CHAPTER 3: University!!

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Hey guys!!

I know this book's ON HOLD, but I just wrote a new chapter. So, I thought I should update it. I know I am a horrible person when it comes to regularity! Besides I am having a hard time writing this story. The plot's clear in my mind, but I just don't know how to write it.

So sorry, also I had my exams, one of which is still left, its on 4th May.


Crystal Moreau, the twenty one year old, daughter of a French multimillionaire, comes to live in New York to pursue the degree of architect at the elite and one of the best university - Adela Riverview University. Here, she reunites with her childhood best friend Nathalia Collins.

At present:

Crystal's POV-

Wondering where I am? Right now I am sitting in my car, waiting for me lovely best friend Nathalia Collins to grace me with her presence. Note the sarcasm.

"Sorry, I am late," Nats says while getting inside the car.

"Well considering my phone call woke you up. You got ready pretty quickly," I reply as I start to drive.

"Hey! Cut down on the sarcasm. You know I am not a morning sunflower kind of person!"

"You mean morning bird?" I ask as a smile slips from my face.

"Yeah, whatever," Nats says, yawning and lays her head on the dashboard of the car.

Soon, we reach the university. But, Nats being nuts, oops, I meant Nats, was clearly asleep. Just then an amazing idea comes to my mind as a devilish smirk forms on my face.

Scooting closer to a sleeping Nats, I scream "RUN!" in her ears accompanied with the sound of the horn.

Nats wakes up immediately and in her attempt to run, she starts to get up forgetting that she was still in a car, only to hit the front glass and falls back with a groan.

As for me being the awesome best friend, I am, I make a beautiful video of my sister from another mother while laughter erupts from me.

But my laughter soon dies in my throat when Nats give me the angry cave-woman look. I quickly scramble out of my seat, just as Nats also exits the car. I shakily lock my car, before starting to run from my life, I mean for my life.

"Stupid mind," I mutter to myself.

"Stupid existence," my inner voice retorts.

Before I could even reply, I hear a horrifying scream from behind, " IMMA GONNA KILL YOU MOREAU!"

I peg that voice to be of Nats, who is suddenly stopped in tracks by a boy. Instead of taking the risk to look back again, I keep on running to the main office to get my locker number, schedule and other details.

Since I was literally running as if a killer was after me, when I arrived at the office, my hair was sticking in all the directions and do you know how I realized it? Well, the office lady, whose name tag read Mrs. Berth, gave me the look that screamed "she belongs in the zoo, not in the school", in my case it's this university.

I quickly pat my hair down and wipe all the sweat from my forehead as Mrs. Berth hands me my schedule, locker number and locker card. Yes, a locker card!

As I start to make my way towards the locker section, which is in another building I take a moment to look around the campus.

I look around to see an interesting and beautiful wooden work along with minutely done engravings on the wall and windows. The beautiful contrast of birch wood with walnut is beautifully unnoticeable.

There are many benches on the outskirts, probably for teachers and students who wish to enjoy the weather and view.

Not to mention the many fountains and ponds which I came across. Some of them even had fishes!!! Nats had told me the university has almost every particular sports and cultural activities. All of them are supported and have been given a respective room or field, if it's a sport.

Take the name of the devil and the devil arrives.

I see Nats standing in the locker section with a tall, muscular, brown haired and honey brown eyed boy, who I might add has an arm wrapped around Nats' waist.

Please spare me the PDA!

As I chant this prayer, the honey brown eyed boy looks in my direction and our eyes meet for some seconds. A flicker of recognition is seen in his eyes and another emotion - sympathy. But, it's all gone in a second with the speed of lightning.

Recognition? Maybe Nats told him about me. But why sympathy? Maybe he sympathizes me for bearing Nats all day.

I smirk at this thought as I approach Nats. The boy stops talking to Nats and looks up to meet my eyes, but unlike the first time I don't see anything in them. They are just... blank? He smiles seeing me staring.

Well at least, it's not the freak look.

Nats also turns around, she presses her lips in a thin line to tell me her anger hasn't died.

"Crystal, my best friend," Nats says in a sickly sweet voice as she pulls me into a hug. .

"I am letting the morning thing go for a while," she whispers, before letting me go.

"This is my boyfriend Jack," she tells me, signaling towards the six foot one inch something, boy.

