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Let's see what happens here on our road to Wrestlepalooza...

No opening pyro, but the crowd cheers inside Sleep Train Arena in Sacramento, California. 

Then Mauro Ranallo speaks. 

Mauro: Hello everyone, and welcome to another Episode of LWF: Reborn!



The crowd cheers, and Will Ospreay, dressed in casual clothing, makes his entrance.

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome at this time, WILL OSPREAY!!!

Mauro: What a message this man has sent to the LWF: Reborn Champion last Episode! Just as Starlight was about to send a message to her oncoming challengers, Ospreay sent one of his own, and boy was that message clear as day!

Nigel: Starlight Glimmer has quite a road ahead of her. At Heaven Or Hell, she got past Maka Albarn, but at Beach Blast, she's got Ruby Rose, and she's also gonna have Ospreay at Wrestlepalooza! If you ask me, I think Ospreay is gonna be her toughest challenge amongst the three! Just look at Ospreay's resume!

Beth: Ospreay definitely has that high caliber, winning Tournaments in Japan, and holding gold wherever he has gone, and at Wrestlepalooza, he may add the LWF: Reborn Championship to his list of accolades!

Ospreay then enters the ring, and asks for a mic.

His music fades, and Ospreay looks around while the crowd chants his name.

Will Ospreay: If what I said last Episode wasn't a message and a half, then I don't know what is. Starlight, I know you're backstage somewhere, I want you to listen to this. I'm aware you've got two challengers ahead of you, but come Wrestlepalooza, I WILL dethrone you, and whoever steps up next, it'll be ME that awaits them, not you! I hope what I said in Episode 17, is engraved in your mind. Because after I beat you, that's ALL you're gonna remember!

The crowd cheers. Then…


Upon the song playing, the LWF: Reborn Champion, and Wattpad Champion, Starlight Glimmer and "Abrasive" Spongebob both make their entrance  

Mauro: Well here come a couple of people who take offense to that!

Nigel: Indeed, it does look like they're not pleased with what Ospreay just said!

Beth: How can they even be, after what Ospreay did to them last episode?

Starlight grabs a Mic, and immediately speaks out.

Starlight: I don't know what's unbelievable, you thinking you have a chance at Wrestlepalooza, or the fact you are clinging on to this idea that you're the hero here. You're one to talk. We haven't seen you since Elimination Enclosure, and now out of nowhere you return and try to fool these people that you're doing the right thing. Listen here, and listen well. I won't let you destroy what I have built. And at Wrestlepalooza, you will NOT be walking out with the LWF: Reborn Championship, you'll be walking out the same way you walked in. EMPTY HANDED.

Then out of nowhere…


Starlight and Spongebob look behind them to see Ruby come out from the entrance way.

Mauro: Well, look who it is! Ruby Rose! She meets Starlight at Beach Blast as one of the contenders Ospreay mentioned earlier!

Nigel: But Beach Blast isnt here yet, what’s she doing out here?

Beth: Well it's no secret that she has some unfinished business with the Wattpad Champion!

Ruby then gets a mic of her own as she observes the situation.

Ruby: Now, don't worry Ospreay, I’m not out here to steal your thunder or anything. I can wait till Beach Blast to get my shot at the LWF: Reborn Championship, whether it’s you or Starlight. *Looks at Spongebob* You on the other hand, this is far from over! Whether you wanna admit it or not, I had your number at High Acceleration. 

Spongebob smirks and rolls his eyes on that remark.

Ruby: And yes, I know, things didn't go my way. But a wise man once said, "By losing a battle, you find a new way to win the war". And I have found that way, SpongeBob. And this time, you won't be so lucky.

Spongebob then held his hand out towards Starlight, and Starlight handed him her mic.

Abrasive Spongebob: *Scoffs* What's that, some sort of a challenge?

Ruby: *Gets in his face* You're goddamn right. *drops her mic*

The crowd cheers, but before things began to get crazy…


Chard makes his entrance.

Chard: Okay, okay, this is only the start of the show, can we NOT get chaotic THIS early please?

The crowd mildly boos at that.

Chard: Now, now, hold on everyone, I have a solution. It seems that you and Spongebob want to settle this quarrel once and for all, Ruby. Well here's your chance. You wanna another shot at the Wattpad Championship? Well you're gonna have to earn it in our Main Event tonight. Tonight, here in Sacramento, it'll be Ruby Rose, teaming with Will Ospreay, to take on the Starlight and Spongebob of the SCE in a Tag Team match!

The crowd cheers loudly.

Chard: Good luck to all of you. You're gonna need it!

His theme plays once more, and he makes his way to the back.

Mauro: What a Main Event that's going to be! Ruby and Ospreay, join forces to take on the LWF: Reborn Champion, AND the Wattpad Champion!

Nigel: And the cherry on top, Ruby gets another shot at the Wattpad Championship if she walks out victorious!

Beth: That is some high stakes for Ruby tonight! If there's one thing we've learned about Ruby Rose, it's that she'll dig as deep as she can to climb to the top!

Mauro: She has beaten the Wattpad Champion before, she needs to do it again to earn one more shot! What a night this is gonna be here in LWF: Reborn! Mauro Ranallo here, alongside Nigel McGuinness and WWE Hall Of Famer, Beth Phoenix, guys what an Episode this is gonna be!

Beth: What an Episode indeed! Tonight, the Qualifiers for the Cruiserweight Open officially begin tonight! Later on, the leader of the Ravel-ation, Ravel Phenex, takes on the debuting, High-flying athlete from the UK's Channel Islands, Nathan Frazer!

Nigel: Also happening tonight, Kenny Omega returns to action, and who knows, Bonifer might be lurking! Also in action, Adagio Dazzle. After showing a much more aggressive side last Episode, she looks to unleash that aggression later on!

Mauro: But coming up next, our first Cruiserweight Open Qualifier, Skye Blue, takes on Madrid's rising star, "El Niño Anónimo'', The Whitewolf, A-Kid! This is A-Kids very first time here in LWF, so if this is your first time hearing about this young man, get ready! I can guarantee that it'll be breathtaking!




The crowd cheers as Skye Blue makes her entrance. 

*Bell rings!*

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, your opening contest, is a CRUISERWEIGHT OPEN QUALIFIER MATCH, scheduled for one fall, introducing first, from Chicago, Illinois, SKYE BLUE!!!

Mauro: I'm surprised Skye Blue is still standing after what happened in Episode 17, when Chris Brookes, enraged from the loss at the hands of Junko Enoshima, laid her out!

Nigel: He was not in the mood, but tonight Skye should not be thinking about that. Tonight, if she wants a spot in the Cruiserweight Open, she needs to focus on pulling off an upset against arguably one of the most promising athletes to ever come from Spain!

Beth: Quite a challenge for Skye Blue, but she won't let that deter her confidence, that's for sure!

Skye enters the ring, and stands in the middle, pointing up to the sky and smiling as the crowd cheers.

Then she takes off her cap, and stands in a corner.

Then, after a few seconds of silence…

(Start at 0:09)


The crowd pops, the lights dim upon the start of the song, then when the song picks up, A-Kid's name pops up on the titantron, and A-Kid makes his entrance.

Jeremy Borash: And her opponent, from Madrid, Spain, he weighs in tonight at 154 pounds, he is "El Niño Anónimo", The Whitewolf, A-KID!!!!

Mauro: Nigel, you've seen this young man in action over in NXT UK, tell us, what can we expect from A-Kid?

Nigel: Short answer, the unexpected! This is gonna be one HELL of a challenge for Skye Blue if I'm gonna be honest! A-Kid was the Inaugural Winner of the NXT UK Heritage Cup, and he's had classic championship matches against both WALTER and Ilija Dragunov, and he even shared the ring with Ricochet! Hell, A-Kid also holds a victory over Zack Sabre Jr! 

Beth: Well it sounds like we already know who's the general favorite to win this match right now, but let's not count out Skye Blue just yet. She could have the tools to hang with A-Kid, and who knows, she may just shock everyone with a big upset!

A-Kid enters the ring, and takes his vest off.

Mauro: What a tough test for Skye Blue. A qualifier match against a High Caliber athlete in A-Kid, she's gonna need to dig real deep for this match!

The bell rings, and the match is underway.

Skye and A-Kid shake hands, then they circle around the ring.

Skye and A-Kid then lock up in the middle of the ring, A-Kid then goes behind, and takes her down into a Pinning Predicament!

Mauro: Oh, and A-Kid! Looking to put Skye away early!

Skye kicks out at 2, then they both get up. Then Skye brings A-Kid to the mat with a Side Headlock Takedown, and cinches in a Grounded Headlock. 

A-Kid then gets up, and shoves Skye to the ropes. Skye lets go, hits the ropes, and then A-Kid drops down and Skye hops over him. Skye rebounds off the ropes again, and A-Kid knocks her down with a Dropkick!

Nigel: Oooh!

Mauro: Dropkick by A-Kid!

A-Kid goes for the cover, but Skye kicks out at 2.

Skye then uses the ropes to pull herself up, then A-Kid honed in on her, charged full speed, and landed a Front Dropkick on her arm!

Mauro: And A-Kid! Right onto the arm of Skye Blue with that Shotgun Dropkick!

Skye drops to her knees, clutching her arm, then A-Kid grabs her arm, rolls her up into a La Magistral Cradle pin, but Skye kicks out at 2. Off the kick out, A-Kid flips her over into a Fujiwara Armbar. 

Mauro: A-Kid now, working on that arm, softening it up for maybe a big Submission move.

After several minutes, Skye begins to reach for the ropes, but she's too far away. She then began to crawl to the ropes. She makes it to the bottom rope, and A-Kid breaks the hold.

Skye gets up, and staggers into a corner. A-Kid follows, and then begins delivering Roundhouse Kicks to her chest.

