Circus Rescue

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The gang are on a boat being pulled by a freighter to New York City. In the park, the circus tent was already set up for the show. Vitaly calls everyone's attention. "Come, everybody. We have show to do." Stefnao asked, crying. "Stefano." Vitaly said softly. "I don't know what to do." Stefano cries. "You can still do cannon solo." Vitaly said. "But... I want to do solo act with Marty!" Stefano cries more. "And what do l do? Go back to sitting and standing and rolling over?" Gia asked. "No. We can do impossible! And we never go back to way we used to be." Vitaly said. "The way it used to be isn't the way it was. And it won't be the same without them, whatever way it is." Stefnao said. The bell rings at the zoo. (Y/n), Alex and the others look through the fence to see their old home. "Well... we're here." Gloria said. "Home." Marty said. "Huh. My rock looks smaller than I remember it." Alex said. "Same." (Y/n) said. "Look at the mural. Doesn't actually capture the real thing, does it?" Marty asked.

"Wow. I forgot about that wall in between us, Melman." Gloria said. "Mm-hmm." He replied. "Was that always there?" Gloria asked. "Guys, I'm sorry I ever left the zoo in the first place." Marty said. "What do you mean?" Alex asked. " I mean, if I had just stayed put, we wouldn't have anything to be sad about right now." Marty said. "Marty, leaving the zoo was the best thing that ever happened to us." (Y/n) said. "Really?" He asked. "Yeah. Out there, in the world, we were really living." Alex said. "Yeah!" King Julien said. "It was exciting!" (Y/n) said. "It was romantic." Gloria said. "It was dangerous." Melman said. "I never felt so alive!" Marty said. "When we were with the circus, we were already home. I only wish we'd realized that sooner." Alex said. "I'm really going to miss those guys." Melman said.

"What do you say we go back?" (Y/n) suggested, and everyone perks up. "Really?" Gloria asked. "I'm with you!" Marty said. "I'm in!" King Julien said. "But what do we tell them?" Melman asked. "We make it right by telling them how wrong we were." Alex said. "It's worth a shot." Marty said. (Y/n) begins Imitating Vitaly. "And if we go down in flames, so be it!" She said. (Y/n) and Alex get shot in the head with a dart. "Yes, let's do this!" Gloria and Melman get shot too. "I like it!" King Julien gets shot as well. "Yeah, yeah!" Marty gets shot next. Now that they're all shot with darts, and begin to hallucinate. "Is my neck getting longer?" Melman asked. "Feel my fur. It's so soft." Alex said, and (Y/n) begins to feel it too. "It is soft." She said. "So is yours." Gloria said as she touches her right arm. "I'm like a candy cane in a black-and-white movie." Marty said. (Y/n), Gloria, Marty, and Melman pass out. Alex plucks the dart out of his head.

"Oh, no. Dubois." Alex passes out. King Julien was still under the effects of the dart, but made his way to the circus. "Sonya, I miss you, baby! I miss my stinky bear! Babe... your fishy kisses!" Dubois' men come out of their hiding. Dubois, who was flying on a hang glider, lands in front of (Y/n) and Alex. "Surprise!" She uses tape measure to measure them while they're sleeping. "They will never fit in the carry-on." She takes out saw. "But their heads will!" She said. "Hey!" A zookeeper shouted. " Qu'est-ce que c'est?" Dubois sees three zookeepers coming out and hides her saw behind her. "Look! Look what she's done! You brought back Alex and (Y/n) the lions!" The other zookeepers thanked Dubois. "It's a miracle!" "Thank you! Thank you!" A 3rd zookeeper said. King Julien made it to the tent, calling out for Sonya.

"Sonya, where are you? Sonya!" He bumps into the crate. "Excuse me." King Julien hears Sonya roar and runs to her. "Sonya, baby!" Vitaly, Gia, and Stefano watch King Julien make his way to Sonya. "I don't want to be king anymore! I was so hung up on who I was... who you was... what you smelled like... when all that really matters is what we smell like together." Vitaly, Stefano, and Gia take in what he said. "I know! Baby, forgive me." Sonya shoves King Julien's head into her mouth. "Oh, hello?" Kowalski pulls out a dart from King Julien's tail. "Gasp! It's Dubois!" He said. "Baba booey!" Skipper takes King Julien out of Sonya's mouth and shows him the dart. "Where did you get this?" He asked. "I got it from the zoo." Skipper shoves King Julien's head back into Sonya's mouth. "The hippies got ambushed!" He shouted. "What? We have to help them!" Gia shouted. "But they lied to us!" One of the horses shouted. "Yeah. Why should we lift a paw?" Jonesy asked. "They are our friends!" Gia protested. "They're not even circus!" Jonesy shouted. "That's Bolshevik!" Vitaly growled. The dogs whine. "I never thought I'd say this on American soil, but the Russki's right!" Skipper said.