"Hey, Crytal right? Jackson Moore. Nice to meet you. Nats had told me about you," Jackson says while extending his hand forward to shake hands with me.

"Hello Jackson. Nice to meet you too," I reply politely as I shake hands with him.

We both stare at each other for a while, before he breaks the eye contact.

"Well Nats, I have a class. See you at lunch," Jackson says as he pecks Nats, before disappearing down the hallways.

I look at the retreating figure of Jackson. I wonder if we ever met before. Sighing I swap my locker card. My locker opens with a beep sound. A gasp escapes from my mouth on seeing my locker.

On one side was a plug in with a convertible and portable charger attached to it with enough space to charge a tab, laptop or mobile.

Nats had told me students were advised to keep their phones in locker or at least be kept outside in the mini mobile locker that was placed outside every classroom. Though it depended entirely on the teacher, some teachers allowed it, some didn't.

Looking into my locker I realize it also had an identity card attached at the side, some basic stationary and finally a tab, which Nats had told me earlier had the copy of our books, in case anyone forgot their books.

"So, like it?" I look up to see Nats standing beside me.

"Nah, loved it," I reply with a smirk.

When I turn back I see Nats playing with my phone. I react a second too late as I see Nats already deleted the video I made today.

"I really loved that video," I reply with a pout.

"Yeah and I love cheetah that doesn't mean I get to keep one. Honey, life's full of disappointments. Just get over it," Nats says sarcastically with her famous eye roll.

We start walking after taking the things we require for our classes. Nats is doing laws, so we don't have as such any similar classes.

I see two girls waving hands to us and approaching us. Nats smiles seeing them, I suppose she knows them.

When they come closer I see one of them is wearing black specs. Not the rimmed black circle ones, but maroon rectangular ones.

She has shoulder length black hair and black eyes with a tint of grey color and is wearing blue denim shorts along with a white crop top that has written STRESSED = DESSERTS. I find myself smiling after reading it.

"Hey Ann!! Del!!'' Nats calls out to the girls.

So, they are Ann and Del. Nats had told me about her other two friends.

Del has long scarlet hair along with brown eyes and is wearing a black crop top and a red skirt which reaches till her mid thigh along with black heels. In all her outfit screams "hot".

"You sure you are straight?" my oh-so lovely inner voice asks me.

"I am allowed to compliment anyone!" I reply to myself.

"Hey!!"the girls say as I stop my internal battle.

Del is the first one to notice me. "Are you the new girl?"

"Yes, I suppose, I am Crystal, Crystal Moreau. You can call me Chris. And you are?"

"Hello Chris!! I am Delince Miller. You can call me Del and yes Nats had told us about you. But I think she forgot to tell us just how beautiful you are. I mean I so L-O-V-E hazel eyes and that outfit is so hot. I can bet you will the new headlines of the university!!"She screams cheerfully.

As for me, I just blush at her compliment, while I look down at my outfit.

"Delince breathe and let Chris breathe too. By the way, I am Amanda Bilson. You can call me Ann as they already do. It is nice meeting you and please don't mind Del, she is the cheerleader captain, so this behaviour comes along with it. We don't have any option but to bear it, I can understand your pain," Ann replies while wiping her fake tears from her face, which earns her a light smack from Del.

"Haha, very funny," Del says sarcastically.

"Cute top," I say to Ann, causing her to blush.

"See, not everyone is like you, Del. Chris likes my top too," Ann says, pointing an accusing finger at Del.

"Well, there can't be any other person like me. There's only one piece of me, sweetie," Del replies with a smirk.

Ann scoffs at Del, before turning her attention towards me.

"I love the logic behind this phrase. I mean stress eating makes so sense. Stressed itself means desserts."

I laugh at Ann's reasoning as we all head to our respective classes.

Hello dear readers!!

Long time no see. How are you all? Hope everyone's good.😊

Back to the story, so what do you think of Crystal's friendship with Nats?👭

Any thoughts about Ann and Del?

Lastly, what do you think of Jackson Moore? Do you think Chris might have met him before?😏

Most importantly, was this chapter humorous?😅😅

Please do reply, I would love to hear your thoughts.

Your support means a lot. It would seriously motivate me to continue this story. 😭

Till the next update, keep shining ;)

- Love Addy :)

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