11 ~ The Red Carpet

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Cara stood - still clutching James' hand, and was immediately faced with a wall of fans and photographers and reporters.

The flashing cameras blotched her vision, and she felt very dizzy, but James wrapped his arm around her waist, reassuringly kissing her cheek. She laughed as he whispered in her ear.

"You're doing great."

She managed to smile for the cameras as shouts came at them from all directions.

"James, James! Over here!"

"Oh my God it's Charles!"

"James, who's your friend?"

"Where's Michael?"

Cara laughed as James squeezed her middle - again reassuring her. They walked over to some of the screaming fans as James signed posters and comics - still keeping one arm around Cara.

They left the mass of yelling fans and moved towards the reporters.

"James, James, who's that?" one of the women said, pointing to Cara and thrusting her microphone into his face.

"That," James said, turning to Cara and smiling. "Is my wonderful girlfriend, Miss Cara Greene." he grinned and held up Cara's hand, whilst she curtsied for the camera.

"How long have you guys been together?" the reporter asked as James pulled Cara back to him - again wrapping an arm around her waist.

"Almost a month?" James said, looking at Cara, who shrugged, nodding.

"There abouts," she laughed and the reporter turned to face the camera as they walked away.

"James McAvoy brought his new girlfriend Cara to the world premiere of X-Men's Days of Future Past. Bringing her to an event as big as this - after only three weeks together - surely signifies that he sees a future with her."

Although they were heading in the opposite direction of the reporter, Cara could clearly hear everything the woman said. She paused in thought for a moment - replaying the words over in her head, and smiling - before a new wave of screams began.

James spoke into her ear so she could hear him over the shouts.

"That'll be Michael, Jen and Hugh's arrival."

Cara nodded to show she understood, and they posed for a few more pictures until the three newcomers caught up with them.

After more pictures, Jeniffer managed to walk over. And James went to speak to Michael.

"Hey Cara, how're you doing? Hard work isn't it?" she half-shouted.

Cara laughed. "Yeah, it's kind of overwhelming!"

Jennifer laughed with her, agreeing.

"You look absolutely stunning by the way," she grinned, winking.

"Coming from you!" Cara laughed, gesturing to Jennifer's dress.

Jennifer laughed before turning around after hearing someone call her name.

"The people are calling!" she laughed, pointing to the mass of fans screaming her name.

"Catch up later, and sit next to me in the movie - us ladies gotta stick together." she winked, and Jennifer turned to greet her fans.

James jogged back over, with Michael and Hugh following behind. He curled his hand into hers, and kissed her cheek, whispering in her ear.

"You alright?" he asked, and Cara nodded.

"Good," he mouthed and she smiled.

"How's it going then?" Michael yelled as he reached them.

"Pretty good," Cara laughed and Michael grinned back at her. Hugh smiled a small hello, and was about to speak when more screams sounded.

"That'll be Stewart and McKellen," he laughed, and at that moment, Sir Patrick Stewart and Sir Ian McKellen stepped out onto the carpet, causing quite a commotion.

Among others, Halle Berry, Nicholas Hoult, Ellen Page and Peter Dinklage had arrived and Cara had managed to meet most of them. She felt incredibly lucky to be there as she was introduced to Bryan Singer, the director.

After more interviews, pictures, signatures, and many more screams, everyone had arrived, and Cara had walked the length of the red carpet at least three times.

They then finally entered the cinema.

It was larger than any Cara had been to before, and at each seat was a bottle of water and a packet of some sort of biscuits.

She was seated inbetween James and Jennifer, and sat next to James was Michael, then Hugh, then Halle, and next to Jennifer was Ellen, then Nicholas, then Patrick and Ian. A few others that Cara had recognised sat in the rows behind, and Bryan and most of the other important crew members sat infront.

Before the film started, the cast and crew got up on stage and made a few speeches.

Cara felt slightly embarrassed, now that she was sitting pretty much on her own, but James' eyes weren't once away from hers when he was on stage.

They all sat back down, and the film started. James held Cara's hand, and whispered in her ear.

"You did really great, everyone loved you - told you they would!" he laughed, and Cara grinned and gave him a quick kiss before the film began.

As the film started, there were many cheers and shouts, and during the movie - whenever a new character appeared - there were more cheers. When James appeared for the first time, Cara grinned at him, and he just winced with embarrassment.

Around halfway through, Jennifer turned to Cara.

"You hungry? These things aren't cutting it," she laughed, pointing to her second packet of biscuits.

"Hey, I only got one pack!" Cara laughed, and Ellen leaned over.

"They were mine," she laughed, rolling her eyes and snatching the remaining snack. Jennifer pulled an apologising face, then opened her mouth - as though she'd remembered something.

