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~Chap 2~

Today is Day 7 and that is also Randy's birthday but the biggest is DOUGLAS STILL NOT COMEBACK HOME!!!!And our Randy officially gets crazy because of boring....

_ Douglas which channel is Cartoon? > O >
_ Douglas where's my food?
_ Douglas..My back so hurt...
_ Douglas...Douglas....ohhh oops...he's gone = u =|||
Randy comes to the kitchen to find some food but the fridge is empty
_ Seriously? o A O||||...I didn't eat anything!!Geez,okay drink water..> >||||...I'm also want to lose weight...
After drinks 5 glasses of water,he comes to sit on sofa again and check his phone...
_ No calling!No texting! You don't remember my birthday.....Maybe you met a beautiful girl that her legs are longer than me > >||||.[calls for Douglas].
_ Hello?
_ Hi honey!Today is day 7,why do I still not see your face? Q A Q
_ I'll comeback soon so no worry
_ I miss you Q A Q
_ ohh...Ahahaha...honey...I'm busy so maybe I'll be right back 2 days more ^ U ^||||
_ Come on,I'm really busy now...I can't comeback today O n O
_ WHAT?? >8UUU....Are you kidding me?Douglas Davington!Do you know today is what day? >8U
_ Ughhh...O . O....what?..Anyway,I promise,just 2 days more U n U
Meanwhile,in the coffee shop opposite D&R villa...
_ o . o...What happened?
_ My wife gets angry again > U >||||
_ How childish...XDDD
_ Ahahahahahaha xD...He's like that...u w u
_ HE!??? OA o||||....Ohhh = u =|||....anyway,he doesn't know that you're sitting here and look at him.
_ I just want to make a surprise for him > u >
_ I know right? > U > but you don't need to buy a huge present like this,Douggie o u o|||.
_ Nahhhh~~but my wife likes it,Payne > U >
_ Alright e U e....
At the evening...
_ Hello U n U
_ Ahahaha ^ U ^...okay,let's eat O U O
_ Hold on.....>O >...Randy,you should wish something e ue
_ Alright U w U
_ ^ U ^...Yes!
_ U wish that Douglas will comeback home tonight and he's gonna fuck me hard... U o U
_ O U O||||||||
Randy blows the candles and light turn on...
_ Hoooo~~~okay,your presents = o =
_ AHAHAHAHA XDDD...thanks guy~
_ Ok...Randy,I wish that you're always smile and happiness with your family ^ u ^
_ Thanks a lot ^ u ^....I love you guy...Willpower!
_ ^ U ^....No prob
_ Hey Randy,It's been week since Douglas go on business..why does he still not comeback? O. o
_ No clue > >||||...he said that he's gonna comeback in 2 days more > A >|||
_ Ohhh = U =||||
9pm,Douglas cameback home and Randy slept...Douglas takes a shower.Randy can hear the sound in the bathroom...
_ *yawns* U O U....hold on...who is in the bathroom? O A O||||...Robber?
_ > >||||
But Randy is really surprised because of the decoration on the wall..
_ Ohhhhh O U O...You did it?
_ Of course,I know that is my fault because I didn't call for you...I'm so sorry U n U
_ < <||||...[doesn't say anything]
_ Don't you believe me? O n O
_ No,you're a liar...you said you will comeback home on the afternoon of day 7....think,have you ever on time? >8CC
_ I'm so sorry....o n o
Douglas comes to stand on the window and takes something on the roof...
_ Hey!What are you doing ? O A O|||||....NO DOUGLAS!DON'T BE SO SILLY!!!!
Randy comes and hugs him tightly...
_ Release! >UUU
_ NO! >CC
_ If you don't release so how can I get down? O A O
_ Oops o u o||||....sorry
Douglas gets down and pulls a bunch of balloons are tied with a diamond ring...
_ O . o
_ Do you believe me now? ^ ^....actually,I remember your birthday,I cameback Westburghe on this afternoon but I have to prepare gift for you o u o...I want to create huge surprise for my wife~ ^^
_ Q U Q....How sweet...
_ All this life,Randy Paitora is Douglas Davington's wife...[kneels down]...you're the most beautiful flower in the garden,the most perfect wife in this world,no one can better than you...^^...sometimes I feel like I'm the luckiest man in this galaxy because I can marry with you,Randy Paitora...Do you dare to swear that you will always stay by my side? O u O
_ Yes,I do Q U Q
Douglas wears the ring for Randy before they start to kiss romantically....
_ Thank you Douglas,you save my life...Now I just have you and our child....Q U Q....because my parents they both dead
_ I know right? ^ u ^
Then,Douglas gives Randy machine...
_ Ohhh o U O....Candy making machine..>8DD
_ I bought it for you,form now,you can make every flavor for your candy XDDD
_ Aww I love you,Douglas~ U u U
_ I love you too U w U....I won't let you stay at home anymore,~
_ You promised~~ > U >
_ WAHAHAHAHAHA XDD...Anyway,Randy~~~I want~~~~ >////U////>
_ No > >||||...I'm pregnant...how can I do it with this belly?
_ Come on....your pregnancy is just 1 months D8,we still can "do" it
_ No,it's gonna be affect to our child U n U
_ We can do it lighty... > U >...or I won't put it into your body~ > U >
_Nahhh~~~> U >.....I can't take it~~it's make me feel uncomfortable,honey~
_ So what should we do now? > U >[hugs Randy]
_ Of course we have to do....I miss this huge-cock >u >....[gropes Douglas's cock and bites his lip sexily]
_ Ohhh yeahh~~ >\\\\U\\\\>...Uhmmm...okay,go on then~~
_ Bedroom,honey~ >\\\u\\\>
Douglas and Randy had a beautiful night filled with scream and satisfaction.

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