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The crowd cheers as a wide shot inside James L. Knight Center is shown. Then, the lights go out, and then…

The fans gave mixed reactions, as Eddie Dennis and Mark Andrews made their entrance. Eddie came out, carrying a trash can filled with steel chairs and kendo sticks, then Mark Andrews pulled out a Kendo Stick, and smacked the floor with it before holding it up high. Then Mark and Eddie made their way to the ring. 

*Bell Rings!*

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, this is a NO DISQUALIFICATION MATCH, scheduled for one fall, introducing first, the team of "The Welsh Dragon" Eddie Dennis, and Mark Andrews, Friends Stand United, FSU!!!

Mauro: After a long back and forth verbal battle between FSU and The Beautiful People, which has ended physically, it has come to this! No rules, no disqualifications, no count-outs, anything goes!

Beth: Episode 11 was where it all began, where Mark and Eddie called The Asuka and Alexis out. Saying that the reason they didn't show up was because without Erza, they would have left Asuka and Alexis lying where they stand!

Nigel: Then the Episode after, FSU sent another message responding to what The Beautiful People said at Trouble In Tokyo over in BTWF, and got a big surprise after The Beautiful People came through the crowd, and attacked them! And let's not forget about the sit down interview that had security come and restrain the two teams!

Once at the bottom of the ramp, Eddie Dennis throws the trash can into the ring, then he and Mark slid into the ring. Mark climbed to the top turnbuckle, and threw his hands up into the air, letting out a battle cry while Eddie poked through the ropes and roared.

Mauro: No love lost between the Beautiful People and FSU, but after this match, only one of them can claim they're the better team!

Mark and Eddie then stood in the middle of the ring, looked up at the stage, and beckoned for The Beautiful People to come.

After several seconds of silence…

The crowd gave mixed reactions, but mostly boos as The Beautiful People made their entrance. 

Jeremy Borash: And their opponents, accompanied by Erza Scarlet, representing The Beautiful People, the team of Alexis Rhodes, and ASUKA LANGLEY SORYU!!!

Mauro: We have seen what Erza is capable of here in LWF, but now, we get to see what Asuka and Alexis are all about!

Beth: The time for talking is now over, can The Beautiful People prove FSU wrong, and show they're still a force to be reckoned with?

Nigel: Well, as of late the "cracks" within this trio that Asuka has denied, look to have gotten bigger but maybe, just maybe, they're still on the same page. 

Mauro: Well they have to be if they want to walk out the winners!

The Beautiful People make it down the ramp, then when Asuka and Alexis slid in, Mark and Eddie jumped onto the attack, and the bell rings!

Mauro: And FSU! Firing the first shot, and now this No DQ match is underway!

Mark and Alexis trade blows, while Eddie throws Asuka into a corner and connects with a running Uppercut!

Eddie then picked up the trash can, dumped out the Kendo Sticks, then struck Asuka on her head with it!

Mauro: Oooh! Eddie Dennis with a trash can to the head of Asuka!

Asuka, still in the corner, then Eddie sat her up on the top turnbuckle. Then with a loud slap, Eddie knocks Asuka down to the outside floor below!


Nigel: He just slapped her into tomorrow!

Meanwhile, Alexis went for a Clothesline to Mark but he ducked it. Alexis turns around, then eats a jumping Enzuigiri from Mark Andrews! Alexis was now staggering, then Eddie dropped her with a running Boot!

Eddie goes for the cover, but Erza slid in and broke the count at 2!

Mauro: And now Erza Scarlet breaks the count at 2!

Nigel: Totally legal in this match, but FSU don't mind it at all!

Beth: We've said it numerous times, we'll say it again! This is pretty a 3 on 2 match, but Mark and Eddie are not fazed one bit!

Mark Andrews then attacks Erza with some Forearms, but Erza levels him with one left jab!

Mark rolls away, and immediately, Asuka and Alexis, along with Erza, begin piling onto Eddie, delivering clubbing blows to bring him to his knees.

Beth: And now the Numbers Game has caught up to FSU!

