Intro + Kushida and MCMG vs. Scarlet and Graves

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Our road began inside the Elimination Enclosure...

The intro shows highlights of Elimination Enclosure, ending with Will Ospreay celebrating his Elimination Enclosure victory.

Then, we got on the Fastlane in High Acceleration...

Highlights of the event begin to play, ending with The SCE standing tall on the stage.

And now... we have made it to our last stop on our road to Wrestlepalooza!

Strange Days by Three Days Grace plays as more highlights from all 3 events continue to play.

🎶Raise a glass to the end of it all! Who's to blame when it's everyone's fault? And we celebrate our way through dangerous times! Strange days are coming for us! Say goodbye to the way that it was! And we celebrate our way through dangerous times!🎶

It's the End Of The Line from here!

🎶I'm living in the strange days! I'm living in a world that I don't know! Get ready for the dark age! I'm living in the Strange Days so... say goodbye to the silence! We can dance to sirens... strange days here we come!🎶

The Instrumentals to Strange Days continue to play as more highlights continue to play.

🎶Strange Days here we come!🎶

The intro ends with Starlight Glimmer holding up the LWF: Reborn Championship.


And now... LWF presents... END OF THE LINE!

The opening pyro then goes off inside the James L. Knight Center in Miami, Florida.

The stage, looking like the newest WWE stage, then the camera pans around as Mauro Ranallo speaks.

Mauro: Ladies and gentlemen, it's absolutely Electric here inside the James L. Knight Center here in beautiful Miami, Florida! This is End Of The Line! Hello everyone, Mauro Ranallo alongside Nigel McGuinness and WWE Hall Of Famer, Beth Phoenix!

Nigel: Just one more stop on the road to Wrestlepalooza, and that one stop is finally here, and boy what a Main event we have tonight! Tonight, Starlight Glimmer defends her LWF: Reborn Championship against a VERY determined Robert Squared!

Beth: And also tonight, "Abrasive" Spongebob of the SCE will be putting his Wattpad Championship on the line against an opponent of Chard's choosing! Boy I wonder who he chooses! And not only that, there's a Siren rivalry that has reached a whole new level! It's Adagio Dazzle, hoping to end this strife on top against Sonata Dusk, in a Stretcher Match!

Mauro: And two Interpromotional Matches will be taking place! The first being Asuka Langley Soryu and Alexis Rhodes of The Beautiful People take on FSU in a physical No Disqualification match, and it'll just get more violent from there as Chris Brookes and Junko Enoshima clash in an Asylum Match!

Nigel: And get this, we have a debuting Tag Team in The Workin' Miners, fighting for a Tag Team Championship opportunity against Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder!

Nigel: And so much more! Guys this has gotta be-

But before he could continue, the lights went out. Then...

31 seconds into the song, the lights flash with the beat of the song, then 10 seconds later, the lights come back on, but in a red color, then the trio of Dave Crist, Zachary Wentz, and Dezmond Xavier make their entrance, slowly walking out onto the stage.

*Bell Rings!*

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, your opening contest is a 6-Man Tag Team Match, set for one fall, introducing team number 1, the team of Dave Crist, Zachary Wentz, and Dezmond Xavier, SCARLET AND GRAVES!!!

Nigel: Well it doesn't look like Scarlet and Graves wanna waste anymore time! They want this tag team match right now!

Mauro: Scarlet and Graves look to turn LWF into their own personal area of chaos, and it looks like Kushida and The Guns have no room to be in it!

Beth: Well what better way to solidify yourself, than to take out the biggest name in Wrestling? Well Kushida and The Guns respectively, they're pretty big names in their own right!

Mauro: A win over those three men, would definitely benefit Scarlet and Graves!

Scarlet and Graves enter the ring, and they await their opponents.


A ten second countdown began. Once it hit 0, a blue spotlight shone down, and through the smoke, out came Kushida.

Jeremy Borash: And their opponents, first, from Tokyo, Japan, he weighs in tonight at 192 pounds, KUSHIDA!!!

Kushida makes his way down the ramp, but then stops halfway, and looks back up at the stage. Then...

The crowd cheers, and out comes Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley!

Jeremy Borash: And his tag team partners! From Detroit, Michigan at a combined weight of 420 pounds, Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley, THE MOTORCITY MACHINE GUNS!!!

Mauro: When LWF came back, did you ever think that we'd see Kushida team up with Sabin and Shelley together? Originally, Sabin was supposedly going it alone, but ironically, it was the Dazillings who brought them together as a trio, to take part in a 6-man tag team match, just like this one!

Nigel: Sabin and Shelley were strong on their own, but together they're unstoppable! And the multiple Tag Team Championships they've won in their careers proved that! But tonight, this is about putting Scarlet and Graves in their place!

