The Slice Girls

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We were driving to our next case. Dean was asleep while Sam drove. I tried to get some sleep, but I just had too much on my mind, so I leaned against my door and watched the raindrops race each other down the window.

Sam sighed, "Have you heard anything from Nate?"

"No," I said.

"When was the last time you tried to call him?" He asked.

"I've called him every day since we left the hospital," I said coldly.

Sam cleared his throat, "I'm sure he'll come around."

"No, he won't," I said.

Sam sighed, "He probably just needs—"

"I don't want to talk about this," I snapped.

Dean stirred awake after I raised my voice, "Everything okay?" He asked groggily.

"Everything's fine," Sam said, "Morning." Dean pulled a flask out of his jacket, shook it, and then unscrewed it. Sam furrowed his brow, "Is that Bobby's?" Dean took a sip. "I didn't know you kept that," Sam chuckled.

Dean nodded, "Yeah, mine sprung a leak."

Sam chuckled, "You know, most people would just carry a— a photo or something for a memento."

"Shut up, man," Dean said, "I'm— I'm— I'm honoring the guy, alright? This is, uh, grief therapy, kind of like you and your wild-goose chase."

Sam furrowed his brow, "Wild-goose chase?"

Dean nodded, "Yeah."

"Four guys murdered in two weeks, hands and feet cut off," Sam said.

Dean shrugged, "Yeah, well, some guy with a foot fetish run amuck."

"Grown men thrown so hard they went through walls," Sam shook his head and grabbed the newspaper, "Did you— Did you even read the article?" He shoved the paper at Dean's chest.

Dean shook his head, "No, I was napping."

Sam scoffed, "Well, anyway, what else you got going on? Dick Roman's a dead-end, for now, you might as well—"

"Stay busy," Dean said.

Sam nodded, "Exactly."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

When we got to town, they asked me if I wanted to go to the morgue with them to check out the body, but I opted out. I hadn't been feeling myself at all lately. I had been extremely annoyed by everything. Even things that I usually wouldn't even find worth my time to care about. I wished I hadn't said no to Crowley a few weeks back because now figuring out how to get blood was the only thing on my mind.

So, I grabbed Sam's computer and looked up news stories to see if there was anything weird in the area that could lead me to a demon. I didn't care anymore, I just wanted it. If I found something, I figured I would just go and deal with Sam and Dean when I came back.

I sat on the computer for a couple hours, but couldn't find anything, which was progressively making me more irritated. Then a few minutes later, Sam opened the door and walked in. I looked up and quickly closed out the tabs.

"Whatcha up to?" He asked as he loosened his tie.

I shrugged, "Nothing, just trying to stay busy," I furrowed my brow, "Where's Dean?"

Sam chuckled, "Oh, he decided to 'go undercover, go mingle amongst the locals and see what kind of clues bubble to the surface,'" He nodded, "I believe that was the direct quote."

I nodded and rolled my eyes, "So, he's going to the bar?"

"Yeah," Sam shrugged, "But he said I was oversimplifying it when I said that, though."

I scoffed, "Whatever." Sam sighed and sat down at the table across from me. I looked up at him, knowing he had something he wanted to say, "What?"

He took a deep breath, "Look, I know we've been going through a lot of crap lately, but—"

I shrugged, "But what? I can always talk to you?" I nodded, "Yeah, I know, but I have nothing to talk about."

Sam nodded, "Okay... Well, what I was going to say was... You just haven't been yourself lately."

I furrowed my brow, "Sorry?" I shrugged.

"I'm not saying, you need to act like everything is fine, but lately... Everything Dean or I say has gotten on your nerves," Sam said.

I pursed my lips and nodded, "Okay, well, I don't know. Maybe this is just me now."

Sam stared at me for a long moment and then nodded, "Alright."

"Okay, glad that's cleared up," I shrugged, "What'd you find out at the morgue."