"I found some mentos in my purse," she grinned, rooting through her bag, and then handing a few of the mints to Cara and Ellen.

"Thanks Jennifer," Cara laughed.

"For God's sake, call me Jen!" she winked, and they went back to watching the film.

After the screen faded to black, the room errupted into thunderous applause. The cast and crew got back up on stage, bowing as the cheering continued.

They left the theatre, and hopped into a taxi - avoiding the paparazzi that had stayed behind.

"So, what did you think?" James asked, as the taxi set off.

"Bit mediocre really," Cara laughed, and James shook his head, laughing too.

"No, it was absolutely amazing. I loved it - seriously loved it. It was everything I wanted it to be and more." Cara admitted, and James grinned.

"Glad you think so," he laughed,  and Cara nodded.

"So, where are we going now then?" she asked, and James though for a moment before answering.

"Back to the stylists for a touch-up and then the afterparty I think," he grinned, but then added quickly: "Unless you're not up for it - we can go back to the hotel and chill if that's what you want." he smiled, and Cara laughed.

"As much as chilling at the hotel sounds great, I would seriously regret not attending the afterparty."

"Afterparty it is then."

Cara, James, Jen, Hugh & Michael all stopped for about half an hour, as the hair and makeup people whizzed around them.

Cara changed into a red knee-length dress that the clipboard lady presented her with, thinking it would be easier to dance in. Her hair was pinned up on the side of her head, and the shade of lipstick she wore matched her new dress.

Before she had time to think, they were once again hurried into taxis, and were on their way to the afterparty.

By the time they arrived, it was already in full swing.

The lights flashed around the nightclub, and everyone was dancing- whether they were on the dancefloor or not.

Cara walked in, arm-in-arm with Jennifer.

They headed straight for the bar, chatted and had a few drinks before they started dancing.

Jennifer and Cara danced for a while, laughing and chatting still. After a few songs, they went back to the bar and had a couple more drinks, then tried to get the boys to join them on the dancefloor.

"Come on McAvoy!" Jen shouted, and Cara laughed as he raised an eyebrow before getting up.

"You too Fassbender!" she yelled, and Michael grinned as he headed over.

"Come show us your moves Logan!" Jen laughed, and Hugh downed the rest of his drink before joining the others.

They all danced around for what seemed like forever, and everyone had plenty to drink.

Into the early hours of the morning, most people had gone home, and many of those left were in a drunken stupor.

James and Cara continued to dance, as Hugh, Michael and Jennifer went to buy some more drinks.

"How are you holding up?" James asked, spinning Cara around.

"Not too bad, surprisingly." she laughed, and he pulled her closer as they continued to twirl about the dancefloor.

Jennifer called them over to the table that she was sat at with Michael and Hugh.

James and Cara joined them, and they quickly began chatting again, until they were the only people left in the club.

Jennifer got up and had a look around. When she got back, confirming they were the only ones there, she was grinning from ear to ear.

"What have you done?" Hugh asked, and Jen laughed.

"It's not what I've done," she giggled. "It's what I've found!" she quickly dragged them all round to an area of the nightclub Cara hadn't been to before.

There was a karaoke machine in the middle of the small stage, and Cara laughed as she figured out Jennifer's plan.

"So, who's going first?" she grinned, picking up the microphone, and holding it out.

Hugh walked over and confidently snatched the microphone from Jennifer's hand.

"I'd just like to let you know, I'm a tough act to follow." he said, before turning on the machine and picking a track.

Cara was slightly disappointed when he didn't sing 'Bring him home', but the feeling promptly disappeared when he belted out 'Walking on sunshine' instead. He really was a tough act to follow.

But that didn't stop Michael, who was up next. He managed to perform 'One way or another' tremendously, and recieved a standing ovation.

Jennifer followed Michael, and her version of 'Man! I feel like a woman' was spectacular.

Cara braved the stage afterwards, and thought she managed a pretty good 'These boots are made for walking' and recieved a standing ovation - much like eveyone else.

Lastly was James, who could've quite easily been mistaken for Barry Manilow as he sang 'Copacobana'.

By the end of all the performances everyone was in fits of laughter. It might've been the drink, but at that moment, Cara felt immensely happy.

They arrived back at the hotel at about 5am, and immediately got into bed - in the clothes they were wearing as they were too tired and drunk to change, plus Cara's dress was incredibly comfortable. She decided she was definitely keeping it.

Turning over, Cara faced James, who snuggled up close.

"Tonight was great." he said, and Cara mumbled something in agreement.

"You never told me you could sing," James added.

"Nor did you," she laughed.

And with that, they fell asleep.

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