Chapter 33

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Sid wakes up. Avu was still sleeping. So he got up quietly  and went outside. His phone was ringing.  He picked it up.
Sid: Hi bhai. How are you?
Abhi: I am fine
Sid: Bhai I have to tell you something
Abhi: Yee say
Sid: Bhai I am in love
Abhi: You are in love since childhood. Tell something new
Sid: I am not talking about Jan. I love Avu and she also likes me
Abhi: (happily) Seriously? Finally my brother found his love. Achha you guys enjoy. I have some work
Sid: Ok bye
The day passes as usual.

Time passes
4 Years Later
*Abhi and Vaish after passing out from college  started their buisness. When Sid, Faizu and Jan passed out they also joined them. And next year Avu also took permission from her parents to stay in Mumbai and joined the buisness.*
One day everyone was sitting in the office except Vaish.
Abhi: Where is this Vaish yaar?
Sid: (teasingly) Oho someone is desperate to meet his princess
Abhi: Mind your own buisness. She never gets late. That's why I thought of her
Sid: Ok ok
Vaish enters.
Vaish: Hi guys
Everyone: Hi
Abhi: Vaishu you are late today
Vaish: Yaa I was just coming that dad stopped me to talk about something
Abhi: Ok ok
Vaish: Abhi I need to discuss something important with you
Abhi: Yee say
Sid: Guys let's go
Everyone gets up except Abhinavi.
Vaish: Sit down you guys. No need to go anywhere
Everyone sits.
Vaish: Abhi actually dad was saying that....
Abhi: Yee say
Vaish: He said that he arranged my wedding with someone else.
Abhi (Sadly): It's not possible yaar you are mine I can't live without you
Sid: Yee bhabhi. Uncle knows you guys love each other. Then why?
Abhi is heart broken and had tears in eyes.
Abhi: Vaishu you can't do this to me
To be continued

Hope you guys liked the chapter.

Stay tuned for next chapter

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