Beth: Look at those kicks A-Kid is delivering!

Mauro: A-Kid, kicking the wind out of Skye Blue!

Skye then slumped down in the corner, A-Kid then creates distance, charges, and then lands a Hesitation Dropkick!

Mauro: Oh  wow! Did you see the hang time on that Dropkick!?

Beth: A-Kid's unbelievable!

A-Kid then dragged her out of the corner, went for the cover, but Skye kicked out at 2!

A-Kid then picked her up, but Skye began to fight back, landing some punches to his gut. Skye then connected with an Uppercut, causing A-Kid to stagger backwards a bit. Then Skye connects with a Dropkick, sending A-Kid into a corner!

Mauro: Oh, look at Skye Blue! Skye sending A-Kid into the corner!

Beth: A-Kid is now reeling!

Then with a running start, Skye does a Cartwheel Clothesline into the corner, flattening A-Kid!

Mauro: And Skye with a Clothesline!

Skye then throws A-Kid out of the corner, and climbs to the top turnbuckle. 

A-Kid then turns around, and Skye leaps off the top turnbuckle, landing on A-Kid with a Crossbody!

Nigel: Oh, wow!

Mauro: Crossbody off the top!

Skye then hooked both legs, but A-Kid kicked out at 2!

Mauro: And A-Kid, out at 2!

Nigel: Gonna take more than that to keep the Madrid native down!

Skye then picks up A-Kid, but then A-Kid fires back with some Forearm Smashes. A-Kid then goes for Clothesline, but Skye ducks, and pulls him down face first onto her knee!

Mauro: Oooh, and A-Kid getting a mouthful of Skye's knee!

A-Kid was now staggering, Skye hit the ropes, but then A-Kid caught her with a Spanish Fly!

Beth: Oh my goodness!!!

Mauro: Wow, what a Spanish Fly by A-Kid!

A-Kid then got up, and with a running start, he connected with a Shooting Star Press!

Mauro: Shooting Star Press!

Nigel: This could be it!

A-Kid hooked the leg, but Skye was still able to kick out at 2!

Mauro: And Skye Blue gets the shoulder up!

Beth: Skye Blue is really holding her own against A-Kid! She will not let this opportunity slip!

A-Kid then picks her up, then he goes for a Brainbuster, but Skye blocks it, goes for a Vertical Suplex, but A-Kid countered into a Frankensteiner!

Nigel: Oh, wait a second!

Mauro: A-Kid with a Frankensteiner!

A-Kid then hooked both of Skye's legs, but Skye kicked out at 2!

They then both get up, A-Kid then goes for a Leaping Enzuigiri, but Skye avoids it! Skye then grabs him from behind with a Rear Waistlock, lifts him up to his feet, and puts him in a Ripcord Position. 

She then spins him out, and pulls him into a head level Roundhouse Kick!

Nigel: OOOH!!!

Mauro: Oh my god, what a Kick by Skye Blue!

A-Kid falls into a heap, Skye then quickly goes for the cover, and just as the hand was half an inch away from hitting the mat for 3, A-Kid kicks out! Skye sits up, and screams in frustration!


Beth: That was Skye's best shot this entire match! 

Nigel: I really thought we were gonna witness a huge upset, but A-Kid with the wherewithal, was able to survive that vicious Kick!

Mauro: May I remind you that this is our OPENING contest for this Episode! 

Beth: Well what a way to open the show!

Skye gets up, then A-Kid gets up as well. A-Kid then fires the first shot, going for a Clothesline, but Skye ducked, hits the ropes, and took A-Kid down with a Hurricanrana!

Mauro: Oh, Skye with a Hurricanrana!

A-Kid gets up, then Skye lands another Dropkick, knocking A-Kid back down.

A-Kid pulls himself back up, leaning against the ropes, Skye then charges, but A-Kid sends her out of the ring with a Back Body Drop!

Mauro: And Skye, going up and over!

Beth: Skye is in the wrong part of town now!

A-Kid then looked at Skye for a brief moment, and once she was back on her feet, A-Kid hits the ropes, and then wiped her out with a Suicide Dive!

Mauro: And A-Kid with a Tope Suicida!

Nigel: A-Kid is firing on all cylinders!

A-Kid then throws Skye back into the ring. A-Kid then hops onto the apron, measures Skye up for a second, then does Slingshot Arabian Press!

Mauro: And A-Kid with more aerial offense!

A-Kid goes for the cover, but Skye kicks out at 2!

A-Kid then gets up, and goes into a corner, waiting for Skye to get up. 

Mauro: looks like A-Kid may be closing in!

Nigel: Potentially looking for that jumping Heel Kick! If he hits that, Skye will NOT be getting up!

Skye then gets up, and A-Kid goes for his signature Jumping Heel Kick, but Skye catches him out of the air with a Superkick!


Beth: She timed that perfectly!

Skye then picked up A-Kid, then goes for a Sliced Bread #2, but A-Kid threw her over his head to reverse it!

Mauro: Oh, Sliced Bread attempt from Skye Blue, A-Kid had it scouted!

Skye lands on her feet, but just as she gathered herself, A-Kid sprung up into the air, and landed the Jumping Heel Kick!


Mauro: A-Kid caught Skye Blue right between the eyes!!!

A-Kid then went for the cover, but Skye was close enough to put her foot on the bottom rope, breaking the count at 2!

Mauro: And Skye Blue, great ring awareness!

Nigel: That ring awareness just barely saved her!

Beth: My goodness was that close!

A-Kid, mustering up whatever strength he had left, picks up Skye, and throws her into a corner. 

A-Kid then charges, but Skye stops him in his tracks with a Back Elbow! Skye then gets him set up for the Sliced Bread #2, and she hits it!

Mauro: And Skye! Sliced Bread connects!

Skye then dragged A-Kid out of the corner, but instead of going for the cover, Skye climbed to the top turnbuckle.

Mauro: Skye Blue now, looking to make sure A-Kid stays down!

A-Kid then got up, ran up the turnbuckle and met her up at the top!

Mauro: Oh, and A-Kid! A-Kid and Skye up top!

Skye tries to fight out of A-Kid's grasp, but A-Kid doesn't relent, and he slams her down onto the mat with an Avalanche Spanish Fly!

Mauro: WOW!!! Spanish Fly off the top!!!

A-Kid then immediately rolled her over so that she was face down, then he applied the LeBell Lock!

Mauro: And A-Kid! LeBell Lock applied on Skye Blue!

Nigel: Skye Blue has nowhere to go!!!

Skye tries to pry his fingers off, but to no avail. And after a minute of struggle, Skye taps out!

Mauro: Skye taps out! A-Kid moves on!!!

*Bell Rings!*

(Start at 0:14)


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, your winner of the match by way of Submission, A-KID!!!

Mauro: What an opening match here in LWF: Reborn! A-Kid moves on to the Cruiserweight Open, but don't take anything away from Skye Blue! She has nothing to be ashamed of after that performance!

Nigel: Give credit where credit is due, Skye Blue gave it her all, and then some! But just as she had A-Kid right where she wanted, A-Kid was able to answer back!

Beth: Skye and A-Kid definitely put on a clinic here tonight, but it's A-Kid who fills the first empty slot in the Cruiserweight Open!

A-Kid then helped Skye up, and they shook hands before Skye raised his hand.

Nigel: And there you see some sportsmanship from Skye Blue, as she raises the hand of A-Kid. Well later tonight we're gonna see who will join A-Kid in the Cruiserweight Open, will it be Ravel Phenex, or will it be the high flying UK Star, Nathan Frazer?

Mauro: That should also tear the house down, but up next, Adagio Dazzle is in action!

Beth: From what we saw last Episode, this could potentially get ugly!

A vignette for The Peerage now plays.

Rias, Akeno, Weiss, and Rarity were all seated around a fancy table, while some classical music played in the background. 

Rias: Sometimes, I wonder how LWF is still afloat, despite having these classless dictators rule with an iron fist, and nobody does anything to stop it.

Rarity: Absolutely horrible. Maybe even the worst… possible… thing!

Weiss: It's one thing to call yourself a leader, but it's another thing to actually BE one. And by the looks of LWF's current state, I say it's littered with talkers.

Akeno: Not until now. When we arrive, we will show everyone what real leadership looks like, and put some respect back in LWF!

Rias: That's right, Akeno. To all of you so-called leaders who run rampant in LWF, the four of us, will show you all how to lead LWF to new heights. Because we are The Peerage, and Elegance… meets Excellence!

They all then toast, and the caption then pops up: THE PEERAGE, COMING SOON TO LWF: REBORN.

The camera then cuts back to ringside. Then…


(MATCH 2: Adagio Dazzle in action)

The crowd began to boo, and Adagio Dazzle, with Neopolitan by her side, made her entrance. 

*Bell rings!*

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, this next contest is scheduled for one fall, introducing first, accompanied by Neopolitan, ADAGIO DAZZLE!!!

The camera then cuts to the ring, where a blue haired,teenage looking man, dressed in a blue and black color scheme, was standing in a corner. Then the name "Bolt" pops up on the graphic.

Mauro: Back with more action here in LWF: Reborn, and Adagio will be taking on Bolt here tonight!

Nigel: The Anime-zing Fighter looks to put himself on the map here in LWF, and a win over Adagio could do just that.

Adagio enters the ring, and then takes off her jacket.

Beth: I'm still shocked about the actions of Adagio last Episode, and I'm afraid Bolt may suffer the same fate!

The bell rings, Bolt goes for a lock up, but Adagio kicks him in the gut, shoves him into a corner, and begins to stomp away on him!

Mauro: And now Adagio, aggressive from the get go!

Nigel: That's gonna leave an imprint of her boot right there on Bolt's chest!