Sam cleared his throat and shifted around in his chair in annoyance, "Um, the vic weighed 190 pounds and was thrown against a wall so hard it buckled. They said that based on the blood at the crime scene, the hands and feet were cut off while he was alive, same as the others."

I nodded, "They were all male, right?"

Sam nodded, "Yeah... Plus, this was carved into their chests..." He pulled up a picture on his phone and showed me. It was a strange symbol carved deep into the victim's skin.

I cringed, "Gnarly."

"Yeah, and get this..." Sam said, "There was DNA found at each scene. One of the guys even managed to bite his attacker so hard he still had a chunk of flesh in his teeth when he was found."

I nodded, "Well, that should be good then. What did they find?"

Sam shook his head, "None of it came back as human."

I nodded, "Well, if there were any doubts before, I think that proves it's one of ours."

"Yup," Sam sighed, "So, we've gotta figure out what that symbol is."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The next morning after having no luck with the symbol, Sam and Dean met at a new crime scene, and they joined me a little while later to fill me in on everything.

Sam sighed, "Same MO. No forced entry. Vic thrown across the room. Hands and feet cut off while he was alive, and the same symbol carved into his chest."

Dean nodded, "They're all in their early thirties, decent looking, fairly successful, and have no known enemies."

"Yeah, but this one's a little different... The neighbor said the vic's wife caught him cheating," Sam said.

I shrugged, "Maybe they were all cheaters?"

"Possible," Sam nodded, "But who's doing it then? Can't be the wives. Not unless they can bench 350."

"I don't know," I said, "Get enough pissed off women together, that can form a pretty powerful coven."

"True..." Sam sighed, "I just wish I knew what that symbol was."

"What are we gonna do about that?" I asked.

"I found a professor of anthropology in town. I'm hoping he can give us some idea," Sam said.

I nodded, "Alright, I'll see what I can find here too."

Dean reached into his jacket and then pat his pockets, "Shoot. I left Bobby's flask over at Lydia's."

Sam furrowed his brow, "Lydia?"

Dean nodded, "My workout partner from last night," He pulled out his phone, "Now I've got to go get it."

Sam smirked, "So, not only do you know her name, you're actually gonna call her?"

"Bite me," Dean said as he scrolled through his phone.

"Oh, how sweet..." Sam smirked and glanced at Dean's phone, "She gave you her number."

"They always give you their number," Dean smirked and put the phone to his ear. (...) "Lydia. Hey, it's, uh, Dean from last night." (...) "Uh, listen, I think I left something over at your place. It was an old flask. It doesn't look like much, but it has sentimental value. So, uh, have you seen it?" (...) "You want my number?" (...) "Oh," He pulled the phone away and looked at it in confusion. He chuckled and looked at us, embarrassed, "She's real busy."

I nodded, "Uh, huh."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

While Sam and Dean went over to talk to the professors, I did some research on the symbol myself but was having a hard time. A little while later, they came back, looking disappointed.

"Good god, where'd you find that guy?" Dean asked, shaking his head.

Sam shrugged and sighed sharply, "He's supposed to be a top expert in his field."

Dean nodded, "Yeah, well, when his field includes things that go bump in the night, he's gonna be worth the breath we just wasted."

Sam shrugged, "So, what are we supposed to do, Dean? Spin our wheels?"

"Sam, this is us spinning our wheels, okay?!" Dean shouted.

Sam sighed, "Dean, you know what? I want to call him, too, okay? Believe me. But Bobby's not here. So, we're settling."

Dean scoffed, "Yeah. We sure are," He took out his phone, "Damn it, why hasn't she called?"

I furrowed my brow, "Who? Lydia?

Sam chuckled, "Wait, so some girl's actually dumping you the morning after?"

"I think you're enjoying this a little more than you need to," Dean said and then walked to the door, "Screw it. I'm going over there and getting the flask," He opened the door and walked out.

"I can't tell if he just wants the flask or if he's actually into her," I said.

Sam chuckled, "I was wondering if it was the rejection that drew him in."

