Pretty Cure vs. The Hybrid 2

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The camera now switches to ringside where Mauro Ranallo, Beth Phoenix, and Nigel McGuinness were standing by at the announce desk.

Mauro: Well thank you guys over at the control panel for the show rundown, Mauro Ranallo here, along with my colleagues, WWE Hall of Famer Beth Phoenix and Nigel McGuinness, here to call our High Acceleration Pre-show match! In just a matter of moments, Pretty Cure will be having their second match against the brash duo of Jack Evans and Angelico, a.k.a, The Hybrid 2!

Then as if on cue…

Nigel: And speaking of The Hybrid 2, here they come now!

Jack Evans comes out doing backflips while Angelico slowly struts out.

*Bell rings!*

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, this is your High Acceleration Pre-show match, scheduled for one fall, introducing first, at a combined weight of 379 pounds, Jack Evans, and Angelico, THE HYBRID 2!!!

Mauro: As cocky as they come, this brash, and arrogant duo look to add another win to their record books!

Nigel: Their first win of course was all the way back in Episode 5, when they knocked off Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder, now they look to do the same against Pretty Cure!

Beth: Pretty Cure may have not gotten off to a hot start after losing to FSU, but it doesn't look like that's stopping them, or even slowing them down. So The Hybrid 2 better not get too ahead of themselves. 

Evans and Angelico enter the ring, then Evans break-dances as Angelico shakes his jacket off.


Nagisa Misumi and Honoka Yukishiro then came out, and then did their signature pose on the center of the stage.

They then make their way down the ramp, high fiving fans.

Jeremy Borash: And their opponents, the team of Nagisa Misumi, and Honoka Yukishiro, PRETTY CURE!!!

Mauro: Last time we saw these two young girls in a match, they came up short against Friends Stand United. Now they're standing toe to toe with Evans and Angelico in the High Acceleration Pre-show!

Beth: This is gonna be interesting, because we have yet to see what Pretty Cure can actually do, and who knows? Maybe they could pull off a win over Evans and Angelico here tonight!

Nigel: Oh, but don't let the cockiness of TH2 fool you. These guys have great ring intelligence, so chances are TH2 may have an answer for what Pretty Cure might throw at them!

Nagisa and Honoka enter the ring, went to their corner.

Meanwhile in the other corner, Jack Evans tells Angelico he's gonna start it off, and takes off his hoodie.

Nagisa and Honoka then discuss who will start, then it's Nagisa starting it off with Evans, and the bell rings.

Mauro: There's the bell, and it's Nagisa Misumi starting it off with Jack Evans. 

Evans and Nagisa lock up in the middle of the ring, Evans gets Nagisa in a Side Headlock, Nagisa slips out of it and then gets Evans in a Side Headlock of her own. 

Evans then shoves Nagisa off, she hits the ropes, but was able to hold onto the ropes.

Mauro: Nagisa Misumi now, putting on the brakes…

Evans then charges at her, and Nagisa lowers the top rope, sending Jack Evans tumbling to the floor!

Mauro: And Nagisa low-bridging Jack Evans!

Nagisa then measured Evans up, and once he was back to his feet, Nagisa slingshots herself over the top rope, and knocks Evans down with a Crossbody!

Mauro: And Nagisa with a Slingshot Pescado! Down goes Evans! 

Nagisa then throws Evans back into the ring, gies for the cover, but he kicks out at 2.

She gets up, and then tags in Honoka.

Nigel: There's the tag, in comes Honoka Yukishiro!

Nagisa and Honoka pick up Jack Evans, then they throw him to the ropes, and once he rebounded, Honoka and Nagisa hit a Double Dropkick!

Beth: Wow!

Mauro: Double Dropkick by Pretty Cure!

Honoka quickly goes for the cover, but Evans kicks out at 2 again.

Honoka then grabbed one of his arms, and wrapped it around his neck, locking on a Modified STF.

Mauro: Honoka now keeping Jack Evans on the ground.

Beth: That's the best strategy right now if you're Pretty Cure, because Jack Evans is a dangerous man in the High Flying zone!

Nigel: So is Angelico, but Angelico can be very Technical when he needs to be!

After a minute or so of trying to break free, Jack Evans then tries to reach for the ropes. Unfortunately he is too far away, so he begins to crawl to the ropes.

He grabs the bottom rope, and Honoka quickly lets him go. The referee then orders Honoka to back up.

Mauro: And Jack Evans makes it to the ropes, the referee now forcing a break!

Honoka then backs away, but the moment she walks up to Evans, Evans trips her with a Drop Toe Hold, draping her on the middle rope!

Mauro: Oh! And Jack Evans taking advantage of the separation! Honoka draped on the second rope...

Jack Evans then gets to his feet, and delivers a Front Dropkick to her back!

Beth: Oh!

Mauro: Dropkick to the back!

Honoka is now laying on the mat, coughing and clutching her throat, then Jack Evans looks down at a camera outside. 

"Pretty Cure got nothing on us! WE are the only fitting Tag Team here!" He shouts.

Mauro: Jack Evans making a statement to the LWF fans...

Unfortunately gave Honoka an opening. She gets up, and then drops Evans with a Backstabber!

Mauro: OH! Unfortunately for Evans, that gave Honoka an opening, and she took advantage with a Backstabber!

Nigel: Jack Evans wasted too much time gloating to the fans, and that may have cost him!

Honoka begins to crawl to Nagisa to tag her in, but Evans gets up, and beats her to her corner before Honoka could make it there, and knocks Nagisa off the apron!

Mauro: And Evans taking Nagisa off the apron!

Evans then turns back to Honoka and lands a Corkscrew Enzuigiri!

