Chapter 2

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Hello my fellow readers! In this Chapter you will see this; (F/R/N).
You will only see this because I don't know what to name you Guys in this story. I want to mold you into one person with a name. So please tell me in the comment's section what you think your name should be. Also you shall ask see this rule: F=fellow readers dialogue and M= marks dialogue.

It was now morning. You had awoken with a yawn and stretched your body out. You realised that you weren't in your own room but in marks.

You tried to recollect the memories from yesterday and remember mark falling off his chair in pain.

You look over to mark to see that he...err...she was still sleeping. You sighed to yourself and slowly and quietly got out of bed and made your way downstairs.
(Fellow readers pov)
(Sigh)... well as long as I'm down here I might as well make breakfast for the both of us... I wonder what I should make? Hmm... Maybe I should make some scrambled eggs and pancakes? Yeah...
(Time skip brought to you by,you making breakfast)
(Marks pov)
I sighed knowing that I wouldn't see myself but a girl who is half Korean and half German. It was still me but in a different way...I wonder what my subscribers will think...
(Fellow readers pov)
Phew...that was a lot of work....well at least I'm done...well there's only one thing left to do and that's...MARK! BREAKFASTS READY! I MADE BLUEBERRY AND STRAWBERRY PANCAKES AND  EGGS! COME DOWN IF YOU WANT SOME!"  I shouted.
(Marks pov)
Something smells good...
It was then at that moment that
(F/R/N) yelled breaking me out of my thoughts.
Yeah,yeah I'm coming...
(Fellow readers pov)
All I heard was an audible grunt accompanied by movement.
About two minutes of waiting mark finnaly came downstairs...
F:Morning Markimoo...
M:m-morning...w-whats for breakfast?
F: eggs and pancakes. I made my special pancakes. So sit down and enjoy.
Mark then moved to his seat and sat down and then picked up his fork and started poking at his food.
F: come on Markimoo...don't be shy...just eat...this is your house after all...there's no need to be shy in your own home after all...
M: I know that its just...I don't know's just I don't know how others will react...and that worries me...
F: Mark Edward fischbach. You shouldn't worry. Look at me. Your beautiful. You were always beautiful. In looks and in heart. Don't worry. Everyone will except you. I'm sure of it. Now finish eating so I can put the dishes in the dishwasher and so we can go clothes shopping for you.
M: a-alright. Thank you.
(Fellow readers pov)
I then clean up and usher mark towards my room. I give him a bra, a pair of underwear,a blue colored tee-shirt, some skinny jeans and some high tops.
(Don't worry everything that your giving Markimoo is new and not used! Bruh...I swear if you thought that...😊😊😊😄😄😄)
(Mark's pov)
I thank (F/R/N) and go to my room to change.
After I got done changing I looked at myself in the mirror and sighed. I needed to brush my hair.
(F/R/N)! I need your help brushing my hair!
(Fellow readers pov)
OK! HOLD ON! I yelled as I ran out of my room and over to marks.
Ok mark. Hand me your brush.
(He hands you the brush)
Alright stay still. I'm going to make a low pony tail.
Alright there it's done.
(Marks pov)
Thanks (F/R/N).
Also I just got a text from jack saying that he's here already and has rented a room at a hotel not too far from here. So we can meet him later.
(Fellow readers pov)
No problem Markimoo. Oh. ok. well anyway let's go to the mall already so we can get you some new clothes.
(Time skip,at the mall)
Mark and I walk into Victoria secret and I begin dragging him to bra and underwear department.
(wait a minute... that's basically what the entire store is. XD)
I tell mark that he needs to grab at least 7 pairs of underwear and that he needs 7 pairs of bra's. I said I would help him find the right sized bra for him...err...her.
After spending about 1hour and 30 minutes looking for bra's and underwear we finnaly got the 14 items ,paid for them and left.
We then walk into a clothes department store and got clothes and shoes for mark,payed and then walked out.
(Time skip,in jacks hotel room)
(Fellow readers pov)
I knock on the door of jacks hotel room and before I can knock a second time the door swings open and I see a blur of a person envelope me into a hug.
Omph! Hahaha! Nice to see you too jack. I hug him back.
He then gets off of me and goes over to hug mark. Mark hugs him back as well and jack gets off him and ushers us inside the hotel room.
We walk inside and jack closes the door behind us.
(Guys I am going to be using the letter rule for talking,F=fellow reader,M=Markimoo and J=jackaboy. K? Alrighty!)
J: so, (F/R/N)'s it going? I haven't seen you in ages!!!
F: me neither! And I've been good! How bout you?
J:me too. How bout you Markimoo???
M: Nope. Not one bit. I have just been turned into a girl and have been having a hard time coping with it but I'm getting used to it. Other than that i'm fine.
J: well Markimoo, (F/R/N) are we gonna go play some games or what?!
After many hours of playing games and recording mark and you decide to head home. Once you get inside you both bid each other goodnight and collapse on your beds and sleep.
(End chapter)
Hello again my fellow readers! Hope you liked chapter! Till next time~ =_= ^_^ 8)

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