Chapter Eleven | Rain

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The cure for death did not exist, but it was living that was the most poisonous to us. While most people never truly lived, there were some that were unfortunate enough to have those moments seep into their soul without a chance of survival.

Nothing out of the ordinary happens, until the extra-ordinary sneaks into your life. It's a short sharp snap, unravelling your life right before your eyes. It's a point in time that will flash before your eyes whenever you closer them.

Sandra knew her career was on track as she jostled through her final year of residency. She rubbed her eyes and checked her watch for the second time within the minute. Her shift was going to end soon, and finally she would be able to get some rest. The past few years had given her the endurance to face shifts longer than 24 hours. That didn't mean she was immune to fatigue. There was so much more to her post than the average job. She held a key role in society.

Compassion, commitment and courage.

All-important traits for doctors to possess.

"Dr. Williams, have you did you see them?" Nurse Andrea, a colleague and friend, asked in the passing. They both hardly ever had a few minutes to spare when they were working to talk about anything but work-related items.

"See who? Is there a patient asking for me?" Sandra replied. It wouldn't be the first time that a patient asked for her when she was on her way out.

"No, no one is asking for you but one of the biggest benefactors for the hospital is visiting tonight. He arrived with no warning," Andrea lowered her voice to not be overheard. The last thing they both needed was to be reported for gossiping or something equally as stupid.

"How did Dr. Jones react to that?" Sandra and Andrea's current boss was an asshole who loved to reprimand his staff in public over minor offences. He got off the little power he held. There was little anyone could do about him. His parents were brilliant doctors, but their son was lacking the skills and could pass for average at best. He got his position through nepotism and it was not a well held secret among the staff.

"He's a blustering fool, it's was actually quite funny to watch him." Andrea had happened to be able to see the benefactor and Dr. Jones just as she started her shift. The usually composed man was currently bright red, fumbling over his words while trying to present the hospital in a positive light while the benefactor coolly assessed everything. Andrea didn't stay to watch in case Dr. Jones decided to use her as an example to show off his well-practiced skill of reprimanding.

"Serves him right. He deserves a little karma once in a while." Sandra checked her watch to see it was time to clock out.

"He really does, are you leaving?" Andrea asked, she had busted started her shift and was full of energy while Sandra was drained.

"Yeah my shift just ended. I'm going to head out now." Sandra couldn't wait to get out of her scrubs and get something to eat.

"Alright, enjoy your evening." With those parting works, Andrea went to do her first rounds for the night.

Sandra returned to her locker and changed out of her scrubs into casual clothes. The locker room was empty, as no doctors ever actually finished their shifts on time. This shift had been one of the good ones. Sometimes death would visit and taint the walls go the hospitals, but other days the doctors would be able to preserve life.

The rain was pouring down heavily, to the point where the streetlights blurred, and the darkness reined. There was a simple way to always be prepared for any kind of weather and that was to carry an umbrella around. Sandra pulled a bright yellow umbrella from her bag when she got to the entrance of the hospital. She stared at the slanted rain pounding on pavement, wishing it would just slow down for a few minutes, just so she could get to her car.

"Dr. Williams!"

Sandra held back a groan as she recognised Dr. Jones calling her. The rain was suddenly looking more tempting, but she knew that if she didn't deal with him now, she would have to deal with his shit later. She might not be in such a good mood later, so she placed a polite smile as she faced her asshole boss.

"Good evening," Sandra greeted. Dr. Jones stood with a man in a tailor-made suit that towered over him. It wasn't difficult to tower over Dr. Jones as Sandra also enjoyed looking down at him, literally. The handsome man returned the polite smile but said nothing. Just as Andrea described, Dr. Jones was extremely frazzled, but she failed to describe how attractive the man was. It didn't take a genius to realise that the man was the benefactor.

"Dr. Williams, please meet Mr Lykos," Dr. Jones introduced, gesturing to the man.

"It's Dr. Lykos, and please call me Micah," Micah corrected. Sandra was amused by Dr. Jones' blunder but tried to keep the smile real smile off her face. The last thing she needed to do was join Dr. Jones in the category of blundering fools in front of such an influential individual.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, sir," Sandra replied diplomatically. She had noted the glare from Dr. Jones from the corner of her eye with a clear message and she didn't want to straight out offend Micah.

"It's raining quite heavy," Dr. Jones referred to the gloomy state outside. Sandra nodded. Nothing like getting stuck inside due to the weather and making small talk about it. Micah's phone beeped.

"My driver is here, thank you for the tour Dr. Jones." Micah returned his phone into his pocket. The car was parked at the front, where the headlights were the only thing that could be seen through the blur of the raindrops.

"The pleasure is mine, why don't you take Sandra's umbrella?" Dr. Jones volunteered without consulting Sandra.

"Nonsense, she needs it too, don't you Dr. Williams?" Micah declining Dr. Jones' mindless notion.

"She doesn't," Dr. Jones' answered for her before she could even utter a word, as if she was not present. He wasn't going to let go until Sandra was running through the carpark in the rain. It didn't matter to him that the umbrella was not his to give away or offer.

Nasty piece of shit.



While Sandra could not verbally say anything, it was clear that she was getting another job as soon as she qualified in a few months. There was no way she was going to sit around and get disrespected any longer than necessary to qualify.

Dr. Jones looked pleased with insistence, while Micah assessed the situation before saying anything more.

"Dr. Williams, would you feel comfortable walking me to my car?"

"I don't mind," Sandra agreed, knowing she had limited options. It was either walk Micah to his car or hand her umbrella over to Micah. Nothing like Dr. Jones to limit the horizon.

"Dr. Jones, didn't you say you had some urgent paperwork to attend to?" Micah was clearly dismissing the man.

"Yes, you're right. I'll be going now." Dr. Jones had no choice but to leave unless he wished to offend Micah, then his job was on the line. He shot a warning glance at Sandra before leaving. The message was clear, don't fuck up.

"You don't have to walk me to my car," Micah said, once Dr. Jones was out of hearing reach. Despite his words, Sandra knew she didn't really have a choice, since Dr. Jones was going to find out what happened. She wouldn't be surprised if he was currently watching them from the CCTV.

"It's fine," Sandra replied, with a polite smile. She didn't know what else to say to him as she glanced outside, once again wishing the rain would just stop. There was something about Micah that she couldn't put her finger on.

Something deadly.

Something intoxicating.

Something perplexing.

Micah followed her gaze with a slight smile, "It's strange though. A man once wrote people run from rain but sit in bathtubs full of water. Yet here we are with an umbrella."

"That man didn't know the difference between voluntary and involuntary participation." Sandra opened her yellow umbrella, while Micah held open the door.

"I agree, some people simply can't tell the difference, but let me tell you a secret, I can." Micah's implication was heard loud and clear to Sandra, but she didn't get a chance to reply as they got outside.

The continuous beat of the rain wasn't an easy place to hold a conversation. Sandra held the umbrella high up so Micah could stand underneath it as she escorted him to his car. His driver jumped out the car with a large black umbrella and rushed to open the car door for Micah.

"Thank you, Dr. Williams." Micah gave her a genuine smile.

The type of smile that gave goose bumps.

Sandra nodded with a smile and then left to get to her own car, trying to push Micah to the back of her mind.

There was nothing else left to be said, anyway. 


That man was Charles Bukowski.

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