Chapter 28

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Lydia- The Pet Communicator

Chapter 28

We all cleaned up the shelter quickly, so that the pets can reside in there comfortably, and it was really dog-tiring after the long day out. Thanks to my naughty pets for giving us extra work to do. After finishing the clean up, my father and I, both sat down under a tree shade for some relaxation. Whereas, Drake was looking all fine and strong, he could clean up the whole shelter again if we asked him to.

My father was sweating and breathing unusually, it looked as if he was totally worn-out. I gulped down some water, which Drake brought for us from the refrigerator. It was so refreshing and cool. Drake started setting back the pets to their spots submissively.

I also noticed Marwa was irritating Drake deliberately, she was chewing on his hair from behind while he was locking up the other pets in the shelter. He stopped her many times from doing it, but she kept on irritating him more. I couldn’t stop laughing at him, when I looked up at my father he was laughing at Drake too.

Drake gave the impression of being shocked and he cried, “What guys? Help me out please. Tell Marwa to stop irritating me.”

I stood up right away, and closely controlled Marwa. “Don’t bug my sweetheart, please my naughty pet. You crossed your limits today."

Marwa neighed, “I will bug him, and your coming generations.” I looked at her making a bug-eyed face.

Drake asked me to go and freshen up a bit, as I was soiled and unclean. I hadn't change my clothes ever since I came from outside, and I felt disgusted with myself. I decided to take a soothing shower, while my father and Drake feed the animals.

I walked away from the shelter, and went straightly to my bedroom. When I was taking off my clothes, I noticed Lucky’s collar belt on my dressing table. I took it in my palms and kissed it slightly.

Many of my pets were gone for good, but Lucky was special to me. I couldn’t stop thinking about him. I even remembered him while the dogs playfully attacked me. He would definitely stop them right away from doing that to me. I put back the collar belt on its place and went inside the bathroom. The shower was ultimately relaxing.

Shortly,  there was a knock at the bathroom’s door.

Geez, I am all foam-covered and I kept my clothes outside on the bed. Never mind, it must be Drake, because my father has heavy footsteps.

I wrapped a towel around me and opened the door immediately. To my surprise, it was Ricky standing at the door.

“Ricky! What are you doing here?” I spoke, while grabbing the towel around me firmly.

Ricky put his sturdy hands over my mouth, “Speak slow or else... Wow! You smell good.”

I kicked Ricky on his private part, and ran to save myself as soon as his hands got off me, but he grabbed me quickly before I could leave my room.

“Stop it, you are hurting me! Drake! Daddy! Help me!”

Ricky pushed me on my bed and tried to pull off the towel from my body, I couldn’t fight him easily. He was grinning devilishly at me, while roaming his hands all over my bare shoulder and going downwards.

“Why are you doing this Ricky? You have hurt me several times. Why now? Let me live peacefully please.” I cried in distress.

He grasped my thigh and put it above his back strappingly, “Give a bail for Clara’s father and I swear, I will never bother you.”

“No, I will never! He hurt my father. How did you get in here? You bit**!” I tried to push him off above me, but my body was weak. He grabbed me so powerfully.

Ricky started licking my earlobe, going down to my neck. “I always wanted to taste you, but you always refused, today is the day. Say yes, or no. Will you free Clara’s father?”

“No, I will never! Drake, help me!”

“I will help you Lydia, I will go and tell one of your pets. They will do something to inform your family.” The pigeon at my window cooed, and flew away.

At the shelter:

“You horse! Your owner is in trouble, somebody is trying to harass her. Do something.” The pigeon cooed.

“Get off my back, will you? Are you honestly saying this Mr. Pigeon?”

“Yeah, don’t waste your time.”

“Damn, they just cleaned up this shelter. I need to break it again to save Lydia.” Marwa neighed, and informed the other pets immediately, “Okay, all of you listen. We have no time. Lydia is in trouble. Break the fence again and let’s go to save her. As the cats and rabbits are locked, only the dogs can help me.”

(Marwa) With the help of the dogs, I broke the fence open again with all our strength, although we didn’t need to put much effort this time as it was not fixed well.

Two dogs hurried inside the house, and the other went to pull Drake into the house. As a horse, I took Lydia’s water bottle next to her father and tossed it hardly on the ground, while smashing it with my hoofs to show Lydia is in danger.