I laughed, "Um, look, Sam..." I sighed, "I just want you to know I'm not trying to be a bitch—"

He shook his head, "That's not what I said."

I nodded, "I know, but I have been. All I'm saying is... I'm sorry. I'm gonna try to keep whatever is happening in check."

Sam nodded, "I'm always here to talk, you know."

I laughed, "Yeah, I know. Trust me."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I decided to take a nap while we waited for Dean to get back from Lydia's, and when I woke up, I was ridiculously thirsty. My mouth was so dry that my throat hurt, so I got up and filled a glass of water. I chugged it down and sighed as the relief of the water hit my mouth and ran down my throat. When I saw the glass as I pulled it away, I gasped and dropped it, causing it to shatter on the floor. The inside of it was covered in a thin coat of blood.

Sam jumped up from his seat in front of his laptop, "What? Are you okay?" He hurried over to me. I zoned out for a moment, panicking that he was going to find out that I drank blood. He put his hand on my shoulder, "Maddi?" He shook me, "Hey, are you okay?"

I snapped out of it and looked down at the broken glass on the ground, but it was normal. There wasn't any blood anywhere, just broken glass, "Uh, yeah... Sor— Sorry. There was a spider on the cup."

Sam furrowed his brow, "You sure? You look a little freaked for a spider."

I shrugged, "Spiders are freaky," I faked a laugh.

Sam laughed, "Alright, here... Let's get this cleaned up."

I carefully stepped around the broken glass and grabbed the small brush and dustpan from under the bathroom sink. When I walked back over, Sam took them and quickly swept the glass up.

He sighed and stood up, "You sure you're okay? You look a little pale."

I nodded, "Yeah, I'm fine... Promise," I forced a smile.

"Okay, would you mind doing me a favor so I can get back to research?" He asked.

"Sure," I said.

"Can you put a pot of coffee on for me?" He asked.

"Yeah, of course," I said and walked over to the coffee maker as he walked back to his seat.

I got everything together and watched as the coffee started to brew. Once it was finished, I grabbed a coffee cup and started pouring, but as I did, thick blood poured out of the spout. I watched in horror as it filled the cup and then stopped when my hand started to burn. I blinked a few times and shook my head. There was no blood, all I had done was pour burning hot coffee all over my hand and on the counter.

I pulled back and shook the hot coffee off my hand. I watched as the burn quickly healed. I looked over my shoulder to see if Sam had seen anything that just happened, but he was still working on his laptop with his back to me. I cleaned up my mess and brought the cup over to him.

"Thanks," Sam said when I put it next to him. He looked at his watch and sighed.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

Sam shook his head, "Dean's supposed to be here by now. We've gotta get over to the lab, another body was found." He pulled out his phone as he sipped his coffee and put it to his ear. (...) "Hey. Where are you? It's a flask, not the holy grail." (...) He scoffed, "No. Not yet. Look, would you get back here? Uh, we're due at the crime lab." (...) He furrowed his brow, "Dean?" (...) "Hey, look, why don't you just meet me there," He waited a moment and shook his head, "You there?" He paused and put his hands out in frustration, "Hello!" He sighed, shook his head, and grabbed his jacket, "I'm heading to the lab. I'll be back in a bit."

I nodded, "Okay." As soon as he walked out, I sat down on the bed. I cleared my throat, "Look, Crowley, I get that you're not an angel, so I don't even know if this will work, but I get the feeling you pretty much see and hear everything all the time anyway..." I sighed, "I know I messed up... I shouldn't have said no when you offered me more blood," I shrugged, "I'm having, like visions or hallucinations or something... I don't know, I'm kinda freaking out."

"I feel special," Crowley appeared, "Like I'm your fairy godmother or something."

I let out a sigh of relief, "Oh, thank god."

Crowley shook his head, "Far from it. What do you need, Cinderella?"

I sighed, "Look, I'm sorry—"

Crowley smiled, "You? Sorry? To me? Very... nonWinchester of you."