Adagio then threw Bolt out of the corner, and sized her up. Bolt gets up, and then Adagio charges and hits Bolt with a Single Leg Dropkick!

Bolt then gets up, but then Adagio takes him down, and locks on a move she calls the "Golden Tangled Heart"!

Mauro: And Adagio, off the Dropkick, that's the Golden Tangled Heart!

Beth: She might rip Bolt's arms out of their sockets!

Almost immediately, Bolt submits, ending the match. 

*Bell rings!*

(Start at 0:07)


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, your winner of the match by way of Submission, ADAGIO DAZZLE!!!

Mauro: Adagio making quick work of Bolt here tonight!

Nigel: Bolt didn't stand a chance against her. She just came right out of the gate, and Bolt didn't see her coming.

The referee raises Adagio's hand, and exits the ring.

Beth: Well, Adagio with an effortless victory here tonight, but still to come, a Tag Team main event that will surely be hard to keep up, Ruby Rose and Will Ospreay, join forces to take on their respective Adversaries, Starlight Glimmer and Abrasive Spongebob of the SCE, where if Ruby and Ospreay win, Ruby gets one more shot at the Wattpad Championship!

Mauro: That is definitely a match worth looking out for, but up next, Kenny Omega makes his return!

Nigel: And who knows? Maybe Bonifer is watching…

Suddenly a black and white vignette begins to play.

It replays when Dennis stuck his spiky boot into Darby Allin's face, and after that played, it cuts to an open field.

The field was wide open, with a massive hole in the middle of it. Then, someone, wearing a Dennis mask, dragged a body bag across the ground, towards the hole.

Once the individual was in front of the hole, the individual dumps the body bag into the hole, and fills the hole up.


The vignette cuts back to the field, but it's dark, and it's raining. 

Then, someone, sporting a black hooded cloak, shovel in hand, walked up to the spot where the body bag was buried.

Then, lightning began to flash, revealing the face under the hood.

It was Lucy Loud. Lightning flashes again, and the screen went black, as sounds of digging were heard.

The camera cuts back to ringside, where Quatro was standing in the ring.

*Bell rings!*

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, this contest is scheduled for one fall, introducing first, already in the ring, "The Light Bringer", QUATRO!!!

Mauro: Back with more LWF action, where Quatro will face off against one of the best Wrestlers today!



The crowd cheers, and Kenny Omega makes his entrance. 

Jeremy Borash: And his opponent, from Winnipeg, Manitoba, he weighs in tonight at 224 Pounds, KENNY OMEGA!!!

Mauro: The last time we saw Omega he had a count out victory over Bonifer, wherever Bonifer is, he's probably watching this match closely.

Nigel: I cannot wait to see these two compete against each other again!

Beth: Me neither! 

Omega enters the ring and takes off his long coat.

The bell wastes no time in ringing, the match starting in earnest fashion.

Quatro and Omega lock up in the middle of the ring, Quatro goes for a Side Headlock, but Omega quickly escapes, and gets Quatro in a side headlock of his own.

Nigel: There is a huge contrast between Omega and Quatro at this juncture. Quatro is a young star from the Philippines, who's made waves in just the Southeast Asian scene. However Kenny himself has wrestled all over the world for years. If Quatro wants to beat Omega, he’ll have to rise to his level.

Quatro then shoves Kenny off and onto the ropes. Kenny rebounds, and knocks Quatro down with a Shoulder Block.

Kenny Omega then hits the ropes but Quatro does a drop down. Kenny hops over him, then Quatro gets up. Kenny rebounds once more, and Quatro connects with a Dropkick!

Mauro: Oh, nice Dropkick by the Light Bringer! Quatro never backs down from a fight, not even in the face of a major titleholder like Omega!

Quatro goes for the cover, but Kenny easily kicks out at 1.

Quatro picks up Omega, but then Omega knocks him back with a Forearm Smash.

Kenny then went for a Bicycle Knee Strike, but Quatro sidestepped out of the way! Kenny turns back around, only to have Quaþro wrap him up for the Destino!

Mauro: Oh, Quatro! 

Beth: It could be Destino time!

Quatro goes for it, but Kenny countered out of it! Quatro lands on his feet, pushing Kenny to the ropes, and on his rebound, Kenny turns Quatro inside out with a Clothesline!

Mauro: But Omega gets out of it, and Kenny with a clothesline!

Kenny then looks to return the favor to Quatro, by setting him up for the One-Winged Angel.

Mauro: And now looking for the move no one has ever kicked out of!

Kenny lifts him up, but Quatro fights out of it. Quatro was able to hop off his shoulders, sets Kenny up for a Dragon Suplex, but Kenny elbows out of it. He turns around, goes for a punch but Quatro blocks it and goes for a Clothesline, but Kenny ducks, hits the ropes, and drops Quatro with a Kotaro Crusher!

Kenny goes for the cover, but Quatro kicks out at 2!

Mauro: Kenny off the Kotaro Crusher, only a 2 count!

Kenny then gets up, and positions himself on the top turnbuckle. 

Nigel: Omega now, looking to fly…

Quatro gets up, and then rushes towards the corner, and lands a jab on Omega before he could do anything. 

Mauro: And Quatro meeting Omega at the top!

Quatro then began hammering away at Omega, but Omega was able to shove him off.

Omega regains his balance, and then knocks Quatro down with a Missile Dropkick!

Quatro then goes to pull himself up using the ropes, and Omega immediately charges and then clocks Quatro with a V-Trigger!

Mauro: V-Trigger!

Beth: Quatro's lights may have just gone out!

Omega then wasted no time, and lifted him up into Electric Chair Position. 

Nigel: And it looks like it won't be long!

Omega then went for the One Winged Angel, and connected!

Mauro: One Winged Angel!

Omega hooks both legs, and gets a convincing 3 count. 

Mauro: And Kenny Omega makes quick work of the Light Bringer!

*Bell rings!*


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, your winner of the match, KENNY OMEGA!!!

But before Kenny could do anything else…


Out came the Death Dealer himself, Charlie Bonifer. As he slowly made his way out onto the stage, he was clapping slowly with a mic in his hand.

Mauro: And you had to see THIS coming, folks. There is the man who has been the bane of Omega’s existence since the Elimination Enclosure.

Bonifer took a moment to look at Kenny up and down from the stage with a sick smirk on his face before he finally spoke.

Charlie Bonifer: Well… Congrats Kenny. Congrats… and yet ANOTHER mediocre at best performance.

The crowd booed at that statement.

Charlie Bonifer: I hear all this talk and this clammer and hype about you and how you’re one of if not THE greatest wrestling on this planet right now… But recently… how the mighty have fallen.

Bonifer points towards Omega.

Charlie Bonifer: Kenny Omega. The Cleaner. The Belt Collector. The Best Bout Machine. The God of Professional Wrestling… Where’s he been?... Did vertigo hit you THAT hard?

Some of the fans “Ooh’d” at the statement while Kenny raised an eyebrow at the statement.

Charlie Bonifer: Where did the Kenny Omega these people constantly praise nonstop go? Because from the very start of LWF, all I’ve seen is some complacent hasbeen who people swear on their life still has it… but in reality, he never had it all. He was all hype and no REAL substance.

He points towards Kenny more aggressively.

Charlie Bonifer: Hell, you wanna go a little further Kenny? Even in the very first run of LWF you were nothing special. In the heat of the Bullet Club hype, what did you amount to?... Being third fiddle in the RCCW vs LWF war that lasted half a second and was fired when Chard of all people took Bullet Club from right under you. So tell me, Kenny… Tell the entire world where the REAL Kenny Omega went.

Kenny looked at Bonifer for a moment before motioning to Jeremy Borash to hand him his microphone.

Kenny Omega: To tell you the truth, Bonnie… I can’t answer that question. Because as much as I hate to admit it… you’re not wrong. From the very inception of LWF, if you were to ask someone to name the best Kenny Omega match… not an idea would come to mind.

Bonifer smirked at the answer, but Kenny was quick to point right at him.

Kenny Omega: BUT you know what, Bonifer?... I gotta thank you… Thank you, for opening up my eyes to this whole situation… Because I’m DONE being complacent… I’m DONE just being another guy on the roster. I’m DONE being left off the card while a one dimensional, two bit beef between racist for cheap heat American Dad and Lynn Loud Jr.'s asskisser gets plastered on the Wrestle Palooza poster.

The crowd “Ohh’d” as Kenny Omega looked dead at Bonifer.

Kenny Omega: I AM KENNY GODDAMN OMEGA! THE CLEANER! THE BEST BOUTE MACHINE! THE BELT COLLECTOR! THE GOD OF PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING! And it’s about time I started ACTING like it! So, Death Dealer, if you wanna know where the real Kenny Omega is…

Kenny points towards the Wrestle Palooza sign.

Kenny Omega: He’s comin’ back at Wrestlepalooza to plaster your ass up and down the arena! Because if you wanna know why the world hypes me up as THE very best in this sport…

He pauses, a sinister smirk crossing his face.

Kenny Omega: Then face me at Wrestle Palooza and find out! And I promise you this that I can and I WILL out wrestle in, throughout and outside of the whole arena!

The crowd began to chant “Yes!” as Kenny motioned to Bonifer to make his choice.Bonifer looked at Kenny Omega, his smirk more sinister & beaming with sadistic glee.

Charlie Bonifer: I accept.

The crowd erupted, but Bonifer was quick to interject.

Charlie Bonifer: BUT! But!... If you’re so sure you can out wrestle me in, throughout and outside of the arena… why not make that possible and we make this match… Falls. Count. Anywhere!?

Kenny’s own smirk grew in size at those words and he replied without a moment of hesitation.

Kenny Omega: By all means, Bonifer. By ALL means.

