Chapter Seven

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Things were not going to plan and Lloyd didn't like that. Three years of planning and none of it was going accordingly. He knew couldn't put all the blame on the Sons. Some of it was his. Jay was alive and he shouldn't be. Lloyd was one hundred percent sure he was dead but apparently that was incorrect. There was nothing he could do about the situation except wait until he could try to kill him again. This time making no mistakes.

The rest that hadn't gone to plan, were unexpected surprises.

Harumi was the masked girl. Though he had planned on asking her to join him originally this wasn't how. He had let her get close to him while neither knew who the other was. He wondered if Harumi only sought him out the second time because of her parents. Maybe she actually wanted him dead. Maybe she was just playing along to get closer to him. If that were the case he would have to keep a close eye on her. There was no need to having things keep straying from the plan.

Harumi was apparently capable of much more than he had predicted. She was able to sneak off the bounty and make it to the bar without either Nya or Kai noticing. This made her much more valuable to Lloyd but at the same time, more dangerous. Whether or not she had more hidden talents, he would have to discover that.

"Lloyd?" He looked up and saw Nya in front of him. His face softened. "You ok?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." He answered and moved towards the side of the ship. She followed and stood next to him. She didn't say anything. He knew what she was doing, she would do this when she knew he wasn't ok but didn't want to talk. It had been awhile since they last sat like this. Thinking back on it, Lloyd and her hadn't done this since after Morro was defeated. Everything that was wrong, he couldn't tell her. No matter how much he wished it, he knew Nya would never join him. If she knew the truth then he would lose the only person left who ever truly cared for him.

And that would break him completely.

"Everything feels wrong." He started and Nya looked at him. Lloyd would tell her what she wanted to hear, to keep her happy or at least from prying too much. "I feel like we're losing even though we haven't yet."

"We won't." She stated. He turned to her.

"How do you know? Because ninja never quit?" He asked almost mockingly. "The Sons of Garmadon plan to resurrect my father and they're two-thirds of the way there!" Lloyd shouted then sighed. "I want nothing more than to see my father but this version of him will be nothing but pure evil."

"You're right, we never quit." She agreed. "But they don't know where the third mask is, that gives us the chance to catch up. We won't let them resurrect your father."

"And what about Jay?" Lloyd asked. "You saw what they did to him just because he knew their plan. They're stronger than us." If it had been anyone else from the Sons of Garmadon, Jay probably would've come out more unscathed than he did.

"Jay was alone, we'll have to stick together and we're stronger together." Nya reminded him. That they were and there laid the problem. He needed to get each and every one of them alone, until none were left. "We'll beat them Lloyd, we always do. Try to get some rest while we wait to hear from Zane and Cole. They found a lead and that means there's hope that we'll win."

"Alright." He agreed and went below deck. He didn't really plan on resting but at least now he could be alone. Lloyd passed by their shared room and saw Jay. Much to his disappointment, Jay survived so far. He had hoped that even though his injuries had been treated that maybe he would still succumb to them. Though that hope hadn't disappeared, Jay could still very much die.

For as long as he could remember, Lloyd had imagined each of the ninja in a painful death. He wanted nothing more than to watch them suffer as they had done to him his whole life. He had just been a child when they met him. None of them cared what happened to him, he had just been an annoying pest in their eyes. That was until he became the Green Ninja. Then they changed and Lloyd knew why. He always knew even if they tried to hide it. He was their weapon to be used whenever they pleased. Just thinking about it brought the anger back to Lloyd, his fist surged with power once more his as it done in Mystake's shop.

"Calm down." Lloyd whispered to himself. He didn't need to risk showing his other abilities to Kai and Nya. They may know he's an Oni but they don't know he's somewhat in control of his powers. No one did except him and now Mystake. She already said she wouldn't meddle in his plans so he had no worries with her knowing. The one thing that did worry him was Harumi. Was she up to something? Did she know it was him behind the mask? Was she just playing at his game? Or was she as oblivious as she seemed? There would be only one way to find out.

He'd have to ask her. It would be easy for him to tell if she was lying.

Lloyd knew she was down here in one of the rooms, probably the same one she snuck into. He checked there first and sure enough she was in there. He knocked before opening the door and walking inside.

"Hello, Lloyd."

"Hello," He greeted her back. "I have question for you or a few really."

"I'm all ears." She answered. He decided to start with a question he knew she would lie about the answer.

