Newly weds settle in

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Zero's p.o.v

I'd learned after graduation I was voted to be the next association president, so they were going to try and marry me off to perspective girls. Now I know how Tess feels. As soon as school was out we flew for Vegas, Kaname and Yuki came as well as Tess's parents and the headmaster and Yagari.

Yagari stood with me at the end of the aisle as down it appeared Tess led by her Dad as her mom, Kaien and Yuki stood off to the side with Kaname.

I had on a black dress shirt with a tie and khaki dress pants and a flower. Tess took my breath away as she was led down, in a simple white dress with a blue tiara made of crystals her hair sat in wisps around her face as It was tied up.

Her makeup was clear and simple it had a frost around her eyes that made the brown stand out. That smile of hers was there lighting her face up.

I finally took her hand and the ceremony went by in a blur, as I finally got to the I do's and rings. I'd used my parents rings and Tess had agreed knowing the sentimentality of them. Then I finally got to kiss her it was the most electrical kiss of them all as she was now mine for ever. Kaien, Yagari and her parents were going to head back early to make sure our new living arrangements were set since as president I was going to have a house provided by the association, and mine and Tess's things would need to be moved there.

Eventually Kaname and Yuki took off to enjoy there time alone before they went back. We went upstairs to our sweet and I'd scooped her up making her giggle.

Tess p.o.v.

He carried me into the room happily and of the time we've spent in Vegas I don't think we've left the room. With the blood bond everything was just intensified as to how we felt each others emotions.

We only left to eat or catch a show we'd got free tickets for, but we didn't stay long because before we knew it we were back at our room.

We'd wake up twisted together, happily, content.

Eventually it was time to return back home.

When we arrived the black haired guy with the eye patch greeted us as he took us to a car.

We rode it to the house the association was giving Zero due to his new status. We were greeted by my parents then we spent the week before Zero started his new job unpacking and painting. With Zero it was fun so it wasn't so bad.

Then when we weren't getting our home set up we were getting his office set up.

I was under the desk working on the wires for the router for the internet in his office while he was sorting hard copy files of vampires needing to go on the list. I was in a t-shirt and shorts as Zero was in a more professional looking dress shirt and tie with slacks. There was no need for me to dress up since I was just sorting things with him in the office, and I could sense Zero's pleasure when he'd look over at my legs poking out from under the desk. I hear the door slam open as Zero looked up from looking at my legs at the entrance.

"President, you've gotten more invites to meet hunter's daughters as possible wives.", I felt his annoyance since apparently they didn't get the memo. "I even got one whose daughter has been asking to speak to you directly.

"Hey Mr. president can you turn that computer on to make sure I got everything hooked up right.", I shout from my spot as Zero smirks at me and the man blushes not realizing someone else is here.

"I wasn't aware anyone was in here with you.", he says stuttering as Zero hit's the button as the screen comes to life. I slide out from the desk as I hop on the desk turning the screen on the computer to me as I start filling stuff out as if he's not in the room.

"I wasn't aware you hired a secretary sir", he says "and Ms. Its very unprofessional to dress like that in the office." I raise an eyebrow at him at the scolding. He's about 5ft 7 , with grey hair and blue eyes. "Well sir I'm not a secretary, and from the way the Pres is looking at my legs constantly I'd say I look fine.", I say typing in the passwords and codes in to activate the router so Zero can use other devices as I cross my legs while I type.

"Miss. this isn't the place to be dressed like that if you gonna be a professional, President with your permission I'll have her ejected.", he says while I look at him mischievously. "No she can stay, I am enjoying the view of her legs.", Zero says.

"So when I come help you in the morning I should wear the short plaid skirt right.", I say grinning at Zero sweetly with a wink.

"Do you have any idea what your doing to me right now.", he says to me.

"if I didn't I'm sure I could make it worse." I reply to my now husband.

