Time for a Wedding!

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We were in Las Vegas for Sam and Dean's special-annual-kick-back-and-do-whatever-they-want trip. Except for this year, Sam decided to go hiking and camp in the desert by himself, while Dean went out to the bars and strip clubs. Dean was not very happy about Sam's decision, but he decided to go out and have fun anyway.

I was on the phone with Nate when I yawned and laid back on the bed.

"You sound exhausted," He said.

"Yeah, we were nonstop all night, and I didn't really sleep much in the car," I said.

"Okay, well how about you take a nap or something," Nate said.

I yawned again, "Actually, that sounds amazing."

Nate laughed, "Call me later if you can."

"Yeah, definitely," I said.

"Later, dimples," Nate said.

"Bye," I giggled and hung up, I threw the covers over me and turned the light off.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Maddi!" Dean shouted, "Maddi..." He shook me, "I need you to wake up."

I opened my eyes groggily, the lights were on, and Dean looked completely freaked out, sitting on the other bed in front of me.

"What?" I sat up, "What's going on? Why are you back already?"

"I need you to listen to me, okay?" He asked nervously.

"Okay, what's wrong?" I asked worriedly.

"No, matter what, we protect family, right?" Dean asked.

"Yes," I said anxiously, "Is Sam okay? What's going on?"

Dean's lip quivered, and he was silent for a moment, "Sam is..." He hesitated, "Well, he's really hurt. He's dying."

I stood up and grabbed my jacket, "Where is he?"

Dean stood up and walked over to me, "You have to do something for me, I would never ask if it wasn't so important."

"What?" I nodded, "Yes, anything... What?"

"You need to heal him," Dean said.

I furrowed my brow, "I can't, I don't have enough juice in me to do it. I will end up like I did with Lisa."

Dean hesitated and looked at me, nervously, "Not if we get you what you need."

I shook my head, "You want me to drink demon blood?"

Dean sighed, "I wouldn't ask if it wasn't for Sam, but he's dying," He looked at me seriously, "It's Sam."

I hesitated, "You're not Dean."

He furrowed his brow, "What?" He grabbed my shoulders and shook me, "What the hell are you talking about?! We need to save Sam!"

"You would never want me to do that, not even for Sam!" I shouted.

The room around us started to melt away, and then Dean morphed into the all too familiar demon in my head.

He smirked, "I thought I would have you with that one," He sighed and put his hand on my cheek, "I'm just trying to help you," He stroked my cheek with his thumb and moved his face about an inch from mine, "If your brothers die, what do you have?"

I turned my head away and pushed him, "Get off of me."

He backhanded me across the face, "If your brothers die, what do you have?!"

I grabbed my face and glared at him.

He quickly moved toward me and put his hands around my throat, "What do you have?!"

"Nothing," I said through gritted teeth.

"What?!" He shouted in my face.

"Nothing!" I screamed, tears in my eyes, "I have nothing!"

He threw me to the ground, "That's right," He kneeled down next to me, grabbed my hair, and squeezed his hand around my jaw, "So, why... If you've been given such an amazing gift, would you not do whatever you need to do to protect them?"

I shook my head, "I— I don't know."

He gripped my hair tighter, "I'm sorry... I didn't catch that."

"I don't know!" I yelled.

The demon pulled me to my knees by my hair, "I want you to see something."

The lights came on in front of me, and Sam and Dean were tied to chairs, with two demons standing behind them.

"You can bring them back from this if you just do what you have to do," The demon whispered in my ear.

The demons grabbed Sam and Dean's heads and, at the same time, snapped their necks.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

With the loud crack, I gasped, opened my eyes, and sat up. It was dark, but I was sitting in the motel bed I had fallen asleep in. I reached over and switched the lamp on and realized my phone was blinking.

I opened my phone and saw that I had a text from Sam, so I clicked it open, "348 Twain Ave WEAR FED SUIT!" I furrowed my brow, "I thought this was supposed to be a chill weekend," I sighed and stood up, and walked into the bathroom to splash some water on my face and calm down.

When I walked out, Dean was walking into the motel room.

"Dean?" I asked, a little nervous that I might still be dreaming, "Are you really here?"

He furrowed his brow, "What? I'm standing here, aren't I?"

I chuckled, trying to hide the awkwardness of my question, "I— I just mean... Why are you back?"

"I got a text from Sam to get dressed and meet him," Dean said.

I nodded, "He texted me too."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

A little while later, we pulled up to the address which had a sign out front saying, A Little White Chapel. Dean and I got out, a little confused, since there weren't any police cars around and then walked into the building. We walked cautiously down the hallway, and when the lights flickered, Dean drew his gun. We continued down the hall toward the double doors, and Dean reached his hand out to the handle, but right before he grabbed it, the doors opened, and Sam was standing there.

"Guys," Sam chuckled, "It's okay." He lowered Dean's gun, "You won't need that. Come on." He grabbed both of us, leading us toward a wedding arch.