"Your family seemed to know a bit about the Sons of Garmadon," Lloyd started and he saw her grow a little nervous. "Are you keeping any information from us that we should know?"

"No!" She answered quickly and looked down at her lap. "Of course not, I'm on your side, Lloyd."

"So you don't know who the leader is?" He asked. This time she looked up.

"No, I don't." She was telling the truth and he knew it. This was good, Lloyd rather tell her himself. That way once she knew, if she couldn't accept he would know to get rid of her or at least keep her away from the others.

"I believe you." He finally answered. "I didn't doubt you, just wanted to make sure." He did his best to reassure her. She smiled at him. Though he couldn't tell her true opinion on the Sons of Garmadon, which made it difficult to determine what she would do. Would she join him or would she reject him?

"I'm glad I am not alone." Harumi quietly admitted. "I wondered what would've happened to me if you hadn't saved me, Lloyd."

"Don't worry, Rumi, you're safe with me, no matter what." He told her. She stood up and walked over to Lloyd. She quickly kissed his cheek.

"Thank you." She said before dashing out of the room. Lloyd reached up and touched his face. Was she still developing feelings for him? If that were the case he could definitely use that to his advantage as well. She should learn to hide her emotions better or he'll have all the leverage he needs.

"Lloyd!" Kai called for him. Lloyd poked his head of the room.


"We found Cole and Zane! They're at a bar, a bar that the Sons of Garmadon hang out at!" Kai exclaimed as he ran into the room. Lloyd wasn't surprised that the bar had been discovered but the Sons of Garmadon had multiple bases they could go to. He would just have to make sure the ninja didn't follow them to the main base.

"How did you find them?" He asked as he followed Kai to the upper deck.

"Zane." Kai answered. "He's sending over live video of what's going and trust me you'll want to see this." They walked onto the main deck and Lloyd saw Cole singing, terribly and dressed in the worst disguise ever. The fact that his followers had been fooled by it, made him disappointed.

"This is ridiculous." Lloyd mumbled as he watched Cole make a fool of himself. He was so out of tune it made his ears bleed.

"Ridiculously funny." Kai laughed. Lloyd rolled his eyes and backed away. He didn't like that Zane and Cole had made it into the bar and weren't discovered. He needed to fix that immediately. "Where are you going?" Kai asked as Lloyd all but stormed out of the room.

"Kai!" Nya hissed. At first Lloyd was confused by her reaction but then he thought she figured he was upset Kai wasn't taking this seriously. Lloyd went back below deck and activated the comm on his wrist.

"Ultraviolet." Lloyd stated, getting her attention. The comm burst to life, the sounds of the bar could be heard in the background.

"Yes, Quiet One?" She answered immediately. He loved that her whole crazy attitude would change to one of obedience, one could call it, when speaking with him. It showed her loyalty.

"The bar has been infiltrated by ninja." He informed her, getting straight to the point. He heard her slight panic.

"That's impossible." She exclaimed. "There's no way a ninja would get in here without us noticing or at least someone noticing." Despite the fact that he was disappointed he didn't need the ninja gaining any ground on them. That was the only reason he was letting them know that the ninja were there.

"The one singing, he's one of the ninja. I don't care how but get rid of him." Lloyd instructed. "There's another with him as well. I'm not sure what he looks like at the moment but assume he's blending in more than the other." He had to do everything it seemed, Lloyd had hoped that Ultraviolet would be a smarter one but it seemed she really was just crazy.

"Understood. We will dispose of them." Ultraviolet answered without any hesitation. "I will not fail you, Quiet One."

"I would hope not. One more thing, the rest of the ninja are on the way. Start evacuating now. And there's a chance you could be followed." He commanded Ultraviolet. "Make sure you go to the second base in the city. Our main base must remain a secret until the end." Lloyd had set up many bases for this exact reason. The main one though wasn't even located on this island which made it all the more difficult to find.

"Understood." She repeated as Lloyd ended the call. He had to rejoin the others before they became suspicious of his disappearance. He returned and found that Cole was still singing that ridiculous song. Kai was still laughing but more quietly than he had been before.

"The one singing, he's a ninja!" Ultraviolet shouted from the balcony. Zane turned to look at her and then back at Cole. "Get him and find the other ninja! This base has been compromised, head to the second one! Orders from the boss!" The members of the Sons of Garmadon began to scramble around. All Lloyd and the others could do was watch. Cole made a break for it but Zane seemed to be doing the opposite. The Sons quickly restrained Cole but none could find Zane.