Nigel: The Beautiful People, trying to chop the bigger Eddie Dennis down…

But then, Eddie Dennis got back up, and exploded out, sending The Beautiful People flying into separate directions!

Mauro: And Eddie blasts out!

Beth: Showing why he's called The Welsh Dragon!

Asuka and Alexis then try to knock him down again, but Eddie drops them both with a Double Clothesline to both of them!

Mauro: And Eddie Dennis now! Two for the price of one Clothesline!

Erza then charges, but he sidesteps and throws Erza over the top rope, and out to the floor below!

Mauro: And there goes Erza!

Asuka and Alexis get up, then Mark sprung off the top rope, and dropped them both with a Front Dropkick!

Mauro: And now Andrews! 

Beth: Front Dropkick off the top rope, and The Beautiful People are in trouble!

Asuka and Alexis roll out of the ring, and they regroup with Erza.

Mark Andrews then hits the ropes, looks to wipe them out with a Tope Con Hilo, but The Beautiful People catch him on his way down!

Mauro: And now Andrews- ooh, looking to fly, but he gets caught!

The three women hoist Mark up high, then they drop him spine-first on the apron with a Triple Powerbomb!

Mauro: Oooh! The Beautiful People with a Triple Powerbomb!

Nigel: Mark's spine may have been rearranged!

The three women then looked down on him. "Drop us where we stood, huh? I didn't think so!" Asuka shouts.

Then they looked up, and Eddie Dennis wiped all three of them out with a Tope Con Hilo of his own!

Mauro: And EDDIE DENNIS!!! WOW!!! When was the last time you saw Eddie do something like that!?

Nigel: Never! 

Beth: This just shows how much FSU wants to prove they're a force to be reckoned with in the Tag Team division!

Eddie then gets up, helps Mark back up to his feet and then throws Asuka back into the ring.

Mark climbs up to the top turnbuckle, then Eddie hoists Asuka up for a Neck Stop Driver.

Mauro: And now FSU, looking to end it early!

Then, Alexis got on the apron and shoved Mark off the top turnbuckle!

Mauro: And Alexis Rhodes! 

Beth: Rough landing for Mark Andrews!

Asuka then reverses out of Eddie's grasp, and with Alexis lowering the ropes, Asuka throws Eddie out of the ring!

Eddie stays on the apron however, then Asuka springs off the middle rope, stunning Eddie with a Triangle Enzuigiri! Then Eddie turns around, and Alexis spears him!

Mauro: Ooh! Asuka with a Springboard Kick, followed by a spear by Alexis Rhodes! Eddie's down!

Erza then threw Mark Andrews back into the ring, and slid a chair in as well. Asuka picks up the chair, then swats Andrews on the back with it!

Mark writhes in pain, and then she hits him with the chair again! Asuka would hit him repeatedly for a few minutes before throwing the chair aside, and picked Andrews up.

Mauro: Asuka, showing just how vicious she can get!

Nigel: And now Asuka, picking up Andrews…

Then Asuka bounces Mark off the top rope before slamming him down with a Back Suplex!

Mauro: Back Suplex by Asuka!

Asuka goes for the cover, but Andrews kicks out at 2!

Asuka then got up, and stomped away on Andrews. Erza then slid in a crutch into the ring. 

Andrews gets to his knees, Asuka picks up the crutch, then strikes Andrews on the back with it, bending the crutch!

Mauro: And Asuka continues to punish Mark Andrews!

Then, with one knee on his back, and then the bent crutch wrapped around his face, Asuka pulled back on the crutch, not only wrenching on his neck, but adding pressure to his spine as well!

Mauro: And look at this! The bent crutch around Andrews' face!

Nigel: And Asuka's knee digging into the spine as well!

After a few minutes, Eddie gets back up. Erza and Alexis try to stop him, but Eddie drops Alexis with a Forearm Smash, then lands a Back Elbow on Erza to knock her down! He then slid back into the ring, and grabbed Asuka by her throat!

Mauro: Uh oh… Eddie Dennis has Asuka!

Beth: Asuka's in trouble!

Eddie then lifted her up high, and planted her with a Chokeslam!

