thirty five. party.

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❝Every moment felt so short,
I hated how time kept passing.
Though when I look back now,
I feel like a fool.
I have no regrets.
Because I loved you,
From the first day,
To the last.❞




-Eunbyul's POV-

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Just answer, do you trust me?" Jihoon asked again.

"Of course I do," I answered, a little frustration in my tone.

"I know this is going to be really weird, but put these on and I'll lead you to where they are," he said as he handed me an eye mask. It was Hyerim's eye mask.

I sighed and just put them on, still jokingly said, "You know, if Hana and Minghao scold me when the makeup underneath gets messy, you're to blame."

"You've been wearing makeup? I didn't notice. You've always been beautiful anyways," he smiled as he wore the mask on for me.

Excuse me but I can't handle this level of rudeness.

I blushed but tried to stay calm, I still needed to hold on to him to walk.

My heart started beating even faster. Part of it is because of the close contact with Jihoon, another was because I was being led to somewhere I had no idea of. Not that I don't trust Jihoon, I actually trust him most out of all the boys, but I was nervous.

I felt that I was lead to the backyard, where the pool is.

Then, he stopped.

"Are you ready?" He whispered.

I nodded anticipatingly, also partly anxious about what might happen next.

And when he removed the eye mask, I was in total shock of the scene displayed in front of my very eyes.

From the other side of the pool, everyone jumped out, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!"

The next thing I knew that confetti was blasted everywhere and tears started streaming down my cheeks.

I didn't even realize it was my birthday.

And no doubt, I could tell this is going to be the best birthday ever.

"EUNBYUL IS CRYING! WE HAVE SUCCEEDED!" Yeonha threw her fist in the air as everyone cheered and clapped loudly.

"Stop crying, you should be lucky your makeup is 100% waterproof," Minghao handed me a paper tissue.

I was legitimately speechless.

No words could be formed.

Now, everything was clear, from why they brought me to the mall to why they weren't at home the whole day.

They all did it for me...

"I told you, she wouldn't remember her own birthday," Hyerim smiled as she patted my head.

Suddenly, from inside the house, I heard a beautiful singing voice singing Happy birthday, turning around, it was Auntie Yae. In her arms was a cake, not too big but just enough for us.

Everyone started singing along.

At that moment, I felt at peace. I felt so happy, so safe.

It was as if all my insecurities went out of the window.

"How can I ever thank you all enough for all you've done for me..." I sobbed as I was soon engulfed in a group hug.

"Shut up yahhhh I'm going to cry!" Mingyu said pouting a little.

"Okay, who wants cake?" Auntie Yae laughed holding up the cake.

Everyone cheered loudly.

"I bought you a new swimsuit~" Yeonha grinned as she handed me the clothes. I nodded and smiled brightly.

"Go and try it on, quickly, before the boys devour the food!!!" Hana pushed me into the nearby bathroom.

The swimsuit was this pastel pink and white piece, with a star in the middle. So metaphoric, a star - byul. This is why I love the girls so much.

After I tried it on, I walked out to see them all lined up. In their hands were microphones. They looked at me with such warming smiles.

I couldn't help but cry. Goodness, they've done so much for me already.

"We thought that 'Happy Birthday' song wouldn't be enough to shower you with all the love we wanted to give you, so we arranged this song. Hope you'll enjoy this, Byul," Seungcheol being the leader he is said into a microphone.

And Jihoon played a track. The music was absolutely addictive. And they all started singing. Everything seemed so perfect.

The atmosphere was so warm around me, the aura they were spreading was addictive, I wanted it to last forever.

The song eventually finished with smiles upon their faces, while mine was messy because of my tears.

"Today is the best day ever!" I shouted with all my might.

They all ran towards me to join in a group hug.

"Eunbyul, look!" Soonyoung pointed at something behind me, with a shocked face.

As I turned around, I saw nothing at all.

While I was still confused, I felt someone picking me up bridal style. It was the hamster himself.

"Yah! Put me down!" I shouted at Soonyoung. He was running towards the pool.

"3, 2, 1!" They all counted before I was swung around and thrown into the water. Damn was it cold!

"Cannonball!" I heard shouting and before I knew it, splashes were everywhere.

"I feel like it's my birthday too!" Yeonha laughed as she splashed water towards everyone.

And it was war.

"WATER FIGHT!" Seokmin announced.

Giggles, laughter, and water splashing were echoing throughout the whole pool.

Joshua and Jeonghan took out water guns and passed it to us.

I've never thought I would be having a swim so late at night with water guns in my hands.

I looked at the corner of my eye and saw Jiwoo.

"Happy birthday, Eunbyul," he said, kneeling down next to me beside the pool.