"We have to help them." Kai said.

"Already on it." Nya stated as she steered the ship towards the bar. "How did they even figure out that they were there?"

"Does it matter?" Lloyd asked. "They clearly need our help." He pointed out.

"Lloyd is right." Kai agreed with him. "Pix, any word from Zane?

"Zane has blocked all communications." Pixal spoke. "I cannot get through to him, he wants us to trust him, he has a plan."

"What plan?" Lloyd asked.

"He did not say."

"We're over the bar, get ready to drop in!" Nya shouted as she ran towards the railing. Kai and Lloyd followed after her. "Harumi, please watch over Jay." She asked the Princess.

"I will." Harumi nodded and watched as the three ninja jumped down off the ship. They hurried across the rooftops and began to lower themselves down. If they could get there fast enough they could save Cole. There was nothing Lloyd could do to slow down Nya and Kai. He'd have to trust that for once he wouldn't have to clean up after the Sons of Garmadon. Lloyd lowered himself down farther than he should have and pretended to slip. When he caught himself, it made a noise the echoed, catching the attention of those nearby.

"We've got ninja!" One of the Sons shouted. Ultraviolet and Mr. E looked in his direction. They both ran for their bikes. Ultraviolet three Cole onto the back of her bike before taking off with a few others. She had gotten away, that he was sure of. Mr. E got on his bike as well but Kai charged in after him. Nya and Lloyd ran after him. As Mr. E began to drive by them, Kai got the bike with a blast fire. The sound of the tires popping, signaled that the bike was going nowhere fast. They chased after Mr. E on foot and trapped him at a dead end.

"What? Out of ideas?" Kai asked mockingly. Mr. E paused and pulled out the Mask of Vengeance. Lloyd paused at the sight of it; he was finally going to get to see it in action.

"You just had to ask!" Nya shouted at Kai, who shrugged. Mr. E put on the mask and Lloyd watched in awe as he grew two arms and easily climbed over the wall. "Come on!" Nya called to him, breaking him out of his daze. He knew there were physical side effects of wearing the masks, but growing new arms is not what he expected. Though he wasn't disappointed, he was excited. He followed after Nya and Kai, he had to make sure Mr. E could get away. With the masks power, Mr. E was much faster and was able to keep a distance ahead. Once Lloyd had all three masks he would be unstoppable.

"Up we go." Nya mumbled and jumped to the first clothes line. Each of them were only able to jump to one line at a time but Mr. E was able to jump every few. Just as he reached the top, he threw two of his swords down at the lines. He cut through the one Kai was on and the one both Nya and Lloyd were on. As they fell, Kai and Nya got wrapped up in the rope Lloyd managed to grab a line on the fall down. He hoisted himself up and looked at the siblings. "Lloyd! Get him, we'll be fine!" Nya said. Lloyd gave her one last look before jumping from clothes line to clothes line. It was very unlikely that Mr. E would even be up there. If he were smart, he would've taken off and joined the others. Lloyd climbed the rest of the way up and found Mr. E was in fact waiting for him, weapons at the ready. He peaked over the edge and saw the two were still tied up. Once he was sure they would hear him, Lloyd turned back to Mr. E.

"We have limited time so I'm going to explain this once." Lloyd explained and lowered his weapon, as did Mr. E. "There is another ninja who you didn't discover, he calls himself Snake Jaguar, take him with you. But keep this information to yourself. I will reveal to the others that there is a ninja with you when I decide to." He quickly instructed and peered over his shoulder every few seconds. Kai and mYa has to be getting close. "I want the ninja to think they're on step closer to beating me." Lloyd finished with a smirk.

"Hang on, Lloyd! We're almost there!" Kai shouted and Lloyd moved farther away from the edge. He dragged Mr. E with him.

"When the time is right, plant the trap I gave you and leave nothing of that nindroid. Do you understand?" He asked. Mr. E nodded. Lloyd knew he wouldn't fail, he was programmed to obey and see every order through. "Now you have to escape, just don't kill me." With a slight nod, Mr. E backed up and then ran at Lloyd. He kicked him right in the abdomen sending him flying. As Lloyd skidded across the roof, Nya and Kai finally reached the top. "Guys!" Lloyd called to them as he went over the edge, unable to grab anything to save himself. Nya quickly dove for him and grabbed his wrist but she continued to slide until Kai grabbed her ankle.

