alex Shelley! Same can be said to his partner in crime, Chris Sabin, and to an extent, Kushida! At End of The Line, that intellect is gonna come in handy in the 6-man Tag Match!

Beth: We saw how well Wentz and Dez did against Shelley and Sabin, but tonight, Wentz and Shelley are in singles competition, and they've shown just how good they are as a solo unit so this should be a good contest!

Shelley enters the ring, while Sabin and Kushida begin to confront Crist and Dezmond.

Mauro: Oh, and it looks like Sabin and Kushida aren't going to wait for End Of The Line!

Nigel: Same can be said for Scarlet and Graves!

The referee then told the two teams to stay apart from each other. Then once order was restored at ringside, the referee called for the bell.

The bell rings, and the match is underway.

Wentz charged right at Shelley as soon as the bell rang, and he blasted Shelley with a big Forearm Smash!

Shelley staggers into a corner, and Wentz continues to pummel away!

Mauro: Whoa! Wentz, right out of the gate!

The referee tries to pry Wentz off of Shelley, but to no avail.

The referee then began the 5 count, and Wentz broke off at 4.

Wentz then advanced towards Shelley, but then Shelley grabbed him, and drove him face first into the second turnbuckle with a Reverse STO!

Mauro: And Shelley creates separation with that Reverse STO in the corner!

Shelley then picked up Wentz, goes for a Standing Shiranui, but Wentz was able to reverse out of it!

Shelley lands on his feet, but Wentz halts them with a Back Kick to his midsection!

Wentz then rolls him up with a Sunset Flip, but Shelley kicks out at 2.

Shelley and Wentz get back up, Shelley is the first to attack, but Wentz sends him flying out of the ring with a Back Body Drop!

Shelley lands on the apron, but then with a running Boot, Wentz knocks him off, and Shelley slammed hard up against the barricade!

Nigel: Oooh, man!

Mauro: Shelley getting booted off the apron by Wentz, and he crashes into the barricade!

Beth: The formation of Scarlet and Graves certainly gave Wentz a more aggressive edge!

Wentz then slides out of the ring to grab Shelley, and he throws him back in.

Wentz then throws Shelley into a corner, and delivers a Knife Edge Chop!

Shelley clutches his chest, and staggers out of the corner. Wentz then grabs Shelley from behind, and plants him with a Rear Waistlock Takedown! From there, Wentz delivered some knee strikes to the side of Shelley's ribs!

Mauro: Wentz now, with some grounded offense to Shelley!

Nigel: It's not common to see Wentz try some ground and pound, usually he would take to the skies!

After delivering a couple more knee strikes, Wentz gets up, and does a Standing Moonsault onto Alex Shelley's back!

Beth: Oooh!

Nigel: And that's a good example! Standing Moonsault onto the spine of Alex Shelley!

Wentz then rolled Shelley over, went for the cover, but Shelley kicked out at 2!

Shelley began to slowly get up, then Wentz grabbed him from behind again. Shelley then quickly hits a Back Elbow to Wentz before setting up for another Standing Shiranui, this time he was able to connect!

Mauro: And Shelley! This time he hits it!

Nigel: Standing Sliced Bread to Zachary Wentz, Wentz got planted hard!

Wentz was now laying prone, and Shelley climbed onto the top turnbuckle.

Beth: And it looks like Shelley is looking to go airborne!

Suddenly, Dezmond Xavier hopped onto the apron!

Mauro: Oooh, and Dezmond Xavier, getting the attention of Alex Shelley!

Then, Sabin pulled Dezmond back down, and began to punch away on him! Crist comes to Dezmond's aid, but Kushida immediately goes after him!

Nigel: And Sabin and Kushida, stopping whatever Scarlet and Graves had in mind!

Shelley then turned his attention back to Wentz, but the distraction just bought Wentz enough time to recover and Wentz hits a Step-up Knee Strike!

Wentz then climbed up the turnbuckle, and took Shelley down with an Avalanche Hurricanrana!

Mauro: Hurricanrana from the top turnbuckle!

Shelley is now laying prone, and Wentz gets in position to fly, and then he flattened Shelley with a Swanton Bomb!

Mauro: And a Swanton from Wentz!

Wentz hooks the leg, and Wentz gets the 1-2-3!

Mauro: Wentz picks up the victory!

*Bell rings!*

(Start at 0:31)


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, your winner of the match, ZACHARY WENTZ!!!

Wentz slides out of the ring, and Scarlet and Graves begin to retreat.

Mauro: Zachary Wentz, picking up a big win for Scarlet and Graves!

Nigel: Definitely the momentum has swung to their favor! At End Of The Line, Wentz, Dezmond, and Crist, all have a chance of potentially walking out the winners!

Sabin and Kushida help up Shelley, while Scarlet and Graves make their way to the back.

The camera quickly cuts to the stage entrance, where Crist, Wentz, and Dezmond came through the curtain, where Kayla Braxton was standing by.

Kayla: Zachary Wentz, congratulations on your victory over Alex Shelley just now-

Zachary Wentz: Yeah, yeah, Kayla! But this isn't about me, this about Scarlet and Graves!

Dave Crist: *Steps forward* Exactly! Stage One on our LWF Takeover will be completed, at End Of The Line when WE beat Kushida and the Motorcity Machine Guns!

Kayla: Strong words from you, Crist, now onto the next topic which is from the latest exclusive where you called out The Sisterhood of Darkness of BTWF-

Dave Crist: Oh, that? Yeah we heard what they had to say! *Snatches Kayla's mic and looks right into the camera* Hey, Sisterhood of Darkness! Don't think for one second that you have what it takes to finish what WE started! When Scarlet and Graves start a fight, Scarlet and Graves END the fight! After we take care of Kushida and the Guns, we'll take care of YOU guys next!

Crist shoves the mic back to Kayla, and Scarlet and Graves walk off.

The camera cuts back to ringside where Sabin and Kushida helped Shelley up.