"I thought you were out, uh, becoming one with the land or some crap," Dean said.

"You got to—" Sam sighed, "Come here," He said and put Dean in position on the right side of the arch and turned to me, "Alright. Now..." He moved me to the left side of the arch.

Dean nodded at a man and woman sitting in chairs against the wall, "Hi."

Sam turned to Dean and pinned a pink flower to the front of his jacket and then picked up a small pink bouquet off of a piano and handed it to me.

"Uh, what?" I asked.

"What is this?" Dean asked.

"Uh, apparently, uh, pink is for loyalty," Sam chuckled.

Dean nodded, "Alright, so, what's the pretext? What are we— Uh, wedding crashers, huh? We lookin' for some kind of siren or what?"

"No. Nothing like that," Sam moved so he could look at both of us, "Alright, um... So, a little sudden. But life is short, so I'll keep this shorter," He looked at us seriously, "I'm in love. And I'm getting married," He smiled.

Dean and I stared at him, looked at each other, and then looked back at Sam.

Sam chuckled, "Say something, like, uh, like, 'congratulations,' for example."

I started laughing, "Sam, this is a joke, right?"

Sam shook his head, "N— No, it's not a joke."

Dean furrowed his brow, "What?"

Suddenly, wedding music started playing, and a woman in a wedding dress and a veil entered the room.

"What the hell?" Dean and I asked in unison.

The woman in the wedding dress stopped and flipped her veil back to reveal that it was Becky Rosen.

"Becky?" Dean asked and looked at me.

Becky smiled, "Dean. Maddison. I'm so glad you're here."

Dean and I stared at each other in shock as we watched the ceremony take place. Then once it was over, Sam and Becky sat together, holding hands, staring at each other lovingly.

"Shouldn't she ask for our permission or something?" Dean asked.

I nodded, "Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's how it works."

Sam smirked, "Y— You want her to ask for my hand?"

Dean shook his head, "How in the— How did this happen?"

"Short version?" Sam asked and smiled at Becky, "We— We— We met. We ate and— and talked and fell in love. And, you know, here we are."

Dean nodded, "Yeah, I— I guess I'm all caught up. That's—" He sighed, "Okay."

I nodded, "Alright, have a nice life together," I shook my head and walked away, "Dean, you coming?"

Dean hurried up to me and put his hands on my shoulders, "You're fine with this?"

I shook my head, "No. Obviously not. That's why I'm walking out."

"Okay, listen to me," Dean said, "We have to figure out what's going on. Alright? So, just bear with me, please."

I sighed and rolled my eyes, "Fine."

We walked back over to Sam and Becky, who were just sitting there staring at each other, smiling.

"You know what?" Dean asked, "Ignoring everything, have you forgotten the average life-span of your hookups?"

Sam nodded, "Yeah, but—"

"But if anyone knows that, it's me," Becky shrugged, "I mean, I read every book. So, open eyes, you know? Open eyes."

"I'm gonna be sick," Dean said.

I rolled my eyes and shook my head, I was in complete disbelief of what was happening.

Becky smiled at me, "Maddison, I understand you aren't ready to see your big brother get married, especially so soon, but it's time to let him go."

I furrowed my brow at her, "We haven't seen you in two years, Becky."

Becky nodded, "I know, I wish we had a closer relationship before this happened too, but we have all the time in the world now. I'm your big sister-in-law!"

I glared at her, "You know what you are?! You're a—"

Dean chuckled and put his hand over my mouth and put himself in between me and Becky.

Sam sighed, "Guys, look, it's simple. If— If something good's happening, I—I got to jump on it... Now, today, uh, period."

Dean nodded, "Okay, Dead Poets Society. Fine." He looked at Becky, "No offense." Then he looked at Sam, "Did you make sure she's even really—"

"Salt, holy water, everything," Becky interrupted, "See?" She held out her arm to show us a fresh cut, "Not a monster. Just the right girl for your brother."

Dean nodded, "Ah."

Becky smiled, "That's it."

A man walked up and handed Sam and Becky a folder, "The bill."

Becky took it, "I got it," She turned to Sam, "You three do your thing," She smiled at Dean and me before walking off with the man.

"Really?!" Dean snapped, "Superfan99?!"

"Look," Sam chuckled, "Honest to God, I— I had the exact same opinion of her as you guys do. But when we got past the whole book thing, I found out th— that she's great and I was the dick."

Dean nodded, "Yeah, you know, speaking of the whole, uh, book thing... Becky randomly shows up during Vegas week?"

Sam shrugged, "Yeah."

Dean nodded, "Yeah."

Sam furrowed his brow, "Okay, um, what are you trying to say?"

I raised my eyebrows and put my hands out in disbelief, "Maybe she knew you were gonna be here, Sam."

Dean nodded, "Yeah, maybe, uh— uh— uh, Chuck wrote about it."

Sam shook his head, "You two are paranoid."