I nodded, "Yeah, yeah, don't climb that pedestal too high."

"You want blood. I get it," He pulled out another bottle of blood and handed it to me, "Actually..." He pulled out another, "Two for the price of one," He gave me the other one.

"Thanks," I smiled, having a hard time taking my eyes off of the bottles. I looked up at him, "Something's wrong though, I—"

Crowley nodded, "Yeah, the hallucinations." He shrugged, "It's normal. It's just your body trying to get used to it. Plus, you went so long without blood, it was just letting you know you needed more," He pointed at me, "It's good actually, the longer in between each consumption, the more likely your powers will function without having to consume any at all."

I nodded, "Good."

"You trust me, right?" He asked.

I nodded, "Yeah, we both want the same thing."

"Exactly," Crowley smiled, "I'm glad we're back on the same page, I'll be visiting you more often," He said, and then vanished.

I immediately took the top off of one of the bottles and chugged it down. Instantly, I felt a surge of energy run through me. I felt happy and light, like the weight of the world had been lifted from my shoulders. The warmth traveled to my fingertips and toes, and I could feel my body relax.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

A couple hours later, Sam walked in, sat down on the couch, and put his phone on speaker.

Two rings later, Dean answered, "Yeah?"

"Dude, you never showed," Sam said.

"I'm outside Lydia's," Dean said.

"Seriously?" I asked, "Are you obsessed or something?"

"No, I'm telling you. I have been eating at the buffet of strange all afternoon," Dean said.

Sam furrowed his brow, "Meaning what?"

"I'll tell you the second I know. But something ain't right," Dean said.

I shrugged, "Or you're obsessed."

"Shut up," Dean snapped, "I'm serious."

Sam nodded, "Okay, uh, you— you need backup or...?"

"No, not yet. What's up on your end?" Dean asked.

Sam sighed, "Apparently, there was an identical murder fest two years ago in Chicago, and again in Miami two years before that. All the victims were young, successful, a lot of them went to the same bar. It lines up. The trails always went cold fast."

"Yeah?" Dean asked.

Sam nodded, "Yeah. Oh, and by the way... As a personal kicker, here, at least some of the vics hooked up in that bar you went to, the, uh, the Cobalt Room. So, just saying, man, you— you dodged a bullet."

Dean paused for a second, "Got to go," Then he hung up.

Sam scoffed and closed his phone, "Nice talk."

"Why's he so freaked out?" I asked.

Sam shrugged, "He's just paranoid, he thinks he heard Lydia's baby talk."

I nodded, "Yeah, they can do that."

He shook his head, "Not like baby talk though, he said it was making fully formed sentences."

I chuckled, "Yeah, I'm sure..." I shook my head, "Wait, this chick has a baby? And he still moved in on that?"

Sam chuckled, "Yeah, he said he had no idea about the baby."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

A little while later, Dean joined us.

"I'm telling you, something's up," Dean said as he took off his jacket, "Now Lydia's kid is not a baby anymore."

"So what?" Sam shrugged, "I mean, so maybe she has another kid she didn't tell you about."

Dean shook his head, "Nope, just the one. Emma. But that night, when I was with her, she didn't have any. And I was at her place, man. There was no playpens, no blankets, no rubber ducks."

Sam chuckled, "Right. Like you would have been focused on that kind of thing."

"Hey, dude, that's the first thing you notice. Red flags," Dean said, and Sam scoffed. He grabbed two beers out of the fridge and handed one to Sam, "Then, all of a sudden, boom... Baby."

Sam sat down and opened his laptop, "Yeah, the one you thought talked."

Dean nodded, "Oh, it talked. And not baby talk, either."

"Now, you know so much about child development?" Sam asked.

Dean furrowed his brow, "You forget that I basically raised that girl right there," He pointed at me and shrugged, "Besides, I know enough to know that they don't say, 'Hey, Mom. Who's that guy?'" He sat down at the table across from Sam and shut his laptop, "So, cut to Lydia, handing this kid who's calling her mommy, over to these two women, right? But this is not a baby. No, no, this kid's got to be... Five? And same name... Emma."

