Nature's Play Date

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Can you imagine a day

Devoted to nature's play

We set aside daily fray

And walk on nature's highway

All our cars are put away

No sound of wheels on roadway

No planes will fly in blue sky

No contrails mar our view high

Mowers will stay in their shed

No roar to muddle our head

No saws buzz under bright sun

No shots of a hunter's gun

The sounds of nature will reign

As our voices slowly wane

We walk in nature's domain

Sipping from nature's champagne

Hear coos of gray mourning dove

Caws from black crows above

Woodpecker taps a tree trunk

A whiff of a roaming skunk

Watch robins snatch worm from ground

Brown rabbits hopping around

Creek gurgles over brown rocks

"Kek kek" of a sharp-shinned hawk

Ogle a white trout lily

Dappled leaves almost silly

Chicory grows by roadway

Bleeding heart blooms in pink spray

Chive flowers dance in soft breeze

Heaven: chives blended with cheese

Sit at the edge of the lake

Watch ripples of a duck's wake

An osprey dives from up high

A show that tickles the eye

Can you imagine a day

Devoted to nature's play

We set aside daily fray

And walk on nature's highway

© Copyright 2018 by Cleomez (all rights reserved)

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