Kenny dropped the mic as his theme began to play once more. He struck a pose and pointed the finger gun at Bonifer as Bonifer retaliated by making a slit throat gesture at him before beginning to chuckle and make his way to the back.

Mauro: What a match we have for Wrestlepalooza! Kenny vs Bonifer 2!? Falls Count Anywhere!?

Nigel: The stage can't get any bigger than this! Both men are gonna be dragging each other to hell, but only one is gonna walk out alive!

Beth: But the question is WHO!?

Mauro: Well still to come, a Tag Team Main Event, when Ruby Rose and Will Ospreay join forces to take on Starlight Glimmer, and "Abrasive" Spongebob Squarepants! But up next, the Cruiserweight Open Qualifiers continue! As Ravel Phenex, takes on Nathan Frazer!

Nigel: What a match that's gonna be!


Kayla Braxton was standing by with Ravel Phenex and The Hybrid 2.

Kayla: Ladies and gentlemen, I'm standing by with Ravel Phenex and The Hybrid 2, who will be in the Tag Team Ladder Match at Wrestlepalooza, while you, Ravel Phenex, will be in action later tonight against a debuting Nathan Frazer, in a Qualifying Match for the Cruiserweight Open! Care to tell us your thoughts?

Ravel: Well to start… *Points her thumb over her shoulder towards The Hybrid 2* standing behind me is your future LWF Tag Team Champions! Team Weird N' Wild are great, but they're not Hybrid. The SCE, well they're lame. Where's the appeal in their Equality? And The Workin' Miners? They've only been here for… how long?

Jack Evans: Less than a day.

Ravel: Exactly! What makes them think that they can rob a deserving Tag Team of an opportunity!? At Wrestlepalooza, Evans and Angelico will climb to the top, both figuratively AND literally, and claim their spot at the top of Tag Team Division! Now as for me, well, what's there to say? Tonight, I'm gonna send Nathan Frazer back to the British Isle he came from, on the same day he stepped foot in the door of this place! Because Frazer is gonna experience… A Ravel-ation. And when I make it to the Cruiserweight Open, and win the Cruiserweight Championship, and The Hybrid 2 claim Tag Team gold, LWF will experience… a RAVEL-UTION!

And with that, Ravel and The Hybrid 2 leave.

The camera cuts back to ringside, and then…


The Crust Cousins make their entrance, mics in hand. Then Brit began to speak.

Brit: Alright, alright, cut the music!

The production crew cuts the music.

Brit: Now, our first ever Test Your Limits Challenge didn't go our way, but that's okay! I mean, it WAS the Motorcity Machine Guns after all, right?

Tiff: Yeah, I mean they're good!

Brit: But now, this time it's gonna be different. For any Tag Team in the back that wanna make a big impact, step right up…

Both Brit and Tiff: … And Test Your Limits!

Brit and Tiff enter the ring, and await their opponents. 

Mauro: Well, there's the cue! Let the Test Your Limits challenge begin!

Beth: It was the Guns who answered last Episode, who will be this time?

Nigel: Anyone, Beth. Could be anyone!



The Crust Cousins looked on in confusion, as two men made their entrance. 

One of them was a recognizable face, Shaggy Rogers, and the other, was a man with a light blue afro and goatee, sporting a red and white cap. He was also sporting a cream colored shirt and orange vest, and was wearing sandals.

Mauro: Well there's a duo we haven't seen!

Beth: That's Shaggy Rogers in the green shirt, and I believe that man with him is Louis!

Nigel: Well this is gonna be a treat! Shaggy and Louis' first match in LWF as a duo, in the Test Your Limits Challenge!? Can't be more good than this!

Shaggy and Louis enter the ring, and it was Shaggy and Brit who start it off.

(MATCH 4: Crust Cousins vs. Shaggy and Louis (Test Your Limits Challenge))

The bell rings, and the match is underway. 

Shaggy and Brit lock up in the middle of the ring, Brit then locks on a Wrist Lock on Shaggy. Shaggy then quickly reversed it into a Side Headlock. 

Brit then shoves Shaggy off, Shaggy turns around, and decks Brit with a straight jab.

That made Brit angry, and she charged at him. Shaggy then trips her with a Drop Toe Hold, and then he gets up. He hits the ropes, and then plants her with a running Facebuster!

Mauro: And look at Shaggy!

Beth: Shaggy's taking it to Brit!

Nigel: Was not expecting that!

Shaggy then goes to Louis, but just as Shaggy was about to tag him in, Tiff pulls Louis off the apron!

Mauro: And Tiff Crust making sure Shaggy doesn't get the tag!

Nigel: That's smart!

Brit then capitalized on the opportunity, and from behind she knocked Shaggy to the ground and stomped away on him.

She then picked him up, and shoved him into the nearest corner. Brit then created some distance, charged, and connected with a Back Elbow. Shaggy staggers forward, Brit hits the ropes, and drops Shaggy with a Forearm Smash!

Mauro: And a right hand by Britt knocks Shaggy down!

Brit goes for the cover, but Shaggy kicks out at 2. 

Brit then tags in Tiff, and Tiff begins to punch away on him. 

Tiff then picks him up, and throws him back down onto the mat with a Snapmare. She then hits the ropes, and clocks him with a Clothesline!

Mauro: Oooh! Tiff Crust with a Clothesline!

Beth: She put all of her weight into that!

Tiff goes for the cover, but Shaggy kicks out at 2.

Tiff then tags in Brit, and then they both pick up Shaggy. Brit then executes a Pendulum Backbreaker, while Tiff hits the ropes, and connects with a Knee Lift!

Mauro: Oooh!

Nigel: Great Tag Team offense from the Crust Cousins!

Brit goes for the cover, but Shaggy is still able to kick out at 2.

Off the kick out, Brit immediately puts a Grounded Headlock on Shaggy.

Mauro: And now Brit keeps Shaggy on the ground. It's been all Crust Cousins since the get go. There was a bit of a flurry from Shaggy Rogers, but the Crusts snuffed it out!

Nigel: That is how good The Crust Cousins are! They're showing why they always win the popularity contest!

At this point, Louis has made it back up on the apron. Meanwhile in the middle of the ring, Shaggy was slowly getting back to his feet.

Shaggy was now beginning to elbow Brit in the gut. Brit then lets go and lands a clubbing blow to Shaggy's back.

Brit then hits the ropes, but Shaggy catches her with a Flapjack, and Brit slams to the ground face first!

Mauro: And Shaggy! What a counter!

Beth: Shaggy Rogers just made himself an opening!

Nigel: Shaggy needs to make that tag, and fast!

The crowd cheered him on as Shaggy began to crawl, and Brit did the same.

Slowly but surely, Shaggy crawled up to Louis. And in one big leap, Shaggy tags in Louis, and Brit also tags in Tiff!

Mauro: Tag! In comes Louis and Tiff!

Tiff then takes a Forearm Smash from Louis! She gets back up, and then Louis knocks her down with another Forearm Smash!

Louis picks up Tiff, throws her to the ropes, and off the rebound, he knocks her down with a Back Elbow!

Tiff rolls over, and once she was face down, Louis got on her back. Then he tried keeping his balance before he flattened Tiff with a Senton!

Mauro: Louis is firing on all cylinders!

Louis then charges at Brit, and knocks her off the apron!

Nigel: And there goes Brit Crust!

Beth: Shaggy and Louis are crawling back into this match!

Louis then tags in Shaggy, and immediately Shaggy hits the ropes, and Louis picks up Tiff and connects with an Atomic Drop. Then off the rebound, Shaggy clocks Tiff with a flying Knee Strike!

(0:05 to 0:10)


Mauro: Oooh!

Beth: Tiff getting a faceful of Knee!

Shaggy goes for the cover, and gets the 3 count!

Mauro: And Shaggy and Louis did it!

*Bell rings!*


Shaggy and Louis celebrated in the ring as they got their hands raised.

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, your winners of this match… um, you guys have a name?

Louis: Like, I don't think we do to be honest with you, man.

Shaggy: Yeah, what should we be called?

They then thought for a moment, and then…

Shaggy: Hey, I know! Why not The Munchiez?

Louis: You know what, that sounds alright with me! Munchiez it is!

Jeremy Borash: Well there you have it, ladies and gentlemen! Your winners, THE MUNCHIEZ!!!

Jimi Jingle Thing plays once more as Shaggy and Louis continue to celebrate. 

Mauro: Well the "Munchiez" scored a convincing win here tonight in the Test Your Limits challenge!

Beth: What could be next for this duo?

Nigel: Who knows? Maybe if they keep that ball rolling, they could be in Tag Team Title contention!

Mauro: That I would love to see!



Mauro: Yes, NXT UK's fastest rising star, Nathan Frazer, makes his LWF debut against Ravel Phenex in the Cruiserweight Open Qualifier, later tonight!


**Commercial break**

The camera then cuts back to ringside, right at the commentary desk. 

Mauro: What a night we have so far! We saw the debut of The Munchiez, a stellar Qualifier between A-Kid and Skye Blue, and we still have an amazing Tag Team Main Event to look forward to!

Nigel: This night promises to be an unforgettable one, that's for sure!


???: Hold on, hold on, hang on one second!

Everyone in the commentary desk then turned around and looked to see where the voice was coming from. The voice was coming from a middle aged man, looked about 5 feet tall, sporting a black polo shirt tucked in some typical blue Jeans.

???: For those who don't know me, my name is Joe Nagy. I used to run the Mills Street Bistro up until a certain Gordon Ramsay ruined my career!

The crowd cheers at the mention of Gordon's name.

Joe: Now why is someone like me, here in an LWF Arena? Well, ever since the downfall of my bistro, I stumbled upon an ad from Wattpad, and it said, they were looking for a Regulator. I called Wattpad, and I applied for the job. A couple weeks went by, and I got the job. I was then handpicked by Wattpad Management, to regulate the safe content of LWF. *Turns to look into camera* So Mr. Chard Caranto, those two flags from Wattpad that you got? That was me! I did that!