"And you're in love?!" I yelled.

Dean nodded, "It's been four days, man!"

"You know what?" Sam stood up and picked up Becky's veil and bouquet, "You know what? Um, how about this? Becky and I are gonna go up to her place in Delaware. Um, why don't you two try and wrap your domes around this, get a little supportive, then give us a call?" He nodded and smiled at us and then walked over to Becky.

I shook my head, "I don't like this."

"First official Tweet as Mrs. Becky Rosen-Winchester!" Becky shouted at Sam as she typed viciously on her phone.

"What is literally happening?" I asked.

"Come on," Dean said, and I followed him out of the chapel as he made a phone call, "Bobby. Hey, I know you're, uh, beard-deep in that Oregon nest. Me and Maddi are headed to Delaware to do a little snoopin' around. Sam is there with his wife. That's right. You heard me. His wife. Call me."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Dean and I pulled into a restaurant, we had been following Becky and Sam with Sam's GPS. As we parked, Becky and Sam were getting in their car, which had Just Married written on it, and they drove away. Dean and I shook our heads. We got out and walked into the bar to eat some food before continuing on.

In front of me was a newspaper, I skimmed the headline before putting it in front of Dean, "Does this seem like too much of a coincidence to you?" The headline read, Truck kills pedestrian in freak accident. Victim a recent lottery winner.

Dean nodded, "Yeah, definitely," He looked at me, "You've gotta promise me something."

"Oh, god, what is it?" I asked.

"You've gotta calm down," He said.

I furrowed my brow at him, "What does that mean?"

Dean sighed, "The only way we will be able to figure out what is going on with Sam, is if we act like we support this nightmare."

I scoffed and rolled my eyes, "Well, don't expect me to buy them a wedding present."

"That's a great idea," Dean said. I glared at him, and he smirked, "I'll pick it out and just write your name on it, you don't need to worry about it," He shrugged, "It'll be a way to get a foot in the door."

I rolled my eyes, "Whatever."

He thought for a second as he read the food menu, "I just need to figure out what to get them."

I shrugged, "Waffle iron."

"Why a waffle iron?" He asked.

I shrugged, "I don't know. That's what you see in the movies. Plus, waffles are good, so when this whole thing blows over or... I end up knocking Becky out and kidnapping Sam, we will have a waffle iron."

Dean raised his eyebrows, "So, your plan is to knock Becky out, take gigantor, and grab a waffle iron on your way out?"

I nodded, "Yeah, why not? You're gonna be there to help me, right?" I smirked.

Dean chuckled, "Yeah, okay, but when would you ever use it? We're always on the road."

I shrugged, "We can leave it at Rufus's cabin. Use it when we're hanging out with Nate and Bobby."

"Alright," Dean laughed.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

After picking up a waffle iron, we walked up to Becky's door.

Dean took a deep breath, "Just follow my lead," He whispered and then rang the doorbell.

Sam answered the door and looked at us, confused.

Dean held up the box, "Us being supportive. Congratulations to you and the missus."

Sam nodded and took the box, "Thanks."

"It's a waffle iron. Nonstick. Yeah, you just, uh..." Dean mimed closing the waffle iron and turning a dial, but then he shrugged, "Actually, don't know how to use it. Are we good?"

Sam shrugged and smiled briefly.

Dean nodded, "Good, 'cause we're sniffing a case in this town. The score is... Guy wins Powerball, gets squished by a truck. Second guy went from the bench to the Majors. Oh, and one week later, his face was the catcher's mitt, huh?"

"Our first thought was crossroads demons, but there's that ten-year time frame on collecting souls," Becky said from another room.

Sam led us into a bedroom, where Becky was standing in front of a wall covered in maps, pictures, and clues. Above all of it was a banner that read, Sam and Becky's Investigation.

Becky turned around, her hand on her hip, "Then there's cursed object, like in 'Bad Day at Black Rock,' but we haven't been able to connect the vics yet."

Dean furrowed his brow, "You're working this case... Together?"

"Yeah. I know. Right?" Sam chuckled, "I mean, I guess all those Chuck Shurley books paid off."

Dean looked at Becky, "Alright, listen, cookie, I don't know what kind of mojo you're working, but, believe me, we..." He gestured to himself and me, "Will find out."

"Dean, that's... My wife you're talking to," Sam said.

"You're not even acting like yourself, Sam!" Dean yelled.

Sam shrugged, "How am I not?"

"You married Becky Rosen!" Dean shouted.

"What are you saying? I'm a witch?" Becky asked.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes, "No, you would do something smarter than this if you were a witch."

Becky glared at me, "Or maybe I'm a siren. Ever occur to either of you, we're just... I don't know... Happy?"

"Come on, Sam!" Dean shouted, ignoring Becky, "Guy wins the lotto, guy hits the bigs. Alright, obviously, uh, people's dreams are coming true in this town. Don't you think this is a little bit of a coincidence?"