Mauro: And Jack Evans with a Spinning Kick!

Evans then goes for the cover, but Honoka kicks out at 2!

Evans then picks up Honoka. He then goes for a Clothesline, but Honoka floated over, and into a Swinging Neckbreaker!

Beth: Oh!!!

Mauro: And Honoka! Float-over Neckbreaker, and now Honoka has an opening!

Nagisa is back on the apron, and is now reaching out from the apron, begging to be tagged.

Nigel: Nagisa now back on the apron, just waiting to be tagged!

Beth: Nagisa Misumi chomping at the bit!

Evans and Honoka begin to crawl to their respective partners, then they both make a Hot Tag!

Mauro: There's the tag!

Angelico gets in the ring before Nagisa could. He tries to knock her off the apron again with a Forearm Smash, but she jumps out of the way, and connects with a Rope-assisted Enzuigiri!

Mauro: Angelico looking to keep Nagisa out of the ring, but Nagisa evades!

Angelico staggers back a bit, then Nagisa finally gets in the ring, knocking Angelico down with a Springboard Uppercut!

Mauro: And Nagisa! Wow, what an Uppercut!

Angelico is down, and now stunned. Nagisa then gets up, and with a running start, springs off the second rope, and landed a Leg Drop on Angelico!

Mauro: Leg Drop off the second rope!

Nagisa goes for the cover, but Angelico kicks out at 2!

Mauro: And Angelico kicks out at 2!

Angelico now starts to come to, then Nagisa gets to her feet, sits him up, and then lands a Falling Uppercut from behind!

Mauro: Oh!

Nigel: Beautiful Uppercut by Nagisa Misumi!

She then picked him up, but then Angelico suddenly turned the momentum around with a revolving Back Suplex!

Mauro: Oh, and Angelico! Back Suplex out of nowhere!

Nagisa arches back in pain, then Angelico turns her around so that she's facing him, then with a little taunt, he hits his patented Shuri-Knee!

Mauro: Shuri-Knee connects!

Angelico then shoves her down, and drags her to his corner. 

Angelico then tags in Evans, and Evans climbs to the top turnbuckle while Angelico positions Nagisa.

Mauro: Tag to Evans, and now The Hybrid 2, looking to put away Pretty Cure right here!

Angelico then gets out of the ring, Evans goes for the 630 Senton, but Nagisa rolls out of the way!

Beth: Oh no!

Mauro: Nobody home!

Evans gets up, arching back in pain. Nagisa gets up as well, then knocks Angelico off the apron with a Back Elbow before landing a Calf Kick to the back of Evans's head!

Mauro: And Nagisa with a kick from behind!

Nagisa then tags Honoka back in, then Nagisa hits the ropes, looking for a Suicide Dive onto Angelico, but Angelico saw it coming, and hits her with an Enzuigiri!

Mauro: And Angelico stopping Nagisa dead in her tracks!

Angelico then pulls Nagisa out of the ring. Then the second he turned back around, Honoka clocks him with a Baseball Slide Dropkick!

Beth: Oh!

Mauro: Angelico takes out Nagisa, but then eats a Baseball Slide from Honoka!

Honoka gets up, but when she turned her attention back to Jack Evans, Evans connects with a Corkscrew Headbutt!

Mauro: Oh, Wow!!! What a headbutt by Jack Evans!

Evans then scrambled into the cover, but Honoka kicked out at 2!

Mauro: And Honoka kicks out of it!

Beth: What a Pre-show we have here! 

Nigel: Pretty Cure are definitely giving The Hybrid 2 a run for their money!

Jack Evans then begins to argue with the referee, which bought Honoka enough time to recover, and get Evans in a Backslide! The referee begins his count, but Honoka was close enough for Angelico to reach in and pull Honoka's legs out from under her to break the count!

Mauro: And Honoka with a Backslide, and Angelico pulls the legs out from under her! Jack Evans was arguing with the referee, giving Honoka another opening, luckily Angelico was there to break the count!

Angelico then turned around, only to see Nagisa jump off the steel steps, and knock him down with a Superman Punch!

Mauro: Whoa!!! Nagisa off the steel steps!

Angelico was still on his feet, but he's clearly dazed. Nagisa then went to the apron, went for a flying Superman Punch one more time, but Angelico caught her with the Shuri-Knee!

Beth: OH!!!

Mauro: Shuri-Knee out of the air!!!

Meanwhile, in the ring, Honoka was getting up, and then Evans got her in a Backslide of his own!

Mauro: Oh but back in the ring! Evans with a Backslide!

The referee counts, but fails to see Evans put his feet on the middle rope, and Angelico holding him there! And with that, Jack Evans gets the 1-2-3!

Mauro: Oh! Evans had his feet on the ropes, and Angelico held him there! TH2 gets the win because of it!

*Bell rings!*

Nagisa slides into the ring to try and get a piece of Evans, but Jack Evans darts out of the ring as fast as he could, then he and Angelico run up the ramp, getting out of dodge.

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, your winners of the match, THE HYBRID 2!!!

Mauro: The Hybrid 2, now 2-0 in LWF, albeit it was a dirty tactic that did the trick!

Nigel: Pretty Cure gave them everything they got, but unfortunately they got outfoxed by Evans and Angelico!

Nagisa stormed around the ring, cursing under her breath, while Evans and Angelico looked on, laughing.

Beth: Pretty Cure, understandably upset about that outcome, but they gave The Hybrid 2 a hell of a challenge!

Mauro: Well there's certainly gonna be some hell to pay after this. And with that, that  concludes our Pre-show! High Acceleration will begin very soon! See you all there, everyone!

Yup! That's the Pre-show!

Now it's onto the Main Show!

See you all there!

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