"I got you." Nya smiled at him as Kai pulled them both up. Once they were safe, they all looked around and saw Mr. E had vanished.

"We lost him." Kai grumbled. "That was our only lead!"

"What about Zane?" Nya asked. "And Cole? We can't just leave them."

"If we can't find then then we'll have to assume the Sons of Garmadon have both captured." Lloyd sighed.

"Let's head back to the ship, maybe Pixal can track one or both of them." Nya suggested. "That might be our only choice."

"Pixal?" Lloyd called as through the control room.

"Yes, Master Lloyd?" She responded.

"Can you trace either Zane or Cole?" Lloyd asked. "We couldn't find them."

"I have Zane's signal at the moment. He is heading to Central Station." Pixal informed them.

"We need a plan." Nya began. "They've probably gone into hiding since we discovered the bar."

"They could be trying to get out of the city or make us lose their trail by going to Central Station." Kai pointed out.

"I agree with Kai." Lloyd said. "We have no advantage at the moment. We just have to trust Zane and his plan."

"And hope that Cole is alright." Nya added.

"I'm afraid I've lost Zane's signal." Pixal suddenly spoke. "It disappeared while he was in Central Station." She explained.

"What about Cole?" Kai asked hopefully.

"I cannot pick up his comms signal. I am sorry." Pixal apologized. "I have lost both their signals."

"This isn't good." Nya admitted. "We're down to three of us. Cole has been kidnapped, Zane, well we don't know exactly what his plan is. And Jay is still unconscious."

"Maybe that was Zane's plan." Lloyd suddenly spoke. Nya, Harumi and Kai looked at him confused. "He went with the Sons of Garmadon and showed allegiance to them."

"That makes a lot of sense." Kai agreed. "We just have to trust Zane will stay safe." Lloyd wanted to laugh. Zane was far from safe as was Cole. Once he revealed to the Sons of Garmadon who Zane really was, the nindroid wouldn't last long. He could not allow for any mistakes, not like with Jay.

"Guys?" Everyone turned to face the doorway. "What's going on?" Jay asked as he held the door frame for support. Harumi came running up behind him.

"I only left him for a minute." She said, but the others were focused elsewhere.


"Ultraviolet, here."

"I saw that you kidnapped a ninja." Lloyd stated the obvious. He wanted to remind Ultraviolet that he knew everything that was going on, since Zane seemed to have slipped past her.

"We did, yes." She confirmed his statement.

"And where is he now?" Lloyd asked as he paced back forth on the deck of the Bounty. He wanted to make Cole was locked away and not just sitting about.

"We have him locked in a cell." Ultraviolet informed him. "There are guards with him, there's no chance he'll escape." She sounded proud of what she'd done.

"He'll escape, he's a ninja after all." Lloyd said, disregarding her response. He knew Cole would think of something if left alone. "Do not let that happen." He said sternly.

"I won't."

"If he escapes, he will go snooping and we don't want that." Lloyd more or else meant he did not want that but Ultraviolet understood clearly. If Cole escaped the fault would be hers and she would have to pay. Whatever that was, was different for every member of the gang. No one ever shared what they experienced either.

"I will make sure he doesn't, I'll guard his cell myself."Ultraviolet decided. Lloyd liked her dedication to stay on his good side. She had never failed him before and he hoped she would continue not to. He liked having her around, after all she was one of the first to approach him about joining his mission.

"Good. I want you to stay at that base until instructed otherwise."

"I understand, Quiet One."

"I'll contact you again soon." Lloyd said almost as a warning to her. He ended the call. This could be his chance to take out both Zane and Cole. Mr. E already had orders to take care of Zane when he ordered him to and now Ultraviolet was keeping an eye on Zane. That would just leave him with Kai and….Nya. He sighed and leaned on the ship's railing. He promised himself she would never get hurt...physically but unfortunately that was all he could spare her of.

"Forgive me, Nya, for all that I'm about to do."

A/N: So sorry for the wait! Got caught up in summer vacation trips, reading Avenger fanfics, and depressing over Avengers Endgame xD

Hope you enjoyed the chapter! I promise I'll try to update early!
See ya in the next chapter!

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