* * * * *

“Please leave me, help someone!” I kept on shouting, but there was no one around and only then, I heard a dog barking in my room.

Woof -Woof!

Leave Lydia alone, here I come you sicko!” Garcon grunted loudly.

Garcon came to rescue me. Because Ricky was above me, Garcon jumped on him and sunk his teeth deeply into his butt. The other dog, Bruno joined him too. Both of them attacked Ricky badly.

Before long, Drake entered the room and ran towards me. He pulled me into a tight comforting hug when he observed my towel got unwrapped around my body and I was bare, he immediately removed his shirt and covered me with it. He looked at Ricky furiously, and clenched his fist closely. I had never seen Drake in such anger. He asked the dogs to leave immediately, so that he can have Ricky all by himself.  

Next, there was a loud thud. Drake punched Ricky directly on his nose, with that he started bleeding severely, “How dare you come close to Lydia?” Drake spoke heatedly, while giving another punch on Ricky’s stomach.

My father came in too. He was shocked to see my condition, he helped me get up the bed and comforted me. I rested my head on his chest and started sobbing out loud. I was really frightened. My father gave me my own clothes and I put them on quickly.

I searched for my phone to call Antonio for help, but I couldn’t see it anywhere near to me.

“Dad, we need to call Antonio.”

My father took out his phone and called Antonio without delay. Luckily, Antonio received it on time.

“He is coming Lydia. Drake, don’t let this piece of shit go anywhere!”

My father walked towards Ricky and grabbed his shirt vigorously, and then he slapped him hard on his face. “Never come near my daughter, how did you get in here, male gigolo?”

“Ask your daughter to close the main door! Let me go, or you don’t know what more I can do to her.”

My father slapped Ricky again on his face, at the same time as kicking him on his private part with all his strength.

“Rot in the jail now. I wish I could cut your hands for touching my daughter.”

Ricky was still looking at me desirably, while trying to loosen up from Drake’s grip. He smirked evilly as soon as our eyes met, and it hurt me even more.

Once, I loved him with all my heart and he broke it into pieces. What will he get hurting me now? Both of us moved on in our lives happily. Was he doing this only for Clara? Or there is some other reason? Did he forget how much I did for him?

I felt like running away from the room, I couldn’t stand Ricky in front of me anymore. So I gave an excuse.

“Dad, I should check on the animals too. I hope they are safe, as all of us were here.”

My dad shook his head and spoke, “Slap this gigolo first, and then go to check up on them as we wait for Antonio to come.” It was a tough task to do, when the times we spent together kept re-playing in my mind.

“Lydia, do it for me.” Drake spoke at once.

I came into my senses after hearing Drake’s voice. I had to do it for him. Without a second thought, I slapped Ricky on his cheek and paced out of my room, trying to control my tears.

Just in some time, Antonio arrived with two more police officers. I wiped away my tears and gave them the direction to where Ricky was.

After that, I jogged to the shelter to make sure my pets were alright. Marwa and the dogs were roaming around there freely and noiselessly in the dim. The rabbit and cats were locked up, but their eyes were wide open even though, it was their time to sleep.

I got stress-free after the sight of my pets, and decided that all my pets won’t be locked in anymore. The whole backyard will be theirs, and they will be unrestricted here eternally.

Marwa and the dogs hurried to me after noticing my entrance. They showed me affection in their animal ways.

“Thank God, you are alright. The dogs told me everything. I was so worried.” Marwa neighed sadly, while caressing her cheek with mine and a tear escaped her eyes.

“That demon shall have our bites on his butt forever!” The dogs barked and licked my feet with care.

I hugged Marwa and then, bent down to hug the dogs too.

“I am fine, thank you all for saving my life. Where is the pigeon who told you about it?”

Before they could answer me, Drake came running all the way to the shelter to inform me about Ricky’s arrest. Ricky was going to be jailed for breaking into the house and sexually harassing me.

So, two people have been arrested in one day. Awesome!


Wow! Ricky got arrested too. So are you enjoying more of the animals? It's good to have such pets and Lydia is very lucky to have them. Tell me about your pets, if you have any. It will give me an idea for my story and other readers can view it in the comments too. Thank you! Love you guys. *huggies*

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