"Sir she's not even wearing shoes.", he shouts. "Have you every tried standing on a desk to remove a listening device above a desk with them on. It messes up the desk.", I say fake pouting as I lean over and pick up the chip back I used to block the signal to the confiscated devices.


"Well Tess this is the new office.", says Zero happily. Before I pick up a high pitch sound that hurts my ears making me drop a moment before Zero picks it up too. I crawl toward the old office phone and smash it finding the bug in it.

"We're not gonna be able to have a private conversation till we get all of these out.", I say as he nods and I begin to search the room wincing cause the devices all have a light whistle, to high pitched for a vamp or a human but painful for a wolf.

After a few hours I've removed my shoes because I've had to climb on top Zero's desk to find the last as he holds the chip bag out for it. Once dropped in he helps me hop down and we move on to re outfitting his desk since everything was bugged.

Flash back end

I watch as he flusters red, " Well um that doesn't allow your heinous attire.", he says as Zero raises another eyebrow as the door flies open revealing a red headed woman with green eyes looking at my husband lustily. I can feel her greed radiating from her.

"Mr. Kiryu I'm Siren Honda, and I was hoping to make your acquaintance, I'm having a party to officially welcome you to the presidency." I ignore the new intruder as she tells Zero the party details and the short guy suggests it would be a great way to meet potential partners.

I swear me and Zero roll our eyes in sync at the last word. I'm typing as the woman comes around to the other side nearly knocking the monitor off the desk as she puts her but on the desk luckily Zero caught it. Sadly her but undid the cords for the printer I was hooking up. And the cord fell back under Zero's desk.

Scuse me sweetie I need you to move the ho knocked the cord loose.", I say to Zero hopping off the desk as he moves his chair so I can slide back under to work on rerunning the cord. I hear her continue to try and flatter Zero glad that becoming a werewolf gave him a better b.s. detector.

"Hey Prez grab this.", I say as he grabs the cord I ran through the hole and I slide out.

"You know for a secretary your pretty lazy Mr. Kiryu shouldn't have to hold that cord so you can do your job.", says the red head as I roll my eyes again.

"I wouldn't have to if you didn't almost knock over the monitor with your rear end and knock the cords loose and back into the hole.", I say eyeing her.

As I walk around the other side of the desk giving Zero a grateful smile while I redo the cords connections until I'm yanked back and to standing.

"And just who do you think you are to scold me in front of the president.", she says as I raise and eyebrow.

"Right now I'm the girl hooking up the president's electronics, later I'll be hooking something else up for the president.", I say as I remove her hand from my person. I finish screwing things in and return to my spot on the desk quickly going back to programming the printer.

She continues to give me the evil eye as I work, "Zero can you scoot I think I got a loose connection still.",I say again.

As he scoots so I can jiggle the wire. "Much better.", I say with a smile and return to programming. The door flies open again and in walks my uncle and Toga.

"Well there goes the art of knocking.", I say with a grin.

"Master Yagari, Headmaster Cross, maybe you can convince The President to have her ejected she's so uncouth and is isn't showing proper clothing protocol.", says Mr. Richter.

"I thought it was nice to see my Mei helping Zero get his new office set up when she could be elsewhere.", says my uncle as he fixes his glasses.

"She's your niece!", shouts the woman apparently irritated more.

"And honestly Richter if I had a woman like that in my office you'd be kicked out cause she does look hot on Zero's desk like that.", says Yagari "Although if I was with her that desk would be a lot messier. "

I feel myself turn really red now as is Zero.

"He's right I should of done that before we started on setting up the office after the mikes were cleaned up.", Zero says

"Naw we could of left them in if they didn't hurt so much then we'd give them an earful.", I reply with a wink.

"Why Yes she's my niece, she's Kane and Sarah Silvermoon's daughter.", says my Uncle fixing his glasses again.

"I thought she was just a bad secretary.", says the red head "She's so unfit to be related to you.

"Listen I didn't bother getting your name, leave I've got stuff to program and Zero's got stuff to discuss with my uncle and Master Yagari.", I reply as she aims a fist at me and throws a punch only for me to raise a fist and catch it.

