You are my everything(chap 4)

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~ Chap 4~

3 months later:
Emile changed from a innocent and shy boy to a naughty and sexy boy...because he lived in underworld for 3 months...Now,Emile's really useful for Payne's job,he helps Payne manages the organization,transports the heroine and drugs...
Meanwhile,Payne's watching TV at Emile's villa and Emile's taking a bath...
_ My boss~~<\\\u\\\<- Emile get out from the bathroom with a bathrobe.
_ ehehehe..why you always call me "Boss" instead of "honey"??....Come here,baby~- Payne uses his sexy voice.
Emile comes and sits next to him...puts his head onto Payne's right arm and hugs tightly...
_ Baby~why don't you turn off the TV and enjoy ma body...< u <
Payne looks at Emile naughtily..
_ You changed a lot,Emile...< u <
_ Change? O . o -pretending
_ Sexier,Braver,more intelligent and more beautiful..
*smells his neck*....
_ Tch..lying~ < U <...* pushes Payne lightly*
_ That's true..If not..why don't you..prove it? *smirks* 8J
Emile sits on Payne's body and takes off his bathrobe
and now Emile just wearing a red boxer...
_ If you want...< u <...okay,I'll "prove" it right now..


Payne starts to take off his clothes and then kiss Emile's lips romantically.Emile opens his mouth and Payne let his tongue into Emile's mouth and "discover" everything in there...They're French kiss...

Then,Payne "play" with Emile breast and that make Emile screams sexily:
_ mmhmm...mhmm..mhhahhh..yes..yes...Payne..
_ AGHHHHHHHHHH~Agh..Agh...that's so hurt!!!Can you....agh...please...slower....AGHHH~~ > A <- says hardly.
_ No~~~ugh...I can''re so great~~ ><...ugh~~ugh~~ - breath heavily.
_ AGHH!AGH!! > A <....Faster!faster!Payne..Yes!yes!yes! THIS IS THE BEST SEX EVER!!!
_ You're so tight~~I'm coming...................Ughhhhh!AGHHHHHHHHHH!!Haaaaa~~ U U
Both of them breath heavily and then they lie down..
Payne closed his eyes..Emile's looking at Payne..
_ Payne...o ~ o
_ Uhm?? U ~ u- answer but doesn't open his eyes.
_ When will we can get marry?I waited for a long time....
Payne opens his eyes and looks at Emile and hold his shoulders.....
_ I'm so sorry,I love you..but in this time,we can't...we have to complete this mission first...
_ O A O|||...W-What? Mission?
_ Yes,Emile...this time we will have to transport cocaines to Irag in this week.....U U
_ Oh..really?How many? O . O
_ They requested a huge I decided to transport for them...a ton of cocaines...
_ A TON??? OA O|||||||||...That's too much,Payne..
_ And our base is....*whispers with Emile*,got it?
_ Ohhh...O u O
_ That place just you,me and Ren you have to keep this secret....and manage those cocaines carefully...U n U
Emile hugs Payne tightly...
_ I know...but after all..i want that you will marry me...< U <
_Okay,sure...Of course I will...8D...okay,it's too late now,we should go on bed soon~~
_ Yes U u U
And all that night,Payne and Emile hug each other and sleep peacefully...
Payne comes home and sits on the sofa,Horacia sees her husband comes home,she's extremely surprised and happiness...
_ Payne,are you? Q U Q
_ Uhm..*nods* U n U
_ Come and eat dinner with me 8DD
_ Okay...^ - ^
_ Q U Q

~Horacia's POV~
"Am I dreaming??My husband comeback home to eat dinner with me....Q U Q...Unbelievable..*
~ End Horacia's POV~
While Horacia and Payne are eating dinner,....
_ Eat this meat,honey~ 8//D
_ e e|||...thank you~~
_ Ihihihi ^\\\\^...don't be shy,I'm your wife xD
_ Horacia....-Payne puts the chopsticks down.
_ O )u( O....Uhm???
_ I love you ^__^||'re my perfect wife...thanks a lot ^^
_ O__________________O|||-complete surprised with Payne's word- Payne...Q u Q...
_ I gotta go now,thanks for you dinner,Horacia...
Payne rearranges his outfit and wear a long jacket before he leaves a paper on the table..He's gone.....
_ O n O|||....^u ^
Horacia's cleaning a table,she found a paper on the desk and read it...
_ O O||||...>8CCCC....-takes the phone call to someone
_ THOMAS!!Did you find out that guy's information? >8UU
_ Okay...we are going to do the plan tomorrow, prepare! >8UU
Horacia takes off the phone,put that paper on the table and get into the room in range...

About the papers,it has two is "Divorce Decree" and one is the little letter he sent to Horacia....

"Dear Horacia...
I'm really thank for your love and your dad's support
But I can't live with a girl that I don't love...I'm do not deserve for your I think that we should divorce...
I hope you will understand....
                                                  Payne Pourles"

~End chap 4~

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