Sam smirked, "You know, George Foreman named all his sons George."

Dean furrowed his brow, "Are you deliberately messing with me?" Sam shrugged and smirked. "Dude, I know weird. Okay?" Dean rolled his eyes, "There is no non-weird explanation for this. This morning, Emma was a baby. By sunset, she's Hannah Montana... Early years."

Sam's phone started ringing, "It's the Professor."

"Oh. Good. The Professor," Dean rolled his eyes, "Yeah, I'm sure he'll crack this wide open."

"Don't bother answering. I think I figured out what that symbol is," I said.

"Why didn't you say anything?" Dean asked.

"You were whining about that girl you're obsessed with having kids," I said.

"Whining? I wasn't whining," Dean said.

"Yeah, okay... You ready for the rundown?" I asked.

Sam nodded, "Yeah, go for it."

"Well, the symbols pretty ancient and it wasn't easy to find, but I was able to trace it back to the Greek Pantheon," I said, "It's connected to the temple of the goddess Harmonia," I shrugged, "Apparently when Harmonia and Ares hooked up, they created the Amazons."

"The Amazons?" Sam asked.

Dean furrowed his brow, "Like Wonder Woman?"

I nodded, "Yeah, they were a tribe of warriors. So, I think the Amazons use the symbols to pay their respects to Harmonia."

Sam nodded, "So, why the male vics?"

"I think I figured that out too," I said, "They were exclusively a female culture. To them, men were completely useless except for making more warrior babies."

"And their hands and feet cut off?" Sam asked.

"After they got pregnant, they killed the men and cut off certain body parts," I said.

Sam nodded, "Okay, so that's what they are doing here, they have sex with their victims, get pregnant, and sacrifice the fathers for Harmonia."

I nodded, "Exactly."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The next morning, Dean and I searched through boxes of Bobby's books to find out more about the Amazons while Sam searched on his laptop.

"I know Bobby's got a Grecian encyclopedia of weird in here," Dean said, "I saw it last time I was looking through this stupid—" He groaned and coughed at the dust, "Would it kill him to have a system?"

Sam took a sip of his coffee, "He has a system. His files are set up like his brain."

"You got anything?" Dean asked.

Sam nodded, "Uh, yeah," He hit a few buttons on his laptop, "There's this whole crazy side to Amazon lore that you didn't even mention," He chuckled as he looked at me.

I immediately felt annoyance wash over me, "Yeah, well, I had like a million tabs open. I must've overlooked it. If it weren't for what I found, we would still be stuck 'cause that professor clearly didn't go to school long enough." Sam and Dean looked at me, caught off guard. I cleared my throat, "Just saying."

"I was just kidding," Sam chuckled nervously.

"What did you find?" I asked, trying to move on.

"Right," Sam cleared his throat, "Um, apparently, there was this long, bloody war. The Amazon population was decimated, so they made a bargain with Harmonia to replenish their ranks and make them stronger."

Dean nodded, "Well, I'd say throwing grown men through walls was stronger."

Sam nodded, "Yeah. Well, basically, they became more than human. Harmonia turned them into monsters."

"Can you kill them like humans? Or is there some kind of trick?" Dean asked.

"Uh..." Sam shook his head, "Doesn't say. No idea. I guess it could go either way."

Dean sighed, "Well, that's helpful. What else?"

"The lore says they reproduced quickly... As in, after mating, they gave birth within thirty-six hours," Sam said. Dean stopped and listened intently. "The babies grew incredibly fast, then the aging process became normal. Which is one way to make an army, I guess. The mating cycle is every two years. They send out all the women who have reached child-bearing age."

Dean nodded, "Which lines up, 'cause this happens every couple of years in different towns, right?"

"Yeah. And we know for sure that at least some of the vics hooked up with strange women days before being killed Amazon-style," Sam said.