Beth: Scarlet and Graves are looking to make names for themselves, but Kushida and the Motorcity Machine Guns are not an easy group of men to beat!

Kushida and The Guns enter the ring, but then Scarlet and Graves charge in and begin to beat them down!

Mauro: And now a pre-match assault from Scarlet and Graves!

Nigel: Getting the upper hand on Kushida and the Guns in any way possible!

The referee then restores some order, then Zachary Wentz and Alex Shelley start it off, and the bell rings.

Wentz goes after Shelley with a series of Forearm Smashes, then he throws him to the ropes with an Irish Whip.

Shelley rebounds, ducks a Clothesline from Wentz, rebounds again and ducks a Back Elbow from Wentz as well.

Shelley rebounds for a third time, but Wentz catches him with a Dropkick!

Mauro: And Shelley gets caught with a Dropkick by Wentz!

Beth: Third time's the charm!

Wentz then immediately got on top of Shelley, and hammered away on him.

He then dragged Shelley to Scarlet and Graves' corner, and tagged in Dave Crist.

Mauro: And now Dave Crist tagged in...

They both picked up Shelley, and placed him in their corner. Crist then delivered a chop, swept him off his feet, then Wentz came in with a Bronco Buster!

Wentz then went onto the apron, Crist drags Shelley out of the corner, goes for the cover, but Shelley kicks out at 2.

Crist tags Dezmond in, then he stomps away on Shelley.

He then picked him up, threw him into the ropes with an Irish Whip, looking for a Dropkick but Shelley held on, and Dezmond got nothing but air!

Mauro: Dropkick attempt by Dezmond, but Shelley puts on the brakes!

Dezmond got up, charged at Shelley, but then he sent him over the top rope with a Back Body Drop!

Dezmond lands on the apron, Shelley tries to knock him off, but Dezmond hits him with a Shoulder Barge through the ropes and into Shelley's midsection!

Dezmond then slings himself over the top rope, and rolls Shelley up with a Sunset Flip, but Shelley rolls through and connects with a Basement Dropkick!

Beth: Oooh!

Mauro: Basement Dropkick by Shelley!

Shelley dragged him far away from the ropes, goes for the cover, but Dezmond kicked out at 2!

Shelley then tagged in Sabin, and then he and Shelley threw Dezmond into their corner.

Shelley then goes on the apron, then Sabin connects with a running Boot, while at the same time Shelley connects with a running Enzuigiri!

Mauro: And there's that Motorcity Machine Gun Tag Team offense!

Sabin then took Dezmond out of the corner, and dropped him with a Back Suplex!

Sabin then went for the cover, but Dezmond kicked out at 2.

Sabin then sat Dezmond up, and got him in a Grounded Headlock.

Nigel: And now Chris Sabin, utilizing some ground game to keep Dezmond out of his element!

Dezmond tries to reach for the ropes, but he's too far away. He tries to at least get his foot on the bottom rope, but also to no avail.

He then gets up and elbows Sabin in the gut. Sabin releases the hold, Dezmond then hits the ropes, but Sabin blocks him with a Leaping Enzuigiri!

Mauro: Oh, Sabin with an Enzuigiri!

Dezmond's now dazed, Sabin goes for another Back Suplex, but this time Dezmond landed on his feet!

Sabin turns around, then Dezmond stuns him with a Bicycle Kick! He then turns Sabin back around, and drops him with a Saito Suplex!

Dezmond goes for the cover but Sabin kicks out at 2!

Dezmond gets up, tags in Wentz, then Dezmond drapes Sabin on the middle rope, while Wentz climbs to the top turnbuckle.

Mauro: And now what does Scarlet and Graves have in mind?

Wentz then leapt off the top, and he and Dezmond hit a Pedigree/Swanton Bomb combo!

Nigel: Oooh! What a Double Team Combination!

Dezmond flips Sabin over for Wentz, Wentz goes for the cover, but Sabin kicks out at 2!

Sabin now tries to pull himself back up to his feet, while the referee was ordering Dezmond to get out of the ring.

This gave Dave Crist an opening, and he landed a Pump Kick to the side of Sabin's face!

Mauro: And now Dave Crist with a cheap shot!

Wentz then picks up Sabin, and takes him down with a Snapmare. Wentz then rolls through, goes for a swift kick but Sabin dodges it, and rolls him up with a Schoolboy Pin!

Beth: Oh wait a second, Sabin with a Roll-up!

Wentz kicks out at 2, gets up and goes for a Clothesline, but Sabin ducks, runs and springs off the middle rope, and then plants Wentz with a Tornado DDT!

Mauro: OOOH, what a Tornado DDT by Sabin!