Mauro: Well Zachary Wentz walks away with the win, but still to come, we have Kassius Ohno of the SCE taking on Soul Evans, in what may be a physical encounter!

Nigel: Another physical match that will take place later on, is the rubber match between Erza Scarlet and Sonata Dusk! Erza has one win over Sonata, and Sonata has one win over Erza! Tonight, the tiebreaker will be contested inside a Steel Cage!

Mauro: Speaking of Sonata, earlier we heard what Adagio had to say, here's Sonata's response.

The camera then cuts to Sonata standing in the interviewing area alone.

Sonata: Adagio, is this really what it has come to? To the point you wanna beat me up so bad I have to be carried out on a stretcher? Adagio, at End Of The Line, your envy combined with your jealousy and hatred towards me, is gonna be the reason why YOU will be on the losing end! Also, since you said that match guarantees no excuses, then I don't wanna hear a single thing coming out of your mouth after I beat you for a SECOND time! Now as far as tonight goes... Erza Scarlet, you've beaten me, and I've beaten you. However in both those matches someone got involved, so tonight to ensure it's totally one on one, we settle the equal score in a Steel Cage. For SO long, I've been looked upon as the weak one, but I've proven that I'm anything but! And Erza, you're about to see that firsthand!

The camera then cuts back to the commentary desk.

Mauro: A very determined Sonata, I can tell you that much! Well, let's see if that determination will be enough when she steps inside that steel cage with Erza Scarlet later tonight!

Nigel: But considering what we have seen from Erza, how much of Sonata will be left?

Beth: I'm sure Adagio will be watching that match very closely, and I think in a way, so will FSU, wherever they are.



(MATCH 3: Shane Thorne vs. Velvet Scarlatina)

The crowd boos as out came Shane Thorne.

*Bell rings!*

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, this next contest is scheduled for one fall, introducing first, hailing from Perth, Western Australia, he weighs in tonight at 220 pounds, SHANE THORNE!!!

Mauro: The last time we saw Thorne, it was Elimination Enclosure, and unfortunately he did not last very long. Now he's back, let's see if he has honed his craft in his time away.

Nigel: His start in LWF didn't go the way he wanted it to, maybe that hiatus is what he needed to get him on the right track!

Beth: Well normally people who go away for some time tend to fall victim to ring rust, and that may ring true for Thorne!

Thorne enters the ring, climbs up the turnbuckles and throws a fist up into the air before taking off his leather jacket.

He then sat on the top turnbuckle, waiting for his opponent. Then...


The crowd cheered as Velvet Scarlatina made her way out. She waves at the crowd as she makes her way down the ramp. 

Jeremy Borash: And now, introducing his opponent, making her LWF debut, residing in the city of Vacuo, VELVET SCARLATINA!!!

Mauro: At first sight Velvet looks like the kind to not hurt anyone, but from what I've been told, that part is true, but once the bell rings, she can get very competitive!

Beth: Velvet is definitely a shy and timid individual, but that's not gonna help her in a match, especially against someone like Shane Thorne!

Nigel: Well let's see if she does have a competitive side!

Velvet enters the ring, and waves once more to the fans.

The bell rings, and the match is underway. 

Velvet and Thorne lock up in the middle of the ring, Thorne then gets Velvet in a Side Headlock. 

Velvet pushes him off into the ropes, she then bent over, looking for a Back Body Drop, but Thorne was able to stop himself, then he landed a kick right across her sternum!

Thorne then sets her up for a Saito Suplex, but Velvet lands some Back Elbows to escape his clutches, then she throws Thorne into a corner. 

Velvet then charges full speed, and connects with a Forearm Smash!

Velvet throws him out of the corner, goes for the cover, but Thorne kicks out at 2.

Velvet then went to the second turnbuckle, and measured him up. Once he was on his feet, Velvet went for a Diving Hurricanrana, but Thorne was able to stop her momentum!

Mauro: Uh oh! Velvet attempted a Hurricanrana, Thorne blocked it!

Thorne then swung her into the corner, and Velvet smacked the bottom turnbuckle hard!

Mauro: OOOH, MAN! Right into the bottom turnbuckle!

Beth: Velvet's bells just got rung!

Velvet was now laying on the mat, all glassy-eyed, then Thorne dragged out of the corner, hooked the leg, but Velvet was still able to kick out at 2!

Mauro: And somehow, Velvet kicks out!

Nigel: This is where Thorne can capitalize!

Thorne gets up, and he starts stomping and kicking away on Velvet. 

Then he sat her up, and got her in a Grounded Headlock. 

Mauro: And capitalize, he did! Thorne now with a Headlock on Velvet!

Nigel: Thorne would love to spoil the debut of Velvet Scarlatina in his first match back!

After several minutes, Velvet begins to get up! Thorne tries to bring her back down to the mat, but then Velvet countered the Headlock onto a Back Suplex! However, Thorne landed on his feet, and he drops Velvet with a Lariat from behind!


Mauro: What a Lariat by Shane Thorne!

Beth: So much force behind that!

Thorne rolls her over, covers her, but Velvet was still able to kick out at 2!

Mauro: And Velvet out at 2 again!

Nigel: That clubbing blow from Thorne is still not enough to keep Velvet down!

Thorne then picked up Velvet, but then Velvet rolled him up with a Small Package pin!

Mauro: Oh, wait a second!

Nigel: Small Package attempt!

Thorne kicks out at 2, the both get up, then Velvet clocked Thorne with a Step-up Enzuigiri!

Mauro: Enzuigiri by Velvet! Velvet almost had him!

Velvet gets up, and screams at the top of her lungs, gaining cheers from the fans.

Thorne gets up, then Velvet knocks him down with a Forearm Smash!

Thorne gets up again, and Velvet knocks him down with a Clothesline!

Thorne gets up, Velvet hits the ropes, Thorne goes for a Clothesline to try and stop her in her tracks but Velvet ducks.

Velvet rebounds, then takes Thorne down with a Hurricanrana!

Velvet gets up, so does Thorne, then Velvet connects with a Dropkick, and Thorne rolls out of the ring!

