7 Minutes

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It's been seven minutes since I lost my life.
It ended with a scream, pain, and I think there was a knife.
I can't remember every bit of it,
But I know. I know it's been seven minutes since the hit.

The knife that hit me, had the shape of a pen.
And instead of blood there's ink since then.
Since, seven minutes ago, you crushed my world.
Letter by letter, word by word.

It's been seven minutes you know?
Seven minutes and I want to know how,
How with me the time has ended.
Never thought I'd be that important. I think earth might be offended...

It's been seven minutes and I just saw my life like a film.
Seven minutes and still, I don't know who I've been.
After I saw my life like this?
I don't know, if "Me" still fits.

It's been seven minutes, for too long.
I wish they would pass, want the seventh minute to be gone.
I stand up and still the world does not move,
I am lost, cause that's what I choose.

It's been eight minutes now. Since I found my end.
But time still moves on, and so every space and land
I still move on, although I am not me,
But my soul is restless, just wants to be free.

It's been seven days now, since my new life begun.
Seven days and I ask me what went wrong.
Cause within the little time that passed,
My soul keeps asking, what you once asked.

Sometimes I wonder how fast time can fly.
It's been seven months now and I ask for the why.
Why I changed and if it was right.
I thought about it for seven minutes in that long gone night.

Seven years. That's the time that I have lost.
And those aching seven years, didn't come without a cost.
But you know when months become years,
There is more to experience, or more to fear.

The night seven decades have vanished, I finally close my eyes.
My soul still restless, but my body, clearly dies.
Seven decades, years and months,
But what felt the longest, were seven minutes, that I endured once.

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