Dean closed the book he was holding and set it down, "Hooked up in the same bar I met Lydia, right?"

Sam nodded, "Yeah.

"And then suddenly..." Dean stood up and walked toward Sam, "She's got a little baby in like fruit-fly time. That baby turns into a little girl just as fast."

Sam raised his eyebrows, "Wow. So, maybe you're— you're, uh..."

Dean shook his head, "Don't say it."

Sam sighed, "Look if that kid's yours—"

"I said, don't say it!" Dean snapped.

"Fine. I won't. But, Dean..." Sam shook his head, "Dude, seriously, a one-night stand, you're just gonna... Roll the dice? You don't even—"

Dean shook his head, "Of course not... Sam. What, do you think I'm brain-dead? Accidents happen. If one even did, which I— I— I don't think..." He paused for a second and smiled a little as if he was reminiscing the night, "No. You know what? We're— Stop."

I shrugged, "Condoms are only 98% effective. But... People aren't perfect, which makes them only about 85% effective."

Dean gave me a look, "I really don't want to hear you talk about the effectiveness of condoms."

I sighed, "I'm willing to bet that when an amazon is involved, and their only goal is to get pregnant and build an army, condoms are probably around 0% effective."

Dean shook his head, "We're not gonna talk about this anymore because my skin's starting to crawl!"

Sam nodded, "Alright, fine. But if it's true, if it happened—"

Dean nodded, "I know. I got to hang on to my hands and feet," He took a sip from Bobby's flask.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Finally, after a few hours, we found what we were looking for in Bobby's collection.

"Looking through Bobby's files is like dumpster diving," Dean said.

Sam nodded, "Yeah, tell me about it. So, it makes sense why, uh, why the Amazons all want to hook up with decent-looking, successful guys," He said as he walked over to our research wall.

"Oh, they're picky about the gene pool?" Dean asked.

Sam pinned a newspaper article on the wall, "Right. So..." He sighed and turned to face Dean, "What was Lydia doing with you?"

"Well, she may or may not have thought I was a rich investment banker," Dean cringed and took a sip from Bobby's flask.

Sam put his arms out in mild exasperation, rubbed his hand over his face, and turned back to the wall.

"Really, dude?" I asked, but Dean just shrugged and cringed.

Dean looked down at the research on the bed, "Guys..."

"Yeah?" Sam asked and turned around.

"These papers just moved," Dean gestured to the bed.

I furrowed my brow, "What?"

"I didn't touch 'em," Dean said.

Sam walked over to his bag and pulled out an EMF reader, which immediately started to flash red and make noise, "It's all over the place," He walked over to the bed, "Redline," He walked toward the wall, "Redline," Then he walked toward the window, "Oh, and... Power lines by the open window, where there's a breeze..." He turned off the EMF reader and shoved it back into his bag, "That could have moved the papers."

Dean nodded, "Did you feel a breeze?"

I shook my head, "It doesn't matter, Dean. The readings are useless."

"Hey. Maybe, uh..." Dean held up Bobby's flask.

"We burned him, Dean," Sam said.

Dean shrugged, "So, what?"

"So, what are you suggesting?" Sam asked.

Dean shrugged, "I don't know. What are you?"

Sam looked at him, angrily, "Concentrate on something else."

"Why?" Dean asked.

"Because..." Sam raised his voice as he stepped closer to Dean, "It's not Bobby!"

I shrugged, "Could be. Wouldn't be the first time a spirit attached itself to an object."

"No, it couldn't be!" Sam yelled.

"Why not?" Dean asked.

"Because we want it to be!" Sam said, staring at Dean and me and then snatched the piece of old paper that had been moved on the bed.

"Maybe it's useful," Dean said.

Sam shrugged and gestured to the bed, "It's in a pile of 'maybe it's useful.' Besides, it's in Greek. Nobody reads Greek."

Dean nodded, "Yeah, except Greeks. Oh, and Bobby."

"And Professor Morrison," Sam said.

"Really?" Dean asked in annoyance.