Sam pointed at Dean, "You know what? What Becky and I have is real. And if you guys can't accept that, that's your problem, not ours."

Dean shrugged, "Or maybe she's part of it. Because for whatever reason, you're her dream. If you really do care about her, I'd be worried. Because people who do get their little fantasies or whatever seem to end up dead pretty quick."

"You know, I went after her, Dean," Sam said, "Maybe that's what's bugging you... That I'm moving on with my life. I mean, you took care of me, and that's great. But I don't need either of you anymore."

Dean nodded and then shook his head before sighing and turning away.

I scoffed, "Wow, Sam. Whatever, dude, we don't need your dumbass either."

"Maddi, let's go," Dean said.

I turned to follow after Dean, "And we're taking the waffle iron back!" I shouted and reached for the box.

Dean grabbed me, "No, no, we're not," He pulled me out of the door.

When we made our way out to the parking lot, Dean realized he had a missed call from Bobby and called him back, "I don't want another hunter, Bobby. Why can't you do it?" (...) "Ugh! Fine. What's his name?"

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Bobby sent us to another restaurant in town to meet with another hunter named Garth. We walked through the restaurant, looking at each table for him until we stopped in front of a table with a larger man wearing similar clothes to Dean. Just as Dean was about to say something to the man, a woman walked in front of us and joined him at the table.

"Hey. You, Dean, and Maddison?" Someone said from behind us.

We turned around to see a scrawny man sitting at the table behind us, slurping a milkshake, he eyed Dean, "Hmm. I thought you'd be taller."

Dean rolled his eyes at me, and then we sat down opposite Garth.

Dean cleared his throat, "I assume Bobby filled you in on the road."

Garth nodded, "He told me two things. One, he's tangling with a major-league nest up in Oregon territory. Numero dos, he said you'd..." He pointed at Dean, "Be all, uh, surly and premenstrual working with me," He put his hands up and sat back, "But, hey, man, sticks and stones."

Dean looked at him in annoyance and set the newspaper with our case on it in front of Garth, "Think I found a case. Check the headline."

"First things first," Garth said and flipped through the newspaper, and then started laughing after he read for a moment, "Oh, Marmaduke, you're crazy!"

Dean and I made eye contact in disbelief, and then Dean pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

We followed our case to Mutual Freedom Insurance, where a junior salesman leapfrogged his way up to CEO in just one day. So, we went to the front desk, claiming we were reporters and were told to have a seat while we waited to talk to Craig Burrows.

A nicely dressed woman stood behind the secretary, scolding her about something on a paper she was holding, "Are you trying to humiliate me?" She snapped, "It's Marsha with an 'S-H-A,' not a 'C-I-A.'" She dropped the paper on the secretary's desk and stormed away.

Then Sam and Becky emerged from around a wall behind the secretary's desk. Dean and I made eye contact.

"Keep your cool, alright?" Dean asked.

I nodded, "I'll do my best."

"Thanks again," Sam nodded at the secretary.

Garth leaned over to us, "Hey, is that your—"

"Yes," Dean and I said in unison.

"Awkward," Garth said.

Dean stood up and walked over to Sam and Becky, "Hi."

Becky glared at Dean, so I stood up and stood beside him, and Becky and I glared at each other.

"Okay," Dean chuckled and pat my back, "So..."

Becky gave me one last glare and then walked away.

"So, uh, no point in going in. Guy's clean," Sam said.

"You sure?" Dean asked.

Sam nodded, "Yeah. Positive. Becky grilled him like a pro. She's a real natural," He smiled proudly.

Dean nodded, "Huh."

Sam peered around us at Garth, "What's with the scrawny guy?"

Dean smiled and nodded, "Temp."

"You can go in now," The secretary nodded at us.

"Alright, see you later," Sam said and then walked over to Becky.

Dean nodded, "Yup."

Sam nodded, and then he and Becky walked away with their hands clasped together.

Dean, Garth, and I walked past the secretary's desk, down a short hallway, and entered the room at the end of it.

Craig looked up from his desk and smiled, "Please come in," He stood up and shook our hands, "Throw a rock, hit a reporter these days, eh?"

Dean chuckled, "Well, your story's a big deal over at the, uh— The Actuarial Insider."

Craig nodded and sat down, "Please, have a seat."

"Alright," Dean nodded, pulled out a notebook, and the three of us took a seat.

"Go ahead. Shoot," Craig said.

Dean nodded, "Uh... How'd you get the gig?"

"Board came to me, asked," Craig shrugged and smiled, "Said yes."

"Just out of the blue?" I asked.

Craig nodded, "Pretty much."

"Huh," Dean smiled, "And, uh, any idea how the board landed on you over your supervisors?"

Craig shook his head, "Um, they didn't say."

"Could you tell us what specifically excited the board about your actual qualifications?" Dean asked.

Craig furrowed his brow, "What's with the third degree?"

"Oh, uh, no offense," Garth said, "We were just wondering if you got here by nefarious means."