Velvet gets up, and throws a fist up into the air, and the fans cheer once more.

Mauro: Velvet now, beginning to climb into this match!

Nigel: This is what Shane Thorne was trying to avoid!

Thorne gets up, Velvet hits the ropes again,then wiped Thorne out with a Suicide Dive!

Mauro: Tope Suicida by Velvet!

Velvet then threw Thorne back into the ring, and climbed to the top turnbuckle. 

Mauro: Velvet now, looking to go airborne!

Thorne gets up, then Velvet lands on Thorne with a Crossbody!

Mauro: Crossbody off the top!

Velvet hooks both legs, but Thorne kicks out at 2!

Mauro: And Shane Thorne, out at 2!

Beth: Velvet with some excellent offense, not enough to put Thorne away, though! 

Velvet then got up, picked up Thorne, then she slams him down with a Northern Lights Suplex, bridges into the cover, but Thorne was still able to kick out at 2!

Velvet gets up, tries for another Northern Lights Suplex, but Thorne countered, and slammed her down with a Northern Lights Suplex of his own!

Mauro: And Velvet went for another Northern Lights Suplex, but Thorne beat her to it!

Thorne then rolled through, and deadlifted Velvet into a Falcon Arrow!

Mauro: Falcon Arrow by Thorne!

Thorne then rolled her over, and went to the nearest corner.

Mauro: And it looks like Thorne is looking to close in!

Velvet gets to one knee, then Thorne hits his patented Jumping Penalty Kick square in Velvet's face!

Mauro: And Thorne! Jumping Kick right between the eyes of Velvet!

Nigel: That may have just knocked her out!

Thorne goes for the cover, and Thorne gets the 1-2-3!

Mauro: And Thorne picks up the victory!

*Bell rings!*


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, your winner of the match, SHANE THORNE!!!

Mauro: One swift kick was all it took to keep Velvet down! 

Nigel: A very strong return for Shane Thorne, Velvet did put up a valiant effort, so there's that!

The referee then raises Thorne's hand, then checks on Velvet. 

The referee then helps up Velvet, but then Thorne lands another Jumping Penalty Kick on Velvet!

Beth: OH, COME ON!!!

Mauro: That was absolutely unnecessary, Thorne!

Thorne then punched away on Velvet, as more referees came out to try and pry him off Velvet. 

Thorne then picked her up, and dropped her with a Saito Suplex!

Mauro: And a Saito Suplex from Thorne!

Thorne was now sitting on the ground, looking back at Velvet, with a grin on his face.

Mauro: Looks like during his time away, something inside Thorne snapped!

Nigel: I'm all for this side of Thorne, maybe this edge is just what he needs to get to the top!

Beth: Well, yeah, but there was no need to do that! He won the match, what more was there to prove!?

Thorne then exits the ring, and the referees continue to help Velvet.


The camera cuts to the backstage area where Soul Evans just entered the arena.

Mauro: And there you see Soul Evans entering the arena, he meets Ohno in our Main Event tonight! 

Nigel: For Soul this is about standing for his friend, Maka Albarn, but for Ohno it's about Revenge, and he promised that he was gonna do the same thing Soul did to him!

Beth: That match may very well turn into a fight, and I can't wait to see that!

In another area backstage, Chris Brookes was behind a steel mesh fence, and the area was pitch black, with some dim lighting.

Chris Brookes: Junko… you cost me the opportunity at glory. But at least I have the Adrenaline Rush Tournament to look forward to, and I'll be damned if I let you take that away from me! *grabs the steel mesh fence* so at End Of The Line, I'm gonna do anything, AND everything… to make sure you don't get that chance. In the Asylum Match, you are gonna experience pain you never knew existed. *looks into the camera* look into my eyes, Junko! This is the face of a man who is not afraid of getting hurt, and is not afraid of putting anyone out of commission. At End Of The Line, you will be locked in with a Killer. *whispers* count your days.

The promo ends with an evil grin growing on Brookes' face.

(Back at ringside…)


(MATCH 4: Faith and Kindness vs. Brit and Tiff Crust)

Mauro: Chris Brookes with a stern warning to Junko Enoshima, but right now, we have more Tag Team action!

6 seconds into the song Faith and Kindness came out, and the crowd cheered. 

*Bell rings!*

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, this is a Tag Team match, scheduled for one fall, introducing first, the team of Asia Argento, and Fluttershy, FAITH AND KINDNESS!!!

Nigel: So far, this makeshift duo of Faith and Kindness have gone 2 and 0 in Tag Team competition, tonight they look to go 3 and 0!

Mauro: Well earlier in the night they had quite an encounter with Brit and Tiff Crust, and they look to the Crust Cousins what Faith and Kindness are all about!

Faith and Kindness then entered the ring, and pointed up to the sky before pointing to the fans with bright smiles on their faces. 



To a rally of boos, Brit and Tiff Crust made their way out. 

Jeremy Borash: And now, introducing their opponents, making their LWF debut, Brit and Tiff, THE CRUST COUSINS!!!

Mauro: The Crusts, looking to steal the show in their debut here in LWF, and they got a head start by attacking Faith and Kindness earlier!

Nigel: A cheap shot, but it's a first shot regardless.

Beth: What I learned from just looking at these two, it looks like Brit is the brains of the duo, while Tiff is… I'm assuming the muscle.

The Crust Cousins enter the ring, then Brit takes off her coat revealing a Molly Holly style outfit.

Brit and Asia start it off, and the bell rings.

Brit and Asia lock up in the middle of the ring, Brit grabs Asia, and gets her in a Hammerlock. 

Asia was able to reach the top rope to force a break. The referee counts to 5, and Brit releases Asia at 3.

Asia shakes her arm, Brit charges, but Asia connects with a Back Elbow!

Brit staggers back, Asia then hits the ropes, Brit hunches over, looking to counter with a Back Body Drop but Asia leaped over her, and connects with a Dropkick off the rebound!

Mauro: And now Asia Argento, using her unorthodox athleticism!

