44. Be the change comic thing

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So uhh I was bored and think about stuff
And I kinda made a little comic about something.
So yeah
Here it is (also between some of the pictures I'm going to write things cuz it doesn't have that many words)


My used to say this all the time when I got in an argument about something with someone. "You can't change them, they might not change, so you be the change."
At the time I hated it because I was always in a fight with my brothers or my parents and all I wanted was for them to change for me. But now I realize the truth in her words.
Do you remember that day when you felt like giving up? When you were alone and nobody knew how you felt.

All you wanted was for someone to notice you. Say something or just smile. But no one did. And it hurt, bad.
The thing is you are not alone with those thoughts. So many people need someone but no one is there.
Have you ever seen someone in need and wanted to help them?

Then you gather the courage and go to them because you can see how they feel.

But you don't because you think something will go wrong.
I have this problem a lot. I am introverted and insecure and always overthink things. I know I should help someone and then I don't. And then I lose my chance.

Next time you see someone don't do this. Remember how you felt when you needed help. Remember how you wished people would change. But they didn't.

When you see someone, wether it's a stranger, someone you love, someone in trouble, someone who looks completely fine, someone online, or even a family member reach out to them. It can be in the smallest way. A smile, a wave, or you can go up and give them a compliment. Just take that chance. Because what's the worst that could happen? They think your weird and you never see them again. But who cares.

Choose to change

Say something. Smile. Do something. And if you are like me and accidentally say something that sounds so dumb you want to know what's going to happen? Nothing. The person is going to leave and forget about it. Just say anything

And if you get this far and then you part ways and never meet again that's an accomplishment. But maybe you can connect better and become friends. But if not and the person forgets you. It's okay. You might find that it wasn't the person who need that communication or complement or smile. It was you.

Being kind doesn't just help others. It helps you too.
With so many scary and bad things in this world you can't rely on other people to change for you. You must change,

The end lol

Yeah I just kinda did it lol
You guys can use it or not idc it kinda is for me cuz I have a hard time putting myself out there when I know I should. But yeah.
Bye ✌️

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