"Whoa! Garth!" Dean chuckled.

"Oh," Garth laughed, "Uh, I— I didn't mean, of course, uh, corporate backstabbing... I'm sorry. I meant more like, uh, you know, black magic or hoodoo."

My eyes widened, "Garth..."

Dean laughed and shook Garth's arm, "He jokes. He's a— He's a jokester." Craig stared at us in disbelief. "Let's, uh, rewind," Dean nodded, "Why don't, uh, why don't you tell us what it felt like when your big dream came true?"

Craig paused and then sighed, "Look, on the record, it's great."

"What about off the record?" I asked.

Craig shook his head, "It's not my big dream."

I furrowed my brow, "Wait. You didn't want this job?"

"Hell, no," Craig said, "I'm a sales guy. I was good in sales."

Marsha, the woman who was yelling at the secretary, walked in, "Your secretary's an idiot. I'll be at the printers this afternoon."

Craig nodded, "Alright, dear. See you at dinner."

"Just have the idiot make a reservation," Marsha snapped, "Here's a tip... Remind her she works for the CEO. One more screw-up, she's fired," Then she stormed off.

"Your, uh, wife seems pretty stoked on the promotion, don't she?" Garth asked.

"Honestly, I've never seen her happier," Craig shook his head, "I have no idea how I'm gonna tell her I have to resign. The news is just gonna—"

"Kill her?" Garth asked.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

We quickly finished up with Craig and rushed out to find Marsha, and then finally, we spotted her going down the stairs.

"Mrs. Burrows?" Dean asked once we ran up to her, "Hi."

"Can I help you?" She snapped.

Dean nodded, "Yes, we're, uh, we're doing a story on your husband's promotion. Wanted to ask you a few questions."

"I'm sorry," Marsha shook her head, "I can't today," She turned to leave, "If you schedule it with his girl—"

Dean put his hand on her shoulder to stop her, "Okay, you know what? I'm trying to save you from a really bad accident."

Marsha furrowed her brow, "Are you threatening me?"

"No," Dean quickly removed his hand from her shoulder.

"No, no, he's not," I said.

"No, I— I— I'm pointing out a pattern," Dean said, "Why do people keep thinking I'm threatening them?"

"Because it sounded exactly like a threat, dude," Garth said.

Dean looked at me for back up.

I cringed, "I mean, yeah, it did kinda sound like a threat."

Dean sighed and looked at Marsha, "Look, for your own good, what did you do to get him promoted?"

Marsha shook her head, "I have no idea what you're talking about. Now leave me alone. Or do I have to call security?" She gave us one last look and then walked away.

As we walked down the stairs after her, Dean took off running when Marsha entered the main lobby of the building. I was confused until I heard the sound of cables snapping, and the chandelier began to fall from the ceiling. Marsha looked up and screamed, but luckily, Dean tackled her out of the way right before the chandelier crashed to the ground. Garth and I hurried over to them.

"You okay?" Dean asked.

Marsha looked at him in shock, "How did you know?"

"'Cause you're not the first," Dean said, "Come on," He helped her up.

"You want to tell us what's up here?" Garth asked.

Marsha hesitated and then nodded, "I was having lunch with friends. This guy heard me bitching. Next thing I know, he's making me an offer."

"An offer?" Dean asked.

"Craig's job for my soul," Marsha chuckled, "I know. Hilarious. I mean, what have I got to lose?"

I shrugged, "Well, there's your soul."

Garth turned his attention to Dean and me, "What kind of demon deal is this?" He shook his head, "Timeline's whack."

Marsha furrowed her brow, "What are you talking about? Demon?"

"Let me back up here," Garth looked at Marsha, "You made a deal with a demon in exchange for your everlasting," He shook his head, "Except those are ten-year contracts. Why's the bill coming due so fast?"

Dean shook his head, "I don't know, but I got a bad feeling about who's next. We got to find Sam, pronto."

Garth put his hand up before we walked away, "Alright, alright, alright. Uh, here's the plan. I drop this lady at my cousin's. He'll stop anything trying to get her. We, uh, find Sam, hopefully, fix this, everybody's home in time for 'America's Got Talent.'" He pointed at Marsha, "Now, you... You'll be living with a tri-racial paraplegic sniper until this all blows over, okay?"

Marsha nodded in confusion, and Dean and I gave each other a look as Garth walked by.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

After Marsha was taken care of, we went over to Becky's. Once Dean picked the lock, we entered with our guns drawn, but Garth ran right past Dean and me, checking all the rooms before we had a chance. Dean and I shook our heads at each other and put our guns away. We walked into the living room, while Garth searched in the bedroom. Dean shook his head as a framed wedding picture of Sam and Becky that was hanging on the wall. I grabbed Becky's mail and flipped through it but tossed it back on the table when I couldn't find anything of interest.

"Anything?" Dean asked Garth as we walked into the bedroom and found him searching through her computer.