The crowd began to boo.

Joe: *Looks back at the crowd* And by the looks of it, all of you people don't seem to appreciate it! All I'm doing is making LWF rated "E" for Everyone! How do you people enjoy this violence!? LWF doesn't have to be violent to be entertaining! LWF can be great, but it doesn't need to go to such extreme measures. And that's why I'm here! To make LWF great, and family friendly.

The crowd booed louder and louder.

Joe: Oh, and those of you booing me right now, are gonna thank me later when LWF is on the top of the Wattpad charts, thanks to my work!



Chard then makes his entrance, mic in hand.

Chard: So from my understanding, is that the guy who flagged my story… is the same guy who got his ass owned by Gordon Ramsay. 

The crowd cheered.

Chard: Listen, I don't need someone like you, controlling my show. Last time I checked, I run this show, not you!

The crowd cheers more.

Joe: See, that's the problem, YOU are running this show… to the ground! You did it the first time, I'm just here so that it doesn't happen again!

Chard: Okay, well, can I just ask something? Why are you making LWF family friendly when I specifically put a mature rating? 

Joe fell silent.

Chard: Look I understand that Wattpad wants to make Fanfictions safe here, but really? All you're gonna do, is make my show lame as fuck!

The crowd cheers.

Joe: HEY! Watch the language!

Chard: Why should I? It's a mature rated show! By the way, we're supposed to be hearing from a couple of people around this time so, please leave my ring?

Joe: Oh, no! No I will not do that, because after what I saw, by order of Wattpad, this show ends here!

The crowd booed loudly.

Chard: Yeah, I don't think so.



FSU made their way to the ring, and walked with a purpose.

Mauro: And as if on cue, Eddie Dennis and Mark Andrews make their way to the ring, probably having a lot in their minds after learning who their opponents are at Beach Blast!

Beth: And if I were Joe, I would get out of dodge, immediately!

Mark and Eddie entered the ring and stared down Joe, who dug his heels in, and stood his ground.

Joe: Didn't you just hear me two seconds ago!? I just said the show is over! Not my rules, that's Wattpad's rules.

Mark and Eddie just glanced at each other, then immediately began beating Joe down, getting a cheer from the fans!

Nigel: Oooh!

Mauro: And FSU does not care! 

Eddie Dennis then hoisted him up for the Neck Stop Driver, and Andrews headed to the top turnbuckle. 

Beth: And it looks like things are going to go from bad to worse for the Wattpad Regulator!

Andrews then leaped, and FSU hit their patented Double Foot Stomp/Neck Stop Driver combo!

Mauro: And Joe Nagy tastes the Double Stomp/Neck Stop Driver!

Mark and Eddie then tossed him out of the ring, and then grabbed mics.

Mark Andrews: Now that that piece of shit is out of here, we got some things we want to say!

Eddie Dennis: First of all, we told all of you what would be the fate of The Beautiful People at End Of The Line, and what happened? It was a Beautiful People execution!

Mark Andrews: And because of us, The Beautiful People are history! Now, regarding our opponents at Beach Blast.

The crowd then died down, and FSU looked around at the fans before Eddie spoke.

Eddie Dennis: Oy! Junior Detectives! We heard your message! We saw that stunt you pulled! You guys must think you're really funny, huh? *chuckles*

Mark Andrews: *Laughs along with Eddie* Yeah, yeah, funny stuff, guys. But look, you guys are right about one thing. We don't solve cases, no. That's not our style. It never was, and never will. But here's where you two got it all twisted. You think WE have to fight when it comes to you knob-heads? Kid, FSU doesn't just stand for "Friends Stand United", it also stands for "Fuck Shit Up"!

Eddie Dennis: And come Beach Blast, you're gonna find out just how tough we really are!



The crowd cheered upon hearing the theme play.

Mauro: Wait a second!

Beth: Are they here!?

Out came the Junior Detectives… or rather, a couple of people dressed as them. This began a rally of boos from the crowd.

Mauro: Oh and just as we thought we were gonna see The Junior Detectives, but we just got Junior Detective stunts instead!

Beth: Clearly this was FSU's idea of retaliation after what the Junior Detectives said! 

Nigel: I thought that was brilliant!

The "Junior Detectives" entered the ring, and tried to look intimidating at FSU.

Mark Andrews: *Laughs* Oh my god! Eddie, look! It's the Junior Detectives!

Eddie Dennis: Just as we suspected! You really are as dumb as you look!

Suddenly, "Sun" snatches the mic out of Eddie's hand.

"Sun Wukong": Listen here, pal! Neptune and I suspect you two of a horrible crime!

Mark Andrews: Oh, really?

"Neptune": *Leans towards "Sun's" mic* Yeah! A serious one!

Mark Andrews: *In a sarcastic tone* Ooooh, what are we charged with?

"Sun Wukong": For being more awesome than us!

"Neptune": Yeah! Nobody's more awesome than the Junior Detectives!

Mark and Eddie laugh.

Eddie Dennis: *Still laughing* That's what we're charged for!?

Mark Andrews: Guys, I think you got it all wrong. it can't be a criminal offence if it's a straight up fact! If anything, it's you two that are being charged with something!

"Sun Wukong": Oh, really?

Eddie Dennis: Yeah, you're being charged with being a couple of idiots.

Mark Andrews: *Smirks* … And your punishment is- *Immediately hits "Sun Wukong" on the forehead with the microphone*

Mauro: Oh! And Andrews firing the first shot!

Once Andrews struck the Sun impostor down, Eddie Dennis began to beat the Neptune impostor to a pulp!

Mauro: And now the "Junior Detectives" are getting an FSU beating!

Eddie Dennis then went to the Sun impostor, and dropped him with the Neck Stop Driver!

Mauro: And the Sun Wukong stunt double, gets the Neck Stop Driver!

Eddie Dennis then picked up the Neptune impostor, and hoisted him up for his signature Turnbuckle Crucifix Powerbomb, "Severn Bridge", and Andrews quickly got onto the ring apron.

Beth: This does not look good for the Neptune stunt double!

Eddie then goes for the Severn Bridge, and upon impact, Andrews hits a Rope-assisted Enzuigiri to the back of the head of the Neptune impostor!

Eddie then dragged "Neptune" into position, and Andrews climbed to the top turnbuckle. 

Mauro: Mark Andrews, perched up top!

Then Andrews goes for the Shooting Star Press, and connects!

Mauro: Shooting Star Press!

Eddie Dennis then stacked the Junior Detective Imposters on top of one another, then he and Mark Andrews stood tall.

Mark Andrews: And You're punishment, is death, by FSU, come Beach Blast! *Throws down mic*

Their theme plays, and FSU leaves.

Mauro: FSU, showing no lack of confidence heading into Beach Blast!

Nigel: If I were Sun and Neptune right now,  I'd take heed!

Beth: The Junior Detectives definitely have quite a match ahead of them when Beach Blast rolls around!

Mauro: They sure do, but up next, it's a Cruiserweight Open Qualifying Match! As Ravel Phenex, takes on the High Flying star from the British Channel, Nathan Frazer!

Nigel: You don't wanna miss this!


**Commercial break**


Kayla Braxton was standing by in the interviewing area. 

Kayla: Ladies and gentlemen please welcome my guests at this time, Ruby Rose, and Will Ospreay.

In walked Ruby and Ospreay. 

Kayla: Ruby, Ospreay, earlier the LWF Founder, Chard Caranto announced that you two will be in Tag Team action against the SCE's Starlight Glimmer and "Abrasive" Spongebob Squarepants. How will you two coincide, knowing you two could potentially be opponents in the future?

Will Ospreay: There's one thing I will agree with in that question. Ruby and I could be facing each other in the future, but this isn't the future, Kayla. This is the Present. And in the Present, Ruby and I share a common enemy in the SCE.

Ruby Rose: I don't know about Will here, but for me, it's a must win situation. Spongebob knew I was closing in, but I was dealt a bad hand that night. I didn't come close to just losing right at the finish line. I came here to go for the gold. And when I'm done with Spongebob, then Will and I do what we do best, regardless who is the LWF: Reborn Champion! Right, Will?

Will Ospreay: Exactly. 

Will and Ruby fist bumped each other, and then left.


The camera cuts back to ringside, and then…



The lights dimmed once the song began to play. 30 seconds later, the lights came back on, and Ravel, accompanied by The Hybrid 2, made her entrance. 

*Bell rings!*

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, this is a Cruiserweight Open Qualifier Match, scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, accompanied to the ring by The Hybrid 2, RAVEL PHENEX!!!

Nigel: Ladies and gentlemen, the Ravel-ution is upon us!

Mauro: Ravel Phenex hasn't been shy of how she feels about Nathan Frazer, but she might be taking Frazer too lightly!

Beth: That may be true, Mauro, but Ravel hasn't been a slouch in the ring, she knows how to take down her opponents!

Ravel enters the ring, while Jack Evans and Angelico patrol the ringside area.

Mauro: And of course being accompanied by her associates, the Hybrid 2.

Beth: Nathan should be careful with them at ringside.

Nigel: Yes, well, he should be aware of the obvious interference, but I'm sure the Ravel-ation is far above that.

Ravel was now awaiting her opponent. Then after a few seconds of silence…


7 seconds into the song, Nathan Frazer makes his entrance, getting a loud cheer from the fans. 

Jeremy Borash: And her opponent, making his LWF debut, hailing from the Isle of Jersey in the British Channel, he weighs in tonight at 180 pounds, NATHAN FRAZER!!!!

Nigel: And there is Ravel's opponent, the rising NXT UK star Nathan Frazer! Trained under the tutelage of Seth Rollins in his early days, now he looks to make a big splash here in LWF!