Nigel: You wouldn't know she was speedy at first sight!

Asia then tagged in Fluttershy, then Fluttershy went straight for Brit.

Fluttershy takes her down with an Arm Drag. Brit gets up, and Fluttershy takes her down with another one!

Brit got up for a third time, blocked a third Arm Drag, then Brit headbutted her in the gut, and followed it up with an Uppercut!

Mauro: And Brit Crust! A Headbutt and Uppercut combination takes Fluttershy down!

Brit then tags in Tiff, and Tiff begins to hammer away on Fluttershy. 

Beth: And now the mean, and street-smart punk, Tiff Crust is in! 

Mauro: And she's utilizing that vicious mean streak, raining down on Fluttershy!

Tiff then picked up Fluttershy, draped her feet on the top rope, and unceremoniously threw her down onto the mat!

Nigel: Oooh! Nothing pretty about that!

Mauro: Tiff Crust just throwing Fluttershy onto the mat!

Tiff goes for the cover, but Fluttershy kicks out at 2!

Tiff then tagged Brit back in, and Brit then measured Fluttershy up.

Mauro: Brit Crust back in now…

Fluttershy gets up, then Brit delivers a swift kick to the back of Fluttershy's leg, sweeping her off her feet!

Brit then dragged Fluttershy to the center of the ring, goes for the cover, but Fluttershy kicked out at 2.

"Can you count any faster!?" Brit shouts at the referee.

Brit then locked on a Fujiwara Armbar, and Fluttershy starts reaching for the ropes.

Nigel: And Brit now showing off her ground game, pulling back on that arm with that Fujiwara Armbar!

Beth: And Fluttershy is desperately trying to get out of that hold before any further damage is done, but she's too far away from the ropes!

After several minutes, Fluttershy musters up the strength to scoot herself to the ropes, and grab the bottom rope to force a break. 

Mauro: And Fluttershy makes it to the bottom rope!

Brit lets her go in frustration, then she tags Tiff in.

Nigel: I love the quick tags the Crust Cousins are doing! Keeping each other fresh, while also isolating their opponents!

Beth: I have to agree, that is a smart strategy, and it's working wonders for Brit and Tiff!

Brit and Tiff then threw Fluttershy to the ropes, but Asia was able to stretch her arm far enough to make a tag, and then Fluttershy took both Brit and Tiff out with a Clothesline off the rebound!

Mauro: And Fluttershy! Taking out two for the price of one, and I think Asia tagged herself in!

Nigel: She sure did! Asia is now legal!

Brit rolls out of the ring, Fluttershy rolls out onto the apron, and Tiff gets up. Once Tiff was back on her feet, Asia springs off the top rope, connecting with a Missile Dropkick!

Mauro: Asia off the top rope!

Beth: Picture perfect Dropkick takes Tiff Crust off her feet!

Tiff gets up, then Asia hits a Wheel Kick on her!

Tiff rolls out of the ring, and gets beside Brit. Fluttershy gets back in the ring, then Asia and Fluttershy hit the ropes, and wiped out the Crust Cousins with Suicide Dives!

Mauro: Faith and Kindness with Tope Suicidas in stereo! 

Beth: Faith and Kindness are on a roll!

Asia throws Tiff back into the ring, and tags in Fluttershy. 

Tiff then tried to charge at Asia but Asia caught her with a Scoop Slam! Asia then did a forward roll over her, and Fluttershy, with a running start, landed on Tiff with a Shooting Star Press! Then Fluttershy rolled over Tiff and Asia sprung off the middle turnbuckle, and landed a Moonsault on Tiff, then Fluttershy hopped onto the top turnbuckle and landed a Moonsault on Tiff as well!

Mauro: And Faith and Kindness! Wow, what a combination!

Asia then slings herself over the top rope, and lands on Brit, while Fluttershy hooked Tiff's legs, and gets the 3 count!

Mauro: Faith and Kindness pick up the win!

*Bell rings!*

(Start at 0:11)


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, your winner of the match, FAITH AND KINDNESS!!!

Mauro: Another impressive showing by Faith and Kindness as they pick up their 3rd consecutive win!

Nigel: Fluttershy and Asia now 3 and 0 in LWF, and this momentum may put them in line for a Tag Team Championship match in the future!

Asia and Fluttershy get their hands raised, then they continue to celebrate in the ring.

Beth: Well, Faith and Kindness pick up another win here tonight, but ladies and gentlemen, the wait is finally over! The rubber match between Erza Scarlet and Sonata Dusk! Contested inside a Steel Cage!

Mauro: No outside interferences, just a straight up one on one battle, in a 15 foot tall steel cage! This should be physical!


Kayla Braxton was standing by in front of The Hybrid 2's locker room.

Kayla: What a night it has been here in LWF: Reborn, and right now I'm gonna try and get a word with The Hybrid 2 regarding their Tornado Tag match at-

The door opens all of a sudden… but Ravel Phenex came out!

Kayla: Ravel! What were you doing in The Hybrid 2's locker room just now?

Ravel: That's none of your business! 

Ravel then walks off, leaving Kayla confused. 

In another area backstage, Shane Thorne just exited his locker room, when another reporter, Sarah Schreiber, walked up to him.

Sarah: Excuse me, Shane Thorne? Do you mind telling us what was going through your mind in that post match assault you did on Velvet Scarlatina earlier tonight?

All Shane Thorne did was scowl, and left.

(Back to ringside…)


(MATCH 5: Sonata Dusk vs. Erza Scarlet (STEEL CAGE MATCH))

The lights dim, and spotlights dance around as the 15 foot tall Steel Cage is being lowered.

Mauro: Ladies and gentlemen, we are just moments away from what may be the most physical rubber match in LWF: Reborn thus far! It all started back in Episode 11 but Adagio and Neo got involved, and cost Sonata that match, then in the BTWF vs. LWF Interpromotional Show, Sonata would win that match, albeit Adagio and Neo, and FSU got involved. 