"Uh, she's got eleven Twitter... ers," Garth said, "Last post, 'Going on romantic trip with hubster,' Three exclamation points. I guess she got excited."

Dean picked up a framed photo and faced it toward Garth and me. It was a picture of Becky as a kid holding a fishing rod and a fish outside of a cabin, "That look romantic to you?"

Garth shook his head, "Oh, hell, no. But I got this thing about fish. Dead eyes, man."

Dean gave him a look and then turned his attention to me.

I shrugged, "I mean yeah, secluded area. Perfect place to take your kidnapped husband. Sounds a little Misery-ish to me."

Dean nodded and removed the photo, "Huh," He read the back, "'Becky's First Fish. Loon Lake Family Cabin 1994.'"

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

On our drive to Loon Lake, Sam called us. He told us that Becky had been dosing him with a love potion she got from a crossroads demon named Guy. After some coaxing from Sam, Becky agreed to help us set up a trap for him, so we met at a restaurant and put the plan in place. Garth laid out a devil's trap that he poured in vodka on the carpet, which would leave it invisible to Guy. Once Guy was there, Becky would trick him into place and light it so the ash marks would reveal the devil's trap. So, once we were set, Becky called him, and Garth, Sam, Dean, and I hid around the corner and waited for the plan to play out.

Becky sat and drank whiskey while she waited for Guy to arrive, and then finally, he walked in.

"Hey, Becks..." Guy said as he approached her from behind, "So, what are we thinking?"

"Okay," Becky said and turned around to look at him, "I'm in," She stood up and walked over to Guy, looking almost disappointed and ashamed.

"You're making the right choice," Guy said.

"I know," Becky nodded, "So... We seal the deal with a kiss?"

"Exactly," Guy put his hands out to embrace her, "Pucker up, sweetheart."

Becky lit her lighter and dropped it on the ground. Flames immediately shot around the invisible devil's trap, and then she backed away, "I'm not your sweetheart!"

Garth, Sam, Dean, and I stepped out from behind the wall, and Becky ran to us.

Garth held up an empty bottle and shook it, "Blueberry vodka. The answer to all of life's problems."

"You see that, Sam?" Becky asked excitedly, "I did it just like we said! I am awesome! I—" Sam gave her a look, and she stepped away, "I'll be over here," She said and wandered off to a safer area of the room.

"Dean Winchester," Guy smiled, "This is really thrilling. Hey, can I have your autograph?"

"Sure," Dean said as he pulled the demon blade out of his jacket, "Yeah, I'll, uh, carve it into your spleen. So, how you runnin' your little scam?"

"Well, how do you mean, Dean?" Guy asked.

"Signing ten-year deals, snuffing 'em that week," Sam said.

Guy smirked and shook his head, "Well, I would never. No. Rules of the road... Can't lay a hair on any of my clients."

Dean nodded, "Right. So how you cheating it?"

"I'm not a cheater," Guy said, "I'm an innovator. It's called a loophole, you moron. Yes, when a person bargains away his soul, he gets a decade, technically. But accidents happen."

I furrowed my brow, "So, you're setting up 'accidents' to collect early?"

"Oh, please. White gloves," Guy held up his hands, "I don't get my hands dirty. That's why it's important to have a capable intern."

A man appeared behind Guy and sent us flying backward just by raising his hand. We all crashed into tables or walls. I looked under the table I had flipped over and spotted Sam was unconscious, and the demon blade was lying on the ground a few feet from where Dean had landed. Garth was a couple tables down from me, groaning as he clutched his head.

"What time did I ask you to be here?!" Guy shouted at his intern, "What time did I ask you to be here?!"

The intern used his foot to break the devil's trap by wiping the ash away. Then Guy appeared in front of Dean as he was getting to his feet.

Dean tossed holy water in Guy's face, and he recoiled, "Exorcizamus te, omnis—"

Guy grabbed Dean by his throat and shoved him against a pillar, choking him with both hands.

Sam gasped awake and saw that Becky was still just standing there watching, "Becky... Run!"

Garth got to his knees as I tried to sneakily crawl to the knife. Then the intern ran forward and waved his hand at Garth, causing him to hit his head off of the table he was using to support himself, and he went back to the ground. The intern looked down at me, shook his head, and stomped on my hand as hard as he could, causing me to scream out in pain. He left his foot on my hand as I tried to push him off and then raised his hand at Sam, choking him. Becky sprinted up behind him, picked up the knife and plunged it into his back. Orange energy burst through the intern's body, and then he collapsed to the ground.

"Whoa," Becky said, with a huge smile and excitement in her eyes.

I sat up, grasping my hand in pain, I took a quick look at my hand and could see that the bones were totally mangled under my skin. I winced and cradled my hand to my chest.

Sam pulled the knife out of the intern and tossed it to Dean. He caught it and put it to Guy's throat, causing Guy to immediately let go of Dean and back up, with his hands in the air.