Beth: What a trainer to have when you start! Frazer must have learned every trick of the trade then!

Mauro: But he is up against Ravel, with TH2 roaming around ringside, so this is basically a 3 on 1 situation!

Frazer enters the ring, and then poses on the turnbuckles, pointing a thumb at himself.

Nathan Frazer then hops off the turnbuckle, and takes his vest off, and looks across the ring at Ravel.

The bell rings, and the match is underway. 

Ravel and Frazer circle the ring for a bit before locking up in the middle of the ring. Ravel then takes Frazer down with a Side Headlock Takeover.

Frazer then gets back on his feet, then after a couple of Back Elbows to Ravel's midsection, Frazer counters the Headlock with a Snapmare. 

Frazer then hits the ropes, and then connects with a Basement Dropkick! Frazer quickly goes for the cover, but Ravel easily kicks out at 1.

Mauro: And Frazer off the Dropkick, only a 1 count!

Frazer then picks up Ravel, goes for a Short-arm Clothesline, but Ravel ducks, and then grabs him with a Rear Waistlock. Before she could do anything else, Frazer breaks free after connecting with a Back Elbow to her face!

This not only breaks Frazer free, but knocks Ravel back a couple feet. Ravel then lunged forward, but Frazer was able to slide underneath between her legs to dodge her!

Ravel turns around, Frazer goes for a punch but Ravel blocks it. Then stuns Frazer with a Jawbreaker!

Ravel then hits the ropes, but Frazer leapfrogs over her! Ravel hits the ropes again, but this time Frazer drops down!

Ravel hits the ropes for a third time, Frazer goes for a Dropkick, but Ravel hangs onto the top rope to stop herself, and Frazer gets nothing but the air!

Mauro: And Ravel! Putting on the brakes!

Nigel: Ravel was one step ahead of Frazer!

Frazer begins to get up, but as he got up, Ravel then hopped onto his back, as if going for a Code Red, but then transitioned into an Arm Drag!

Beth: Oh, wow!

Mauro: Ravel Phenex with a change in direction!

Frazer then gets up, charges towards Ravel, but Ravel connects with a Calf Kick!

Ravel goes for the cover, but Frazer kicks out at 2.

The referee tells Ravel Phenex to step back to let Frazer recover a bit, but as the Referee's back was turned, Jack Evans decks Frazer with a swift haymaker as he stuck his head out between the bottom and middle rope!

Mauro: Ooh, and Jack Evans with a right hand!

Beth: Here's where the numbers game favors Ravel Phenex!

Ravel then goes up to Frazer, and starts to stomp on him. Then she backed up a bit, measured him up, and then landed a Pointed Elbow Drop down onto Frazer's back!

Mauro: And now Ravel, gaining control of this match!

Ravel rolls Frazer over and onto his back to cover him, but Frazer kicks out at 2. Ravel then started delivering clubbing blows to the back area where she landed a Pointed Elbow Drop, then picked him up and threw him out of the ring. 

The referee once again starts telling Ravel to give Frazer some space to recover, which then gives Evans and Angelico the opening to get their hands dirty once again. They picked up Frazer, and threw him into the nearest ring post!

Mauro: And The Hybrid 2 AGAIN getting involved!

Beth: Maybe this is why Ravel was so confident! With the added assistance of TH2, she knows she can use them to her advantage and turn the tide at any time!

Nigel: It's essentially three on one, and poor Frazer is in the thick of it! 

Evans and Angelico then threw Frazer back into the ring before the ref turned back around. Ravel then quickly goes for the cover, but only gets a 2 count.

Mauro: Ravel and her cohorts working in tandem!

Ravel then picks up Frazer, then connects with a spin kick to the midsection. Frazer doubles over, then Ravel hits the ropes, and connects with a flying Knee Strike to the side of Frazer's face!

Mauro: BIG flying knee to the face!

Ravel goes for the cover again, but Frazer kicks out at 2.

Mauro: Here's the cover, but Frazer out at 2!

Beth: Despite the odds against him, Nathans really holding his own!

Nigel: I’ll give the man credit, he's really making sure the numbers don't get to him!

Ravel then gets on top of Frazer, and rained down Forearms on Frazer.

Nigel: And now Ravel Phenex puts on a mean streak!

Beth: For a small package, she's got a fiery temper!

Ravel then picked him up, and threw him out of the ring.

Ravel then measured up Frazer. Frazer gets up, and Ravel hits the ropes, looking for a Suicide Dive. Frazer gets out of the way, but Ravel stops herself, and connects with the dive on the other side of the ring!

Mauro: And Ravel with a Tope Suicida with a little bit of course correction!

Nigel: Amazing ability to be able to stop on a dime, and still be able to make a direct hit!

Ravel throws Frazer back in the ring. Then Ravel climbs up onto the apron and measures Frazer once again.

Once Frazer began to get up, Ravel slingshots through the ropes, and rolled Frazer up into a Small Package pin!

Ravel only gets a 2 count out of it, they both get up, but Ravel knocks Frazer down with a Bicycle Kick!

Mauro: Oooh, and a Pump Kick by Ravel!

Frazer was draped on the second rope, then Ravel hopped back onto the apron. And then with a running start, Ravel lands a Roundhouse Kick square between his eyes!

Nigel: Oh! Right in the face with that kick!

Frazer was stunned, and slumped down. Ravel then slingshots over the top rope and connects with an Elbow Drop. 

Ravel goes for the cover, but Frazer kicks out at 2.

Ravel then dragged him farther away from the ropes, and then sat him up. Ravel then applied a Scissors Lock on him, and began to wrench back.

Mauro: And Ravel now, working on contorting the body of Nathan Frazer!

Beth: Keeping Frazer on the ground is a smart move on Ravel's part!

Nigel: And if anything fails, she's got Evans and Angelico to turn the tables back around!

After about 2 minutes in the hold, Frazer was able to roll over and get Ravel in a pinning predicament!

Mauro: Oh wait a second! Frazer!

Frazer was only able to get a 2 count out of it, then they both got up. Ravel goes for a Clothesline, but Frazer ducked and then clocked her with a Superkick!

Frazer then gets Ravel in an Inverted Facelock, then spun out into an Elbow Drop!

Nigel: Oooh!

Mauro: Frazer plants Ravel!

Frazer quickly covers Ravel, but Ravel kicks out at 2!

Beth: Oh, man!

Mauro: Only 2!

Frazer then gets up, picks up Ravel, and throws her out of the ring, and right at the feet of Evans and Angelico. 

Ravel slowly begins to get up, and then Frazer hits the ropes, and lands on all 3 members of the Ravel-ution with a Tope Con Hilo!

Nigel: Whoa!!!

Mauro: Tope Con Hilo by Frazer, taking out everyone!

Beth: This has now become a fair fight!

Frazer gets up, then throws Ravel back into the ring. Ravel starts to get up, and then Frazer hops onto the apron and sizes up Ravel.

Ravel turns around, then Frazer springs off the top rope and connects with a Front Dropkick!

Mauro: And Nathan Frazer continues to soar!

Frazer goes for the cover, but Ravel kicks out at 2!

They both get up, Frazer goes for a Superkick but Ravel catches it! Ravel throws his foot down, but Frazer uses the momentum to spin back around and land a Jumping Enzuigiri!

Mauro: Oooh what a shot by Frazer with that Leaping Enzuigiri!

Ravel staggered around, Frazer got to his feet, and then Ravel dropped Frazer with a Pélé Kick, and now both Ravel and Frazer are down!

Beth: Oooh!

Nigel: What a shot!

Mauro: Ravel Phenex with a Pélé Kick!

Nigel: Both competitors are down!

With both competitors down on the mat, Evans and Angelico tried to spur Ravel back to her feet first.

The ref was now at the count of 6, and both Ravel and Frazer were now up to their knees.

Frazer then lands a Forearm Smash. Ravel answers back with a Forearm Smash of her own, then Frazer lands a straight jab. Ravel reels back from the jab, then Frazer gets back on his feet and then picks up Ravel.

Frazer then goes to throw Ravel into a corner with an Irish Whip, but Ravel switches the momentum around and sends Frazer into a corner. Ravel then charges but Frazer sticks out his boot and stops Ravel in her tracks!

Ravel then charges once more, but Frazer slid between her legs to evade her! But once he got up, Ravel came out of the corner running, and then caved Frazer in with a Meteora!

Nigel: Oooh, ho-ho!

Mauro: What a Meteora by Ravel Phenex!

Ravel then dragged Frazer into position, and then climbed to the top turnbuckle. 

Beth: And now she's looking to put one more nail in the coffin!

Nigel: This might be a mistake on Ravel's part! Frazer is down, go for the pin!

Ravel looks back down at Frazer for a moment. Then she goes for a Moonsault, but Nathan Frazer moves out of the way!

Nigel: Oooh!

Mauro: Nathan Frazer just averted a certain disaster!

Beth: Ravel opened the door of opportunity, and Frazer just slammed it shut!

Frazer gets up, staggers into the corner, and then he makes the climb to the top turnbuckle. 

Mauro: And now the door of opportunity opens for Frazer!

Nigel: Ravel is down! Nathan Frazer is now the one looking to fly!

On the top turnbuckle, Frazer turns around, looks back at Ravel for a second, then goes for a Phoenix Splash and connects!



Beth: Whoa!!!

Mauro: Nathan Frazer with a Phoenix Splash on Ravel Phenex!

Nigel: You can't get more apripo than that!

Frazer then hooks the leg, and gets the 3 count!

Mauro: And Frazer punches his ticket to Wrestlepalooza!

*Bell rings!*

(Start at 0:06)


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, your winner of the match, NATHAN FRAZER!!!