Nigel: Well tonight, there will be no Adagio Dazzle and Neopolitan to cost Sonata, and there will be no FSU to cost Erza! These steel walls will block out any interference, and the only way one of those two women will win, is by Pinfall, Submission, or by escaping the cage either through the door, or up and over the cage walls!

Once the cage was fully lowered, the spotlights stopped dancing around, but it was still dim.



6 seconds into the song, Sonata Dusk makes her entrance, rocking out to her new theme song.

*Bell rings!*

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, this next contest is a STEEL CAGE MATCH, where there are no disqualifications, and the only way to win is by Pinfall, Submission, or escaping the cage through the door, or scaling the wall. Introducing first, SONATA DUSK!!!

Mauro: What a career this young woman has had so far! From being just another siren in The Dazzlings, to a promising future star alongside the Foodie Friends!

Nigel: And at End Of The Line, she hopes to put Adagio Dazzle in her rearview mirror for good in the Stretcher Match, but first, she has to get past the muscle of The Beautiful People, Erza Scarlet!

Beth: We have seen what both Erza and Sonata are capable of, but if either of them wants to walk out with the win, one of them has to dig deeper than the other.

Once Sonata made it to the bottom of the ramp, she stopped dancing, and looked up at the cage. She then entered the ring, still examining the cage.

Mauro: This is Sonata's first ever Steel Cage Match, and if I were her, I'd be just as nervous!



Out comes Erza Scarlet, and the crowd gave mixed reactions, but it was mostly boos.

Jeremy Borash: And now introducing her opponent, representing BTWF, ERZA SCARLET!!!

Mauro: And it's not only Sonata's first Steel Cage Match, this Erza's first also! So tonight, one of them is winning their first Cage Match!

Nigel: But as the Beautiful People's muscle, that fact doesn't faze her, she knows she has the strength, and determination to walk out with the victory, question is can she out-will Sonata?

Beth: That's a very good question, Nigel. Erza Scarlet is much stronger and can move like a Cruiserweight, Sonata, compared to Erza, is a small dog in the fight. But her heart and "Never say Die" attitude makes up for it!

Erza enters the cage, then she slams the cage door shut.

"You're locked in here with me, now!" Erza says to Sonata. 

The bell then rings, and the match is underway. 

Sonata goes to lock up with Erza, but Erza easily shoves her off. Sonata gets up, charges, but Erza knocks her down with a Back Elbow!

Erza then picked up Sonata, threw her to the ropes, then Erza plowed through her with a Shoulder Block!

Mauro: And Erza Scarlet, manhandling Sonata right from the get go!

Erza goes for a quick cover, but Sonata kicks out at 2.

Erza picks her up, throws Sonata to the ropes again, goes for a Tilt-a-whirl Backbreaker, but Sonata countered with a Crossbody!

Mauro: Oh, wait! Sonata with a Crossbody!

Sonata had both of Erza's legs hooked, but Erza kicked out at 2!

They both get up, Sonata then connects with a Jawbreaker, creating some distance between her and Erza.

Sonata then charges, but Erza popped her up into the air, launching Sonata onto the cage wall, but Sonata was able to stop herself upon impact and began climbing up!

Mauro: Oooh, Erza sending Sonata into the cage wall- but look at that! Sonata, beginning to make her way up and over!

Beth: Sonata used that momentum as a boost! 

Erza was able to grab her leg, and forcefully yank Sonata back down!

Sonata gets up, only to get hit with a Big Boot from Erza!

Nigel: Oooh!

Mauro: Boot to the mush by Erza!

Erza goes for the cover, but Sonata kicks out at 2.

Sonata sits up, still dazed, but then Erza scooped her up, then dropped her with a Vertical Suplex!

Mauro: And Erza again with that scary feat of strength!

The camera then cuts to the backstage area (specifically the interviewing area), where Adagio was watching the match on the TV Screen, with a big smirk on her face.

Mauro: And there you see Adagio Dazzle, watching this match very closely!

Nigel: She's probably enjoying this, knowing whatever is left of Sonata, she's gonna destroy it come the Stretcher Match!

The camera then cuts back to the match, where Erza now has Sonata in a Grounded Headlock. 

After a few minutes, Sonata gets up, and elbows Erza in the midsection. Erza lets Sonata go, Sonata then hits the ropes, but Erza countered with an Overhead Belly-to-belly Suplex, tossing her across the ring! Erza gets up, picks up Sonata, then pulls her into a Spinebuster!

Mauro: Oooh! Spinebuster plants Sonata!

Erza gets up, looks up at the top of the cage, then Erza begins to climb.

Mauro: And Erza now, looking to climb her way out of the cage to win the match!

While Erza was climbing, Sonata was mustering up whatever energy she had left to crawl to the door!

Nigel: But look at Sonata! Looking to go through the door!

Beth: She might beat Erza to the punch!

By the time Erza noticed Sonata going through the door, Sonata was already halfway out! She hopped down, grabbed the cage door, and swung it into Sonata's face!

Nigel: Oooh!

Mauro: Erza swinging the door into Sonata! 

Erza then picks her up, sets her up for her patented Shellshock move, "Heaven's Wheel", and she connects!

Mauro: And Erza with the Heaven's Wheel!

Nigel: Whatever hope there was for Sonata winning, went up in smoke right there!

Sonata then covered Sonata, but Sonata kicked out at the last possible second!

Erza sat up, with a look of absolute disbelief on her face!


Beth: Sonata will not die, and Erza can't believe it!

Nigel: Nobody, AND I MEAN ABSOLUTELY NOBODY has ever kicked out of Heaven's Wheel! Sonata is the very first!

Mauro: That may have very well been Erza's best shot in this match! Erza's now probably thinking "What else do I have to do?"!

Erza gets up, then she winds up her arm, as she begins to measure Sonata up.

Mauro: Erza now, probably looking for the "Sword's Edge"!

Nigel: If this connects, Sonata's for sure finished!

Sonata gets up, Erza goes for the Sword's Edge Clothesline, but then Sonata countered with a Superkick, but Erza caught it!

