Chapter 17

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Lydia- The Pet Communicator

Chapter 17

When we were driving back home, Drake and I kept talking about the wonderful evening we had together, and I thanked him for everything. Not only, he gave me a new reason to survive, but he also built self-belief in me. I had totally lost my confidence. Drake even advised me to focus on my bright future by forgetting the painful past behind. I promised him to do my best.

In a short while, we arrived at home. Drake parked his car in the lane, and walked me to the front door. We stared at each other for some time while standing at the door, not knowing what we want to do next, give a kiss or just say a final goodbye. Drake cleared his throat and indicated me to push the doorbell. I pressed the button straight away, and gave Drake a huge smile. He kissed me on my cheek- hurriedly. I heard heavy footsteps of my father coming towards the front door. He opened the door and gave us a welcoming smile, “Looks like you both had a great time, come on in.”

“Yes, we had a great time. All credits go to you sir.” Drake replied with a grin.

I walked in and stood next to my father at the doorway. We both were facing Drake, who was lost in his own thoughts. He was busy chewing his lower lip and snapping his fingers.

“Drake, is everything okay? Can’t you stay with us tonight? It’s already late.” My father asked curiously.

I am sorry sir, I can’t stay. I have to do some important work and my school assignments are also pending. It’s better I move.”

My father nodded in agreement, but I didn’t want him to leave yet. I looked at Drake and lowered my gaze to the floor with disappointment. So, Drake walked forward, ran a hand on my cheek and spoke, “I will meet you tomorrow, in the afternoon okay?” I had to accept it his decision anyway, so I nodded with a half smile.

He waved us both good-bye with a smile that reached his eyes, and soon, he was out of sight. I just heard his car engine roaring down the streets, when my father slammed the door close.

“So tell me everything, how was your night? What did you do? Why are you so late and why did you drop Lucky home?” My father asked me a bunch of questions which I was not in mood to answer.

“Dad, I will tell you everything tomorrow. I am kinda tired, please?” I looked at him making a puppy dog face, exactly like when Lucky was a pup. Think of the demon and he appears.

“Lydia! You are back!” Lucky came running towards me, with his ears flying in the air because of his running speed. “You know, you left your phone in your bedroom and it was ringing so many times! My head was about to burst.” Lucky growled.

I opened my purse to check for my phone, but it was not there. “Oops, it looks like I did forget it here. I’m sure it’s nothing important. Did you all have your meals properly?”

“Yeah, today Peter brought us the best food and it was so much in quantity!” Lucky licked my father’s feet and my father took him in his arms. I could see Lucky‘s love growing for my father, and I wondered what happened so suddenly between them, when I was away.

“Okay good! I am off to sleep now, I am exhausted! We will talk tomorrow” I demanded.

“Yeah go, we can understand.” Lucky barked, and my father spoke at the same time.

I was taken aback with their same remark, but only I heard Lucky, so there was no use of reacting, or saying ‘same pinch’! 

As I jogged to my room, I changed my clothes immediately and begun taking out the hefty accessories I wore. Subsequently, I heard a sound of a beep in my dressing table’s drawer. I realized it was my phone. I brought it out and jumped on my bed with a smile, expecting them to be from Drake. There were two messages and eight miscalls. Before I read them, I covered my legs with a blanket and sighed dreamily. I was so relaxed and happy. All the happiness in my life is back because of Drake.

While imagining Drake, I checked the call logs happily. However, I had eight missed calls and two long messages from Clara. My smile faded immediately, and I started feeling gloomy. Why did she call me so many times and text me? What does she want from me now?

New message: Clara J.

Received: 10:30PM, 8 Mar

I tried to call you several times to explain everything, even though I knew you wouldn’t receive my calls. I wanted to tell you why Ricky and I are together today, hoping that you will understand. Your words echo in my mind all the time. I feel bad for hurting you but everything just happened. I hope you forgive me one day. I still love you. I roam around with this guilty tag on my head.

I opened the other text message from her, which was lengthier.

New message: Clara J.