Mauro: Nathan Frazer joins A-Kid, as we now have 2 competitors solidified for the Cruiserweight Open at Wrestlepalooza!

Nigel: Frazer was basically in a 3 on 1 affair in that match, but he was able to weather the storm that is the Ravel-ution!

Beth: 2 down, 3 more spots to go! Congrats to Nathan Frazer! Well next episode, the qualifiers continue as Cora Jade takes on Rev Runner, and the Time Splitter, Kushida, takes on Koneko Toujou!

Mauro: Those are some pretty interesting matchups, but up next is our Main Event! It's Tag Team action as Ruby Rose and Will Ospreay join forces to take on the SCE's "Abrasive" Spongebob Squarepants, the LWF Wattpad Champion, and the LWF: Reborn Champion, Starlight Glimmer!

Nigel: This could be a sneak peek of what we could see come this Beach Blast!


Adagio was on her way out when a cameraman walked up to the Siren, with an interviewer behind the camera.

Interviewer: Adagio, congratulations on an easy win earlier tonight, but is there anything else you want to add on what you did to Sonata Dusk last episode?

Adagio: What else is there to say? I said my peace, and she said she's done with me. So again, what else is there to say?

Adagio then continues on her way.

Near the entrance to the stage, Starlight Glimmer and "Abrasive" Spongebob were standing by with Kayla Braxton. 

Kayla: Spongebob, Starlight, in a matter of moments you two will be in a Tag Team match against Will Ospreay and Ruby Rose. And Starlight, you will be facing Ruby and Will at Beach Blast and Wrestlepalooza respectively, with your LWF: Reborn Championship on the line. Is there anything you want to say to your opponents?

Starlight: …. Equality always prevails.



The crowd boos as "Abrasive" Spongebob and Starlight Glimmer make their entrance. 

*Bell rings!*

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, this Tag Team contest is your main event of the evening, and it is scheduled for one fall, introducing first, representing the Society of Complete Equality, the LWF: Reborn Wattpad Champion, "Abrasive" Spongebob Squarepants, and the LWF: Reborn Champion, STARLIGHT GLIMMER!!!

Mauro: Main Event time, and here come the champions! "Abrasive" Spongebob with a death grip on the Wattpad Championship, and Starlight Glimmer with the top prize in LWF. As we all know, Glimmer has two back to back championship defences incoming, with Ruby Rose at RCCW's beach blast, and then with Will Ospreay at Wrestlepalooza!

Beth: Tonight could be a preview of what's to come for those matches!

Nigel: Indeed we could be seeing a future outcome for Beach Blast and Wrestlepalooza!

Spongebob and Starlight entered the ring, and then held their belts up high as the crowd booed them.



The crowd cheered as Will Ospreay began to make his entrance. 

Jeremy Borash: And their opponents, first, hailing from Rainham, Essex, England, he weighs in tonight at 231 pounds, he is the Commonwealth Kingpin, "The Aerial Assassin", WILL OSPREAY!!!



The crowd pops as Ruby makes her entrance.

Jeremy Borash: And his tag team partner, hailing from the Kingdom Of Vale, in Remnant, RUBY ROSE!!!

Mauro: And two people who share a common enemy in the SCE, more specifically a common opponent in Starlight Glimmer, look to gain momentum for their respective matches!

Nigel: And you heard from them earlier, they know they could potentially be future opponents if one of them happens to win the LWF: Reborn title, but they made sure to stay on the same page tonight!

Beth: Tonight is all about momentum, like you said, Mauro. But for the SCE, they look to make sure they don't make it out tonight!

Ruby and Ospreay then enter the ring, and Ospreay removes his jacket. 

Then, "Abrasive" Spongebob and Ruby start it off, and the bell rings.

Mauro: And it looks like Spongebob and Ruby are starting it off, and for Ruby, this match is important because if Ruby walks away the winner in this match, she earns one more shot at the Wattpad Championship at Wrestlepalooza!

Spongebob and Ruby lock up in the middle of the ring, Spongebob then goes behind her, and slams her down onto the mat with a Rear Waistlock Takedown and transitions into a Front Facelock. 

Ruby gets up to one knee, trying to escape, but Spongebob turned his Front Facelock into an MMA style clinch and began to deliver knee strikes. He then takes her down with a Side Headlock Takeover, maintaining hold of Ruby.

Ruby then wrapped her legs around Spongebob's neck, locking in a Headscissor, but Spongebob was able to kip up and escape.

Spongebob then charges at Ruby, but Ruby catches him with a Lou Thesz Press and then punches away on Spongebob!

Mauro: And Ruby with a Lou Thesz Press! Unloading on the Wattpad Champion!

Ruby gets off of Spongebob and lets out a determined scream, gaining a cheer from the fans. 

Ruby then tags in Ospreay, and then Ruby picks up Spongebob, and gets him in a Wristlock. Ospreay enters the match, goes on the second turnbuckle, and then connects with a Diving Axe-handle onto Spongebob's arm.

Mauro: And the tag has been made, and Ospreay with an Axe-handle off the second turnbuckle!

Ospreay then throws Spongebob to the ropes with an Irish Whip. Spongebob rebounds, and Ospreay knocks him down with a Back Elbow!

Ospreay goes for the cover but Spongebob kicks out at 2. Ospreay then tagged Ruby back in, and Ruby continued the offense. 

Once Spongebob was down, Ruby then went to the apron, and sized up Spongebob for a Springboard attack.

Spongebob gets up, Ruby hops onto the top rope but Spongebob runs up to her, and shoves her feet off the rope!

Beth: Oooh!

Mauro: And Spongebob sweeping Ruby off the top rope!

Ruby was still on the apron, but conveniently for Spongebob, one of Ruby's feet was draped in between the middle and top ropes, and then Spongebob grabbed the leg, and twisted it with a Dragon Screw!

Mauro: And Spongebob with a Dragon Screw!

Nigel: Ruby has been neutralized!

Spongebob then brings Ruby back into the ring, and goes for the cover. Ruby kicked out at 2, but Spongebob got up and stomped away on her.

Spongebob then dragged Ruby to Starlight's corner, and then Spongebob tagged in Starlight. 

Mauro: And here comes the LWF: Reborn Champion!

Spongebob then brings Ruby to the center of the ring, and then connects with an Atomic Drop. Starlight enters the ring as Ruby doubles over, and then Starlight hits the ropes, and hits a running Knee Lift!

Mauro: Starlight with a Knee!

Starlight then picked up Ruby, and then delivered a clubbing blow to her back. This brought Ruby down to her knees as she arches back in pain. Starlight then laid her down, and picked up the damaged leg. 

Nigel: And now Starlight has that bad leg in her grasp!

Ruby tries to fight out of Starlight's grip, but Starlight begins to kick at the back of the knee!

Starlight then laid the leg down on the mat, and delivered elbow drops on it!

Beth: Starlight Glimmer's eating that leg up!

Starlight then dragged Ruby to the center of the ring and locked on a Heel Hook.

Mauro: And continuing to weaken that damaged leg!

Ruby tries to reach for the ropes but to no avail. She then tries to pull herself towards the ropes, but Starlight applies more pressure to stop her from doing so.

After a few minutes in the hold, Ruby began to kick away at Starlight with her free leg. Starlight then releases her, and Ruby gets up, limping towards the nearest corner. 

Starlight gets up as well, and charges at Ruby. Ruby stops her dead in her tracks with a Back Elbow, and Starlight staggers back before falling down. Ruby then began to shake some feeling back into her leg. Once she did, she measured up Starlight who was now standing up in a corner, then Ruby charges and lands a Forearm Smash!

Mauro: And Ruby now! Showing some signs of life in this match!

Beth: Ruby Rose, climbing back up!

Ruby then throws Starlight out of the corner with a Snapmare, and then lays her in position. Ruby then turns around, hops onto the second turnbuckle and then leaps, and lands on Starlight with a Corkscrew Moonsault!

Mauro: And now Ruby, beginning to fly!

Ruby covers Starlight, but she kicks out at 2! 

Ruby then picked up Starlight, and then went to throw her into the corner, but Starlight turned the momentum around and sent Ruby to the corner instead. After recovering from the Moonsault, Starlight then charges at Ruby, and connects with a Clothesline. Starlight then held Ruby tight, and threw her out of the corner with a Uranage Slam!

Starlight goes for the cover but Ruby kicks out at 2! Starlight looks at Ruby for a moment before getting up, and picking up Ruby as well. Starlight then threw Ruby to the ropes, but then Ruby bounced back and clocked Starlight with a big Clothesline!

Nigel: Ooooh! Good lord!

Mauro: Ruby Rose came BLASTING out of the ropes with a Clothesline!

Beth: She had to have put all of her weight into that arm!

Starlight laid there in a daze, then Ruby, with whatever strength she had left, began crawling to Ospreay. Starlight begins to get up after a minute or so, but Ruby was already back at Ospreay's corner by the time Starlight got back to her feet, and once she turned around, Ruby made the tag, and Ospreay came in hot, knocking Starlight down with a Clothesline!

Mauro: And here comes Ospreay!

Nigel: The Englishman is on fire!

Starlight gets up, and Ospreay hits a Forearm Smash! Starlight gets up one more time, and goes for a Clothesline. Ospreay ducks, then hits Starlight with a Handspring Enzuigiri!

Ospreay then hops over to the apron, measures up Starlight, and once she is up to her feet, Ospreay springs off the top rope and connects with a Forearm Smash! Ospreay then gets up and the crowd cheers as he circled around the ring with arms outstretched.

Mauro: Will Ospreay is feeling it!

Nigel: This could be Starlight's future!

Ospreay then picks up Starlight, and sets her up for the Stormbreaker!

Mauro: And Ospreay! Starlight up high!

Beth: Could be thinking Stormbreaker!

