Chapter 12

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In the morning
Abhi and Sid enter the college and girls were staring at them as usual.
Vaish comes
Vaish: Hi guys
Abhi and Sid: Hi
Vaish: How are you Sid now?
Sid: I am fine di
Vaish: Ok good. Now you know na today you have to apologize to that girl
Sid: Yee. I will don't worry. Well where is she?
Vaish: See there she is
Abhi: We are leaving. Go talk to her
Abhinavi leave
Sid goes near Avu who is lost in her phone
Sid's P.O.V.
Wow she is so cute. I didn't see her face yesterday as I was hiding my tears.
P.O.V. ends
He was lost in his thoughts and Avu was busy on chatting on her phone. So they didn't notice and bumped into each other.

Avu was about to fall but Sid held her by her waist and got lost in her eyes

Avu: (angrily) What the hell!!! Leave me
Sid: (came out of his dream) Oh I am sorry. I wanted to.....
Avu: (cuts him) Shut up you rascal. What do you think of yourself??? You are... Leave it. I don't wanna talk to a mad person 😡😡😡😡
Avu leaves in anger and Sid also leaves for class
In class
Faizu: Hey Sid
Sid: Hi
Faizu: What happened to you yesterday?
Sid's P.O.V.
Did he came to know that I saw him with Jan yesterday?
Sid: What do you mean yaar?
Faizu: You went home earlier yesterday and Abhi bhai told me you are not well
Sid: Oh yea. Umm actually....I had head ache
Faizu: Oh ok
Faizu's P.O.V.
Something is seriously wrong with this guy. He is behaving so wiered since last few months.
P.O.V. ends
*Skips to break*
In cafeteria
Abhi, Sid and Vaish were sitting
Avu came
Avu: Hi bhai. Hi di
Avu looks at Sid
Avu: You???
To be continued

How will Avu behave on seeing Sid? Do comment.
Are you guys excited?

Stay tuned for next chapter

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