Sabin now crawls over to Shelley and Kushida, and tags Kushida in, gaining a cheer from the fans!

Mauro: And there's the tag! Here comes Kushida!

Wentz gets up, and then Kushida came off the top rope and connects with a Tomahawk Chop to the top of Wentz's head!

Mauro: Tomahawk Chop off the top rope!

Kushida then knocked Crist off the apron with a Forearm Smash, then knocked off Dezmond as well!

Wentz gets up, charged at Kushida, but then Kushida sends him flying over the top rope with a Back Body Drop!

Scarlet and Graves regroup out at ringside, while inside, Sabin and Shelley enter the ring.

Mauro: And it looks like we're clear for takeoff!

Nigel: Look out here!

Kushida then hits the ropes, then Sabin and Shelley both do Triangle Planchas onto Crist and Dezmond while Kushida wipes Wentz out with a Tope Con Hilo!

Mauro: And Kushida and The Guns take to the skies!

Kushida then throws Wentz back into the ring, then measures him up.

Wentz gets back on his feet, Kushida goes for a Rolling Elbow, but then Wentz ducked then does Handspring Knee Strike!

Kushida turns around in a daze, then clocks Wentz with an overhead kick!

Kushida tries to shake off the effects of the Knee Strike, then he gets up, picks up Wentz, and throws him to the ropes.

What Kushida didn't see however, was a blind tag from Crist, so when Kushida clocked Wentz with a Wind-up Punch, Crist sprung off the top rope and hits him with a Front Dropkick!

Mauro: And Dave Crist off the Blind Tag, Kushida never saw him coming!

Outside the ring, Wentz shoves Shelley into the steel steps, and Dezmond sends Sabin over the barricade with a running Dropkick!

Beth: Scarlet and Graves now neutralizing the Guns!

Nigel: Kushida is now all alone!

Crist then picked up Kushida, then connects with a Wristlock Springboard Cutter!

Mauro: Wow! What a Cutter!

Crist then tagged in Wentz, then Wentz tagged in Dezmond.

Wentz then lifted Kushida up for a Powerbomb, Dezmond goes up to the top turnbuckle, then he and Wentz do a Powerbomb/Blockbuster Combo!

Mauro: And now Dezmond and Wentz with more Tag Team offense!

Nigel: Kushida is in trouble!

Crist then went to the apron, and dove right into Chris Sabin who just came back over the barricade!

Dezmond then goes for the cover, but Shelley came off the top turnbuckle, and broke the count at 2 with a Frog Splash!

Beth: Whoa!

Mauro: Alex Shelley with a Frog Splash!

Shelley gets up, but then Wentz comes springing off the top rope, and connects with a Diving Knee Strike onto Shelley!

Mauro: Wentz with a Knee off the top rope!

Shelley rolls out of the ring, Wentz then hits the ropes, and hits a Suicide Dive onto Sabin!

Mauro: And a Tope Suicida takes out Sabin!

Kushida and Dezmond get up, Kushida then does a forward roll and into a Jumping DDT, but Dezmond catches him! He then lifted Kushida up, and dropped him with a Brainbuster!

Mauro: And Dezmond! What a feat of strength!

Dezmond then tagged in Crist, and then Crist tagged Wentz.

Crist goes to the top turnbuckle, Dezmond picks up Kushida, then Crist lands a diving Meteora!

Mauro: And now a Meteora by Crist off the top!

Wentz then climbed to the top turnbuckle as well, Crist drags Kushida into position, then Wentz flattens Kishida with a Swanton Bomb!

Mauro: Swanton by Wentz!

Nigel: The same move he used to beat Shelley!

Wentz then hooked the leg, and got the 3 count!

Mauro: Scarlet and Graves gets the victory!

*Bell rings!*

(Start at 0:31)

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen your winners of the match, SCARLET AND GRAVES!!!

Mauro: What a way to kick off End Of The Line! Scarlet and Graves said they were gonna eradicate Kushida and The Guns, and they kept their word!

Nigel: This may just be the beginning of the era of Scarlet and Graves! The Tag Team Division better be put on notice!

Crist then looked right into the hard camera. "Phase one, complete! Phase two, Sisterhood of Darkness! You guys are next!" He shouts.

Beth: And Dave Crist throwing a warning to the Sisterhood of Darkness over in BTWF, and from what little we have learned so far, Scarlet and Graves are men of their word!

Mauro: Well I'm sure they will respond, but still to come, Starlight Glimmer and Robert Squared go at it for the LWF: Reborn Championship, but up next, Best Friends, turned Bitter Enemies! It's Chuck Taylor, taking on Trent!

Nigel: Taylor, out for revenge, and Trent, looking to put Taylor behind!

(UP NEXT: Trent vs. Chuck Taylor)

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