Mauro: And Eddie Dennis! Sending Asuka Langley Soryu for a ride!

Nigel: Eddie just saved Mark for the time being!

Eddie then lifted Asuka up and onto his shoulders, then Alexis slid in and tried to take him down with a Crossbody, but he caught her!

Mauro: Wow! Look at the strength of Eddie!

Nigel: That's incredible!

Andrews gets up, then does a Baseball Slide Dropkick through the ropes to stun Erza, and Eddie flattens Asuka with a Samoan Drop, while simultaneously tossing Alexis halfway across the ring with a Fallaway Slam!

Mauro: And Eddie Dennis dumping Asuka and Alexis!

Beth: What power!

Andrews then went for a Suicide Dive on Erza, but she caught him, and then tossed him over her head with an Exploder Suplex!

Mauro: Oooh, Mark went for a Tope Suicida, Erza made him pay!

Erza and Eddie then looked at each other. Then she slid in, and they had a Standoff!

Mauro: And here we are again! Erza Scarlet and Eddie Dennis cross paths once more!

Beth: Eddie was the one who walked out the winner in their last encounter-

Then, in an instant, Erza and Eddie began throwing punches at each other!

Beth: And here we go! They're at it again!

Erza then goes for a Clothesline, but Eddie blocks it, and lands a Clothesline of his own!

Mauro: And Eddie with a Clothesline!

Eddie then turned around, and then Asuka and Alexis both hit him with a Superkick!

Mauro: Oh! But Asuka and Alexis with a Superkick!

Andrews tries to take them both out with a Springboard Crossbody, but Asuka jumps out of the way, and Alexis catches him!

Then, she spins him out, and plants him face first on the mat, a move which she calls "Beauty Has A Price"!

Mauro: And Alexis planting Andrews!

Nigel: She calls that "Beauty Has A Price"!

Alexis goes for the cover, Eddie goes to try and break the count, but Erza and Asuka try to stop him. Eddie then shoved them onto Alexis, breaking the count at 2!

Mauro: And Eddie, using Asuka and Erza to break the count!

Nigel: Eddie Dennis, showing off his strength in this match!

Eddie then slid out of the ring, pulled out a ladder from underneath and slid it into the ring. He looks under the ring one more time, and to a rally of loud cheers, he pulls out a stack of tables!

Nigel: Oooh-ho-ho! Now business HAS picked up!

Mauro: Eddie just threw in a ladder, and now he's got the tables!

Eddie slides one in and Mark props it up in the corner, while Eddie sets one up out at ringside.

After he did so, Eddie got back in the ring. But when he did, Asuka and Alexis had picked Kendo Sticks, then Asuka struck Eddie in the midsection!

Alexis then went behind him, and she struck him in the back!

Asuka and Alexis took turns hitting him before finally rapidly hitting him simultaneously to bring Eddie down to his knees!

Mauro: Eddie Dennis being chopped down now!

Beth: The Beautiful People are really showing a VERY nasty side of themselves!

Eddie is now down on all fours, then Asuka hits the ropes and connects with a Curb Stomp!

Mauro: And Asuka with a Curb Stomp! The Welsh Dragon may be out!

Mark Andrews gets back up, then Asuka holds him in an Inverted Facelock, then she drops him with a Reverse Suplex she calls the "Unprettier"!

Mauro: And Asuka! That's the Unprettier!

Asuka then goes for the cover, but Eddie Dennis, as if he just had an Adrenaline Surge, was able to jump in and break the count at 2!

Mauro: And Eddie SOMEHOW breaks the count!

Alexis then goes to a corner, then Asuka picks Eddie up. Asuka then threw him into the corner where Alexis kicked him in the face! Eddie turns around and takes a Rolling Elbow to the face! Eddie was now staggering, then Alexis hopped onto the second turnbuckle, and knocked him down with a Missile Dropkick!

Mauro: And the Beautiful People with more Double Team offense!

Eddie rolls out of the ring, then Erza slides in another table, and Asuka sets it up.

Asuka then notices the ladder Eddie had slid in earlier, and she sets that up too.

