14 ~ Cheese

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"So you know how we'll figure something out?" Cara asked, as they were eating breakfast.

"Yeah?" James replied; a mouthful of cereal.

"We could really do with figuring it out," Cara laughed, and James groaned.

"Can't we figure it out later?"


"Why not?"

"Because then later you'll say," Cara put on her best Scottish accent; "Can't we figure it out later?"

James laughed. "Not bad for a Londoner,"

"Not bad for a Londoner," Cara mocked, and James laughed again.

"Okay, so what are we figuring out?" he asked, and Cara laughed.

"What we are going to do after Paris. Where are we going to go?"

"Wherever we want to go," James grinned.

"We can't just go wherever we want to go!" Cara laughed, and James pulled a face.

"Why not?"

"Because. I need to go see my parents before my mother is convinced I'm dead, and I need to talk to my friends before they think that as well." Cara laughed.

"Well then we can go to London." James grinned.

"Really? You'd come home with me?" Cara laughed, and James wrapped his arms around her.

"Of course I would! I can get a hotel, and --" he began, but was interrupted by Cara.

"Whoa whoa whoa get a hotel? Don't be stupid," she laughed and James chuckled.

"Alright then,"

"Are you sure you don't have to see your parents or something?" Cara asked, and James looked confused, then shook his head laughing.

"What?" Cara asked - confused.

"I was raised by my grandparents - who obviously aren't around anymore - and I don't have the slightest idea where my birth parents are." he chuckled, and Cara looked shocked.

She squeezed him closer to her.

"Oh my goodness, James I'm so sorry, I didn't know," she mumbled into his chest, and he pulled her off him and smiled at her.

"No, it's fine. Even if I knew where they were I wouldn't want to see them anyway," he laughed, and Cara smiled.

"Okay, well I'm sorry anyway."

"Don't be."

"Okay, I'm not sorry."

"Well that's a little harsh,"

Cara punched James in the arm.

"You're so difficult." she moaned, and James chuckled before putting the TV on.

Cara's phone rang. It was her best friend (and neighbour) Rose. Cara took a deep breath before picking up the phone.

"Hey Rose,"

"Don't you dare Hey Rose me young lady. I knew you wanted to go for a little trip to Edinburgh on your own and I didn't ring you because I respect your privacy and all that but if you meet James freaking McAvoy and then become his girlfriend - and don't call me - then I want an apology immediately."

"Rose I'm so sorry, I was going to call as soon as, but I've been really busy and --"

"Busy with that new boyfriend you didn't tell me about," Rose interrupted.

"Yes, and I'm really sorry, I honestly am," Cara began, but was again interrupted

"Yeah well you better be,"

"I am and we're coming back to London soon so I promise I'll tell you everything and make it up to you."

"Wait. We're?"

"Yes, James is coming with me," Cara laughed, and Rose gasped.

"All is forgiven. But you absolutely have to tell me everything as soon as you get back home, okay?"

"Okay," Cara laughed, before saying goodbye and hanging up.

James walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Who was that?" he asked, as he nuzzled into Cara's neck.

"My best friend Rose, and she can't wait to meet you,"

"If she's your best friend, I can't wait to meet her," James laughed and Cara shook her head, laughing.

"Sorry - too cheesy?" James predicted.

"Yes, extremely cheesy, doesn't get much cheesier," Cara nodded.

"I doubt that," James grinned.

"Really? Think you can out-cheese it?" Cara challenged, and James' smile grew wider.

"Of course."

"Oh so it's a cheese-off?" Cara laughed.

"It appears so,"

"Okay, after you,"

"Did you just fart?" James asked.

"What? No!" Cara was shocked at the sudden turn in conversation.

"Because you blew me away,"

"Oh I see, very funny. My turn."

"Go ahead."

"Are you a parking ticket? Cause you got 'fine' written all over you."

"Not bad," James laughed, before continuing the cheese-off. "You must be a keyboard, because you're just my type."

Cara laughed "Okay that was cringe-worthy. I need to up my game. You ready?"

"Hit me," James laughed.

"I think you're suffering from a lack of vitamin me,"

"Oh that wasn't good," James grinned, as Cara laughed. "Okay, on a scale from 1 to 10, you're a 9, and I'm the one you need." he smirked, and Cara raised her hands in surrender.

"Okay, okay thay was shocking. You win. I surrender - that was - oh God never say that again." she laughed, and James grinned.

"I win the cheese-off! I am the cheese master!" James yelled, and Cara shook her head.

"That's not exactly the kind of title you want though - is it?"

"Good point," James grinned, and Cara sat down on the sofa. He slouched next to her and put his arm around her waist. "I still won though," he whispered, and Cara stuck out her tongue. James chuckled and pulled her into a hug, kissing her forehead.

"You didn't win, I surrendered." Cara chuckled, and James laughed.

"You surrendered, therefore I won." he smiled.

Cara shook her head, "I'm not even going to try and win this argument."

"Good, because you won't."

"I might've done,"

"Guess we'll never know," James smirked, and Cara laughed.

"Guess we'll never know," she mocked James' accent again, and he laughed, pulling her into another hug.

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