Starlight however, was able to wiggle free, and escape. Ospreay turns around to see Starlight hit the ropes, and when she rebounded, looking for a Clothesline, Ospreay floated over and planted her with a Sit-out Powerbomb!

Beth: Oooh!

Mauro: Ospreay with a Powerbomb!

Ospreay had her shoulders pinned, but Spongebob came in to break the count at 2!

Mauro: And "Abrasive" Spongebob saves the match for the SCE!

Ospreay and Spongebob then go at it, trading punches before Ruby came flying in and took out Spongebob with a Springboard Front Dropkick!

Starlight then gets up, goes for a punch but Ospreay blocks it and takes her down again, locking on a Crossface! Ruby then did the same with Spongebob, and the crowd cheered as Ospreay and Ruby wrenched back as far as they could!

Nigel: Look at this!

Mauro: Ospreay and Ruby with Crossface Submissions on!

Beth: Spongebob and Starlight have nowhere to go!

Both Starlight and Spongebob were on the verge of tapping out as Ospreay and Ruby continued to keep their hold on them. After a few minutes, Starlight was able to shift her weight, and roll over to escape Ospreay's grasp, sending him onto Ruby which in turn broke Ruby's hold on Spongebob!

Spongebob rolls to the apron and gets up. Ruby did the same as well, and then knocked Spongebob off the apron with a Triangle Dropkick!


Mauro: There goes Spongebob!

Ruby gets up, sees Starlight coming towards her, and with a Back Body Drop, Ruby sends Starlight to the outside!

Beth: And there goes Starlight!

Both Starlight and Spongebob were now outside of the ring, and Ruby looked at Ospreay, who now sees the situation, and the look on his face was as if a lightbulb just turned on in his head.

Mauro: And Will Ospreay, assessing the current situation, and it looks like he's got evil intentions!

Ruby nodded at him, then Ospreay hits the ropes, and once Starlight and Spongebob got up, Ospreay went flying with a Sasuke Special, and wiped them both out!


Mauro: And Will Ospreay takes to the skies!

Nigel: That was absolutely incredible!

Ruby goes back to her corner as Ospreay throws Starlight back into the ring. Ospreay then tags in Ruby, Ruby picks up Starlight, but Starlight counters with a Jawbreaker!

Starlight then grabbed Ruby but Ruby fought back with some Back Elbows to break free. Starlight lets her go, then as Starlight was shaking off the effects from the Elbows, Ruby runs to the ropes and then drilled Starlight into the mat with a Handspring DDT!

Mauro: Wow! What a DDT by Ruby Rose!

Ruby goes for the cover, but Starlight kicks out at 2!

Mauro: No! Not enough!

Ruby then got up and knocked Spongebob off the apron before turning back to Starlight and sizing her up once more. 

Mauro: And now Ruby Rose!

Beth: Looking for the Silver Flash it looks like!

Starlight was now up to one knee, then Ruby went for the Silver Flash, but Starlight was able to evade it!

Mauro: And Ruby was indeed going for the Silver Flash, but Starlight avoided it!

Ruby then tried to gather herself upon landing, but Starlight got up, and dropped her with a running Cutter before Ruby could react!

Mauro: Cutter by Starlight!

Starlight then began to size up Ruby, and as Ruby was up on her knees in a Daze, Starlight hits the ropes and landed her patented running Knee Strike which she now calls "1984"!

Mauro: And Starlight with 1984!

Nigel: That's it!

Starlight goes for the cover, but from out of the sky, Will Ospreay breaks the count at 2 with a Shooting Star Press!

Beth: WHOA!!!

Mauro: WOW!!! Where the hell did Ospreay come from!?

Nigel: Well wherever he came from, he was able to save the match!

Spongebob then takes Ospreay out with a Clothesline over the top rope, both he and Ospreay spill out of the ring. 

Back in the ring, Starlight got up, went to pick up Ruby, but Ruby caught her by surprise with a Small Package pin!

Mauro: Oh look at Ruby! She could win it here!

Starlight kicks out at 2, they both get up, but it's Ruby who catches Starlight with a Schoolgirl Pin! Starlight however, rolls through, but Ruby gets up, and then lands the Silver Flash!



Mauro: Oooh! Silver Flash!

Beth: This time she got it!

Ruby goes for the cover, and the crowd pops as Ruby gets the 3 count!

Mauro: Rose and Ospreay are victorious!

*Bell rings!* 


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, your winners of this match, the team of Will Ospreay, and RUBY ROSE!!!

Mauro: What a win for the duo of Ruby and Ospreay! Not only did Ruby win one more shot at the Wattpad Championship, but we might've just seen what could happen at Beach Blast!

Nigel: Indeed! If Ruby hits that Silver Flash at Beach Blast, we could have a NEW LWF: Reborn Champion!

Beth: And not only that, at Wrestlepalooza, Spongebob and Ruby go at it one more time! Wattpad Championship hanging in the balance!

As Ospreay & Rose celebrate though, the SCE slide back into the ring and look poised to launch a sneak attack on their challengers. 

Nigel: Wait, hold on a second! Look out Beth-

But before they can and before Nigel can even finish… The lights start going out & commentary is completely cut off as one by one the lighting begins to fail. Both sides look around in confusion until the last light above the ring goes black. After a few moments… a booming voice calls out from the void itself.

Extinction... Is… Forever…

A spotlight flicks to life to reveal… 

Him. Lord Mirage was in the building. 

He is standing between the two teams who were in a state of shock. Commentary returned as well, but even without it you’d be able to hear the yelling from the booth.

Beth: OH GOD NO!



The two sides exchanged looks from each other and to the Dark Lord, who simply glared them down with a stony, unmoving face. Finally, after what seemed like forever, the two teams came to a silent, mutual understanding and they all charged at Mirage and began to hammer away at him.



However, almost as soon as their attack started, it was snuffed out immediately when Mirage exploded out from the pile and sent the four of them hurling off into separate directions. Abrasive SpongeBob was not going to take that lying down and immediately got up and hit the Torpedo Kick on Lord Mirage, but it only just barely staggered him.

Nigel: Love or hate that moldy block of cheese, he’s got more guts than most mortal men!

“Go the hell down, ya freak!” Abrasive SpongeBob bellowed as he backed up to try and hit another kick, but this time he was caught with a monstrous lariat that turned him inside out!


Mauro: MY GOD!

Nigel: …It’s just too bad we’re gonna be seeing those guts get spilled out.

Starlight, upon seeing her Society follower taken out with little to no effort, decided to weigh her options and slide out of the ring. She was quick to grab SpongeBob’s let and pull him out as well to prevent any further damage from befalling him.

Beth: Oh come on now! REALLY!?

Nigel: Love or hate Starlight, I won’t deny that I’d do the same thing in her shoes.

Mirage glowered down at the LWF Champion with a look of slight amusement as she swiped her and SpongeBob’s belts and hightailed it out of there. Mirage let out a chuckle that was quick to be interrupted by Ruby Rose leaping onto his back and attempting to lock on a choke.



Mirage attempted to throw Ruby off his back, but her grip was that of a boa constrictor. As Mirage turned around he was met with a rolling elbow right to the face courtesy of Will Ospreay!


Mirage staggered back, allowing Ruby to step onto the apron. She let him go and shoved him towards Ospreay who looked to be going for another rolling elbow, only to meet a vicious big boot from Mirage!

Mauro: And just like THAT this maniac seizes control once more!

However, what Mirage didn’t seem to notice was Ruby Rose climbing the top rope. Once Mirage turned towards her she flew… right into a jaw shattering uppercut that sent her crashing limp onto the mat.


Mirage stood tall in the ring & looked around at the carnage he had caused with a stony gaze on his face, as the fans bombard him with boos. Once he’s gotten enough of the view, he turned towards Jeremy Borash and extended his hand out towards him from the ring. Jeremy, terrified for his life, quickly got the message and left the timekeepers’ area to give Mirage his microphone. Mirage then returned to the middle of the ring and simply said...

Lord Mirage: I accept.

The crowd gave a mixed reaction to the statement before he continued.

Lord Mirage: But know this, Robert… Your actions… have consequences.

Mirage dropped the mic and turned his attention back to Ruby. He grabbed her by the head and began to hoist her to her feet.

Beth: Come on! You’ve done enough as it is!

However, to the shock of all, Ruby suddenly began to whale on Mirage with strikes!



“YOU’RE NOT GONNA WIN!” Ruby shouted at Mirage as she ran off the ropes and connected with a Silver Flash! Mirage staggered back, and Ruby did it once more! Mirage finally fell to a knee and as Ruby ran off to hit a third one, Mirage quickly popped up and rammed his knee into her gut! As Ruby crumpled down, Mirage stood back up as though nothing had happened.

Beth: Like a damn cat playing with its prey… This man… No, this THING is sickening!

Mirage hooked up Ruby’s arms and wasted no time planting her with “Bedlam!”


Mauro: And Bedlam connects onto Ruby Rose!

With that, Mirage stood to a knee and looked down at Ruby Rose, that same unchanging glare practically burning a hole through her. He then raised a hand to the air, causing the light to die out once more. Once it was back on, Mirage was gone and the carnage around the ring was the only evidence of him being there.

Nigel: Lord Mirage laying waste to this entire main event match to not only accept the Wrestlepalooza challenge of Robert Squared… but to warn him of what’s to come.

Beth: I pray to every star that Robert can put an end to this nightmare once and for all!


And that was Episode 18 everyone!

What a way to end the show, am I right? 2 Cruiserweight Open competitors have qualified, Ruby wins one more shot at the Wattpad Championship, a new Tag Team has arrived, but most importantly, Mirage accepted the challenge!

I wonder what will happen from here? Well, let's see come Episode 19, where the Cruiserweight Open qualifiers continue, and more action coming your way!

See you there!

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