~Time Skip~

Alex opened his eyes and saw a tall wire fence around his habitat. He heard people chanting his name and (Y/n)'s. "Alex! (Y/n)! Alex! (Y/n)!" The crowd chants. "Oh, no." There were tall wire fences around everyone's habitats. "Alex? (Y/n)? Where are you?" Marty panicked. "Gloria! Are you OK?" Melman asked. "What is happening?" She asked. "Alex! (Y/n)!" Marty shouted. "No, no! No, no!" Alex panicked. "(Y/n)?!" He asked. "Alex?!" She asked. "Alex the lion! And (Y/n) the lioness!" "No!" (Y/n) shouted. (Y/n) and Alex climb up the rock and see a large crowd around the habitat with fireworks going out on each side. (Y/n) and Alex look at each other, then turn to see Marty, Gloria, and Melman watching through the fence. "Thank you. Thank you all for coming to this special celebration. And now, the woman who made this all possible, who brought Alex the lion and and (Y/n) the lioness and a couple of... three?" Marty, Gloria, and Melman look at each other in annoyance. "Three other animals back to New York.

And she's French. Ohh-la-la." The mayor said. "Please welcome Chantal Dubois!" As Dubois made it up to the stage, carrying a small case, she, (Y/n) and Alex locked into a stare. Dubois looked proud while (Y/n) and Alex had a look of fear and defeat. (Y/n) and Alex look back at their friends, then at Dubois. The Mayor of New York presents her with a check for 1,000,000 dollars. Dubois poses with it before ripping it, leaving the crowd in shock. Dubois lets go of the two pieces and opens the case to reveal a poisonous 320 dart. "Guys?" Marty asked the lions worriedly. (Y/n) and Alex see Dubois put the dart in her gun and cover it with Alex's foam finger. "It was never about the money. It was about..." she holds up the foam finger. "The lions." Dubois points at (Y/n) and Alex as they both put their paws up. Dubois fires her gun, but (Y/n) and Alex get picked up. The dart hits a lantern post. "Ah!" (Y/n) and Alex yelped. They notice it's Gia. "Gia?" (Y/n) asked. "Circus stick together." Gia said. (Y/n), Alex and Gia look to see that it was a floating circus that said "Afro Circus." Everyone was singing while the circus horses leaped on trampolines.

CIRCUS ANIMALS: Da-da da-da-da-da-da-da, circus
Da-da da-da-da-da-da-da, Afro
Circus Afro, Circus Afro
Polka dot, polka dot!

"Look! A flying circus!" A little girl said. "No!" Dubois shouted. Everyone saw the flying circus soaring above the zoo. Marty, Gloria, and Melman were ecstatic that the circus came back. The circus animals and the penguins wear rainbow afros. "Operation Afro-Circus Rescue... engage!" Skipper shouted. "Aye, aye, Skipper!" Private jumps on an elephant as both elephants shot out purple and pink fire from their trunks. "Unleash the seal." Stefano is in the cannon. "I am a sea lion!" He corrected. "Whatever." Phil plays the keyboard as Stefano gets fired out, sending a rope across. "Two tons of fun. Dive, dive, dive!" The two elephants fly down and knocked out Dubois' men, but Dubois dodged. This enrages her. "Let's rock." Melman said. "You and me, baby!" Melman uses his neck to swing Gloria and him onto the tight rope that Stefano sent out. Sonya and King Julien ride down on their motorcycle and try to run over Dubois, but she jumps over. They ride through one of Dubois' men and wheelie over the other. Two elephants swing down and smash into Dubois, leaving her disoriented. Vitaly jumps down and focuses on the keyhole in Marty's fence then flies through. Marty is impressed. "Wow!" Marty said.

Dubois shakes herself off and sees Sonya roaring in her face. Sonya turns her motorcycle, each time hitting Dubois in the face until she is sent flying into the reptile exhibit. Vitaly carries Marty in his arms and readies himself to go through the hole. "Suck in that gut!" Marty sucks in his gut and they go flying into the hole, out the other side. "I am impressed!" The crowd was cheering. Gloria and Melman were on a tightrope, dancing their way to the hot air balloon as (Y/n), Alex and Gia were trapezing around the hoops. "Whoo!" Gloria said. "Yeah! Whoo!" (Y/n), Alex and Gia swing to the balloon and meet up with their friends. They all cheer. "Mission accomplished. Now let's get out of here!" Skipper said. "Wait! Wait for me!" Stefano shouted. "Stefano!" (Y/n) and Alex said. They look down and see Stefano is still in the zoo. "Don't leave without me!" Alex sees cobras coming out of the reptile exhibit with

