You are my everything (Chap 1)

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~ Chap 1~

Westburghe- The capital of Alltressya- it's an gorgeous,luxury and modern city.Westburghe named "The City of Teenagers" because at this place convergence a bunch of talent teenagers.That's what you think about when you remind Westburghe..

But you were WRONG!!! Westburghe is a modern city but it also has a black societies,some scary and blood-thirsty organizations.If we talk about the "underworld" no one don't know Payne Poulres-the leader of all of Westburghe black societies-he's gruff,cold and merciless...his organizations selling drugs and cocaines...he's also a boss of Bars in this modern......
A muscular punk guy calls Emile from behind,Emile sighs dejectedly...
_ Here!Now you can go...U n U....*gives him a bunch of money*
That punk guy looks at Emile excitedly and says:
_ You're the best debtor I have met,Emile...why don't you "overnight" with those men,they can help you to pay all...with your pole dance talent,baby..< u <
_ That's not your business,you just need know that I'll pay money for your boss every you can go...< n <
_'s up to you...

He's gone and Emile look at the bar again...His family was the second richest family in Westburghe but after his Dad death,his mom lend black society's money for some reasons...and she had gone for 10 year...and Emile couldn't go to school anymore, he had to work in this bar-he's earn money by his "pole dance" and "sexy dance" talent...- and use those money to pay for them.
_ *sighs*.....U n U..*shakes his head*....- he goes home.

Tomorrow morning:
*Emile's phone rings while he's sleeping...
_ Tch...hello? <||||n|||||<
_ Okay,what time and where? O u O
_ Okay,sure..I'll come...8D...

At Monorail Coffee,9am:
Emile gets inside and he can see his childhood friends are sitting in there...
_ EMILE!!! >8DD
_ OMFG!!!GUYS!!!I MISS YA SO BAD~~ >\\U\\<
_ Oh Douggie,who is this?...o u o- he's points at the guy's sitting next to him*
_ This is my wife,Randy o u o
_ DD/// got married already??
_ Yes,Emile~ <\\\u\\\<
_ Ohh hello Daesun,how is your life,my cold friend?? XDDD *pats Daesun's shoulder*
_ Normal e e|||
_ And who's this gurl~~~? < u <
_ Ereyna,my wife...e e|||- emotionless
_ OU O|||...wife?wife?WIFE???...even you got married..I didn't expect that "love" and "marry" also have in your dictionary o u o|||,Daedae....
_ = n =|||
_ And OMFG....a bunch of lovely cousins!! How are you guys?? 8D
_ WONDERFUL!!!-All cousins say
_ That's good!! XDDD
_ Ahahahaha,Anyway...what are you doing now?I mean tell me more about your job o u o
_ O n O|||...Job?

Emile stops smiling...
_ ugh..that...I'm pole dancer in Dream Bar...U U
_ O U O|||

And then,Emile tells them what happened with his family,his life...Those friends also sad for him..but they can't do's destiny!
Dream Bar,00am:
Emile's wearing a long white shirt and steps on the floor slowly...He comes to the pole and start to dance.....His appetizing moves,sexy poses makes those dirty rich men "want" him...They throw a lot of money to the stage and scream his name like crazy...

Yes!This Bar crowded like this because of Emile..he's the most beautiful pole dancer in here....And that make a punk guy notices him....
In the V.I.P room:
_ Who's that boy?- a warm voice ask his bodyguard.
_ His name is of our debtors...every night he comes here to earn money and then pay for us....he can pay enough money if he "overnight" with those rich men,but he doesn't want to....
_ *laughs* funny...he's working in the Bar..but he still want to "keep" his first time..8,DD
_ I don't know...o ~ o
_ Did He pay all the debt??
_ Not yet,Mr....but he paid 600 damas,he just has to pay 400 dramas more...
_ Alright,after he finished his performance,call him come here and meet me *smirks* 8J
_ Yes,sir! >8CCC
Emile follow the bodyguards and he meet a punk guy- he looks a little bit scary,cold..but he's also got and handsome...
_ Ugh,hello? O ~ O- Emile's confused
_ Hi,have a sit...U u U...*points to the empty seat next to him*..
_ *sits next to him*....O n called me?
_ Yes...<\\\u\\\<...* impressed by Emile innocent baby face*
_ What's happen?? O n o
_ Emile,do you know who am I? *winks sexily at him*
_ You're the Bar's boss,aren't you? O n o
_ I'm Payne-the black society's leader ,the boss of all of Bars in Westburghe- and...*gets close to Emile's face and lick his lip*...I'm your creditors,by the way..*smirks*
_ O o|||....S-seriously???
_ yeah...I call you come here...because I saw that you paid for the debt for a long time but it's not yah..I wanna help ya...< u <
_ O W O|||
Emile's really surprised with the boss's words...
_ Thank you,how can you help me? O u o
_ it's really simple...a simple request....< o <
_ What's it?? O u O
_ Sleep with me tonight and you don't need to come here everynight .....How?
_ Never!!!I'll never do that!My first time just for the person that I love or the person who love me...U n U
_ You believe in love...*smirks*...that insipid thing..
_ You are in those blood-thirsty that's why you can't feel the love...anyway,you don't need to know what I do,you just know that I'll pay the debt daily,got it?....Goodbye...U ^ U
Emile gets outside and walks away...Payne still looks at Emile...
_ Ughh...are you okay,my boss? O u o
_ I'm okay...I gotta go home now...everything you have to report for me,remember??
_ Yes,sir..o ~ o

~ Payne's POV~
" Emile,what a cute name!...How interesting you are...let me see...who will be fall in love first? You fall in love with me..or...I'm fall in love with you..."
~ End Payne's POV~

~ End chap 1~

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