"Not this time!" Erza says, but then Sonata sends her into a corner with a Mule Kick!

Sonata gets up, then she goes to the corner diagonally across, and runs back, hitting Erza with a Hesitation Dropkick!

Sonata drags Erza out of the corner, goes for the cover, but Erza kicks out at 2!

Sonata then picked up Erza, but then Erza pushed her off, smacked her with a Headbutt, immediately dropping Sonata!

Beth: Oooh, man!

Mauro: Erza with a wicked Headbutt, and Sonata Dusk falls into a heap!

Erza then picks Sonata up, looks to throw her into the cage wall with her Lawn Dart move, the "Scarlet Arrow", but then Sonata was able to wriggle out of her grasp, and push her face first into the wall!

Mauro: Oh, Sonata! Averting disaster, sending Erza into the cage wall!

Nigel: Erza learning firsthand that the cage can be used as a weapon!

Erza turns around, clutching her face, Sonata then hits a low Dropkick to her legs, bringing Erza down to one knee.

Sonata then hits the ropes one more time, and plants Erza with a Float-over DDT!

Sonata then picked up Erza, and then immediately sets her up for her signature Ripcord Cutter, the G.B.2.S Cutter, and she hits it!

Mauro: And Sonata! G.B.2.S Cutter!

Nigel: Erza is down! Can she capitalize!?

Sonata gets up, but instead of trying to pin her, she goes and tries to climb up the cage.

Beth: And now Sonata, looks like she's confident enough to climb the cage!

Nigel: This is her only moment now that Erza is incapacitated!

Sonata was now on the top of the cage, but when she looked back, she saw Erza getting back up!

Mauro: Uh oh, Sonata, seeing Sonata coming to!

Erza gets back to her feet, but the moment Erza looked up, Sonata did a Whisper In The Wind off the top of the cage, and landed right on her!

Nigel: OH, MY WORD!!!


Beth: She landed right on Erza Scarlet!

Sonata then rolled over, draped her arm across Erza's chest, and got the 3 count!

Mauro: And Sonata Dusk wins the rubber match!!!

*Bell rings!*

(Start at 0:06)


Sonata gets to her knees, and screams in victory as she throws her arms up into the air.

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, your winner of the match, SONATA DUSK!!!

Beth: That was absolutely incredible! Sonata risked everything, including her own well being to take out Erza and it paid off! With that Whisper in the Wind, she picked up the victory!

Mauro: A daredevil after Jeff Hardy’s own heart! I don't think he could have done it any better!

The referee raises Sonata's hand, then the cage begins to rise.

Backstage, Adagio was absolutely livid. With her head hung low, and her teeth gritted. 

Kayla Braxton then walked up to her.

Kayla: Adagio, clearly this wasn't the result you wanted to see-

Adagio then smacked the microphone out of Kayla's hand, and with a scowl, Adagio stormed out.

Mauro: Well, Adagio is not at all happy that Sonata walked out the winner, but now the question is, can Sonata survive the Stretcher Match at End Of The Line?

Beth: If she's willing to go to extremes just like this, I'm sure she will!

Nigel: Well one thing's for sure, Sonata won't be 100%, and Adagio may very well capitalize on that!

Once Sonata has left the ring, Erza begins to get up. But then all of a sudden, FSU appeared on the titantron.

Mark Andrews: *Applauds* Wow, wow, wow! What a match! For a moment, we actually thought you would win the whole thing!

Eddie Dennis: But, just like we thought, you failed. Just like how your buddies, Asuka and Alexis, are gonna fail at End Of The Line, when Mark and I, stand tall, victorious over The Beautiful People!

Mark Andrews: But seeing that Asuka and Alexis aren't with you at the moment, I want you to remember this message, and relay it to them. Come the No DQ match, The Beautiful People will be known as the women who lost when it mattered the most…

Eddie Dennis: … For the rest of their pathetic, miserable lives!

The transmission then ended, and Erza continued to look on, thinking about what FSU just said.

Mauro: And FSU leaving a stern message to The Beautiful People, but up next, it's our Main Event! A vengeful Kassius Ohno, looks to get some ounce of revenge, against the man who shoved him into the power box, Soul Evans!

Nigel: Will Ohno get his revenge, or will Soul stick it to Ohno again? Well we're about to find out, next!


Hawkins, Ryder, and Trent were standing by with Kayla Braxton in the interviewing area. 

Kayla: Hawkins, Ryder, Trent, you requested this time, what's going through your minds?

Curt Hawkins: A lot. See, Ryder and I have Been here since Resurgence, and now to get a Tag Team Championship opportunity, we have to face a debuting team!? 

Zack Ryder: Yeah, that's ridiculous! For too long, we saw some undeserving Tag Teams getting title shots before us! So when Team Weird N' Wild issued the challenge, we answered. But now these… Workin' Miners are coming, we have to get through them to solidify our title opportunity!? We worked too hard for too long, only to get nothing in the end! 

Curt Hawkins: But that stops at End Of The Line, where we end The Workin' Miners before they even get the chance to shine!

Trent: Now as for Chuck, *looks into the camera* Hey, buddy! Still mad that I did what's best for me, which was dropping what I don't need? Well at End Of The Line, I'm gonna put you where you belong, Chuck. And that's the past!

The trio then walked away.

The camera cuts back to ringside, then…


(MAIN EVENT: Kassius Ohno vs. Soul Evans)

Kassius Ohno makes his entrance to a rally of boos coming from the crowd.

*Bell rings!*

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, this is your Main Event of the evening, scheduled for one fall, introducing first, representing the Society of Complete Equality, KASSIUS OHNO!!!

Mauro: From that moment at XLR8ION to now, nothing but revenge has been in the mind of this man!

Nigel: For those who need a refresher or don't know, in an Episode of XLR8ION, Soul Evans jumped Kassius Ohno backstage, and bull rushed him into the power box!

Beth: Ohno promised he was gonna have Evans suffer the same fate, but I'm sure Soul isn't gonna let him!

Ohno enters the ring, and waits for Soul Evans. 