"How many deals you got cooking in this town, Madoff?" Dean growled.

Sam pulled me up, and then Becky ran up next to us.

"Fifteen," Guy hissed.

Dean nodded, "Yeah, well, call them off, or I'll cut my own loophole in your throat."

Crowley appeared behind Dean.

"Oh, crap," Guy said nervously.

"Yeah, you said it," Dean said, "You're in a world—"

"Hello, kids," Crowley said.

Dean glanced over his shoulder at Crowley, "Oh, crap," He moved around Guy and held the knife against his throat from behind.

"Sam, mazel tov. Who's the lucky lady?" Crowley asked.

"You're Crowley!" Becky said with excitement.

"And you're—" Crowley hesitated and looked at Becky for a moment, "Well, I'm sure you have a wonderful personality, dear." Becky looked down sadly, and then Crowley took a step toward Dean.

Dean tightened his grip on Guy, "Ah, another step, and I'll Colombian necktie your little friend here."

"Please, don't let him get off that easy," Crowley said.

Guy shook his head, "Sir, I don't think that you—"

"I know exactly what you've been doing. A little birdy named Jackson sold you out, e-mailed all the juicy deets to my suggestion box," Crowley glanced down at the intern on the floor, "I assume... That's my whistle-blower? Shame," He raised his eyebrows at Guy, "Had a future. Unfortunately, you don't."

Guy shook his head, "I was just—"

"There's only one rule..." Crowley said, "Make a deal, keep it."

"Well, technically," Guy shook his head, "I didn't—"

"There's a reason we don't call our chits in early... Consumer confidence. This isn't Wall Street!" Crowley shouted, "This is Hell! We have a little something called integrity. This gets out, who'll deal with us? Nobody! Then where are we?"

Guy looked down, "I don't know."

Crowley nodded, "That's right. You don't. Because you're a stupid, shortsighted little prat.," He looked at Dean, "Now, hand the jackass over. I'll cancel every deal he's made."

"What are you gonna do with him?" Dean asked.

"Make an example of him," Crowley smiled at Guy and then shrugged at us, "Fair trade, right? We all go our separate ways. No harm done."

Sam furrowed his brow, "What, out of the goodness of your heart?"

"Years of demons nipping at your heels, haven't seen one for months. Wonder why?" Crowley asked.

"We've been a little busy," Dean said.

"Hunting Leviathan..." Crowley nodded, "Yes, I know. That's why I told my lads to stay clear of you meatheads."

Sam nodded, "So, what do you know about—"

"Too much. You met that dick yet?" Crowley asked, "Smuggest tub of goo since Mussolini. I hate the bastards. Squash 'em all, please. I'll stay clear."

"Rip up the contracts first," Dean said.

Crowley snapped his fingers, "Done," He looked at Dean, "Your turn."

"No, no, no, no," Guy said nervously, "Let—"

Dean shoved Guy toward Crowley.

Crowley grabbed Guy's arm, "Pleasure," He smiled at us, and then they disappeared.

Garth finally got to his feet, "What'd I miss?"

Dean raised his eyebrows at Garth, "A lot."

"Maddi," Sam turned to me, "Let me see your hand," He held his hand out.

"No, I'm fine," I said, still clutching my hand to my chest.

Sam raised his eyebrows, "I heard bones crunch."

"I'm fine," I said again.

Sam stared at me for a moment and then nodded, turning his attention to Becky, "Let's get this marriage sorted out."

Becky frowned and then nodded sadly, "Okay..."

Dean nodded, "Alright, let's get this cleaned up and go."

Everyone walked toward the door, but I trailed behind slightly. The pain in my hand throbbed up my whole arm, and then out of the corner of my eye, I spotted the pool of blood that had formed around the intern's body.

I cleared my throat, "I'm gonna hit that bathroom real quick."

Dean nodded, "Yeah, no problem."

I walked into the bathroom and then peered out, waiting for them all to leave. As soon as the door closed behind them, I stepped out and over to the body. I knew I didn't have much time, so I kneeled down next to him and dipped my finger in the still-warm blood. I examined it for a moment and wiped it off on his shirt. I stared at the blood a little longer and then shook my head. I felt this unbelievable urge to just bury my face in and drink as much as I could. Still, against everything I wanted, I stood up and stepped over his body to walk away.

"I knew you would be itching for more," Crowley said from behind me.

I turned around and shook my head, "What are you talking about?"

Crowley smiled, "Don't play coy with me, sweetheart," He pulled a glass bottle of deep red liquid out of his jacket, "I brought you a present," He tossed it to me.

I caught it and stared at it, knowing exactly what it was.

"Demon blood," Crowley said, "Fresh... All for you."

I shook my head, "I don't want this."

Crowley raised his eyebrows and nodded, "Oh, so you didn't want that blood?" He asked, eyeing the demon blood beside me, "You aren't a filthy scavenger. Just take it."

I furrowed my brow, "What? You want to mess me up more?"