Asuka then takes Mark Andrews up the ladder, then she looks back at the table and sets up Mark for a Superplex!

Mauro: And Asuka now! Looking for a Superplex off the ladder!

Nigel: This is not gonna end well for Andrews!

Andrews then began to fight back, punching Asuka in the gut, then landed some Forearm Smashes to her face!

Mauro: And Mark Andrews fighting back!

Beth: Mark and Asuka are in a VERY precarious position up on that ladder!

Andrews then hopped around and onto Asuka's shoulders, and drove her through the table with a Reverse Frankensteiner!


Beth: I'm speechless! What a move by Andrews!

Andrews begins to slowly pull himself back up, using the ropes for assistance, then he falls right onto Asuka for the cover, but Alexis breaks the count at 2!

Mauro: And Asuka is saved by Alexis! Had she not been there, it would've been a definite 3!

Erza then climbs onto the apron looking to enter the ring, but then Eddie gets up, and grabs her in position for a Powerbomb!

Mauro: Uh oh! Eddie's up! Eddie's up, and he has Erza!

Erza tries to fight out, but Eddie Powerbombs her through the Announcer's Table!


Nigel: Eddie Dennis may have just evened the playing field!

Eddie Dennis then dragged the table he set up earlier, then climbed up onto the apron.

Alexis tries to knock him off but Eddie shoves her away. Asuka then tries to do so, but Eddie shoves her away as well.

Eddie gets back in the ring, then Alexis tries to choke him out with a Sleeper Hold but Eddie, with a Judo throw, slams her down.

Eddie then repositions the ladder closer to the ropes, then Eddie knocks Alexis out with a Boot!

Eddie then throws her out of the ring, Asuka gets up, and Andrews levels her with a Jumping Knee Strike!

Eddie gets out of the ring and lays Alexis on the table, while Mark climbs up the ladder.

Mauro: And FSU now! Looking to eradicate The Beautiful People!

Beth: Andrews, looking to go high risk one more time!

Nigel: It paid off earlier, can he do it again!?

But just as Mark was in position to fly, and Eddie was getting back in the ring, Alexis got back up, and then hopped onto the apron and grabbed Eddie from behind! Eddie tries to fight her off, but with a Side Russian Leg Sweep, Alexis slams Eddie through the table!

Mauro: OOOH, Alexis with a Russian Leg Sweep! 

Then, immediately after, Asuka climbed up the other side of the ladder and grabbed Andrews from behind!

Mauro: Oh wait a second! Asuka has Andrews!

Asuka then goes for an Unprettier off the ladder, and Asuka hits it!

Nigel: OOOH!!!

Mauro: Unprettier off the ladder!!!

Asuka scrambled into the cover, hooked the leg, but Mark kicked out at 2 and a half!

Mauro: No!!! Mark Andrews kicks out!!!

Asuka sat up with a look of absolute disbelief written all over her face. She then looked over at Mark and started shaking her head.

Nigel: Asuka in complete denial! I don't blame her!

Beth: How Mark survived that is beyond me!

Asuka then got up, Alexis came back in, and they both picked up Mark.

Asuka then tossed him up into the air with a Back Suplex, and Alexis connected with a Kick on his way down!

Mauro: And now a shot to the spine!

Alexis picks up Andrews, then throws him into a corner. Asuka then charges, and connects with a Dropkick!

Mark was now hanging onto the top rope to stay on his feet, then Alexis charges, and connects with a Boot!

Meanwhile, Eddie Dennis was beginning to get up. Asuka sees this and tries to take him out with a Slingshot Plancha, but Eddie catches her!

Mauro: Oh, Asuka looking to fly to wipe out Eddie, gets caught!

Then, Eddie roars, spins Asuka out, and slams her onto the apron!

Mauro: And Eddie Dennis with a slam onto the apron!

Meanwhile, Alexis pulled Mark out of the corner, went for a Brainbuster but Andrews counters into the Stun-dog Millionaire!

Mauro: Stun-dog Millionaire by Andrews!

Mark gets up, goes to hit the ropes, only to see Erza Scarlet standing on the apron!

Mauro: Andrews now- and oooh! Erza's back up!