"Come on! Get out here!" Ohno shouts.



To a rally of cheers, Soul Evans makes his entrance. 

Jeremy Borash: And his opponent, from Death City, Nevada, he weighs in tonight at 175 pounds, SOUL EVANS!!!

Mauro: And this is the man who pushed Ohno into the power box! This whole thing started when Ohno was sent to take care of Soul's friend, Maka Albarn, by kicking her down a flight of stairs! Then in XLR8ION, Evans returned the favor!

Nigel: Evans stood up for Maka Albarn, and now Soul Evans looks to get one over Ohno again, in our Main Event!

Once Evans made it to the bottom of the ramp, Ohno slid out of the ring, and began to hammer away on him!

Mauro: And now Ohno! Not wanting to wait any longer!

The bell then rang, and the match was underway!

Nigel: There's the bell, this match is officially underway, and Ohno is just pummeling away on Soul Evans!

Ohno then threw Evans into the steel post!

Mauro: Oooh, and Evans crashing into the ring post!

Ohno then throws Soul Evans back into the ring, and measures Soul up.

Soul gets to his feet, Ohno goes for the Rolling Elbow but Soul counters with a Drop Toe Hold!

Mauro: Evans now! Drop Toe Hold takes Ohno off his feet!

Soul then hits the ropes, and connects with a Basement Dropkick!

Mauro: Basement Dropkick to Ohno!

Soul goes for the cover, but Ohno kicks out at 2.

Evans then gets up, and climbs up to the top turnbuckle.

Beth: Soul Evans now looking to land some more offense!

Nigel: Measuring up Ohno, looking for an aerial attack!

Ohno gets up, but then he quickly clocks Evans with a right handed Hook Punch!

Nigel: Ooh-ho!

Mauro: Ohno with a vicious right hand! Soul just got his bells rung!

Soul leans forward, stunned from the punch, then Ohno connects with a Bicycle Kick to the side of Soul's face!

Mauro: Ooh! And Ohno with a Pump Kick to follow up!

Soul tumbles back down to the mat then Ohno dragged Soul to the center of the ring before going for the cover, but Soul was able to kick out at 2!

Ohno gets up, scoops up Soul, and slams him down before flattening him with a Senton!

Ohno goes for the cover again, but Soul was still able to kick out at 2.

Mauro: And Ohno off the Senton, but Soul Evans out at 2!

Soul now tries to get up, but Ohno stomps him back down.

Ohno then picks him up, and gets Soul in a Cravate Headlock. 

Mauro: Ohno now, utilizing the Cravate!

Nigel: Ohno loves to use the Cravate hold, and he especially loves to transition it into various other moves!

Soul drops down to his knees, then Ohno lets him go, turns him around, and drops him on his head with a Snap Piledriver!

Mauro: Oooh! Ohno with a Piledriver!

Ohno covers Soul, but he kicks out at 2.

Ohno then throws Soul into a corner, and delivers a Knife Edge chop!

Soul clutches his chest, but Ohno then props him back up, and then clocked him with another Forearm Smash!

Nigel: Ooh!

Mauro: And Ohno loves throwing those elbows!

Soul was now on spaghetti legs, hanging onto the top rope as his support to keep himself up, then Ohno backed up to the corner diagonally across.

Ohno then charged, looking for a Flying Wing Attack, but then, as if a sudden burst of energy surged through him, Soul exploded out of the corner, and clocked Ohno with a Corkscrew Enzuigiri!

Mauro: OOOH! Soul Evans with a Spinning Enzuigiri! Ohno never saw it coming!

Nigel: Ohno was going too fast to stop, therefore he had only one to go, and that was right into that kick!

Both men were now laying in the middle of the ring, and the referee began to count. 

1… 2… 3… 4…

Evans was the first to get up, and the referee stopped counting.

Mauro: Evans back on his feet, this is his opportunity to get back in this match!

Soul Evans staggers into a corner, then hops onto the second turnbuckle. 

Ohno gets up, then Soul connects with a Diving Forearm Smash, knocking Ohno back down!

Mauro: And Soul off the second turnbuckle! 

Beth: Ohno loves throwing those elbow strikes, and Soul Evans is not afraid to throw one of his own!

Ohno gets up, so does Soul, then Soul knocks him down with a Clothesline!

Ohno gets up, but gets knocked down again with an Axe-handle Attack from Soul!

Soul picks up, throws him to the ropes with an Irish Whip, Ohno tries to hit him with a Clothesline off the rebound, but Soul ducks!

Ohno rebounds again, and Soul stops him with a Dropkick!

Mauro: Oooh, and Ohno gets knocked down with a Dropkick! Soul Evans, beginning to fire up!

Ohno rolls out of the ring, but Soul Evans begins to measure him up!

Beth: Ohno is outside the ring, but Soul Evans has something in mind!

Ohno gets up, Soul hits the ropes, then Soul goes flying over the top rope with a Tope Con Hilo!

Mauro: And Soul with Tope Con Hilo!

Nigel: Ohno is reeling!

Soul throws Ohno back in, and measures him up once more.

Once Ohno got to his feet, Soul went to hit the ropes. However, Ohno did the same, and he and Soul met in the middle of the ring, with Ohno clocking Soul with a Flash Kick!

Mauro: OH, MAN!

Nigel: Flying kick out of nowhere by Ohno!

Ohno goes for the cover, but Soul kicks out at 2!

Mauro: No! Not enough to put Soul away!

Kassius Ohno gets up, then sets Soul up for another Piledriver. But then Soul countered with a Double-leg Takedown, and then followed up with a Double Foot Stomp!

Mauro: Oh, Soul Evans! Ohno wanted another Piledriver, Soul saw it coming!

Soul goes for the cover, but Ohno kicks out at 2!

Mauro: But no, Ohno out at 2!

Soul shakes his head to try and recover from the Flash Kick, then he picks up Ohno, but then he catches Soul in a Small Package pin!

Nigel: Oh, wait a second!

Mauro: Small Package by Ohno!