"You little slut strutting in here stealing the president's eye.", she says.

" I don't like the way your treating Tess so I'll ask you and Richter to leave or I'll call and have you both escorted out.", Zero says firmly "And in the future If you want to speak to me and Tess is in the room if you show her this level of disrespect again and I will remove you from this office myself." Zero says suddenly coldly while Yagari plops on the couch amused watching as my uncle stares down Richter while my husband gets up and ushers them out slamming the door on them before plopping on the couch next to Yagari.

I finish up the stuff on the keyboard and I'm finally done with this job. "Well everything is finally hooked up.', I said walking over to Zero as he pulls me down in his lap with Yagari grinning.

"So Zero what did they want.", asked Kaien. "They wanted me to attend some party to find a suitable match.", Zero says rolling his eyes.

"I guess they missed the memo.", says Yagari as me and Zero share a look. "So are you guys ready for the ball to celebrate the new peace treaty between us and the vamps."

"Well I guess that's my cue to go I've got to go find a dress for it so I'll see you then.", I say as I start to get up but Zero holds onto me smirking.

"Awe Zero-kun is so cute when he's with my Mei.", says my uncle.

"Naw I'm keeping you here, like I said I like looking at your legs all day.", my husband says smirking and I blush now knowing his mind is definitely In the gutter.

At that comment as if reading his mind Yagari drags my uncle from the room locking the door behind him. It's at that moment I can feel the full on excitement Zero has now that were alone as he moves his body so his lips are against mine and it doesn't take a blood bond to know what he wants. I'm so glad this room is sound proofed.

After a few hours of married bliss in my husband's new office on the couch we're dressed again and I'm helping him fix his tie before we unlock but don't open the door and finish the work we started before so many people showed up. After the office is set up I slip my shoes back on and we leave his office him locking up as we leave him offering me his arm.

Zero's p.o.v.

I was so glad to get all those people out of that office, but man Tess as my wife is even harder to resist and I didn't like the way those people talked to her. Next time I was gonna lay down the law if they dared speak to her in a disrespecting manner.

I decided instead of cooking to take her out to eat after she had a chance to change clothes at home. Thankfully she was quick, well quick as she could be with me being counterproductive. My new instincts told me her heat cycle was coming soon and if I'm more affected by that than her normally I may be calling into the office when that happens.

We spent the evening laughing at a diner nearby, I'd changed clothes as well since I was tired of the tie anyways. We then stopped at a few grocery stalls on the way home. The way she smiled at me when we talked or laughed brought me in again. Eventually we were in for the night, we were in the kitchen on opposite sides of the island sharing a bowl of vanilla ice cream. I watched how she smirked like she was planning something devious like getting ice cream on my chin by aiming the spoon lower only to kiss it off which got my blood hot.

Then the night ended with me carrying her off as she squealed.

The following day she saw me off promising to meet me at lunch since she had errands to run.

I was sitting in the office bored wondering if Tess really would show up in a short plaid skirt.

I smacked myself for the momentary distraction as I went back to the paperwork I had to read before signing.

"You've still got that on the brain, would of thought you were tired out by now. ",Tess said.

"How are the errands coming.", I ask.

"It'd be quicker if the lines were shorter.", she sighed. " Want me to pick anything up for lunch."

"Steak stir-fry. ",I reply.

I hear a knock on the door interrupting me from my thoughts and Tess's. In walks an irritated Richter.

"Sir you didn't give an answer about the party it throwing.", he says.

"What are you my secretary.", I say eying him.

"Sir you at least need to go to find a date for the signing with the vampires.", he says exasperated.

"I don't need to find a date I'll be taking Tess.", I say going back to my paperwork.

"She'll offend the vampires though.", shouts Richter " play around with her but then discard her she's no good."

"Mr. Richter what you don't know is Tess is able to get along better with most vampires better than other hunters and Kaname Kuran holds her in high regard as well as Yuki.", I state.