"Thank you so much, uncle Ji!" I smiled at him.

Auntie Yae then sat down on the pavement and chatted with us.

"I'm so happy and thankful to everyone! I love you all so freaking much!" I exclaimed, unable to hide my feelings.

"Today is both our happiest day! Jiwoo is helping me in a very VERY important project, I lived my whole life for this project and Jiwoo accepted to help me!" She wrapped her arm around Jiwoo's shoulders, "I would go bankrupt if it wasn't for him!"

"Oh my, thank you, Uncle Ji!" I gave him a big smile, he's been helping my aunt so much.

And so the party lasted until midnight, we started cleaning things up, which took almost two hours.

That was the first time I felt so happy cleaning up. Everyone joked around, making me feel like the luckiest person ever!

"Great birthday party huh?" Wonwoo gave me a cheeky smile as he carried the floaties inside to deflate them.

"The best one I've had," I replied with the widest smile. 

"Great to hear," Wonwoo smiled.

I suddenly felt a slight pull from my side, it was Jihoon.

"Hey, can I have a word?" He looked at me and grinned. I nodded.

Before I knew it, he dragged me outside, told me to sit on the garden bench.

He took out a gold necklace from his back pocket and gave it to me.

"Oh my goodness..." I covered my mouth in awe. There's even had a star on it. 

I swear I almost cried when he gave it to me. It was gorgeous.

Jihoon held out his hand and gestured me to stand up. As I obeyed, he spun me around and wore the necklace on me. 

It felt like I was in some K-Drama!

"This is my birthday present for you, I bought it in such a rush, I hope you like it..." He smiled sheepishly.

"I absolutely love it! Thank you so much!" Before I knew it, I had jumped into his arms and hugged him tightly. Believe it or not, he's 3 centimeters taller than I am so there's no trouble hugging him.

"No matter how far you are from me, this necklace will remind you that I'll always be there for you, and when you've lost your way, it will lead you back home," he said blushing.

"That was so cheesy~ As expected from our composer," I teased him. 

We stood there for about a minute. Though, it wasn't as awkward as what I expected it to be.

Afterward, he led me back inside the mansion.

To my surprise, everyone was in front of us staring at us. 

Soonyoung stood in front of Jihoon and held his collar. At first, I thought they were going to fight.


"HOW DARE YOU! YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE THE LAST ONE TO HAVE A GIRLFRIEND!" Soonyoung shook Jihoon back and forth, yelling hysterically.

"H-Hey! Who says I'm dating anyone!" Jihoon flushed red.

"That necklace, tsk tsk, must've cost a fortune," Yeonha joined in the teasing.

"Aigoo, she's our maknae and she already has a boyfriend. Hey Hyerim unnie, confess to someone quick before you become an old lady~" Mihae grinned. 

From the corner, I saw Hyerim's cheeks blushing as she yelled at Mihae, "Yah, you little brat!"

To be honest, my cheeks were already burning from the beginning.

"YOU STOLE OUR NOONA!!!" Seungkwan whined, fake crying. 

"Yah, go to sleep! We'll tease them tomorrow," Jeonghan winked playfully at us.

They all made weird faces at me before running off, leaving me alone with Jihoon.

Jihoon let out a sigh, "These guys are so childish."

"Well, isn't that why we love them so much?" I crossed my arms and smiled silently.

Jihoon chuckled. He stepped forward and looked back at me, "Goodnight, Eunbyul"

I waved at him and giving him one last smile before we both went into our rooms, getting ready to be teased once again.


We were all in our rooms. The girls already fell asleep, it has been a long day for them after all. 

I didn't even realize it was already 3 in the morning. Unfortunately for me, my insomnia came back. 

Looking at the necklace Jihoon gave me, I couldn't help but glimpse a smile.

I silently came downstairs to get myself a drink as my mouth felt dry. The mansion was absolutely quiet, well, it was already so late at night, I shouldn't be so surprised.

Although, I was quite surprised to see the kitchen's lights were still on. 

I went inside the room and sigh in relief as I only saw Jiwoo on his phone.

"You can't sleep either, uncle Ji?" I asked out of the blue.

Startled at my question, he chuckled, sipping on his drink, "No. Just working."

I nodded and went to get myself a drink. 

Jiwoo spoke all of a sudden, "Want to go outside and catch some fresh air?" 

I smiled and followed him to the front garden. 

"I'm sorry," I heard Jiwoo said once we got outside.

"Why are you-" 

Pain...! At the back of my head...

And soon after, the world around me turned pitch black.



a/n: i will NOT be discontinuing this book

even if the following content will no longer talk about bullying or highschool love. 

i still truly hope you guys will continue to support me and my book <3 


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