Received: 10:50PM, 8 Mar


Ricky loved you a lot and so did I. We both got close at the hospital whenever we used to come and check up on you. We shared a lot in common, and then we became good friends. One night, Ricky came to the hospital heavily drunk.  Your father asked me to drop him at his place, there we made love. Ricky thought it was you and I was selfish, I couldn’t stop myself because I started liking him. When we woke up, we both found ourselves undressed in one cover and we realized we made a mistake.After that, we stopped seeing each other for some point, and came at different times to visit you.

We become conscious of our love for each other when both started missing each other and couldn’t be apart for long. We didn’t even know when you will wake up, so we started seeing each other again. We thought about telling you everything soon, but the situation didn’t allow us, as we didn’t want to give you extra stress. After you woke up, we decided to break up again. Ricky tried to get back to you, but he didn’t feel the sparks any more. He thought I was the only one made for him and also, I couldn’t stay without him. Well, last night we met for the first time after you woke up from coma and there, you caught us! Oh, about the animal thing, we still don’t trust you. Maybe, some day you can prove it again. We are sorry and that’s life.

I was completely shocked after reading her messages but, it didn’t hurt me much now as I had Drake by my side now. I threw my phone on the floor with anger and I didn’t even care if it got broken into pieces. I pulled the pillow which was next to me, took it in my arms and hugged it tight. I closed my eyes, trying to imagine Drake but something disturbed me, it was a hoot of an owl.

“Star light, star bright, first star I see tonight. I wish I may, I wish I might, have a wish I wish tonight” The owl hooted loud.

I took another pillow and pressed it tightly over my other ear to reduce the noise, but it still didn’t help. The owl kept on repeating the same sentence over and over.

I got out of the bed irritably, to scare off the owl from my window. “Shoosh, get out of here. You are disturbing me!”

The owl tilted his head, and looked at me with his big eyes, all perplexed. He hopped closer to me, trying to balance himself through his wings and asked, “Are you talking to me?”

“Yes I am! Stop singing at my window. I want to sleep!”

“Oh, so you are another Harry Potter!” The owl hooted.

I banged my fist on the wall furiously. These animals are screwed with humans. A spider comes and tells me about Spiderman and the next day it’s an owl talking about Harry Potter. I hope this doesn’t drive me crazy.

“I said go, or else I am bringing a stick to hit you on your head like Dumbledore.” I shouted loud.

The owl flew away immediately. I started laughing out loud while thinking that, did really Dumbledore hit any owl on the head? Then, there was a knock at the door.

“Dad, I don’t need to welcome you in.”

My father walked in, he had a worried look on his face. “Is everything alright? I heard a little bang, then some murmurings?” He spoke, while looking around my room doubtfully.

“Nah dad, it’s fine. I was talking to an owl at my window.”

He nodded and started walking away, while telling off, “It’s late, you better sleep. I don’t want these animals making you insane.”

All of a sudden, he stopped where I threw my phone and picked it up. “Lydia, you threw your phone and it is switched on? Oh, wait! You have received messages from Clara!” He spoke, while looking at them, surprised. Oh no, I can’t let my dad read them. He will destroy everything.

“Dad, please give me my phone. Don’t read!”

He raised my phone higher in the air, so that I cannot reach it. I kept on begging for it, but he was too curious to know what’s in the messages. He didn’t give up and yelled, “So you are hiding things from your father huh? Great!”

“Don’t dad. You are just so over- protective and I am bored of this! I am grown up dad.” I fumed from my nose like an ox. I walked over to my bed angrily, and covered myself with the blanket all above my head, not ready to hear any more of his lectures.

I heard my father’s footsteps directing out of my room. I peeped to see if he left my phone, but he was gone with it.


I am really sorry for the late update. I was not well actually :( Anyway, hope you liked this chapter! I would love comments from you please. Also, the ranking of this story is dropped. Help me push it up please :D Hugs! 

Special thanks to these lovely people for supporting me: HoldOnHopesAlways5, MandipPaul, dramali, SmilingCherries, Addicted_to_love, aviannete, Blessedbutterfly, Tinker_Jewel, ChocolateMoonLight, AldrineFualo !!

Follow them and take a chance, I met them all on wattpad and they can be great supporters! Their books are awesome too!

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