Eerie Night

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As I walk a long dark road

Rustles deep in bushes goad

Nighttime creatures talk in code

Fear compounds my worry load

Full moon's rays create a maze

Light and shadows break up gaze

Mist and fog create a haze

Loss of vision; feel mind's daze

In the distance wolves exchange

Howls break out across their range

Sweep across abandoned grange

Echoes leave me feeling strange

Crisp winds glide across my face

Leading to a faster pace

Loud knocks cause my heart to race

Weakened knees that I must brace

Then an owl hoots from nearby

Spooked I raise my eyes to sky

Are those figures that I spy?

Racing past full moon up high?

Eyebrows furrow; lips wear frown

As I hurry back to town

Feeling like a silly clown

Take deep breath and shove fear down

Eyes are checking all around

Ears are listening for new sound

As I hear my footsteps pound

Heart beats a staccato round

The I see soft yellow light

In the distance shining bright

Marks my driveway for dark night

Relief flows with welcome sight

As I walk my long driveway

Suddenly a shadow sways

As I hear my hound's loud bay

I step backward from the fray

Long eared rabbit dashes by

Old hound follows; his feet fly

My sharp whistle ends his cry

Tongue lolls as he sniffs my thigh

Shake my head from side to side

Toward our house we quickly stride

When inside old hound dog sighed

Night of fun abruptly died

Retire to our living room

Start a fire and watch flames zoom

Licking flames consume our gloom

Noses twitch from fire's perfume

As my fingers scratch hound's back

Large logs from fire pop and crack

Hound dog's tail slaps grateful whack

Hear far howling of wolf pack

© Copyright 2018 - 2020 by Cleomez (all rights reserved)

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