Qurtle the Turtle

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Qurtle the turtle

Swimming round the sea

Qurlte the turtle

Please come back to me

Years ago I watched you

Slip into the waves

Bobbing up and down as

You quickly swam away

Swimming through the ocean deep

Growing big and strong

One day you awoke and

Began a trip so long

Qurtle the turtle

Swimming round the sea

Qurlte the turtle

Please come back to me

Walking down the beach one day

A turtle I did spy

Struggling from the deep blue sea

It's Qurtle my oh my

Qurtle the turtle

Swimming round the sea

Qurlte the turtle

You came back to me!

As I watched you dig a hole

So very very deep

Into the nest you laid your eggs

Covering with sand to keep

I walked you to the ocean waves

And slipped into the sea

I swam beside you for awhile

Then you waved bye to me

Then one day you babies' heads

Popped up through the sand

I watched them struggle to the waves

Giving them a hand

Qurtle the turtle

Swimming round the sea

Qurlte the turtle

Please come back to me

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