Dubois gets up and punching a cobra out. "Oh, no!" Stefano runs faster as Dubois chases him, pushing anyone in her path. She jumps on a hot dog stand and yanks the umbrella off. All of a sudden, a knife was thrown at Stefano's afro. He looks up and sees it was Vitaly throwing more knives to make stairs. "Go, Stefano! Climb!" Gia shouted. The cobras slither into the pool as Dubois jumps up a fence, opens her umbrella, flies to the balloon, and takes out her control pole. Stefano climbs up the knives and was about to make it to Vitaly. "Come on, my friend!" Dubois uses her pole to grab Stefano's tail and pull him to the ground. "Stefano!" Vitaly shouted. "Help me!" A garbage can with one of Dubois' men flips down and his gun comes out. Dubois pulls Stefano in the direction of the gun. "I will have your heads!" Dubois shouted. "Oh, no! Help me!" Stefnao shouted. "Alex! (Y/n)!" Gia shouted. (Y/n) and Alex look at the penguins' pool filled with cobras, the large trapeze hoops, and the dogs' rocket boots. Alex gets an idea and grabs a line. "Marty! Shoot me a line." Alex said.

"You got it." Alex jumps into cannon. "Afro, don't fail me now!" Phil plays the keyboard and fires Marty out the cannon with the rope behind him as he loops it through the hoop and across the zoo. "What are you doing?" (Y/n) asked. "We are doing trapeze americano." Alex said. "Let's do it!" (Y/n) said. Dubois is getting closer to the gun. " Frankie, Jonesy! Be ready!" (Y/n) shouted. "You got it, boss!" Jonesy shouted. "Go, go, go!" (Y/n) and Alex flip down. (Y/n) hangs onto the line by her leg as she hangs onto Alex. Before Dubois can get to the gun, Mort runs in and takes it. Alex comes in to sweep Stefano up, along with Dubois, and frees him. "Take Stefano!" Alex tosses Stefano to (Y/n) as he flies down with Dubois. "Alex!" (Y/n) shouted. As they were falling, Dubois punches Alex in the air. Alex sees that they're falling into the cobra-filled pool. Stefnao gasps. "Aquatic cobras!" (Y/n) tosses Stefano to Vitaly and they watch Alex and Dubois. "If I am going down," she takes out a saw and places it against Alex's neck.

"Your head is coming with me!" She shouted. "I don't think so!" Alex whistles. "Oi, let's go!" Jonesy and Frankie blast off. "You're going down, but not with my head." The dogs pick Alex up and blast up before he lands in the penguin habitat. "Yay!" The kids said. "Jet pack! He pull up!" Stefnao said. "Your days of chasing animals are over, Dubois! Because you just messed with the king!" Alex throws Dubois to his caged habitat. Dubois roars in anger. 'This is where animals like you belong! Now sit!" Dubois gets shot in the butt with a dart. "Lie down!" Dubois lies down, revealing Maurice and Mort with him holding the gun.

Mort laughs. "Naughty me!" He said. "Roll over." Dubois rolls off the rock. "Good Dubois. Now stay!" The dogs fly Alex back to the balloons, but not before he catches (Y/n) before she can flip off her line. They fly through a pile of balloons that drop down to the ground. "We did it!" (Y/n) said. She and Alex were still soaring as the balloons slowly dropped, not wanting to take their eyes off of each other. (Y/n) then kisses Alex on the check, taking him by surprise, he looks back at her and she smiles shyly. Stefano watches as all the children catch the balloons. "Balloons to the children of the world! Trapeze americano!" Stefnao said. "It is real." Vitaly said. "It's real!" (Y/n) and Alex fly back into the balloon and join their friends as they celebrate. "That's how you do it!" The dogs pick Maurice and Mort up. "Whoa!" "So you want to run away with the circus?" Stefano asked. "Live a life of adventure?" Alex asked. "And romance?" (Y/n) asked, smiling at Alex, and he smiles back. "And danger!" Melman said. "Really living!" Marty said. "What do you say?" Stefnao asked. "Ra-da-da da-da-da-da-da-da, circus!" Marty sung. Marty sings and dances with the elephants and circus horses as his friends join in wearing afros.

MARTY: Da-da da-da-da-da-da-da, Afro!
Circus Afro, Circus Afro!
Polka dot, polka dot, polka dot, Afro!

KING JULIEN: I like to move it, move it
I like to move it, move it
I like to move it, move it
You like to...

ALEX: Move it!

The train is making its way across America on a railroad. "Skipper, what did you end up doing with the crazy lady, anyway?" (Y/n) wondered. Dubois wakes up to see nothing but darkness until she sees that she is in a wooden crate, gagged and tied up. Her men were also in different crates, gagged and tied up. Dubois looks through a peephole and sees that she is on a ship going to Madagascar. A a large ship sails through the ocean with all the cargo, along with Dubois and her men.

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