Tess's p.o.v.

I'd finally finished all the errands and had the paint dropped at the house in the garage, dress for the ball was in my closet as well as shoes. Zero's suit was picked up and ready. I'd changed into a short black plaid skirt that went to my thigh and a pair of flats with a black tank top. I then stopped by the carry out place when I sensed the vampire just before I heard the scream. I left the lunch line and went running to the sound.

When I reached the scream the blond haired level e was sucking on the poor girl. "What luck desert.", he says laughing.

"Not today and lunch is canceled moron. ", I say drawing my sigh's.

I begin to parry with the vampire jumping back as he claws. I then do an akkido roll to dodge another blow landing a kick as I come up. He flings his arm at me as I block and duck digging my sigh under his rib cage as he claws my backside making me wince while I run another into his other side.

I stand up staring at the dusted vampire spitting on the ashes.

"Tess what was that you ok.", came a worried Zero. "nothing to worry about just got in a little cat fight", I say

I check the woman relieved that she was bleeding but I needed to get her out of here.

"I'm bringing in a woman that may need a memory wipe so your gonna have to settle for cafeteria food today.", I say reaching into my pack as I fix up her wound and lift her up onto my back.

I make my way with her to the association. I run quickly thankful I'd picked a nearby spot to try and order lunch.

"Don't worry just get here I've ordered take-out.", he says

I get there pretty quick and dropped off at the infirmary , and head upstairs.

On the way up I'm stopped by .

"Where do you think your going?", Siren says.

"I'm late for an appointment with the President.", I say coldly returning her tone as I walk around her.

"No you don't there's no way he called you.", she says and I'm feeling really annoyed now.

"And you shouldn't go to him like that.", she says grabbing my arm which I yank loose as I storm passed her.

I reach Zero's office door as she grabs me again. I look at her giving an evil glare.. "I don't know why the president puts up with you so let me hand you your pink slip.", she says as I knock her out of my way opening the door to Zero's office to be greeted by a relieved look from him and a dirty look from Richter

"I thought you got the message you weren't wanted around our president.", he says eyeing me as Zero get's up. "Yes that's right Ms. Silvermoon I looked up you file , that smell of blood did you succumb to Level-e yet. You don't belong here.", he says as I glare into his eyes.

"Listen I don't give a fudge what you do around here but get out of my face and take your stooge with you." I snarl, Ms. Honda is in now too and she's closed the door.

He grabs me and since I'm holding back to hide I'm a wolf he's able to slam my scratched up back into the door. Zero is then up and next to me glaring at the pair as he shoves the man away from me standing in the way.

"Don't you ever lay a hand on her again.", Zero growls. "Now get out of my office and out of my office. You will show her the same respect as me, Tess is my wife. ", he says angrily.

And the office gets really quiet as you can hear a pin drop. "But she's unfit to be a president's wife.", shouts the red head as Zero pulls me towards him gently but possessively.

"Get out.", he says and I feel trickles on my back knowing the slam was hard enough to make the scratches bleed again. But I can feel Zero's rage building as he opens the door and shoos them out.

He wait's a few an arm around me. He slowly calms down taking me to the desk and directing me to sit so he can check my back side which had bled through my jacket. "I think you successfully killed another shirt.", he says as he rolls the back of the torn fabric up.

"Ya he got lucky.", I say as he licks at the wounds making me blush despite that I can feel them tingle as they close and the pain leaves them. When he's done I grab my bag as he draws the blinds looking to see if I have a spare shirt. I find one as he locks the door so I can change shirts but you can guess that went slow. As Zero's making out with me against the door when we hear a knock saying the takeout is here. I grab my fresh shirt up quick and throw it on as Zero watches with a this isn't finished look.

He pays the take-out guy and I take the food and put it on the desk as he locked the door and before I knew it we were making out again. Man if he's this bad now when I go into heat he's gonna be ten times worse. I thought to myself.

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