Crowley sighed, "While my methods may have been regretful... I did make you stronger," He took a few steps closer to me, and I backed away, "You don't have to be afraid," He looked me in the eyes and nodded, "Listen, let's help each other out."

"What?" I snapped.

"You want to take down the leviathans, and so do I," Crowley smiled, "We both need you and your brothers alive to do that. That blood can help you make sure that happens." I just stared at him. He shrugged, "What's a small secret between us if it keeps your brothers alive, right?" He smiled and then disappeared.

I looked down at the bottle, my hand still throbbing. My heart raced, and all I could think about was how good it made me feel when I could heal myself. I pulled the top off with my teeth, the smell hit me, and it was like the most delicious thing I've ever smelled in my life. I couldn't hold back anymore, and I took a swig of it. The metallic taste hit my tongue and the thick liquid rolled down my throat, it was the most amazing feeling, it felt like my body was exploding with excitement. When I pulled the bottle away from my lips, I felt my bones shift in my hand, and the pain stopped. I looked at my hand and wiggled my fingers, it was entirely back to normal. I heard the door open, and I quickly put the top back on the bottle and shoved it into my jacket.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Back at Becky's apartment, Dean, Garth, and I watched as Becky sat across the table from Sam while he signed annulment papers and then slid them over to her.

Becky looked down at the papers sadly, "It—" She smiled at Sam, shaking her head, "It wasn't all bad, right?"

Sam glared at Becky, and she sighed, looking unbelievably sad.

Sam nodded, "Okay, y— you did save my life, and for that, thanks."

Becky perked up a little, "So, I'll see you again?"

"Yeah, probably not," Sam said.

Becky's face fell, and she sadly signed the annulment and then slid it back to Sam. She looked down as he grabbed it as if she couldn't even bear to see him take it.

Sam sighed as he looked at her and rubbed his forehead, "Becky, look... You're not a loser, okay? You're a good person, a— and you've got... A lot of..." He struggled for the right words, "En— Energy. So, you know what, just do your thing, whatever that is, and the right guy will find you."

Becky sighed and looked away, and then she and Garth made eye contact. Garth smiled and fixed his hair, and then Becky perked up a little.

"No," Dean shook his head at Garth, "No."

Garth nodded, a little disappointed, and then Becky looked down sadly. Sam got up, and we all walked out of the apartment.

"That was really nice what you said to her back there, Sam," I smirked and pat him on the back, "You're a good person, and you have a lot of energy."

Sam chuckled, "Whatever."

We walked out to the Impala and stood in front of it to say goodbye to Garth.

"Well, buddy, I got to say, man... You, uh— You don't suck," Dean pat Garth on the arm.

"Thank you," Garth smiled, "That's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me. Well..." He turned to leave and then hugged Dean at the last minute.

"Oh," Dean said a little startled, "Yeah," He chuckled and pat him on the back awkwardly, "Alright, that's—" He cleared his throat, "Thank you."

Sam and I smirked at each other and at Dean, who looked at us uncomfortably. Garth let go, put his hands on Dean's shoulders, and nodded with a sad smile. Then he turned to me with his arms out.

I glanced at Sam and Dean, who were smirking, and then I nodded at Garth, waving for him to come over, "Yeah, alright, bring it in."

He embraced me for a long moment, and I hugged him back, smirking at my brothers the whole time. Then finally, he let go and then nodded and waved us goodbye before walking away.

"Take care," Dean nodded and then turned to us, "Wow."

"Aw, you two made a fwiend," Sam smirked.

Dean shook his head, "Uh-uh."

Sam chuckled as we watched Garth drive off. He put his head down, "Look, guys, uh..." He cleared his throat, "When I was all dosed up, I— I said some crap."

Dean's eyes widened, "Oh, you mean, she— she wasn't your soulmate?"

"Shut up," Sam smirked, "I mean, I do need you watching my back. Obviously."

Dean nodded, "Yeah, when, uh, crazy groupies attack."

Sam smiled, "You know what I mean."

"You know, I got to say, man..." Dean said, "For a whack-job, you really pulled it together."

"That's the nicest thing anyone's said to me," Sam said, and we all chuckled, "Look, don't be too impressed, man. It's still a Denver scramble up here. I just know my way around the plate now."

"I'm just saying," Dean shrugged, "It's stupid to think that you need me around all the time. You're a grown-up."

Sam nodded, "Right."

"You're a hike-in-the-desert, hippie-douche grown-up," Dean said.

Sam chuckled, "Dude, I was camping," He furrowed his brow, "You camp."

"Yeah, whatever. Hippie," Dean said, and then we walked to our respective doors.

"You know what, though? Seriously?" Sam asked, "It might be nice."

"What?" Dean asked.

"I mean, you basically have been looking out for me your whole life. Now you don't have to worry about me," Sam chuckled, "About time, huh?" He opened his door and climbed in.

"Yeah," Dean nodded, looking a little sad, "Right."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

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