"I'm going, Dean. You two stay here, keep the door locked. Don't go anywhere. I mean it," Sam looked at me, "Keep an eye on him."

"I don't need a babysitter," Dean said, and Sam gave him a look. He sighed, "Fine."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

After about a half-hour or so, Dean and I were minding our own business when there was a weird slow knock at the door. Dean and I gave each other a look. Dean shut the laptop, grabbed his gun, and cocked it. He picked up another gun, stood up, and handed it to me, before walking to the door. I didn't move from my seat on the couch and waited to see what he was going to do. After a moment of indecision, he removed the safety chain and opened the door.

A girl a little younger than me, stood at the door, looking terrified, "Hi. You don't know me, but my name is Emma. I need your help. I think I'm in trouble, and you're the only person I can trust."

"Why?" Dean asked.

"Because you're my father," Emma said.

Dean stared at her and hesitated for a moment, "How'd you find me?"

"They've been watching you, ever since Mom got pregnant," Emma said.

Dean nodded, "Well if you're such a prisoner, you mind telling me how you escaped?"

"I waited until lights out," Emma said, "The women who watch over us change shifts a little after 10:00."

Dean nodded, "Uh-huh. And you left because...?"

Emma took a deep emotional breath, "They stick you in there, and you trust them. It's all you know. And you don't question what they want you to do... Terrible things," She said with tears in her eyes, "That's why I had to leave. They tortured me," She held up her wrist, which had been branded with the same symbol from the vics, "They told me I had to endure pain so I could be strong like them. But I don't want to be like them."

"Okay. Come on in," Dean gestured for her to enter the room, and she did. He closed the door behind her, "Have a seat."

Emma looked around the room and then sat down on Dean's bed as I made eye contact with her.

"Okay," Dean cleared his throat, "Let's assume that you're not... Like them... Yet," He leaned against the table, "What do you want me to do?"

"Get me away from here," Emma nodded, "You're a good man. My mother told me that."

Dean scoffed and nodded, "I seriously doubt she said that. And if you knew me, you would seriously doubt it's true."

"They told me you're a hunter. So maybe you'll understand about me," Emma said.

I shook my head in disbelief, "Wow, master of manipulation at a few days old."

"Alright," Dean put his hand up at me, "Just give her a chance to talk."

"Dean, we can't trust her, especially if they know you're a hunter," I said.

Emma looked at me, "I understand why you don't trust me, but I don't want to be like them," She turned her attention to Dean, "I was hoping you could protect me. Just long enough so I can get away. Then I'll leave you alone," She shook her head, "I know you don't want me."

Dean shook his head, "Alright, let's not... Go there, okay? This isn't a matter of—" He shook his head and chuckled uncomfortably, "You get this isn't a normal situation, right?"

"How would I know?" Emma asked, "Three days ago, I wasn't even alive. Now here I am. My mother threw me into that place," Her voice broke, "And my father... Well... You get this is my last chance to have anything normal ever, right?"

Dean sighed and stood up, "You look exhausted."

"And starving," Emma nodded, "It's been a tough sweet-sixteen. So, you believe me?" Dean took a deep breath, crossed his arms, and nodded. I shook my head in annoyance. "You'll help me?" She asked.

"If you really want help..." Dean nodded.

Emma nodded, "Thank you."

"Well, now, what happens when they find out you're missing?" Dean asked.

"They may have already found out," Emma said, "And they'll hunt me down."

Dean nodded and crossed the room with his back to Emma.

"Look, I know this is gonna be hard, but if I'm gonna get out, I have to do it now," Emma said.

Dean opened the fridge and bent down to look inside, "We got cheese and a leftover burrito."

Emma stood up, "Doesn't make a difference," Then she dropped a knife into her hand from her sleeve.

I stood up and pointed my gun at her, and Dean spun around, pointing his gun at her as well.

"You were asking if I believed you," Dean said.

