2 ~ Breakfast

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Waking up after a pleasant dream that she couldn't quite remember. Cara rolled over and looked at the small alarm clock that sat on the bedside table. It was 9:30. She'd overslept.

Ah well.

Getting out of bed she removed her pyjamas and hopped in the shower.

Afterwards, she quickly got dressed into her ripped jeans and sheer white shirt - which she wore a white tank top underneath.

Putting on some make up - a bit of foundation, some light eyeshadow, mascara and lip gloss - she headed downstairs for breakfast.

Entering the hotel restaurant, she was hit with the smell of bacon and egg, which made her realise just how hungry she was - having had nothing to eat the night before.

Joining the queue to the buffet, she scanned the room for any sign of James, but couldn't see him.

Reaching the front of the queue, she quickly piled food onto her plate (it wasn't very ladylike at all) and for a minute she was glad James wasn't there to witness it.

Bacon, eggs, sausages, beans, hash browns, mushrooms, tomatoes; she grabbed a bit of everything that was available, including some orange juice and an apple - which made her feel slightly healthier.

She headed to the right-hand side of the restaurant, and sat at a small table next to the window.

Finding some newspapers on the windowsill, she picked up the most recent, and read.

The restaurant gradually filled with families and couples, and a few minutes after Cara had sat down and begun to eat, the room was full.

"Excuse me Miss, may I have this seat?" a familiar Scottish accent sounded from behind Cara, making her jump a little.

Turning her head, Cara smirked and gestured to the empty seat opposite.

"Why of course good Sir, please do." she replied and James sat down and put his plate on the table. Cara didn't know how it was possible, but he seemed to have more food than she did.

"I see you are fond of a good breakfast," he chuckled, nodding towards Cara's plate as she folded up the newspaper.

Cara feigned hurt "Says you! Look at all of that!" she pointed to his plate and he laughed.

"Touché," he chuckled, and tucked in.

Just then, the grumpy rceptionist from the night before strolled into the room and began to walk up behind James. Cara groaned and rolled her eyes, and James gave her a look as if to say:

'Oh God, it's not who I think it is, is it?'

Cara nodded and James sighed, turning towards the woman strutting towards him.

"There is some more seating in the lounge area, Mr McAvoy, I could easily move you there - you don't have to sit with a-another resident," her nasal voice made Cara feel slightly ill.

"Er I'm perfectly fine here, thanks." James replied, trying to smile.

"If you're sure, Mr McAvoy."

"I'm pretty sure."

The receptionist strutted away just as she had entered.

"Jesus Christ." James laughed once the woman was out of earshot.

"Well, after that I'm going to need another drink. Want me to grab you a coffee or something?" Cara asked as she stood up.

"I'll just have a glass of water thanks," James replied, still laughing and rolling his eyes at the thought of the receptionist.

As Cara brought back her coffee and James' water, she placed it infront of him and did her best nasally impression of the awful woman.

"Here's your water, Mr McAvoy." Cara batted her eyelashes and pouted her lips.

"Oh my God, don't even joke." James laughed and sipped his water.

"Why not? Mr McAvoy?" Cara joked again as she returned to her seat and James almost spat out the water. Putting his hand to his mouth, he mumbled "Stop it!" and once recovered, he added: "That was a scarily accurate impression you know,"

"I do try," Cara laughed, jokingly flipping her hair over her shoulder.

After a few more laughs and much more breakfast, James continued the conversation.

"So, I would like to know more about you, Miss...?" He paused, realising that he didn't know Cara's surname.


"I would like to know more about you Miss Greene." James finished.

"Well, what would you like to know?" Cara asked, blushing slightly.

"Your phone number, perhaps?" James smirked and Cara felt her cheeks redden completely.

"Smooth, very smooth." Cara laughed and put her number into James phone after he handed it to her.

"I am the master of smooth." James joked as he returned his mobile to his pocket.

"I would expect nothing less from Charles Xavier himself." Cara winked and now it was James' turn to blush slightly.

"So you do know who I am!" James chuckled.

"When was there ever any doubt?" Cara laughed as she pulled out her phone and turned it on, revealing the X-Men screensaver.

