16 ~ Birthday

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The clock turned midnight, and James rolled over to face Cara, brushing his nose on her cheek.

"Happy Birthday," he smiled.

"Thank you, but I'm tired." Cara laughed, and reclosed her eyes.

"Fine, but you get a present first." James' smile grew wider.

"I'm listening..." Cara laughed, and James pulled her into a kiss, wrapping his arms around her back.

"Well that was a little disappointing," Cara joked, and James turned his back to her. "Nooo, I was joking!" Cara laughed, and pulled James back around to her. He laughed and she pulled his arms back around her.


"Morning, again." Cara groaned as she shuffled into the kitchen.

"Happy Birthday, again." James laughed, as he carried their plates to the table. "This was going to be breakfast in bed, but you're up now," he shrugged, and Cara laughed.

"Well if I'd have known that, I would've stayed in bed!"

"Too late now," James grinned, mouthful of bacon.

After they'd finished, James cleared up the plates, and Cara got up to get dressed.

"Hey, hey, hey, where're you going?" James asked, jogging up behind and wrapping his arms around her. Cara smiled and leant back as his lips brushed against her neck, making her giggle.

"I want to get dressed James," she laughed as he contiued to kiss her neck.

"But, it's your, birthday," James whispered inbetween kisses.

"And that means I can't get dressed?" Cara laughed, twisting out of his grip. But James caught her wrist and pulled her back so that they were standing face to face - their noses touching. James grinned and Cara tried to keep a straight face.
"I'm getting dress--" she began, but was quickly silenced by James' lips against hers. Cara's straight face turned into a smile as James' hands ran up and down her back.
He pulled away and grinned mischievously.
"How about a shower first?" he winked, and Cara laughed before being dragged towards the bathroom.


"Happy Birthday!" Rose said, shoving a bag of presents towards Cara.
"Thank you so much! Wow this is a lot," Cara grinned, pulling Rose into a hug.
"Well open it then for God's sake!" she laughed, and Cara began opening the presents.
Rose had bought her an assortment of chocolate and beauty products, along with various other bits and bobs that Cara loved - including a gorgeous deep purple dress.
"How did you even think to get me all of this?" Cara grinned, and Rose grinned back.
"I'm just a natural gift-giver," she tossed her hair behind her shoulder. "Well, I believe Mr Tumnus has a beautiful lunch in store, so I'll leave you to it!" Rose said, before giving Cara another hug and leaving.

"A beautiful lunch?" Cara asked as James walked over.
"I suppose you could say that," he shrugged. Cara laughed as James pulled on a coat, and held hers up for her as she put it on.
It was a short, windy walk over to the small café, but as they entered, they were greeted by the warm smell of fresh coffee.

A couple of hours of talking and eating later, they left the little shop, and walked back to the apartment.
"So what's next on the agenda?" Cara grinned, and James laughed.
"Dinner, of course." he smiled, grabbing onto Cara's hand - which she gladly took.
"Oh, I might need another shower then," she smirked, and James chuckled.
"That's fine by me,"


James smiled as Cara walked out of the bedroom in the dress that Rose had bought her.
"You look stunning, as always." he grinned, pulling her into a kiss.
"And you look handsome as always," Cara laughed, tightening James' tie.
"So where are we going on this fine night?" she asked.
"Do you really think I'm going to tell you?" James laughed, and Cara shrugged.
"It was worth a try," she grinned, as she linked her arm through his and walked down the stairs.

A short drive later, they pulled up outside a restaurant. There were quite a few cars in the car park, but the lights in the restaurant itself seemed to be out.
"That's odd," James said, getting out of the car.
"There must be people here," Cara laughed, gesturing to the cars.
"I booked a table and everything," James gave Cara a confused look, and they decided to walk up to the entrance.
"I can't believe this," James laughed, giving a pull on the door. "Hang on, it's open!" he grinned, opening the door and walking inside. Cara reluctantly followed him in, and whispered.
"I don't like this,"
"The light switch must be around here somewhere," James said, putting his arm around Cara and using his free arm to feel the wall.
"Bingo," he grinned, and he flicked on the lights.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" a chorus of shout errupted throughout the room, and Cara almost jumped out of her skin. She clung onto James as he kissed her cheek, and realisation washed over her as she glanced at the faces around the room.
All of her friends and family was there, including Michael and Jennifer and Hugh.
"Oh. My. God." Cara whispered, as some music started playing and soon the party was in full swing.
"Happy Birthday Cara," James whispered into her ear as she recovered from the shock.
"I hate you," she whispered back, before he pulled her into a kiss.
Michael was the first to run over, pulling Cara into a hug.
"Happy Birthday!" he grinned, and soon Jennifer had danced over too.
"Happy Birthday Caz! Can I call you that? I'm gonna call you that," she grinned, and Cara nodded, laughing.
"Your Raven is showing," Michael grinned, before hugging Cara again, and rejoining the mass of dancing people.
Rose skipped over and pretty much leapt on top Cara.
"I cannot believe you kept this from me," Cara laughed, and Rose winked and pulled her onto the dancefloor.


A lot of dancing and drinking and eating later, the majority of the relatives had left, and Cara was dancing with James.
"I have one last surprise left up my sleeve," he grinned, and Cara raised an eyebrow.
"Oh really? I doubt you can beat this one," she laughed.
"I bet I can," James smiled, as the music came to an end and he got down on one knee.
Cara immediately brought her hands to her face, and she could feel the tears welling up in her eyes.
"Cara, Megan, Elizabeth, Greene. I have known you for little under a year, yet I already know that I want to spend every day, for the rest of my life, with you." James smiled, pulling a small box out of his jacket pocket. He opened the box, revealing a beautiful, diamond engagement ring.
Cara nodded furiously.
"Yes, yes, yes," she stuttered, wiping away the tears that were now pouring down her face.
"But I haven't finished my speech," James laughed, slipping the ring onto Cara's finger.
It was the perfect fit.
"I'm sure it was beautiful," Cara laughed, tears still streaming down her face as she pulled James into a hug.
"I love you so much," James chuckled into her ear.
"My thoughts exactly." Cara grinned, pulling away and wiping her eyes.
James smiled and pushed a stray strand of hair behind Cara's ear, before pulling her into another hug.
The music restarted, and James placed his arms around Cara's waist as she laced her arms around his neck.
They swayed with their noses touching, both of them smiling.
"So, future Mrs McAvoy," James began, but Cara interrupted.
"Mr Greene,"
"Mrs McAvoy-Greene?" James countered.
"Mr Greene-McAvoy?"
"Mrs McGreene?"
"Mr Gravoy?" Cara said, and they both burst out laughing. "No, I think I'll be Mrs McAvoy." Cara nodded, still laughing.
"Sounds good to me," James grinned, before pressing his lips against hers, as they continued to sway to the music.

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