Soul kicks out at 2, both men get up, Ohno goes for a Forearm Smash, but Soul ducks, Ohno turns around and Soul hits him with a Pélé Kick!

Mauro: Both out at 2, and Soul hits a Pélé Kick on Ohno!

Ohno was now sitting on the mat, then Soul hits the ropes, and connects with a Penalty Kick!

Mauro: And now a P.K to follow up!

Beth: Soul Evans, now bringing the fight to Ohno!

Soul Evans then began to measure Ohno up once more, now looking to hit his signature Butterfly Lungblower, "Soul Searching"!

Mauro: Soul Evans, possibly looking to close in!

Nigel: Ohno is in the Danger Zone!

But before Soul could do anything…

"Hey, Soul! Look up here!" A voice says.

Soul turned and looked up at the titantron, to see Starlight Glimmer!

Starlight: Hi, Soul! You're probably wondering why I'm mentioning your name. Well it's simple. We know what you did to Kassius Ohno at XLR8ION, and an attack on him is an attack on the SCE! Soul Evans, you committed the same Cardinal Sin that everyone else made, and that's stepping up to try and stop true Equality from happening! *Regains composure* Every crime has a punishment, Soul. This is yours.

The camera then panned around to view Dark Danny holding up a barely conscious Maka Albarn by her hair!

Beth: Oh my God!

Mauro: That's Maka Albarn! Starlight's Heaven Or Hell opponent, and a close friend of Soul Evans!

Abrasive Spongebob then pried off the lid of a power box, and Dark Danny began to set Maka Albarn up for a Powerbomb!

Starlight: Revenge is a dish best served cold, Soul Evans! *laughs*

Mauro: And now the SCE! Looking to toss Maka Albarn into the power box!

Nigel: And all Soul can do is watch!

But then, all of a sudden, Ruby, Zayden, Sonata, Lodestar, Smai Zayn, and Robert Squared came in and stopped the SCE!

Mauro: Wait a minute! It's the Foodie Friends! 

Beth: Thank God for the Foodie Friends to come just in the nick of time!

Back in the match, Soul breathed a sigh of relief. 

Mauro: Well thank goodness for Robert and his gang, coming to aid of Mak-

But the second Soul turned around, he walked right into a Cyclone Kick by Ohno!

Mauro: OOH! And the moment he turned his attention back to Ohno, Ohno connects with a scintillating Cyclone Kick!

Nigel: That distraction by Starlight gave Ohno enough time to recover!

Ohno then fixed up his elbow pad, and waited for Soul to get to his knees. Once he was, Ohno connects with a Rolling Elbow from behind!

Nigel: OOH, my word!

Mauro: Rolling Elbow to back of the neck!

Ohno hooks the leg, and he gets the 3 count!

Mauro: And Kassius Ohno, gets his revenge!

*Bell rings!*


Ohno was now laying face up, with a smile on his face.

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, your winner of the match, KASSIUS OHNO!!!

Mauro: Vengeance is Ohno's, as he walks away with the victory over the person that pushed him into that power box!

Meanwhile backstage, the brawl between the SCE and the Foodie Friends, was just getting heated up!

Mauro: Oh, but backstage, chaos is just beginning!

Sonata, still hurt from her steel cage match with Erza, was fighting off Trixie, when Abrasive Spongebob clocked her with the Wattpad Championship!

Suddenly, out of nowhere, Zayden came flying off a production box, connecting with a diving Knee Strike!

Meanwhile, Ruby and Lodestar were double teaming on Dark Danny. Danny attempted to hit a Clothesline on both of them, but Lodestar and Ruby ducked, and then they hit stereo Dropkicks on Danny, knocking him down!

Robert and Starlight were trading blows, but it was mostly Starlight trying to fight him off and run away!

Mauro: And Robert and Starlight! Robert meets Starlight at End Of The Line, but it looks like he doesn't wanna wait!

Nigel: Look at Starlight, trying to get away!

Soon Starlight stumbles onto the stage, with Robert in hot pursuit. 

Ohno sees this, gets up, and comes to her aid. But as if on cue, the rest of the Foodie Friends came out to stop Ohno, and then the SCE came out to save Ohno.

Mauro: And now the brawl has spilled out into the arena! 

Trixie and Sonata continued where they left off, Trixie tried to throw her into the barricade but Sonata turned the momentum around!

Mauro: And Trixie, sent into the barricade by Sonata!

Sonata limps away, but then Dark Danny knocks her out with a Big Boot!

Nigel: Oooh!

Mauro: Dark Danny with a Boot!

Danny then turned around, and Sami clocked Danny with a Helluva Kick!

Meanwhile, Robert had Starlight cornered in the ring, and as soon as Robert made a move, Starlight slipped by, grabbed her LWF: Reborn Championship, tried to hit him with it, only to eat a Pineapple Surprise!

Mauro: And Robert! Starlight tries to go for a shot with the belt, gets a Pineapple Surprise for it!

Starlight rolled out of the ring as the cluster between the SCE and the Foodie Friends got tighter. 

Robert then hits the ropes, and goes soaring into the air with a Vaulting Plancha!

Mauro: Oh my goodness!!! Robert Squared goes airborne and takes out everyone!

Robert gets up, and rolls back into the ring, then his eyes fixated on the LWF: Reborn Championship. 

He gets up, picks up the belt, and looks at Starlight as he holds the belt over his head as "Anything" by Jim Johnston plays.


Mauro: And Robert Squared shows Starlight Glimmer a glimpse of what may be the outcome at End Of The Line!

Nigel: It looks like Starlight's days as Champion are now numbered! The odds have been evened, and Starlight Glimmer has to face a very determined Robert Squared!

Beth: At End Of The Line we may very well see a new Champion crowned!

And that's the End Of The Line go home show!

Holy smokes what a way to end it, right? Could we very well see Robert dethrone the deranged Equality leader?

End Of The Line looks very stacked, and we will wait no further, because this is the last Episode before End Of The Line!

So... see you all at End Of The Line!

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