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As soon as Margot reached the attic which was actually her room, that she couldn't really complain as it was pretty big, she felt the need to finally open her laptop again. She had not felt that why ever since that night at the beach with that stranger, that stranger that she had just found out to be Mr. Wilson's oldest son or one of them for that matter.

Margot jumped into her bed and opened the "Dear Fucking Whatever" document which was kind of her journal and started frenectically typing. 

"Dear Fucking Whatever,

Today I think I might have bumped into the stranger I saw the other night at the beach. But if they are twins than how can I know if Nathaniel is the guy I saw? I mean clearly he is filled with tattoos and well I couldn't really see the other guy clearly but he seemed to have a few too so if the twin brother doesn't have any tattoos or if he looks nothing like Nathaniel than I will have my answer there.

Anyways, he was naked, absolutely fucking naked and he had the audacity of not covering himself to talk to me. Amelia and the rest of the guys were right, he is definitely troublesome.

But if he really is the guy from the other night then what was he doing in a suit? I mean he doesn't really look like the kind of guy that wears suits on a daily basis and he was suppose to be away until today, right? 

Ugh, I'm probably allucinating...it's probably not even him or maybe I in fact allucinated that night and there as no one there? I mean maybe the pills are giving me allucinations now? 

Oh right, I haven't really mentioned it here but I am taking some fucked up pills for my BPD  and they have been striking me really bad with fucked up secondary effects So why am I still taking them, right? Well, because apparently stop taking them will make you ten times worse and I honestly am scared as shit of that! No, really! If only anyone knew how I feel, the things that happen in my head, the panics, the anxiety just really everything...it's like I'm going to suffocate every damn time I breathe.

There are times that I can't even be around people like literally anyone.


Her thoughts were interropted by a knock on her door.


"Margot, it's Mrs. Wilson. She would like a word with you." Amelia said with a serious face as she opened the door.

"For real? What does that woman want?" Margot gets up immediatly and walks out with Amelia.

"I don't really know but get ready for some kind of lecture, you know how she is when it comes to people with piercings and tattoos."

"Wish me luck, Melia." 

Margot took a deep breath as she entered the family's office.

"May I?" She asked and immediatly received a look of unapproval.

"What about a knock Miss Lopez?" Mrs Wilson sighed and then gestured her to come in "Close the door, please."

Alice Wilson was not an old woman, she was in fact much younger than Mr. Wilson. Not that he wasn't a charming man because he was but his wife was top model level. Only 36 years old. They both had Cara when she was only twenty years old. Richard was 40 back then.

"Miss Lopez I'm going to cut straight to the subject. I want you to serve along with Amelia and the rest of the staff tonight. And I won't take a no for an answer. I know you're just a babysitter, assistant in this house but in all honesty if it even was for me you wouldn't even be in this house so..." Mrs Wilson was interrupted by Margot.

"Of course Mrs Wilson, I have absolutely no problem with that. In fact it will be a pleasure to serve your family along with Amelia and the guys." Margot was speaking as much of the truth as she was being ironic. She had obviously no problem with serving them but for Mrs. Wilson to think she would it had her mad.

"Great then. You can go then." Margot had her hand already on the door knob when "Oh and... don't forget to borrow a proper outfit from Amelia." Mrs. Wilson finished as she looked to Margot from head to toes.

Margot simply nodded and left the room. That lady was completely wrong if she thought she could treat her that way and boss her around as if she was a nobody. She was her boss indeed but she had no right to treat her the way she did. She did not treat the others the same way for sure. It was just her.

"So, What did the witch want with you?" Adrien asked as soon as Margot got to the kitchen to grab a snack.

"Basically she wanted to inform me that tonight I have to serve them along with you guys and that apparently I gotta borrow some proper clothes from you, Amelia.

"Oh dear, the only clothes  I have are the exact same ones as this dress." The older lady inform her pointing at her long dark grey dress with a white aproan and bow attached to it.

Margot looked horrified at the piece of clothing but then started to think "Don't you worry Melia, I think I got it covered. That is, if you don't mind me ruining one of your dresses." She smirked and Amelia and Adrien opened up their eyes along with Tatiana.

"Lord, I think I like where this is going!" Adrien affirmed excited as his mother led her hands to her head.

"I do not like this at all, mi hija, please do not do anything you will regret later." Amelia asked in panic.

"No need to worry Melia, for real. I'm just going to make it a bit more modern, I swear." Margot affirmed confident as she grabbed an apple, gave it a bite and left the kitchen.

A/N: Hey guys, Debs here again ♥ Here's the second chapter, I really hope you like it as much as I'm loving to write this story! Please give your feedback, it means the world to me!

Love ya'll,

Debs xx

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