8 ~ Fittings

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Cara woke up to find herself in bed, wearing one of James' shirts. She moved to get up, but the arm wrapped around her stopped her from leaving. She turned to face James, who was still fast asleep, and she smiled as she lifted his arm, gently maneuvering around it so that she didn't wake him.

She had almost wriggled out, when his arm closed around her again, and pulled her back to him.

"Where do you think you're going?" he mumbled, pulling her closer.

"Well I was going to have a shower, but I'm kinda stuck." Cara giggled, and James smiled - his eyes still shut.

"Just a few more minutes," he muttered, and Cara giggled slightly as she felt his breath on her neck.

"If you insist," she laughed, as James' arm closed tightly around her, pulling her into a kiss.

Cara woke again to someone thumping on the door. James groaned and stopped Cara from getting up again.

"Someone's at the door," she said, and he laughed.

"Really? I hadn't noticed."

The thumping continued.

"I know you're in there." the Irish accent from behind the door boomed, making Cara laugh.

"Cara! I can hear you! Open this door!" Michael continued.

"If we ignore him long enough, he'll go away." James said, before opening his eyes slightly.

"I will break down this door McAvoy!" Michael boomed. "You know I will!"

"Yeah, I think we should probably stop him actually," James managed to say, as he pulled his arm of Cara.

She got up, and shuffled to the door.

"Who's there?" she asked, laughing as she opened the door. Michael walked in and hugged her.

"James still in bed?" he asked and Cara nodded, pointing to the bedroom. Michael walked in as Cara made some coffee.

She carried the mugs through to the bedroom to find Michael lying next to James, with the duvet on the floor.

Cara put down the coffee and picked up her phone, snapping a quick picture of the pair in bed.

"If I posted this online, the Fassavoy fandom would implode." she laughed, and Michael and James sat up, and started drinking the coffee.

"So what are we doing today?" Cara asked, sitting down on the bottom of the bed.

"We have to go get measured for suits, and you a dress. Unless you want to wear a suit," Michael replied, laughing.

"Sounds fun!" Cara laughed, and James shook his head.

"It's fun until they start jabbing you with their tape measures." he winced, and Michael nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, it gets a bit awkward then." he laughed, and Cara frowned.

"Well thanks for that! Now I'm really looking forward to it!"

"Sorry." James mumbled, and Michael got up and walked to the lounge.

"You two, shower, and I'll watch TV." he said, and James raised an eyebrow and winked at Cara.

"Jesus Christ James, shower separately." Michael rolled his eyes and went into the lounge.

They managed to make it to their fittings only a couple of minutes late.

Cara laughed as James and Michael walked into the room to be measured. They stood facing eachother in just their underwear, trying not to laugh as the man with the tape measure got awkwardly up-close-and-personal.

After the measuring was finished, it was Cara's turn. She felt incredibly relieved when she had to go into a separate room, and even more relieved when a woman measured her, and not the creepy dude from before.

After the mesuring was finished, she went back into the other room with James and Michael.

"How'd it go?" James asked as she sat down next to him.

"Alright I guess, she didn't really talk much, just 'please raise your right arm' and stuff like that," Cara replied.

"She?" Michael asked.

"Yeah, it was a woman," Cara said confused.

"How come we get the creepy guy?" Michael groaned and James nodded.

"Pretty sure he groped me once or twice," James said and pretended to shiver. Cara laughed.

"I don't think you would've liked my woman any better, she was super boring,"

"Oh anyone would've been better than Mr Never-heard-of-personal-space!" Michael laughed, and a different woman with a clipboard walked into the room.

"Would you please come with me to have your clothing fitted," she smiled, and they stood up and followed her into the next room, which had three large changing rooms.

The woman directed Cara into the one at the end, where there were two beautiful dresses hung up.

"Red first, then blue." the woman smiled as she left Cara to change.

Pulling on the red dress, Cara looked in the mirror. It was a gorgeous, floor length gown with long sleeves.

"Miss Greene, do you need some help?" she heard the clipboard woman call from outside.

"No thanks, I'm good!" Cara replied, and she heard James laugh.

"Come on then!" Michael said, and Cara parted the curtain and walked into the room.

James and Michael turned around to face her.

"You're looking very dapper in your suits," she laughed, but James and Michael said nothing. They just stared. "What?" she asked, Michael grinned.

"You really picked a good one this time James," he laughed, slapping James on the back.

"A good one?" Cara laughed, flipping Michael off. James finally snapped out of his daze.

"Cara, you look absolutely stunning." he said, walking towards her. She felt her cheeks turning a similar colour to her dress. James had just about reached her, when the clipboard woman stepped infront of him. Cara had forgotten she was there.

"Sorry, but I'm afraid we cannot crease the dress." she said.

"Oh come on! Really?" James asked, as Cara and Michael laughed at his disappointment.

"I'm sorry Sir, but it can't be creased." the clipboard woman said, laughing with Cara and Michael.

"Alright. And you can call me James," he said to the woman, before the three of them walked back into the changing rooms.

Cara took of the red dress, and put on the next. It was the same style as the red, but an electric blue instead.

She left the changing room quickly, and was out before James and Michael.

James was out next, and his jaw dropped again when he saw Cara.

"Stop it." she laughed, as he smiled, looking her up and down.

"Michael what are you doing in there?" Cara yelled, and he stepped out, grinning.

"Sorry, had a bit of a wrestle with the tie," he laughed, and James nodded, pulling at his own tie.

"I'm afraid you are going to have to choose between the dresses," the clipboard woman said to Cara, "And the suits," she nodded to James and Michael.

"What do you think?" Cara asked, turning back to James and Michael. "Red or blue?"

"They both looked absolutely gorgeous," James said, smiling and moving closer to Cara. The clipboard woman shot him a warning look, and he held up his hands. "Okay, okay, no touching, just looking," he laughed, and Michael shook his head.

"Well I'm leaning towards the blue," Cara said, gesturing to the dress she was currently wearing.

"Blue it is," James grinned, and Cara tried not to blush.

"Well I'm having the grey suit. That's for sure." Michael said, loosening his tie.

"And I guess I'm having this one," James gestured to the navy suit he was wearing.

The clipboard woman began "So if you'd like to get changed again, and try not to crease the material," she said, aiming the statement at James. "That would be great, thank you," and with that she walked out, her heels clicking on the hard floor with every step.

They eventually left, and made their way back to the hotel, as it was getting dark.

Michael went back to James and Cara's room, because he didn't want to be on his own.

"So that wasn't nearly as exciting as I thought it was going to be." Cara laughed, as she grabbed some popcorn from the kitchen.

"Told you it wasn't great," Michael laughed as he sat down on the sofa. Cara sat down next to James and he put his arm around her.

"But you looked amazing in those dresses," he said, and Cara blushed.

"As did you in your suit." she laughed, and Michael coughed. "You too Fassbender," she added, and Michael chuckled.

They watched TV and chatted for the rest of the night, until eventually, they all fell asleep - still lying on the sofa.

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