Beth: It's back to being 3 on 2!

Nigel: The difference maker is back in this match!

Erza then steps into the ring, Eddie tries to knock her back down with a blindside attack but she ducked, hits the ropes, and drops Eddie with her patented Sword's Edge Clothesline!

Mauro: And Erza drops Eddie with the Sword's Edge!

Nigel: With a lot of force behind it!

Mark then picked up a Kendo Stick, goes to swing at Erza, but she caught the swing!

Mauro: Oh, this is NOT good for Andrews!

Beth: Erza Scarlet saw that coming!

Erza then pulled the stick out of his hands, and snapped it! She then threw it aside, went for the Sword's Edge on Mark but he avoided it, went for a Hurricanrana but she blocked him!

She then holds him up for a Powerbomb, Asuka gets back in, and Alexis gets up. Then Asuka and Alexis hit the ropes, and The Beautiful People hit a Double Zig-Zag/Powerbomb combination!

Mauro: And The Beautiful People! Planting Andrews!

Erza then rolled him through, and picked him up. "You and Eddie are nothing compared to us! NOTHING!" Asuka shouts at Mark.

Asuka then goes for a Running Enzuigiri on Mark, but he ducked and Asuka hits Erza instead!

Mauro: Oooh! Mark getting out of harm's way!

Nigel: And Erza unfortunately took that kick!

Erza was now stunned, and she spilled out of the ring. Asuka got up, and along with Alexis, looked at what she had done. But behind her, Mark and Eddie were back up!

Alexis and Asuka turned around, and Eddie dropped Alexis with a Boot, while Asuka took a Step-up Enzuigiri from Andrews!

Eddie then spots the table in the corner that Mark had propped up a long time ago, and then grabs Asuka. 

Mauro: And now Eddie Dennis has Asuka in his grasp… what's he got in mind?

Eddie then hoists her up for his signature Crucifix Powerbomb, "Severn Bridge"!

Nigel: I think I have an idea, and I think it has something to do with that table!

Eddie runs, and puts Asuka through the table with the Severn Bridge!

Mauro: OOOOH, MAN!!!

Nigel: Severn Bridge through the table!

Eddie then picks up Alexis, and Mark climbs up the top turnbuckle. 

Mauro: And now FSU, looking to close in!

Eddie hoists Alexis up for the Neck Stop Driver, Andrews leaps, and FSU hit the Double Stomp/Neck Stop Driver combo!

Mauro: And FSU! FSU spiked her!

Eddie hooks both legs, and gets the 1-2-3!

Mauro: Mark Andrews and Eddie Dennis prevail!

*Bell rings!*

(Start at 0:07)

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, your winners of the match, FSU!!!

Mauro: What a hellacious battle FSU and the Beautiful People put each other through!

Beth: FSU claimed that they thrive in chaos. Well, they backed up that claim! The Beautiful People gave them a fight, but Mark and Eddie shut them down!

Nigel: There were multiple instances where we thought Asuka and Alexis had it in the bag whenever they had Andrews isolated, but either Eddie was there, or he just simply kicked out! 

Mark and Eddie leave the ring with their arms raised up high, and limp their way to the back.

Meanwhile, in the ring, Erza helped Alexis up, then Alexis helped Asuka up.

Asuka and Erza then stare each other down, and Alexis then tries to play peacekeeper. 

After a few seconds, Erza walks away, bumping Asuka's shoulder.

Mauro: Well, actions speak louder than words, and I think we all know what Erza's feeling!

Nigel: More animosity between Erza and  rest of The Beautiful People, maybe those cracks are beginning to separate!

Beth: It does look like that may be the case!

Mauro: Well regardless, that was a fight! But up next, it's the match we've all been waiting for! Robert Squared, Starlight Glimmer, LWF: Reborn Championship hanging in the balance!

Beth: Oh, man! We've heard what these two had to say, and now it's time!

Nigel: This has to be Starlight's toughest challenge to date! Can Robert finally do the impossible, and dethrone the SCE's leader? Or will Equality continue to reign supreme?

UP NEXT: It's Main Event time!

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