Chapter five

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The noise in the parking lot was deafening. Giant trucks roared as they parked next to tiny electric cars.

Personally, I preferred the trucks. They were large and loud and powerful. They were everything that I only dreamed of being.

I straightened up my school uniform. If I wanted to catch Cyrus's eye the best I could do was look like Sasha. And Sasha had curves.

I couldn't find a tight sweater so I  gave mine to a tailor. I did, however, purchase a bombshell bra. It was the best I could do.

"Hey, Bianca, " said a voice behind me. A voice that spoke of happiness and confidence and success in every way. No, it wasn't Kegan's.

"M-Melissa, " I said as I gazed at her. "What can I do for you?"

My eyes shut as soon as I heard those words. This was it. This was when her insults would gush over me like rapids. I waited for a second. Maybe even longer. Yet, the insult didn't come. All that came was laughter; high-pitched and bubbly.

"You are so formal, " she said between her giggles. "I just wanted to tell you that you looked really pretty at the ball yesterday."

"Ummm...Thank you, " I said. "I really appreciate it."

"No worries, " she said as she fixed an eye on my sweater. It was then that I prayed to a God in whom I didn't believe. I prayed for a day free of insults.

"What are you wearing?" she asked, peering at me through her thick lash extensions.

"It's the smallest sweater they had and..."

"No, " she said interrupting me. "What are you wearing under your top. It looks like your bra doesn't fit. What size are you anyway?"

"32B, " I lied.

"Bullshit, " she spat back. "Even a kindergarten kid would know that you're not 32B. What size are you really?"

"I'm a 26D, " I said as I wondered how many kids outside wore my size.

"That's tricky to get unless you're looking for trainer bras, " she snickered. "And you are so skinny. You'd look nice with a bigger butt, you know?"

I winced. Unlike many of the others, I hated seeing an out of proportion derriere sticking out. But, I didn't dare mention it. I was already labelled a weirdo by the entire student population.

"Really?" I said, still surprised that Melissa was talking to me.

"Yeah, " she shrugged. "I've always thought that you'd look like a goddess with the right curves. I'm sure Alister thinks so too."

It took me a while to remember who Alister was. With Melissa's friendship and Cyrus in my mind, it had been pretty easy to forget him. Especially since he wasn't even real.

"Oh, yeah, " I laughed. "He's always asking me to get a bigger ass."

"Well, he's not wrong, " she said. "How would you like to go shopping with Sasha and I after school? We know we can make you look better."

"Great, " I said as I plastered a giant grin on my face. I dreamt of going to Heaven's gate with two of the most attractive people in Port Elizabeth.

My smile stayed plastered as I walked to my first-period class; English.

I could have hoped for a kinder teacher. Yet, all I was stuck with was Ms Greef.

"So as you all know I will be teaching you for the next year, " she said as her lips curled into a smirk at the sight of me. "And I want each and every one of you to know that I will grade you on your abilities. Or lack of them."

My heart shattered. There was no way Ms Greef was going to grade me fairly. She loved Dickens and Hardy and every other novel that gave birth to bleakness. She would never like what I wrote.

Three-quarters of an hour passed before she handed out our grades for our introductory papers.

"I'm pleased to say that out of thirty-three of my students, only one of you has written something completely unreadable, " Ms Greef said before passing a cold grey eye to me. "Don't slack behind, Bianca."

The only thing that restrained my tears was the prospect of going shopping with Melissa.

I looked forward to some comforting words from Melissa. I got none. All I got was a pair of muscular arms surrounding me. They looked so strong that I was sure they could break me in half. Yet, they held me in nothing more than a gentle embrace. Beside me, Melissa was fuming.

"Hello, Kegan, " I said as a smile burst up in my face. Whenever Kegan wrapped me in one of his hugs, I often found my misery melting. I could never explain its effect on me. It was almost magical.

"Hey, you future rich and famous author," he said flashing a smile that showed me just how white his teeth were.

"Hey, Kegan, " Melissa said as she brushed her pastel-pink fingernails past his jaw. He ignored her. His fingers just ran smoothly through my straight hair.

"What are you doing after school?" he asked me as his face inched closer to mine.

"Anything with you, " Melissa pipped up as she came even closer to us. The spicy scents of her perfume conquered my floral notes. I could smell it all. The attraction, the hunger, the longing. It wasn't her perfume. It was Melissa. And she wanted Kegan.

"Actually, I was talking to Bianca, " he said without looking at her.

"What do you have in mind?" I asked.

"Well, I was wondering if you wanted to go rock climbing at Morgan Bay. It's supposed to be really sunny today and maybe I can persuade you to step outside for a few minutes. Or hours."

"Are you trying to get me to tan?" I asked. "Because you know that will never work."

My heart leapt at the thought of rock climbing with Kegan. I was never the sporty type. Yet, spending the day with Kegan, even if it was in the scorching heat, was as refreshing as cold water.

"No, " he said. "You don't need to tan. You're beautiful Bianca and I lo- I mean, I like you just the way you are."

"That's very sweet, Kegan, " Melissa said. "But unfortunately Bianca has plans with me."

"She's taking me shopping, " I said. "And she's going to make sure I get curves. Real curves. So I can finally be beautiful."

"Bianca, you don't need curves to be beautiful, " Kegan said. "You are beautiful. You are the most beautiful girl I have ever met."

"Well, she'll be more beautiful when I'm done with her, " Melissa said. "Alister will love her."

"He'd better love her, " Kegan said. "Unless he wants to get kicked in the balls by yours truly."

"Another time, Kegan, " I said as I turned away to walk with Melissa. As I turned my head to get a glimpse of him, he was engulfed by a crowd of students. He stood there drinking all the lies I had fed him. At that moment I knew what I was. I was a liar.

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