Chapter 47

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Dr. came out.
Abhi: Is everything alright?
Dr.: He has weakness but don't worry. He needs proper diet and some medicines and he will be alright till evening
Vaish: And what about Anu?
Rii comes out.
Dr.: See Mrs. Nigam we are doing our best but we can't say anything yet
Dr. leaves.
Tears rolled down from Rii's eyes  and everyone looks at him.
Abhi moves towards him and keeps a hand on his shoulder.
Abhi: I don't know what is your motive and I can trust you or not but still thanks
Rii: You don't need to thank me. I did it because I love her
Abhi: Don't worry she will be alright
Rii started crying.
Rii: Please give me 1 chance. I will tell you guys everything. Please. Please Avu. I know I don't deserve all this. I know Sid is still mad at me but please listen to me once
Avu looks at Abhi and Abhi nodded in yes
Avu: Ok we will listen to you
Rii: Thanks guys. Thanks a lot
Abhi: Rii say whatever you have to
Story credits @priyanshu_satija
Made for each other
Chapter 49
Dr. came out.
Abhi: Is everything alright?
Dr.: He has weakness but don't worry. He needs proper diet and some medicines and he will be alright till evening
Vaish: And what about Anu?
Rii comes out.
Dr.: See Mrs. Nigam we are doing our best but we can't say anything yet
Dr. leaves.
Tears rolled down from Rii's eyes  and everyone looks at him.
Abhi moves towards him and keeps a hand on his shoulder.
Abhi: I don't know what is your motive and I can trust you or not but still thanks
Rii: You don't need to thank me. I did it because I love her
Abhi: Don't worry she will be alright
Rii started crying.
Rii: Please give me 1 chance. I will tell you guys everything. Please. Please Avu. I know I don't deserve all this. I know Sid is still mad at me but please listen to me once
Avu looks at Abhi and Abhi nodded in yes
Avu: Ok we will listen to you
Rii: Thanks guys. Thanks a lot
Abhi: Rii say whatever you have to

Rii: After saying Sid that I will take my revenge on him, I started collecting information about him. I got to know he has a sister named Anushka who lives in California. I knew he loved him more than anything else in this world. I thought I will take my revenge through her and if anything happened to her Sid will be broken. So I went to California. The first time I met her something happened. I felt something strange which I never had before. But I ignored it because of my motive. But as the time passed we became good friends and then I realized I was in love with her. She is my everything. I couldn't do anything to her. I couldn't hurt her. She proposed me one day and I accepted. I thought how can I even think of hurting such a pure soul. I know I did wrong with you Avu. I don't deserve it but can you please forgive me. I know how much Sid hates me. He will never listen to me

To be continued

Will everyone believe what Rii is saying?
Will they forgive him?

Stay tuned for next chapter

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