Chapter 29

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Sid goes to take call.
While returning back
Sid's P.O.V.
Why was I so jealous of that Bhav? Do I actually love Avu? I think I do. But I don't know if she does or not. I can't tell her. I don't wanna lose a friend like her.
P.O.V. ends
Sid sees Avu.
Sid: Avu. Oh shit she drank too much. I need to take her
Avu sees him and hold his hand.
Avu: Sid let's go dance
Sid: No we are going back
Avu: No I wanna dance
Sid: I said na we are going
Avu: You are so boring
Avu leaves and runs towards dance floor.
Sid goes behind him, holds his hand and takes her outside.
Avu: Sidooo why didn't you let me dance (makes a puppy face)
Sid: Look at yourself. Are you even in the condition to dance
Two boys come out and start staring at Avu.
Sid: (shout angrily) What the hell are you staring at?
Boy1: Chill bro. If she is your girl we can share her
Boy2 tries to touch her inappropriately.
Sid punches him on face.
Sid: Don't even dare to think about her
Both of them left.
Sid takes Avu towards car.
Sid: Avu sit inside
Avu: No. I wanna be with you
Avu kisses him on cheek.
Avu: I love you Sidooo
Sid's P.O.V.
Did she said she love me? Control yourself Sid she is drunk.
P.O.V. ends
Sid: We will talk about that later. Now sit
Sid makes her sit and drive towards home.
Sid takes her inside the room and takes out her clothes.
Sid: Go to the washroom and change
Avu: No I am not leaving you
Sid: I said go and change
Avu tries to kiss him but Sid doesn't allow her and forces her inside the washroom
Avu: Sid don't you love me yaar
Sid: Change your clothes
Sid goes to the kitchen and makes lemonade.
Sid goes in Avu's room

Sid enters Avu's room with lemonade. Avu comes out of the washroom and comes closer to Sid. Sid moves away from her but Avu holds him and try to kiss and tries his best to not let her do anything and glass fall down from his hand and break.
Sid: Avu yaar what you did?
Avu: Just leave it na
Avu kisses his lips but Sid doesn't kiss him back
Sid's P.O.V.
Sid control yourself. You can't do anything to her. She is not in her senses.
P.O.V. ends
Avu opens Sid's shirt and throws it on floor. Then pushes him on bed.
Sid: Avu stop. Let me go to my room
Avu: You are not going anywhere
Avu lays on his chest and starts kissing there.
Sid: Avu stop it
Avu: Don't you love me (makes a puppy face)
Sid: Ok I love you too but now lemme go
Avu: Nope
Avu kisses him on his lips and then moves towards his neck. And then she passes away.
Sid was shirtless and Avu was on top of him.
Sid's P.O.V.
If I try to move she might get up again.
I think I should sleep here.
P.O.V. ends
In morning
Avu wakes up and sees Sid.
Avu: What is Sid doing in my room and why are we like this? What happened last night. I can't remember anything. Did we.....? No no Sid can't do anything like that. But what if.... (tears rolled down her eyes)
Sid....Sid....wake up please
Sid wakes up.
Sid: Why are you crying? (worried) Is everything alright?
Avu: Sid what happened last night?
Sid: Don't you remember anything? (sits on the bed)
Avu: Don't tell me that we....
Sid tells her everything.
Avu looks down.
Avu's P.O.V.
What I did? What he will be thinking of me? I can't even meet my eyes with him.
P.O.V. ends
Avu: Sid I am extremely sorry for everything. I don't know what.....
Sid holds her chin and raises it and makes an eye contact with her.
Sid: Avu there is no sorry and thank you in friends. And you are my bestest friend
Avu smiles and tightly hugs Sid. Sid hugs her back.
Sid: (teasingly) Achha tell me one thing. Last night you said you love me.
Avu blushes and breaks the hug.

To be continued

Stay tuned for next chapter

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