James laughed with Cara and their conversation carried on, way after they had both finished their breakfasts, and the restaurant had cleared.

"Excuse me, Mr McAvoy," a familiar nasal voice came from the horrible woman that neither James nor Cara had noticed standing over them.

"Oh, er, yeah, sorry, what seems to be the problem?" he asked, sounding quite pissed off.

"The restaurant is now closing, and I hate to be a disturbance, but I have to ask you to take your 'rendezvous' elsewhere." she smiled, but shot a sideways glare towards Cara, who stuck her tongue out.

James coughed to try to cover his laughter, but it didn't work very well. The receptionist tried to join in the laughter - not quite realising it was directed at herself.

"Oh yeah, sure whatever." James said and stood up suddenly.

"Miss Greene, do accompany me back to my chamber!" He announced in his English accent.

"I would be my pleasure, Sir!" Cara practically shouted as she linked her arm through his.

They marched out of the restaurant with their heads held high, and Cara turned around just before they lost sight of the nasal woman.

She looked shocked, confused - angry even - and was still standing right where they left her.

Once they rounded the corner, James and Cara doubled over in fits of laughter.

"That. Was. Brilliant." Cara managed to say inbetween the laughter.

"It would be my pleasure, Sir!" James re-enacted Cara's exiting line.

"It was the first thing that came into my head!" Cara giggled.

"And I'm glad it was! You should've seen her face!" James spluttered, regaining control over his laughter.

Once they had calmed down, they climbed the stairs to the third floor, where Cara's room was.

They walked along the corridor to her door, and she swiped the key card, unlocking and then opening the door.

"Do you want to come in for a cup of tea or something?" She asked, trying to be polite.

"I would love to, but I've got a meeting I have to get to, sorry."

"That's okay, I guess you can text me or something." Cara smiled, remembering that he had her number.

"Yeah, I will." James smirked and looked down at his hands as Cara stood in the doorway. It suddenly became very awkward.

"Well, goodbye for now then," Cara waved and slowly shut the door, but James stuck his foot in at the last second.

"Cara, wait. I was just wondering," he muttered.

"Yes?" Cara was quite sure her heart just skipped a beat.

"I was wondering if you'd like to get dinner or something, you know, w-with me?" James paused and ran his fingers through his hair the way he did when they first met the day before.

"I don't know, just an idea I guess..." he mumbled again.

"James?" Cara replied nervously.

"Y-yes?" He looked up at her with a worried look in his eyes.

"I would absolutely love to have dinner with you." Cara smiled and felt her cheeks heat up.

"That's great!" James laughed with a sigh of relief. "For a minute there I thought you were going to say you had a boyfriend or something and--"

"--Oh, you meant dinner like a date?" Cara interrupted.

James suddenly became nervous again.

"Well, yeah, w-what did--"

"-- I'm joking! I'm joking!" Cara grinned and almost fell to the floor laughing.

"I cannot believe you." James said, holding back a giggle.

"Date's cancelled." he sulked sarcastically and started to walk off.

"Nooooo James!" Cara called, chased him down the corridor and jumped onto his back - nearly knocking him over.

"Jesus Christ!" He laughed, grabbing Cara's arms which were now wrapped around his neck.

She jumped down off him, and he turned so that he was facing her.

"I'll pick you up at 7 tomorrow then?" he chuckled.

"Can't wait." Cara grinned as she turned and ran off back down the corridor to her room.

Closing the door, she slid down it until she was sitting. She laughed to herself as she replayed the morning in her head, still unsure as to whether she was dreaming or not.

The rest of the day she spent unpacking and deciding what to do during the week.

But the one thing that kept circling back through her thoughts every few minutes though, was her date.

I am going on a date with James McAvoy.
THE James McAvoy.

It was about the 50th time thinking about it; when she realised that she hadn't brought clothing that was appropriate for a date (nevermind one with James McAvoy) and decided that the next day would be spent mostly shopping, as it was 9pm, therefore too late to go then and there.

Cara eventually fell asleep in bed watching TV at about 11:30pm.

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