"I was told you'd be a challenge. They said I would have to wait until Sam was gone," Emma glared at him and then looked at me, "I wasn't told about you, though."

Dean nodded, "I figured you'd chat me up... Try and catch me off guard. Almost worked. I was expecting your mother."

Emma shook her head, "It's not her place. I have to kill you."

"Is that what they told you?" Dean asked.

Emma shrugged, "It's what I am."

"Well, then, I should just kill you right now," Dean said.

Emma nodded, "Sure. But you could have done that thirty seconds ago," She shook her head, "It's weirdly hard, isn't it? It is for me."

"Knock it off," Dean said.

Emma shook her head, "How could it not be? You're my father."

"Hey!" Dean shouted, "We're not gonna do that."

Emma shrugged, "But it's true."

"Dean, don't listen to her," I said.

Emma glared at me and then turned her attention back to Dean, "You're the reason that we're standing here," She shook her head, "I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you. So now someone has to kill someone," She sighed, "You know what? So far, my childhood's been kind of disappointing."

"You haven't killed anybody yet, Emma," Dean said, "Walk away. Right now. I won't go after you."

"Are you kidding me?" I asked, frustrated, "Seriously, Dean?" He looked at me and then back at Emma.

Emma shook her head, "I can't. I don't have a choice."

Sam burst through the door with his gun drawn. Emma turned to face him, and the skin around her eyes turned red.

She turned her to look at Dean, "Please don't let him hurt me."

Dean hesitated and looked at her sympathetically, slightly lowering his gun.

"Alright, enough!" I yelled and shot her in the chest.

She gasped and dropped to the floor, dead. We all looked at each other, Dean nodded slightly and looked down.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Sam had figured out where the Amazons had been staying. So, we hurried over to an old building. We walked up to the front door and found it slightly ajar.

Dean pushed it the rest of the way open, "Here's the mother ship."

Sam cocked his gun, "Let's get this done."

We walked through the front door but found that it was completely empty and dark.

"They're gone," Dean said.

We sighed and piled outside back to the car and took off. Sam drove with a furious look on his face.

Dean looked over at him, "Hey, you know what? I don't like it, either. I wanted to torch 'em just as much as you. Yeah, but, hey... Next time they surface, we'll be ready. If we live that long." Sam didn't reply, and Dean nodded, "Alright, fine. Just sit there and be pissed."

"Well, what do you expect?" I snapped, "When he was the one that choked, you said 'You kill the monster!'"

Dean nodded, "I get it, alright?"

"You froze, Dean!" I shouted, "And it was going to be either me or Sam to pick up the pieces because you couldn't do it!"

"I was going to!" Dean yelled.

"Oh, the hell you were!" Sam yelled, "You think we're idiots?"

"What, you think I am?" Dean asked.

"Dean, you were gonna let her walk!" Sam shouted.

Dean shook his head, "No, I wasn't. That's ridiculous!"

"Look, man, she was not yours," Sam shook his head, "Not really."

Dean chuckled and shook his head, "Actually, she, uh, she was, really. She just also happened to be a crazy man-killing monster. But, uh, hey."

Sam shook his head, "You know what? Bobby was right. Your head's not in it, man. When Cass died, you were wobbly, but now—"

"Now what?" Dean snapped, "Oh, what, and both of you're dealing with it so perfect? Yeah, news flash... You're just as screwed up as I am!" He looked at me, "You've developed this crazy attitude, that makes me question sleeping in the same room as you," He looked at Sam, "And you... You're just... Bigger."

Sam scrunched his face and shook his head, "What?!"

Dean shook his head, "I don't know."

"Look..." Sam sighed, "Dean, the thing is, tonight..." He shook his head, "If Maddi wasn't with you... I don't know what I would've found in that room. It almost got you killed. Now, I don't care how you deal. I really, really don't. But just don't..." He sighed, "Don't get killed."

"I'll do what I can," Dean said.

I shook my head, "What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means I'll do what I can. Alright?" Dean snapped, "You can both shut up about it."

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~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


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