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A brown tabby got to her paws, her glowing, emerald green eyes looked around, staying silent as she walked slightly, her joints making a whirring sound, she looked to see a pink star-shaped flower with hairy leaves, she slightly gave off a bright green light and another whir sound was heard

"New Information!
Borage Leaves
Grows Best In Forests
Rest Is Unknown For Database."

She then started to wander around, then heard voices

"But Sorreldrop! I want to hunt, not patrol the borders! We don't find anything!" A female's voice whined, her ear perked up, this voice sounded young and upbeat, but the whines gave off a bratty voice, almost like a spoiled human....

"Hawkpaw! Stop your whining!" A male voice hissed, the she-cat started slightly pawing at the dirt, she loved the feeling of the dirt on her paws, the bright sunlight on her brown fur "HEY!" She turned around slowly, not showing any emotion though "What are YOU doing here?!" The cat looked young, like a juvenile younger, probably half the size of her.

The cat was sand colored with peach eyes, her tail bobbing, her ears flat, her teeth bared, slightly hissing, the she-cat then got the information that this cat was angered or was aggressive, like it wanted the cat to get away from her.

The green-eyed cat glared as her eyes turned a glowing red, she crouched down, her tail lashing the ground, ears pinned flat, teeth bared, she was NOT going to let THIS cat hurt her!

The young cat seemed to be frightened by the sudden hostility, her tail stopped bobbing and tucked between her legs, her face now showing uncertainty, a male came running behind her "HAWKPAW!!! GET AWAY FROM HER!!!" He screeched, Hawkpaw flinched and backed away.

The red-eyed cat didn't see that they were going to attack, so her eyes returned to their normal green color and she stopped crouching, standing straight up, her voice showing seriousness though, teeth no longer bared.

The male was slightly confused at the change of behavior "Who are you?!" He asked, the cat blinked "That information is none of your concern." She responded, she then looked at other plants such as Celandine, Dandelion, and Lavender "Yes it is our concern, you are on OUR territory!" The male hissed, she turned to them with a glare "I can't share that information with you... It is NOT necessary, so let me get this over with AND DO MY JOB!!!" She hissed harshly, turning away and looking around.

"What job?!" Hawkpaw hissed "Something you wouldn't understand..." The older female hissed "Is it SO hard to tell us your name?! We're not asking your whole backstory here!" The younger female hissed, the male glared at the younger female "My name is PROJECT-420SR..." The cat responded "Wh-What? PROJECT-420SR?" Hawkpaw asked, blinking "That's not a name..." The cat scoffed "It is MY name..." She said "Can we call you something else? That's not how names really go around these clans..." The male asked, the female turned with a glare

"You can call me Luminous..." The cat finally answered, her glowing green eyes looking straight in to the other's eyes "Now if you could excuse me... I need to finish my job to leave this stupid forest..." She said then walked away.

Hawkpaw blinked "She talks really weird, Sorreldrop.... she says stupid and what does luminous even mean?" She asked, Sorreldrop looked to her "I have no idea, Hawkpaw, we should report this to Mountainstar..." He said, the two walked off.

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